Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 225

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 225

77. Temporary solution (1)

After shop pick, win.

As you might expect, the response from ReelPro was absolutely enthusiastic.

The public’s reaction to this was actually better than the tense confrontation with Mosul.

This is because this strategy of causing great humiliation to the opponent was perfect for the tastes of mischievous Reel Pro users.

[Is the spirit wave real?]

[An onion that died after being stabbed a thousand times lol]

[No, I think it’s because the opponent is Gold, but this is haha]

[This is the true nature of gold. You bastards who were Chalde and all ^~^]

[Wow, you really are an asshole. Onion haha. Almost bronze level]

[What kind of spirit only targets onions? It’s the ‘pa’ dong of ‘sheep’, but this is enough haha]

[Positive wave lol]

Even a level 1 shaman can mess up an opponent.

The flow after that was obvious.

I blew up the game.

[no. Aren’t those thought forms actually alive?]

[You wicked nut… … You finally brought a living soul… … .]

[That is my soul. [Almonds stole my soul]

Due to the number of thought forms he created, a post like this even went to BigPro.

[Almond’s ex-girlfriends.jpg]

If you click on it, you will see a picture of an almond surrounded by countless ideologies.

-ㅁㅊ LOL

-I got dumped and came back in despair haha.

-30 years doesn’t seem like enough? lol

└Really lol how many people are there

└You idiot, don’t think you’ll only date one person at a time. Do you think squid and almonds are the same thing?

└Ah hahahahahahahahaha why is this kid so serious

└Oh my gosh, you’re right, lol While Almond is dating, Squid is just a drinking snack with Peanut, lol, lol

└The world of Nutspunk is hard to follow from the perspective of a criminal~ ^^

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋWhat did you do, ㅅㅂㅋㅋㅋ

-Wow. Am I the only one who came in scared? Almond, I really thought your ex-girlfriends were here!

-By the way, how many almond relationships have you had? … If it’s that face… … i envy you… … damn… … .

Almonds remained in the top 10 search terms on ReelPro that day.

Even on the day after the game, humorous posts related to this incident continued to be posted.

[Make you laugh with one photo]

If you go into an article like this, there is always a gif of an onion confidently shouting, “Power!”

-LOL He hit one skill and made a fool of himself, then got hit by 30 skills and died LOL.


-Gold’s Passion

└Just beat gold


-Green teabagging bastards, let their nicknames go up haha. Expert in provocation.

└The problem is that even among themselves, team spirit breaks out haha.

There was also a post like this afterward.

[Prophecies of Pickles]

When we go in, Pickle says to Green Tea, ‘Everyone has a plan. It was a video of a scene where he said, ‘Until I get hit.’

And there was also a scene where he said, ‘It wasn’t a mistake, it was a trick.’

In addition, there is a compilation of edited videos giving warnings to other team members.

-Mad movie with venomous tongues ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I will never take pickles out of a cheeseburger againㅠㅠㅠ

-Just a loyalist… … I was just giving advice. A pickle that gets hit every time… … .

-Pickle always says the right thing. The right thing to say.

-I only see light in the post.


-The only loyalist who can save the failing Green Tea Bagging… … Pickle Nimu ㅠㅠㅠ

Pickle’s past comments, which were initially criticized as unpopular, are being reevaluated.

That’s not all.

Almond’s AllTube channel subscribers also increased significantly, now reaching 480,000.

-Wow, AllTube is fun too haha.

-I saw it on the Nantjeon and came to subscribe.

-Oh, I didn’t know you, but you have a lot of subscribers.

-I can’t believe I finally learned about almonds… … Past or baby dogs… …

After reaching a certain level, the ‘inflow’, which is not easily seen, begins to become quite visible again. This is thanks to the promotional effect of the NANT game.

“If it continues like this, 500,000 will be fine.”

A quiet cafe with no people.


Joohyuk smiled contentedly as he sipped his warm coffee.


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He glances at his wristwatch as if waiting for someone.

“How long have you been here, Joohyeok?”

A middle-aged man’s soft voice is heard from behind.

Joohyuk jumped up and greeted me.

“ah. “I just arrived.”

“Okay. I’ll just order something and come back.”

After a while, the two sat across from each other.

