Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 229

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 229

79. Wall (1)

“Hey. Are you opening Reina again?”

“Green Tea opened it once and got hurt badly, right?”

“I understand that Green Tea player is your boyfriend. “Didn’t he tell me?!”

“Anyway, Hongcha player’s spirit is amazing!”

First of all, the broadcast crew expressed their respect(?) for the choice of tea that opened Raina’s door.

“But Bonnie, the tea terrorist, was opened. If this continues, I don’t know. But why did you open it? Is it some kind of chivalry?”

“No. I think it’s standard for Balloon Stars to not do any bottom bans when Reina is open. It’s been that way since Scream.”

“Wow. That’s some incredible confidence.”

“Actually, opening Reina may have given me more confidence!”

“It could be a mistake.”

Who is confident and who is mistaken?

Even the broadcasters could not accurately determine the superiority.

-???: It wasn’t a mistake, it was a trick!

-ㄹㅇㅋㅋ You must have the courage to open Raina.

-Honestly, should I buy Hongcha Bonnie more?

-If you look at the Almond Rayna, you’ll know that it’s structurally impossible to lose, lol

-Those who haven’t seen Hongcha Bonnie properly and are only drinking almond ray lol

-Almond Rayna is basically a bug that doesn’t deal damage as designed by Reel. It doesn’t matter if it’s Hongcha or Poopcha ^~^

Opinions were divided in the chat room as well.

“Originally, it’s Raina versus Bonnie. Who is better? Mr. Kinggyul?”

In response to the caster’s question, Kinggyul looked at the data for a moment and then scratched his head.

“It’s hard to know for sure. The pick rate of Rayna at high ranks is so low… … .”

“ah… … .”

-Breaking News) Contrary to what the techno-ops claim, no one in Raina is doing anything… …

-Raina Special) Coffin

-Reason why Reina loves almonds: They’re the only ones that let her get some sunlight.

“But there were some Reina craftsmen among my colleagues, right? If you listen to what they say, Raina doesn’t like long-range ADCs.”

“Oh, that’s right. “I guess I’m a bit short.”

“If you shoot Bonnie with a rocket launcher, the range is quite long, right? Moreover, since it is in the form of splash damage, it is difficult to avoid.”

“Then would it be advantageous for Bonnie?”

“If it’s a standard composition, yes. But Bonnie doesn’t have any escape, so she won’t know if Raina digs in well.”

“Ah. So it’s a mutually beneficial situation? As I was speaking, it was Almond’s turn.”

Raina hasn’t even been picked yet, but the audience has already started calling for her.

-Reina! Reina! Reina!

-Reina is the most exciting!

-Raina! Kill me with an arrow!

“Wow. Even if I wasn’t planning on choosing Reina, I would still choose her.”

The caster said, surprised by the explosive cheers from the audience.

“Yes. Honestly, everyone who watches the Nant battle! Doesn’t everyone want that? A battle between the players’ main characters!”

“Honestly, I’m looking forward to it too.”

Even the analyst, who usually gives his opinions with aplomb, was fiddling with his red glasses and looking expectant.

As if answering that expectation, a woman in a blue cloak nestled behind Almond.


The cheers from the audience grew louder as the pick was confirmed.

Then, I chose black tea.

“Explosion is a technology!”

Hongcha raised her middle finger and said what she said every time she chose Bonnie on her broadcast.


-black tea! black tea! black tea!

-Me! Kill me! Sister!

Then all the players’ picks were completed.

“Okay~! The game is starting. Let’s watch together!”

With a gesture from the caster, the stadium was transformed into a battlefield.

* * *

Terrorist, Bonnie.

Basically, this incarnation is characterized by using two weapons.

One is a rocket launcher, the other is a machine rifle.

Both of them feel like they should be mounted on top of a tank, and that no human would dare to hold and shoot them.

Even if we put aside how Bonnie, with her delicate body, could handle so many weapons, it must have been quite tiring for the contractor who had to handle them directly.

These two weapons have very clear advantages and disadvantages, so you have to switch between them depending on the situation.

Hongcha, who played Hana Boni the most, was able to play it like breathing.

It was a fairly confident pick.


From the gesture of loading the machine rifle, he appears to be full of leisure.

“Uh, sister. “Are you confident against Raina?”

Lemon asked in a trembling tone.


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‘He’s not really dying… … Why is he shaking?’

