Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 219

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 219

75. Almond Bread (1)

“Ah~~~ Rat~~~!!”

Pow… … !

Mosul stood still and watched blankly as the three sets of sanctuaries exploded.

‘… … ah.’

You lost in the end.

It was the moment when the momentum of winning all league matches miraculously came to a halt in front of Balloon Stars.

“Wow, set 3 was even more stormy than set 2, wasn’t it?”

“yes! It’s like I know all your weaknesses! “It seemed like a declaration!”

“In the 3rd set ban pick, Frost Archer… … .”

I can slowly begin to hear the commentators chattering away.

If the player hears this sound, it means that the game is over.

Mosol’s clenched fists trembled.

* * *

The waiting room of Solo Is Back.

“… … I’m sorry, guys.”

Mosol buried his face in his knees with a sigh.

The team members waved their hands.

“Hey, Mosol. are you okay. “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have come this far.”

“okay. It’s still a league match. “A record like this with a bad team is great.”

“We have another chance if we go to the playoffs.”

They are right. There were plenty of opportunities. One loss in the league is nothing. The record so far has been good. Mosul knew that well.

‘however… … Can you win next?’

I wasn’t confident that I would win the next time I met Balloon Stars.

Mosul looks down at his arms.

I’m shaking. It’s not just the arms. My legs also feel strange.

My heart is beating too fast, that’s a bonus.

My eyes feel hot.

He unconsciously wiped his eyes with his sleeve. There was no need for that.

Fortunately, this was Disworld. Nothing embarrassing happened.


He readjusted his head and stood up again.

‘okay. Let’s admit it.’

He admitted that he was a mother-in-law and could not do justice to Miho.

He admitted that Almond was a formidable opponent.

Also, Tako’s understanding of the game is higher than mine.

‘… … ‘You have to admit it to see the way.’

Even though I’m still young, this is a lesson I’ve learned while competing in numerous solo queues.

Once you acknowledge the other person, you can see the situation objectively.

I have to fight without seeing Miho.

The roaming of almonds must also be sealed.

“… … uh?”

Something passes through Mosol’s mind.

Anyway, the league is already over… … .

‘Next time… … .’

Maybe next time will be different.

* * *


It was around 10pm when the capsule’s hydraulics began to whir.

It was later than usual because we played 3 sets today.

“hey. “You did really well.”

Joo-hyuk, who was resting on the sofa for a while, came running up and said.

“The response from the community right now is no joke… … Huh?”

However, he was speechless when he saw Sang-Hyeon coming out of the capsule.


Sanghyeon got up and headed to the bathroom as if it was no big deal.

‘What? I’m sweating this much?’

It was well known that Sanghyun sweats a lot in the capsule.

However, I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve shed as much as I did today.

No, maybe there wasn’t.

‘This kid… … was really focused.’

In the first set, I played well with one hand.

Because the character I chose was ‘Ran’.

However, picks like Frost Archer were structurally impossible to play with one hand.

An incarnation that draws a bow must unconditionally use both arms.

‘Even so, it’s two games.’

Using both arms wasn’t a serious matter.


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The doctor also said that there is no problem as long as the game play time is appropriate.

Even today, there are only two games played with both hands.

And yet you’re so tired.

‘As expected, the competition is different.’

The pressure that comes with competition is different.

The competition is such that even sane people break out in a cold sweat from tension.

Sanghyeon was no exception.

I didn’t really know because of his attitude and expression that never showed any sign of tension.

‘You too… … are feeling nervous.’

Joo Hyuk finally knew for sure.

Sanghyun was also a person.

‘It wasn’t a nut.’

After a playful thought, he picks up his phone and leaves a message somewhere.

* * *

After taking a hot shower, I felt much better.

‘Today’s game was a bit difficult.’

Although I comfortably won the 2nd and 3rd sets.

I feel like I pushed myself a little harder because I lost the first set.