The person sitting in front of Joo-hyuk is Park Hyeong-jun, the CEO of capsule manufacturer ‘Divers’.

It felt different to meet him in a quiet cafe like this, as he always seemed to be in a cold office.

Representative Park took time out of his day even though he wasn’t working today, so I decided to see him here.

“I got the message. You can send it to me right away. Why don’t you send it to your staff?”

“No, but still… …you are the representative.”

haha. Joo-hyuk naturally compliments us with a kind smile.

“I heard that your friend said he was having symptoms from not using the capsules on a regular basis?”

Mr. Park asked, looking at the notes he had written down in case he was confused.

“That’s why we want to rent it until it is customized for us… … That’s what they’re saying.”


Joo-hyuk swallowed dryly at the dry tone of Park’s voice as he confirmed the conditions.

My heartbeat pounded against my eardrums as if the music in the cafe had suddenly turned off.

I guess that’s because I’m the one who says things that are regrettable.

It’s definitely a huge benefit to get a custom capsule, but in the meantime, I’d like to ask you to rent a higher-end capsule.

‘Wake up. Kim Joo-hyuk. Either way, it’s an advertising contract. We even signed a contract.’

The opponent is not my father’s junior, not the CEO of Divers, but a client who wants to give me an advertisement.

If you think about it that way, this was enough to ask for.

There was no need to be intimidated by the other person’s halo.

“… … ?”

Representative Park met Joo-hyuk’s eyes for a moment.

The corners of his mouth rose smoothly.

“Why are you so nervous?”

Joohyuk was embarrassed and silent for a moment.

How did you know? Joo-hyuk is quite the pro at this kind of thing. There’s no way he’d show that much nervousness.

“How is your relationship with your father these days?”

CEO Park seemed to ease the tension with Joo-hyuk for a moment by turning the topic to a personal story they could share.

Although the topic of conversation was his father, Joohyuk didn’t mind taking a break, so he accepted it right away.

“I’m taking a moment to think.”

Although CEO Park appears to be caring, he is actually a person who is connected to him through his relationship with his father.

He is his father’s man. He should not be fooled by a momentary warmth and lose his essence.

“hmm. I see As I said, I also had a lot of conflict with my father at first. I’m doing well now. “The father-son relationship is not as absolute as you think, nor is it easily broken.”

“… … yes.”

“It means that the current conflict is not permanent, and the peace that will come later will not be permanent. “We have to work together.”

“Yes. But I also want to establish some ground and then face them again.”

“okay. That’s probably true if you’re a greedy person like me… … .”

Representative Park hesitated for a moment, looking like he was wondering, ‘Should I say this? … ‘

Joo Hyuk was truly embarrassed. It’s unfamiliar to me that Park Hyung-jun makes that kind of expression.

“I didn’t say anything because I was afraid you might misunderstand, but you contacted me.”

“… … ?”

“I couldn’t tell you that this kind of advertisement was put in because of my father’s influence for fear of people misunderstanding. It’s not like that. Of course, there is no evidence. “My credibility is proof.”

Credit to Divers CEO Park Hyeong-jun. That was enough evidence for business.

Joo-hyuk also nodded without any doubt.

“Father… … um… … is not as strong as you think… … I think you know that even without me saying it. And why he’s talking to me and not you… … I believe you know.”

Joohyuk was embarrassed once again.

“… … ”

To myself, my eyes growing hot.

Why on earth?

Haven’t said anything yet. It’s not like something happened to his father.

Why is it that I hear from Park Hyung-jun that he is not as strong as he thought…?

Is this what it feels like?

“You sound like an old fart. Now, back to the main topic, I guess I should decline to rent that capsule.”

“… … ?”

Suddenly, my spirits flashed.

I didn’t know you would just reject me so abruptly.

I wanted to open my mouth, but just a moment ago I was experiencing a wave of strange emotions, so my mind couldn’t move easily.

I wondered if I had been tricked.

“Our off-the-shelf capsules can’t help with this.”

Representative Park floated something on the pad and placed it in front of Joo-hyuk.

“I received data on the problem your friend is experiencing from Dr. Song, the doctor in charge. We are also trying to solve the problem through customized methods. Of course, the data also included various symptoms… … .”

