Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 226

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 226

77. Temporary measures (2)

The new capsules definitely felt a lot more comfortable than the old ones.

Anyway, I thought the fit of the capsule would be the same after a full dive.

‘It’s much smoother.’

Is it because we are comparing cheap used capsules from a popular line with new products from a top line of premium brands?

‘Is the difference this big?’

Almond was surprised the whole time he was moving.

It made me wonder how I ever played games on a used capsule.

The slight stuttering that we thought was normal was actually not like this originally.



His fist that hit the scarecrow moved leaving a smooth afterimage, and the impact was completely different from before. I don’t know if the improved impact is helpful for the game, though.

This means that it can be adjusted in great detail, so if you set it up well, you can create the feeling you want.

Sang-Hyeon then tried the training program he had previously conducted.

[New record!]

[New record!]




[New record!]

All records went up a little bit.

In a way, it was natural. The people were the same, only the capsules had changed.

[Optimization is performed again using training program data.]

This capsule even takes care of optimization for you.

I remember playing a game in the past without optimizing it and suffering quite a loss.


The world has become a better place.

No, the capsule has improved… … This is the moment when the words come out.

‘It’s only about 2-3 years different from the old capsule.’

There was no difference of 7 to 8 years between the production year of the capsule used by Sanghyeon and this capsule.

However, there is a clear difference in performance. Even Sang-Hyeon, who knows nothing, can feel it to this extent.

Sensitive engineers will cause a stir if they use Aston and then use Divers.

I feel sorry for the divers, but the difference in quality was just too overwhelming.

‘So that’s why they’re trying to create something called Nova.’

He was able to desperately feel why the project run by the CEO of Divers was necessary.

* * *


Unlike the old capsules that always made a hydraulic noise, the capsule lid opened with a sound that seemed to come from a science fiction movie. Behind it, Sang-Hyeon stood up with a neat appearance.

Joo-hyuk also added a comment to see if he felt the same way.

“oh. hey. Are you sure you’re not sweating? But you shouldn’t overdo it.”

Joohyuk explained the principle.

“This Plato model is specialized in adjusting to physical conditions. So, if you have a fever and sweat a lot, it optimizes ventilation and cooling to that extent and increases it significantly. It’s not that you don’t sweat in the first place. It’s not about removing the cause, but rather the ability to cope with it is tremendous.”

Sang-Hyeon nodded his head roughly.

It was something like that. This seems to be why it was called a temporary measure.

“And I heard this one also has a massage function. You can also get a massage while playing capsule games. “Isn’t it amazing?”


Sometimes, if you play for too long, you may get dizzy. This is definitely a good feature.

“I see. “Good.”

As Sanghyun answered, he looked at the capsule again.

It’s a cool-looking design.

I don’t remember if it was a British product or a German product. Anyway, I think it was Europe.

‘But could Nova be better than that?’

Could the new custom capsules being manufactured be any better than that?

He couldn’t quite imagine it in his head.

‘You’ll know when you get there.’

Let’s not worry about it needlessly from now on.

Anyway, it’ll be manufactured before the finals. We’ll know when we get there.

Sang-Hyeon’s fingers glide across the schedule.

The finger stopped on the last day of the league. There is a match against Godanbaek.

‘3 days left.’

Since this is the most difficult opponent, I check the remaining days every time.

‘For now, today… … .’

His fingers returned to the starting point.

This is the box where today’s game is written.

[Red Carpets VS Balloon Stars]

* * *

The commentators start to get excited along with the lively stadium atmosphere.


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“Today. A very interesting matchup awaits you!”

“and. Yes! “It is a battle of the best ADCs in NANT.”

A battle between the strongest ADCs.

The commentators decided to describe today’s game like this.

“What will happen? When Almond scrims, he usually avoids Hongcha and goes to mid.”

“yes. “It would have been against the Red Carpets that the first mid pick came out in a scrimmage.”

“During the black tea player scrimmage, you didn’t even choose your main character, right?”