I guess he kept showing something more to wash away the wounds in his pride.

It’s actually funny.

It’s a shame for a guy who’s just starting out to show off his pride against a team with veterans like Challenger.

‘Let’s see what other people think.’

Sanghyun lay down on the bed, enjoying the freshness of his soft skin. And as a habit, I pick up my phone and scroll through community posts.

His mouth opens by itself.


It was just as Joohyuk said.

That means the community response is hot.

A lot of the posts were about almonds.

Even most of the posts praising his play today.

‘… … Looking at it like this, it seems like you’re really good at it.’

As I was watching the scenes from the clip, it really seemed like Almond was the best person in the world.

In particular, the scenes when he confronted Mosul seemed like that.

[Almond Mosul Jagangducheon.gif]

The first issue that arose was the confrontation between Almond’s orchid and the monk Mosol.

-Chikicha Muchinnyeon… … lol

-Mosol, do you live in that?

-Wow, what do you mean by adding fake almonds twice?!

It was a battle where Almond’s fake and Mosol’s momentary sense shone.

-This is the real Jagangducheon, lol

-It was a big deal that I didn’t use a combo when I kicked the ball far away. Even if Mosol was just 3 years older, he would still be behind.

-Isn’t it Almond Diamond? It’s like Challenger and something like that.

Perhaps because the opponent was a challenger, Almond received a lot of positive reviews compared to when he faced the masters.

No one saw this scene and thought that Mosul was bad or had made a mistake.

Of course, the opponent must also have a certain level of skill for this picture to appear.

-Honestly, send me the Almond Challenger~!!!

-How is this a diamond? LOL

-I’m just surprised that kid was Silver a while ago… … .

-Silver is great!

In fact, since we lost the first set, I didn’t think public opinion would be good.

It wasn’t as bad as I thought.

Sang-Hyeon was surprised by that part and posted more.

[Wow, I lost!]

[Mosol gave up his eyesight, so he can’t win]

[Balloon Stars did a good job too]

[It’s so sad that Almond didn’t catch it in the middle earlier ㅠ]

[Wow, I want to buy a ticket to This World ㅠㅠ It’s so crazy]

[It was an exciting game.]

[This is fucking reel]

Most of the comments on the posts were things like, “It was fun,” “It’s a feast for the eyes,” and “It’s so exciting.”

In fact, I was sure that I would be made fun of a lot because I lost the first set.

Because Sanghyeon has seen what happens to masters and grandmasters who have lost to him.

‘It was a pointless idea.’

But when I came out and checked, it wasn’t like that at all.

Is it because they have relatively low experience and low rank?

People were more focused on the process of our growth than on our results.

[If we beat Mosoldo, who was in such good spirits, wouldn’t we really win?]

[I’m really impressed watching Almond’s skills grow]

[Our Gum hyung’s skills have also improved tremendously, guys]

Sometimes it’s frustrating when people don’t acknowledge my wins, but in other ways, it’s something to be thankful for.

Being with the viewers throughout the process.

That’s the charm of the Nantes War.

So even practice games are all part of this content.

Well… … Of course, it would be best if we win in the end.

Because once you lose, there are bound to be people making fun of you.

Especially if you have an existing reputation.

[If you’re going to be like this, why are you reading Miho’s magazine?! LOL]


-Isn’t that just a selfish desire?

-If you don’t become a monk, then it’s just useless? Lol

[No, it’s not Balloon Stars that’s destroying the Mosul, it’s King Gyul lol]


-Mosol ㅠㅠ

-Did you meet Mosol and get beaten up in Kinggyul Solang? Lol

[Reel News] Mosol, Miho finishes training while reading magazines! Today, we will go out to restore the honor of the strongest talent!]

-ㅋㅋㅋ When did you write the article?

-ㅁㅊ It’s Mac.

– Hahahahaha that’s so funny.

-Ah~ It’s an almond bubble, but Mosol is really talented?