Numerous medical terms that Joo Hyuk could not recognize were floating around.

“You won’t recognize me, will you? so do i.”


As the CEO moved to the next screen, something recognizable finally appeared.

“… … Isn’t this Aston?”

“okay. Among the ready-made capsules available for purchase, Aston’s product best suited the four friends’ situation. Of course it’s not a solution. The solution has not yet appeared in this world. “This is ‘at least’ better.”

In summary, this means that among the products currently being produced by Divers, there is no product that can solve Sanghyun’s condition.

So I have no choice but to decline the offer.

“We cannot support Aston’s products. It’s not even a Korean company… … “Because it’s a competitor.”

That’s obvious.

Renting your company’s top-tier work for free is a completely different story than purchasing and renting a competitor’s product.

“It may be a little expensive, but if you need it right away, I can tell you where you can rent it cheaply for a short term.”


Representative Park had already prepared for the lease, so the next screen was a related site.

‘The price… … .’

The price was expensive.

‘It’s better than you thought, right?’

However, compared to the actual price of the product, it was not that expensive no matter how much it was leased.

The reason why is because I took the route of purchasing it in the name of research.

When renting for a short period of time, the cost-effectiveness is low, but the absolute price was settled in the range of 200 to 300 million won.

“If we use the name of Dr. Song and our corporation, the price is about this much.”

This means that the price range is out of reach for the general public.

Joohyuk bowed his head and expressed his gratitude.

“thank you. There’s no need to do this… … .”

“It’s thanks to your father that he does this.”

Representative Park smiled brightly as he spoke honestly.

“……thank you.”

Strangely enough, Joo-hyuk’s pride was not hurt.

“I’ll do this.”

* * *

next day.

A pleasant doorbell rang at Sanghyeon’s house in the morning.

Ding dong!

‘… … huh? what.’

There is no one to come visit me in the morning. Sanghyeon finished filling a bowl full of almonds and stuck his head out the window near the front door.

A man dressed in a monochromatic uniform waves his hand.

“I’m the installer! Is this Mr. Yoo Sang-hyun’s house?”

“Oh, yes. That’s right… … .”

What installation?

… … at the moment I was about to ask.

Joo Hyuk jumped out from behind.

“yes! yes! “I’m leaving!”

About 30 minutes later.

There was a few loud noises, and then the installer lightly waved his hand and said.

“It’s done. Just sign here.”

Sang-Hyeon was still blankly staring at the newly created capsule.

The installer even took away all the old capsules that were there except for the memory-related ones.

“and… … What. “Has this already been customized?”

Joohyuk shook his head.

“No. That’s far away.”

“Huh? Then what is it?”

Joo Hyuk explained the detailed back story.

We have brought in a capsule with the performance to block all symptoms as much as possible for a short-term rental.

But there is something strange.

Sang-Hyeon, you’ve never paid for this, right?

“hey. Why is this… … .”

It was done with Joo Hyuk’s money.


Joohyuk put his hand on Sanghyeon’s shoulder.

“First paycheck. “I cut it from what you gave me.”

When Joo-hyuk received his first paycheck, Sang-hyun gave him a lot more.

It was out of gratitude for taking the risk.

“No, that’s… … .”

That was really just a given.

Joohyuk turned around and went into the kitchen, raising his middle finger as if he would not listen any longer.

He acts pretty cool.


I felt like cursing at the sight, but at the same time, I realized once again what kind of guy Joo-hyuk was.

He never gets paid more than what he does. On the contrary, he never takes less.

If Joo-hyuk decided that he should return it, it would be right to respect it.

“Oh, that’s right. This is a great birthday present!”

Joohyuk added urgently, sticking his head out from the kitchen.

Sang-Hyeon was already inside the capsule and couldn’t hear the sound.

Sanghyun, who entered the new capsule, couldn’t help but be impressed by his voice.

“… … and.”



From the moment the logo appeared, it oozes luxury.

[Plato 820s]

It was the highest trim level currently available from Aston.

‘But is this going to be different?’

It was hard for Sang-Hyeon to believe that performance changed depending on the capsule.

He decided to check the numbers through a training tutorial he had played before.


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