A lemon who sometimes gets more involved in the game than necessary. It’s weird sometimes, but that’s the main content of this guy. No matter what game I play, I am so immersed in it.

“of course.”

Hongcha nodded without hesitation.

“But they were all banned during scrimmages.”

“During scrims, I took this out and practiced, but since it wasn’t practice, I tried this and that.”

“ah… … .”

“And banning the opponent’s Most so that he can’t practice in scrimmages is also a basic strategy. “A professional guy I know said that.”

“Wow, I see.”

Hongcha grinned as he loaded the rocket launcher.

“That’s right. This girl has a plan for everything, Lemon.”

At this time, Lemon somehow remembered the famous saying that Pickle had told Green Tea, but did not dare to say it out loud.

I liked just pouring black tea.

“Okay! I’m on board with that plan!”

* * *

Almond first loosened up his body by clearing out the jungle mobs of strawberries.

One after another, blue arrows hit the target above the monster.


After stopping with exactly 2 health remaining, Almond looked down at his right arm.

‘It’s better than last time.’

There was much more sense than when I first opened against the green tee and took out Raina.

Is there a difference between taking it out after a long time and taking it out consecutively?

or not…….

‘No. It’s the capsule difference.’

Is this really the difference between capsules?

It seemed that this was not simply a placebo effect felt by the almonds alone.

“Player Almond. You can already see the difference in his movements from Rishi onwards, right?”

Kinggyul also noticed that Almond’s movements were unusual.

“Hey. “I felt it the last time I saw it, but the targets are really bursting with excitement.”

Caster was also impressed, but he didn’t seem to find anything different from the last Reina.

The analyst was different.

“As expected, the movements are different today. Even in the physical fight with Hongcha, I definitely felt like I was losing out during the scrimmage. “I feel almost overwhelmed today.”

“Is that so? No, something is different already?”

You can see it in the eyes of professionals.

A day when the athlete’s feet are light, as they say.

If this continues, the player is judged to have improved in skill.

If Almond showed that kind of performance as Raina again, it should be seen that his skills have improved.

“Meet me at the bottom now!”

As the caster said, Reina and Bonnie met.

Kinggyul added a little more MSG and said it again.

“The meeting between the two duos is expected to be the hottest match in the history of the Nant Battle!”

Not to be outdone, Caster said one more thing.

“Meeting of the century! “At the level of Gyunwoo and Jiknyeo!”

A metaphor that gives a sense of experience.


-Mr. Ajo… … .

-Age is… … .

King Gul begins to spit out everything he knows in order to learn.

“That’s right! Crow vs. Magpie! McDonald’s vs. Burger King! Kang Baek-ho vs. Seo Tae-woong! Pizza vs. Chicken! King Gyu vs. Electromagnetic Wave! Naruto vs. Sasuke! It’s a showdown that will make your heart pound!”

-Is there something strange in the middle? lol

-Kinggyul is crazy lol

-Ugh lol

-Cover this

The minions from both sides met with extreme anticipation and numerous metaphors.

Kang! Kaang!

The moment the minions’ swords meet.

The Hongcha side shoots rockets fiercely.


“I push the lemon black tea really hard. Just hit it with a rocket! “It takes time for that rocket to recharge.”

Boom! Boom!

The rocket launcher had splash damage and each shot dealt powerful damage.

This skill is perfect for clearing out minions at once. Even the dual-pistol pirate’s explosive bullets were not comparable.

“Black tea player. If you use the rocket launcher a lot, it starts charging the rocket. “If you’re pushing yourself like this, you’re trying to get to level 2 first!?”

“Yes! I’m just trying to seize the opportunity in the early stages! I lost the previous round because I couldn’t get to level 2 first.”

“Besides, Tako can’t interfere this time, right? “There are no heels!”

“It’ll be very disadvantageous in terms of killing almond minions, which have to be hit one by one… … Huh?”

However, as the commentators had expected, the Minion front line was not easily pushed back towards Almond.

“Why doesn’t the wire move towards the almond?”

“The number of Minions in Balloon Stars and Red Carpets is almost the same!”

“Almond, we have to target and hit each person one by one… … Is this possible!?”

Reina has no splash damage.

We have to catch them one by one.

But the speed was so fast.

Pubbung! Pubbung!

“Reina’s attack speed is almost unlimited!”

“you’re right. Instead, if the target is not met, we have made it a no-deal! Shoot as far as you can! Like this!”

“It’s like Almond is saying to the production team, ‘You guys made a mistake!’”

