Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 23

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 23

9. Recruiting an editor (1)

Rattle rattle.

The sound of the subway during rush hour.


Seo Ji-ah hated this sound.

I hated being tossed around by the waves created by this huge train.

If I could get swept away and fall into a vast ocean where there is no one.

If so, it would be better.

-… … The door you get off at is on the left.

Even at the moment when this wave finally ended, I had to be swept away by another wave.

“Oh, let’s go out!”

“Get out of the way!”

“I’m going~”

I arrived at Hugye Station while getting hit here and there by neckties passing by. This was the neighborhood where she lived.

A small town located in the backwaters of Seoul. Some call it Dal-dongne, and it is also her hometown where she was born.

“I’m home.”

As soon as she got home, Jia tried to say hello, but there was no one to answer.


I throw down my bag and squat down in front of the computer.

I opened the bag of almonds in front of me, put a handful into my mouth, and drank some water.


After drinking it all in one go.

I headed to the Trivi web page.

From there, click on one of the follow lists. It was an internet broadcast that I had been enjoying watching recently.

A broadcast by a man with the same name that she often eats as a meal replacement.


‘The time was just right.’

Her pretty lips formed a smile.

It was the happiest expression of the day.

This was her only pleasure. Almond’s broadcast I watch after work. Although this pleasure began not long ago.

She was willing to donate half of her salary for this pleasure.

Money spent to be happy anyway.

I thought that spending money on things like this would be better than buying unnecessary luxury items.

The almonds on the screen begin to move.

‘The quest is really weird.’

Almond received a quest from Emilia Youngae asking him to conquer the castle.

He accepted this ridiculous mission and intended to actually carry it out.

It seemed like he didn’t just accept it for the fun of the broadcast.

‘Are you really planning on waking up?’

Almond was climbing the castle wall. After taking out two soldiers at the same time with amazing skill.

“… … .”

Jia watched his broadcast as if she was possessed by something. Her eyes were mostly drawn to the cam on the lower right, but as expected, Almond was a broadcaster who focused on skills.


When the arrow that felled the last soldier flew, Jia applauded without realizing it.


And when he shattered Seongju’s armor with high-speed, machine-gun firing, he ended up screaming in his voice.



She quickly typed on the keyboard.

To sponsor.

‘Should I give you 100,000 won?’

A person named ‘Ruby Sword’ who had previously given a 100,000 won mission flashed through my mind.

‘Let’s go for 300,000 won.’

I didn’t want to lose out to others when it came to supporting Almond.

-Okay, now let’s go see Emilia Youngae’s surprised face… …Huh?

Almond’s eyes widen.

She focused more on the cam screen embedded in the bottom right. In reality, Sang-hyeon’s face also shows a fairly honest reaction.

‘What kind of reaction will I have?’

This level of reaction alone would have been enough to satisfy Seo Ji-ah, but if it was the Almond she knew, she would probably try to show something more.

Almond stared blankly at the chat window for a moment.

-Ah, 300,000 won… … ! Thank you so much! Seo Ji-ah! But your name doesn’t sound unfamiliar… … .

I scratch my head.

Looking at that sight, Jia’s lips formed a pretty smile.

“I remember.”

The moment he muttered as if he was proud.

Almond seemed to have an idea while reading the chat.

-Doing somersaults… … indulgence… … . Nice.


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When he said that, the chat window went into an uproar. They criticized each other, asking who said that and why they were so self-indulgent. Of course, I didn’t feel any malice there.

The atmosphere is like a group of close friends giggling and teasing each other. Jia liked the atmosphere of this room.


Almond did a somersault and raised both arms, and at that moment an arrow struck the crown of his head.

Honestly, it was an amazing stunt. Trivi viewers were busy giggling and laughing.

“Phew… … so cute.”

It was the same for Gia.

What’s even funnier is next.

-uh… … ?

Almond was reborn in the resurrection place, and the broadcast did not end.

-Ah, it looks like it didn’t crash because the optimized settings were set.

Then he manually turned off the game.

“Puhaha. No, do I really have to turn off the broadcast?”

Jia burst out laughing at that sight.

So did the viewers.

-I’m going to indulge myself… … lol

-I couldn’t indulge myself while doing somersaults, but still lol

-Ttaro Gukbap


-It’s time to indulge~

-I’m going crazy lol

Jia also shed tears while chatting.


Rather than thinking that it was a waste of money, I just thought that it was fun.

It may have been a whopping 300,000 won, but for her, just seeing this level of reaction was worth the 300,000 won.

If the purpose of making money is happiness, then this was a consumption that truly fit that purpose.

‘I should save the clip.’

She has now returned to her day job.

I’m going to take a bunch of video clips of Almond and make a mad movie out of them.

I opened the folder, listened to the numerous music files one by one, and selected the background music that suited me.

‘It’s something that the company uses, but anyone can use samples like this… … .’

Jia devotes herself to work, justifying herself.

Her eyes sparkle and she starts to feel a little excited.

‘This is going to be the biggest one ever.’

The video I made last time seemed shabby, so this video will be outstanding.

The story line is clear, and the visuals are much better than previous performances.

