Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 236

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 236

81. Not an easy game (3)

“Almond! Shot!?”

I don’t know how he shot it, but he shot it anyway, so the caster continues the broadcast.

“Is that right!?”

As if answering his question.


The pure white crystals spread out cool water streams in all directions and hit Mosul.

Mosol, who had little stamina, went crazy and was easily defeated by a pure white crystal that was not even fully charged.

[The enemy has been defeated!]

[Bloody warrior → Mosol]

“and! Dead! almond! “It was an enemy that came to gank, but Almond killed it!”

“Soloiseback! You were doing well, but now you’re in serious trouble! Player Nogari has to somehow catch some almonds… … .”

“That’s right! Once you catch the almonds, you can blow up the game! Because Solo Is Back is so advantageous!”

At that moment, the suppression duration of Nogari’s [Pounce] skill ended.

[Released from suppression.]


Almond immediately kicks away and escapes from Nogari’s arms.

“Huh!? “I’m leaving!”

“Can’t you catch him!? Follow him and hit him once! Just one… …!”

Nogari chased after Almond, who had little stamina, and tried to kill him.


Suddenly, the distance widened due to a shock coming from the side.

“Ah! When did the cover-on taco get pushed!?”

“You’re giving out a hammer!?”

It was takoyaki.

Balloon Stars’ Jungle also joined.

“Ahh… … !”

“this… … ?!”

The bewildered Nogari looked around to assess the situation.


[Health 100%]


[90% Stamina]

Takoyaki’s stamina was at 100%, and he had 90%.

What about almonds over there?

[The Wretched Warrior]

[4% Stamina]

I am running away alive with only 4% health.

Even if it hits just one, it will die, but it has already run away to near the turret.

“… … “The angle doesn’t appear?”

“Almonds live!”

-Live this??

-Ah, this is a stupid mistake haha.


-phew. The game didn’t happen. If Almond dies, the game crashes.

In the end, Nogari shook his head and returned to his territory.

“Almond! You killed Mosul in a 2 vs 1 situation and survived! Isn’t that a super play?!”

“That’s right! He does great things even when his team is losing!”

Super play.

This refers to a play that can turn the game around. Super plays are not simply about killing a lot of enemies or escaping from a lot of enemies.

Depending on the situation, even if you die during a one-on-one fight, it is still a super play.

Almond, who even brought in the enemy jungler to fight while Balloon Stars was having a hard time, killed the enemy mid laner Mosol and survived, which was also a super play in this sense.

Because he wasted the enemies’ time and gained an advantage for himself.

“But I think we should watch this on replay. There was a scene that seemed a little strange.”

Meanwhile, King Gyul raises some questions.

“Yes. The fielder clearly had control. Almond still fired the attack. It’s not that there is no way to do this, but it may be a problem with the game. The Beast is famous for being a bug generator… … .”

-Isn’t this a bug?

-A bug was created haha.

-Beast, this incarnation needs to be deleted lol

The commentators watched the replay while Almond briefly returned to the sanctuary.

And after the beast pounces, the scene of Almond aiming and shooting Mosul plays again.


Of course, Almond’s last line is also spoken exactly as it is.

-Kk haha ​​I said something. Was it Chikicha!?

– Hahahaha chikicha


-There’s a nutty aftertaste.


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-Mosol must have been quite annoying haha.

Most viewers were so distracted by the scene that they didn’t see how Almond was able to shoot.

But Kinggyul noticed.

“ah. “So you escaped as expected?”

The other two don’t notice, but sigh when they see the video playing slowly.

-Wow, just the arm is falling out.

-While I was rolling around, lol

-Are you conscious in that state?!

-Poisonous, poisonous, nutty… …

“Ah~ Is this how it is? Actually, even if I look at it again, I still don’t know what happened.”

The caster looked at King Gul and asked.

“Only one hand came off. Even if one hand comes off, it is still considered subdued, so this happens sometimes. If you do this intentionally, you need a lot of practice.”

The analyst nodded in agreement.

“Yes. There was a time when beasts were popular, and there were even professional teams that practiced only this.”

“That’s right. That was exactly when I was a Tako player. “Did Tako tell you this?”