“To be exact, I couldn’t choose because I stole Almond’s pick. But he still showed a great performance. Should I choose him this time?”

“I doubt Taco will open.”

“Almond player, rather than going to the bottom lane to face Hongcha, there was a huge issue with the Soul Master pick a while ago. You can just go to the mid lane and sacrifice Tomato player to paint him with the Thought Body.”

“yes. Yes. The soul temple was truly enormous. Considering it was even a store pick, you’ll never want to see it in action!”

“The moment I speak, the ban pick will begin! Let’s take a look at the ban pick!”

In a practice match, Balloon Stars once won by sending Almond to mid and exploiting the opponent’s weakness.

If we planned that strategy this time, it would definitely be easy. However, the method that is too easy is also known to the other side.

[Van – Red Carpets]

#One. Spirit of Evil – Mellie

The first ban card appeared.

The broadcasting crew was shocked.

“No, are you really banning this?”

There is a similar reaction in the chat window.

-Shop pick van hahaha

-Hey, black tea sister. I heard you’re hot!?

-???: Hot head! Hot heart! (Actually said)

-Knocking out things you don’t like with ignorance~~~

The on-site crowd’s roar is a bonus.

-what. Really?

-Melli already?

-Miss, I came to see that… … .

There wasn’t a very positive response to the van.

A store-picked spirit temple that caused a stir in the community not long ago. This is because there were many spectators who bought tickets and came in to see it live.

“Ah. I didn’t know you’d really ban me.”

“We did say that a new ban card appeared as a joke. Should we call this a quick judgment? Or… … Heh heh.”

“Based on the data from the last game, it would be right to say that it was a quick and bold decision.”

As the broadcasters wrapped the selection of black tea, boos erupted.

-Woooo… … !

-Unlock the van!

-No, I came here to see this, what the hell are you talking about!

The broadcasters were taken aback for a moment.

Hongcha confidently raised her middle finger to the audience.


The crowd responded with even louder boos, but Hongcha paid no attention.

I just followed up with another mid-ban.

[Van – Red Carpets]

#One. Spirit of Evil – Mellie

#2. Storm Ninja – Haruki

-What the heck lol

-I’m telling you not to go to American dramas.

-Hongcha sister is so cool!

-The power of black tea… … !

-This is why Green Tea is always so upset hahahaha

– Fact) Hongcha just planned a tactic to secretly look at her boyfriend’s almond face from the bottom while Green Tea was away.

-If this continues, I will definitely go to Almond Bottom. Lemon happy death lol

Rather than the main position, ADC, the ban is being focused on the sub-position, mid.

It wasn’t common. The analyst also mentioned that.

“This is a really strange phenomenon. They are banning the sub position, not the main position. But that doesn’t mean I don’t understand it.”

“This is like that, right? Let’s have a round with me as an ADC?! “I’m confident that I’m a black tea player!”

“Then, can we see Almond’s main character, Raina, versus Hongcha’s main character, a terrorist!?”

-Oh, most war?

-If you don’t ban Reina, it’s okay.

-Free Raina and have a real sword fight? As expected, black tea sister… … !

-Was it like that?

Viewers were excited to hear that they could see Raina instead of not seeing Mellie.

However, after a while.

[Van – Red Carpets]

#One. Spirit of Evil – Mellie

#2. Storm Ninja – Haruki

#3. Cold-Blooded Archer – Reina


It is a van that causes sighs to flow from both the broadcasting booth and the audience.

King Gul commented on this.

“Unbelievable! So wild… … No, can you do a smart van!?”

“I think I just heard something.”

“You’re smart! Hongcha Player! You’re so smart!”

Kinggyul emphasized smartness more loudly to cover up his speech mistakes. Even if that wasn’t the case, the booing from the audience was too loud.


“Ah, there’s a huge sign waving in the stands right now. “What does it say?!”

The camera briefly returns to the audience.

“We’re doing the same thing!”