In addition, Almond’s shooting performance, which was close to a trick, was actually improved compared to last time. I wonder how that can be possible.

He has really grown more.

‘So mad movies have no choice but to grow.’

Gia puts another handful of almonds into her mouth and starts moving the mouse quickly.

* * *


Sang-hyeon wakes up, combing his sweat-soaked hair. He wipes his soaked face with the towel kept nearby.

“Now you don’t bounce back even if you die… … .”

I was a little flustered while reacting, but judging from the reactions in the chat window, it seemed like it worked out well anyway.

It’s a reaction worth 300,000 won, so it can’t be that bad.

“… … A donation of 300,000 won. “Who could it be?”

Seo Ji-ah… … .

The name certainly wasn’t unfamiliar.


Sanghyun remembered something before he even sat down in front of the computer.

‘Almond Fan Sergia.’

I am the fan who made that amazing mad movie.

‘I think I donated 1 million won…’

There is a person who donated a whopping 1 million won to the merger with acorn jelly.

‘She looks like a girl, but it’s a bit burdensome.’

Judging by his handsomeness and his name, Sanghyun was a female fan, but the excessive love was a bit burdensome.

He seems young for some reason, but he is paying such a large amount of money to a streamer.

‘Am I being too old-fashioned?’

Sanghyeon scratched his head and shook off his thoughts. It must be a golden spoon. what.

What do you do if you feel burdened by taking other people’s money as a streamer?

‘It’s already time… … .’

When we did the evening broadcast, it was already 2 AM.

He lightly washed off the sweat and went to bed.

‘Let me see.’

I log into the community Kingchiman before going to bed. Now, this is a set routine in my life.

Every time, go to the place where you can most easily check the public’s reaction.

First of all, Kingdom Community Kingchiman.

[Almond 300,000 won reaction.gif]

You see posts with titles like this.

There were quite a few comments.


-What happens if you win 1 million won later?

-Are you going to upload a video of you spraying the capsules then? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└Almonds, do whatever you want! Pour the Earth! Sprinkle the capsule!

-Doratda… … Really Doratda… … .

└ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I did some somersaults.

└But are you not only good at shooting a bow but also have good athletic ability? Somersaulting is a bit difficult even with a capsule.

└Easier than reality.

└ㄴㄴPeople who do b-boying in reality say that it’s more frustrating. The required qualities are different.

└It is said that acorn jelly has an incredibly high almond concentration.

-Oh, I missed the broadcast today. Now get up and… … .


└Group 0’s average wake-up time, 2:00 AM.

Even Sanghyun giggled as he read the comments. There are a lot of really interesting people on the internet. Of course, there are some strange people. That’s why it’s fun.

[Arrows are damn good at this level.gif]

Among the popular posts, there was one with this title:

This is the scene where he attacks Seongju.

It was a gif that kept repeating like crazy, shooting at high rate of fire until it eventually broke the armor.

-Wow, okay


-You keep hitting the same spot over and over again… …?

└After looking into that, I heard that unless you hit the exact same spot, you won’t get that decision.

└Really ㅋㅋ It’s not a method created by the game company, they just hit it so hard that they judged that the physics engine would inevitably be destroyed ㅋㅋㅋ

-I just have nothing to say.

-Does this make sense?

-Even if a gold medalist in archery comes, it probably won’t work.

This too was full of comments praising almonds.

Besides that, there have been countless posts about almonds.

Most of them had high views and recommendations.

This is a moment where I really feel that almonds have become quite popular in many ways.


Sang-Hyeon was somewhat satisfied with this reaction.

I felt good about being popular in this small community.

I feel like I’m slowly establishing myself as a streamer, and I feel proud.

‘I should go to sleep.’

He closed his eyes with a faint smile.

When even the cell phone’s LCD light went out, not a single ray of light remained in the small room.

* * *

next day.

Sang-Hyeon woke up to the sound of his phone ringing in the morning.

“Ugh… … .”

Who the hell is it…? The words escaped my lips but were swallowed back. It was Joo-hyuk.

Maybe he’s doing this because something is going on.

“… … Uh. Why.”

“Did you sleep?”

“Then you’re not going to sleep?”

“Lasagna for lunch today.”


Sanghyun just hung up the phone.

Jiiing… … .

Sanghyun answered his phone again after it rang about 10 times.


“Okay, you know.”

“There’s a problem.”


“There was someone who posted a mad movie back then. “My name is Seo Ji-ah.”


“That guy just doesn’t read the comments. What on earth is he doing… .”

“Comment? Were you trying to contact me through comment?”

“There’s no information. All I can do is leave a comment.”

“What about the Trivi note?”

“This account has been rejected.”

It certainly seems like a difficult situation.

“I think it will take some more time. “Next time Seo Ji-ah’s support comes in again, I may have no choice but to say it on the air.”

“That’s a bit dangerous… … “Once I figured it out.”


Sang-Hyeon hung up the phone and scratched his head.

‘Let’s think slowly for now.’

Sang-Hyeon thought so and started cleaning his room.

Today is the day to throw away trash.

After putting a handful of the trash I had collected into a bag, I left the house.


A new mad movie has been uploaded to Almond fan Seo Ji-ah’s channel.


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