“Um… … Anyway, it seems like Almond has been practicing a lot lately. His reaction speed is like he anticipated the gank, and he has these little tricks.”

In fact, it was only a half-correct analysis.

It was true that Almond practiced a lot and expected a gank, but pulling out only one arm from the beast’s pounce technique was purely improvisation.

I never practiced separately.

This is simply due to the blessed reaction speed in the virtual world.

* * *

About 10 minutes passed?

Song Ha-na, who had been cheering enthusiastically while wearing an almond hat, took on a gloomy expression.

I thought something would change with Almond’s kill earlier, but the game just went on in a frustrating way.

“Mr. Love. How does this work? “Why is it so frustrating?”

She asks as if the woman next to her is an absolute person who knows everything.

Choi Sa-rang answers only after spitting out all the smoke she had been holding in.

“We’re losing. It’s frustrating because we’re rooting for the losing team.”

This may sound like a half-hearted answer, but in truth, there is no more accurate answer than this.

“Are you losing? Almond got a kill earlier and made a super play… … .”

“That’s why the game lasted longer.”

“Since then, no one from Balloon Stars has died… … “Aren’t we at an advantage?”

“The Siege of Lille… … ”

Choi Sa-rang seemed to have the will to speak properly, so she snuffed out her cigar in the air and threw it into her inventory. Virtual world items really aren’t that tasty.

“The purpose of the Siege of Lille was to siege. The purpose of the Lille Convoy Battle is convoy. The purpose of Reel Survival Battle is survival. It’s a pretty intuitive name… … “People generally think of it as a killing game.”

“Ah… … So, it’s not a kill game, it’s a building destruction game. Is that what you’re saying?”


“But there isn’t much difference in the buildings now, right? Only one has been pushed back. “Only the tower has been pushed back.”

“That’s where it starts. Look at the overall map control situation.”

The map was filled with blue.

Currently, the blue color is Soloise Bag. The surveillance totems they erected are lighting up the place.

“Is the view fully illuminated based on the collapsed tower turret?”


“That’s not Balloon Stars territory anymore, it’s Soloise Bag territory. The tower, Bubble Gum, can no longer go even halfway across the map, and as a result, more territory is lost… … “It’s a vicious cycle.”

“Ah… … Is it really that bad that you can’t see?”

“Yes. If you can’t see, it’s dangerous, so you can’t go. Then, Balloon Stars has to go around a long way. On the other hand, if you keep taking shortcuts in Solo Is Back… … it’s obviously inefficient, and you lose the game.”

“and… … I see “This game is deeper than you think?”

Choi Sa-rang shook her head as if she had said everything she wanted to say for today and gave a vague answer.

“It’s so profound… … Just watch it and you will understand.”

You seem annoyed. Could it be because Balloon Stars is losing?

It’s just a guess. It wasn’t an expression that could be easily determined. As always, it was an expression that made it hard to tell whether it was in a good or bad mood.

It’s an expression that makes the person next to you nervous for no reason. It feels like a very solid wall has been built.

Song Ha-na pounded on the wall and burst out laughing.

“Ahaha! Isn’t this too deceptive? I have been watching Lil Champions (*Lil professional matches) for 4 years! “This is what I’ve seen for four years!”


Only then did the corners of Love’s lips rise slightly, and the doctor felt relieved.

“But you can still win, right?”

Love answers this question without hesitation.

“always. “You can win.”

It’s a sentence I’ve said out loud over and over again.

‘always… … You can win… … .’

The doctor didn’t notice that her gaze briefly turned to her own legs.

No, I decided to pretend I hadn’t seen it.

* * *

As expected, her insight was not wrong.

The game is going very difficult for Balloon Stars.

“ah. Balloon Stars! “The first turrets are all pushed back!”

“Even a well-grown orchid can’t do anything in this situation!”

“There’s too much pressure! “Soloiseback’s teamwork is so good?!”

“Maybe the forced ban pick is a bit of a problem here!?”

[Allied turret destroyed!]

This is already the third time this sentence has resonated.

Starting with the top, turrets along the entire line have collapsed.

[Ah, to the middle… … ]

[Oh, what should I do?]