“How far do combos stack up! “This isn’t a rhythm game!”

Boom! Boom!

As the targets above the minions exploded one by one, the arrow-shaped blue mana became more and more powerful.

[12 Combo]

[13 Combo]

[14 combo]





The blue mana was now burning so brightly that it could be seen as a blue flame.

Hongcha also grits his teeth and shoots the minion with a rocket.

Boom! Boom!

Black smoke spread everywhere, and Balloon Stars’ minions died en masse.

“Who will reach level 2 first now!?”

“black tea! “The black tea is level 2!!!”

[Your level has risen!]

The level of black tea rose first.

The corners of her mouth rose.

“The black tea player’s hand goes straight to his waist!”

“You’re trying to throw a grenade! “I learned a skill!”

It was just as the commentators said.

[Stun Grenade]


She deftly pulled out the safety pin with her teeth and leapt forward, throwing it at the almonds.

“As you move forward, switch weapons from the rocket launcher to the machine rifle!”

“It’s really fast!”

“Lemon joins in too──”


A grenade that exploded in mid-air.

“Almond player! “We intercepted a grenade from the air!!!”

However, it was inevitable that the fragments would explode.

Almond was damaged by the fragments, and Taco, who was further in front, fainted.


Through the smoky smoke, Bonnie Hongcha appeared.


Machine rifles began firing wildly.

──Too doo doo doo doo doo doo!!!

The minions blocking Almond’s path fall down all at once.

“Firing rifles!!!”

“Almond! Shouldn’t we dodge!? Can we win with a barrage of rifle fire and an all-out battle in the beginning!?”

[Your level has risen!]

But at this time, Almond’s level also went up.


The blue cloak flutters and disappears from sight in an instant.


“Almonds roll! But what direction…?!”

Bonnie’s machine rifle has a short range, but its DPS (Damage Per Second) is enormous. Although the rocket launcher has stronger damage per shot, the machine rifle fires hundreds of rounds in an instant.

If all of these are hit, the damage is more explosive than any other ADC.

In other words, if you’re going to shoot one at a time and then run away, the rocket launcher is better, but if you’re going to trade damage for 2-3 seconds or more, the machine rifle is a landslide victory.

One downside is that if you fire continuously for more than 5 seconds, it will overheat and you won’t be able to fire while the cooler is running.

So, the rule of thumb is to wait until the machine gun heats up and cools down before going in.

one… … .

“We have to wait until the machine gun overheats!”

“ah! Move! “Almonds can’t stand rolling forward!”

Like King Gyul’s roar, is it really unbearable?

The almonds went into the barrage of black tea that was still going wild.

“Lemon is also level 2 right now!? “If you pour your skills into lemons—”

No sooner had those words ended.

Something seemed to pass by quickly, and all the targets on the lemon exploded. It was as if they exploded at the same time.


At the impact, Lemon’s body flipped over and flew.

It’s dead.

“──You’re dying! “Lemon!”

[First Blood!]

[Damn warrior → Lemon]

“What the heck is this damage?! What the heck!?”

These were words that came out of the broadcaster’s mouth, but they were actually words that Hongcha wanted to shout.

‘What the… … .’

[Stamina 21%]

Almond’s physical strength came into her sight.

Quickly re-adjust the aiming point and pull the trigger to fire wildly.

Doo doo doo doo doo doo!

With the black smoke and hot flames blurring my vision, I had to focus extremely hard to catch Almond’s stamina draining.

But at least for this moment, Almond was more focused.

Almond’s eyes scanned over the thirty targets that had been created instantaneously.

[31 Combo!]


A sudden shock to the abdomen, arms, legs, all joints, center of the face, east, west, south, and north.

[Mana radiation exposure!]

[Mana radiation exposure!]

[Mana radiation exposure!]




My eyes couldn’t keep up with the speed at which my physical strength was falling.

And what I heard was news of victory from the enemy camp.

[Double kill of the damn hero!]

An almond reflected in her eyes as she looked up.

His physical strength is visible.

[5% stamina]

The gap was only about one foot.

Others might say it’s a waste, but…

‘I can’t get over it.’

To Hongcha, that 5% stamina seemed like a huge wall.

A shout erupts from the stands telling the stadium to leave.

-This is crazy!

-Raina! Raina!


After both of you choose your main characters. It was an overwhelming victory, to the point where people who expected a tight match at the bottom were embarrassed.


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