The camera turns its head again, and for a moment there is silence in the broadcast booth.

Kinggyul shouted with even higher tension.

“Yes! The best compliments are coming! Now!”

“Yes! That’s high praise in the gaming world! “There is no need for a separate medal!”

“Okay. Next band? What should Balloon Stars do?”

Balloon Stars banned the terrorist, the main character of Hongcha.

“This is most banning each other. “It’s like revenge on Rayna Van, right?”

“I think so.”

“and. By the way, Hongcha got two mid bans and one bottom ban from Almond. “Do you seem to be quite conscious of it?”

“It’s good to keep Ace in check. But if we do this… … the other players’ main characters will all be released? Is this something you can handle?”

“well! Let’s take a look now that we’re starting to pick.”

The picks continued with the main characters being chosen without a hitch.

The only main characters that were banned were Almond and Black Tea, so picking these two was the most important.

And then, it was almond’s turn.


A calm silver-haired woman landed behind him.

[Melody of Light – Sana]

It has appeared a few times in scrimmages, but this is the first pick to appear in actual Nant matches.

That’s why the spectators who only watched this competition were puzzled.



-This is also an incarnation of a bow.

-Are you good at making almonds?

The reactions of viewers who watched the Hana Almond practice match and those in the commentary booth were different.

“Wow! Almond’s Sana? Is this your first time in real life?”

“That’s right. “Reina has actually appeared before, but this is Sana’s first time!”

“It seems that Sana lacks the ability to lead the game, so sometimes she doesn’t take the ban even when it’s lifted. It’s better for Frost Archer to take the lead in the game.”

“you’re right. Although Sana is a heel, she doesn’t have control of the game. Roaming is also difficult.”

Although Sana has decent dealing performance and healing ability, it was not a pick that Almond could choose without hesitation.

“yes. Sana’s pick is to hold on while getting hit first, and then counterattack. This is not a so-called top pick. “The first bread is very important in Lille.”

The reason why it was difficult to choose Sana was simple.

As the commentator said, it means that you can’t step forward and lead the game.

The reason is that you cannot carry the game (*Carry, the role that leads to victory).

Rayna, who clears the highway by killing people in front of her, and Frost Archer, who can easily support other lines from the beginning. Or compared to Lan, which has enormous damage and range… … .

Sana feels more like assisting other incarnations.

“But why Sana this time?”

“It’s probably because other team members’ main characters have been released.”

“Oh~! “So there was that?”

-Ah! There’s another team member!

-Oh lol What’s with the reaction like you forgot about it?

-Oh, there were people like that too, right?

The reason Almond chose Sana this time is because all of Balloon Stars except himself were able to choose their main character.

Strawberry Shooter could choose the Beedrill Bunny, Miho could choose the Succubus, and Tako could choose the Hammer Warrior.

Above all, since Red Carpets is ‘Red Tea + Pet’, the skills of the rest of the Balloon Stars team members are higher.

So, just supporting them with heals is enough to win more reliably.

“Ah. Before we begin, is there any interesting information added about player Almond?”

“Yes. I checked because the capsule number had changed. You bought a new capsule!”

“What is it?”

“Aston’s Plato! It even looks like an 8 series.”

When that name came out, there was an immediate reaction from the audience.


-Plato? Ooh!

Caster also asks.

“Wow. Isn’t that really expensive?”

“It’s expensive. I only used it when I was a pro.”

“What did Almond use before?

“As far as I know, it is a fully-popular model and I thought it was an old model.”

“Hey. Then, Almond, you were seen avoiding Hongcha in the scrim and going mid. What about this time? Does your playing ability definitely change depending on the capsule?”

“well. haha. “You’ll know for sure this time, right?”

“Oh, by the way. “Is Almond’s Plato the most expensive capsule among the players currently participating?”

“Ah. That’s not it. The most expensive one is… … Surprisingly, it’s Mr. Bubblegum?”

After a moment of silence.

The game has begun.


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