[Don’t panic! Take your time and secure the jungle again!]

The team members were unable to come to their senses as the energy of defeat washed over them like a wave.

Bubblegum in particular has completely lost his mind in this edition.

[ah. ah. I did something wrong again. sorry.]

[Ah… … What should I do? Ah… … Sorry.]

[sorry. sorry.]

The frequency of apologies gradually increased.

In a voice that should be loud at the moment, there was a long period of silence.

“ah… … “The atmosphere at Balloon Stars is not good.”

“yes. Almond did the best. “Almond doesn’t say much when playing games, right?”

“To be exact, you’re not that interested in other people, right!?”

“yes. As a mid laner, this factor is a bit deductible. “I don’t know if it’s an ADC.”

“Yes. Mid is the line that cares for and leads the entire team. “With the jungle!”

“That’s right!”

They were right.

Almond doesn’t know how to lead and encourage his team members in times like this.

I’ve never been in that position before.

He was always at the bottom at work, and during his time in the archery club, he was an autocratic person who only had a business card as the leader.

In the first place, archery is a lonely fight against oneself that does not require a leader.

‘atmosphere… … ‘It’s not good.’

After living in society for many years, I already noticed that the current atmosphere is not very good.

And, of course, after living in society for many years, I know very well that when I, who am clueless, try to console the person around me, the situation will only get worse.

There was a separate person who played this role.

Almond has learned that waiting until they come forward and remaining silent is also a virtue.

At the company, that person was Joohyuk, and now… …

[Okay. Everyone, no sighing. Sorry, no sighing.]

He’s like a taco.

[From now on, gather in the middle and fight the final battle. Fight like you are a warrior of 300.]

He deliberately speaks in a tone full of concepts, raising the mood.

[Got it! Gentlemen!]


Miho answered first, bursting into laughter.



[Let’s go die!]

Funny enough, the answers followed in the order of the most talked about.

Now it was almond’s turn.

[You can win.]

He said in the most confident tone he could, that he could win.


This was a consolation for the team that could do the most in his way.

Did my sincerity get through?

There was silence in the voice for a moment.

[Let’s go, let’s go!]

Bubblegum was the first to break the silence, rolling into a giant beach volleyball (originally an iron ball) and quickly settling into place.

It was a place where you could surprise the approaching enemies from behind.

For some reason, I didn’t forget to turn the explorer and remove the surveillance totem.

“Balloon Stars! “Now I’m giving up everything and going into total defense!”

“ah! If we can’t stop this here, it’s over! “There’s no back!?”

“Soloiseback also plans to solidify the game here!? “All five people are going in now!”

Soloiseback was slowly advancing in a typical siege camp, with Top Makgeolli’s Gigant Machine at the forefront.

There was a huge army of minions spread out behind me, so much so that I couldn’t see beyond them.

Coo coo coo coo… … !

The vibrations that made the earth shake came closer and closer.

Takoyaki, Miho, and Strawberry Shooter, the hammer warriors, stood in their way.

Almond was hiding in a place symmetrical to Bubblegum and was aiming at the enemies.

“I like Balloon Stars’ Jinyoung a little bit right now!?”

“But this is a camp that can easily be breached! If five people suddenly force their way through, everything will fall apart… …!”

Soloiseback’s original dealer and supporter. Somaek Duo has now come to the front.


Soloiseback’s ADC, the terrorist fires a rocket launcher.


Everything hit Taco.

That was the signal.


Bubblegum screamed, turned around, and started rolling around wildly.

“The gumball is coming out! Roll! Roll!”


-Degurururur double chorus, what is that? ㅋㅋㅋ

-Information) In fact, Iron Ball does not shout ‘Degurur’.

As a huge beach volleyball came running from behind, the Soloiseback camp instantly dispersed.

If you look at it positively, it’s scattered, but if you look at it negatively, it’s split in two.

Now was the opportunity.

[Run, run, run!]


All team members activated their spirits and gushed out red mana.

Almond also cut his hand and bled.

〔A contract made in blood… … Let’s make it happen now.〕

Ran’s voice rang out with red-hot mana.

〔I will destroy the enemies.〕

It’s a different voice than usual.


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