-No, honestly, how can a 30 year old beat a 19 year old~~

In this way, they even bring up old articles and make fun of them.

Fortunately, there are fewer teasing posts today.

That’s how satisfied the audience was with today’s game.

[The shot that led to today’s victory.]

Posts praising the content of the second set of matches are now also starting to catch my eye.

The post contained a meme of Almond shooting an ice arrow while flying on a board.

-Curve shot sucks. It’s my first time seeing something like that.

└There’s a lot more traffic lol. That’s a special feature of almonds.

└Of course there is a lot of inflow, Almond is currently exceeding 20,000 viewers

-That’s how it is??? (Me too, I’m in)

-Wow, I’m thinking of shooting that curve shot in that situation haha.

└ㄹㅇ Kang is no joke

└If you miss that, the roaming will just end, but if it were me, I would have tried to get closer and shoot, but I would have gotten defeated by Mosulㅋㅋㅋㅋ

– King Gyul made a fucking pterodactyl sound over there lol It was crazy.

└Pterosaur hahahaha

Sanghyun was laughing and appreciating the community.

He suddenly has this thought.

‘Something… … ‘Should there be such a thing as fan service?’

I won a tough matchup, but I guess I didn’t have time to communicate with the fans. It was hard so I just left right away.

[Is it true that Almond Shack indulgence is done right away?]

[Did you faint while fighting with Mosol and Jagangducheon?]

[Almond indulgence lol]

[Asajang! Open the door! No, close it slowly!]

[Hey, let me at least tell you what I think ㅠㅠ]

I knew it.

I looked it up and found that there are quite a few opinions like this.


Sang-Hyeon closed the community and went to Runestagram.

How do other colleagues manage their fans?

Posts from people you follow come to mind.

Among them, Miho’s post was the first to appear.

==== ====

Thank you all for your hard work!

Couple Avatar Carrie with Almond Oppa!


#Pool Party #Mid Game Victory #Nant Battle #Sanctuary Explosion

==== ====

This is a photo that I remember. When he asked if he could upload it to Runestar, I said yes of course.

‘This is what you said you would upload.’

This is a certification shot taken after the second game when the enemy’s sanctuary exploded.

One of the features in the reel is that you can take selfies in the game. It’s usually used to tease enemies.

Miho seems to have written it a little differently, but the response is still good.

-Wow, you’re so pretty, unnie ㅠㅠ

-Tch. A gathering of super popular kids… …

-ㅋㅋㅋ I can see Mosul behind me ㅋㅋㅋ

-Two, I can’t get between the two.

-They are a great visual couple;;

└Aren’t they a couple?

└Not a couple? 222

└I’m scared of you guys… …

-How do I properly fight the line with this!

-Miho is foul! It’s a foul!

-But what are those cheeky nuts next to it?

-Almond! I love you!

-Almond doesn’t wear anything to the pool party? LOL

└Ugh… …Please ㅠㅠ

└Oh… … Rather good… …

-Let’s win tomorrow too, hyung~

-I only see you, oppa>

Even though it’s Miho’s post, almost half of it is about Almond.

‘Do my fans have nowhere to go?’

After the party, there had to be an after-party.

Today’s game was a big party. Moreover, it was a game where Almond’s fans had a lot to talk about Almond’s performance.

There is no place to solve such a thing.

You can talk to the community, but most people don’t do it.

A place like this needs to be prepared.

‘It certainly looks necessary.’

Sanghyun now understood.

Stars’ SNS becomes a place where fans can gather once again.

Miho was definitely a natural at using this kind of SNS, and she was also quite good at using bubble gum.

On the other hand, Sanghyun’s Rune Star had only advertisements. To begin with, there were only two posts.


The number of followers also stagnated at around 70,000.

‘hmm… … .’

He feels like he has to post something.

He lay down and picked up the cell phone.

It was something I had never done before, but it didn’t seem that difficult.

The cell phone camera moved around on its own, and then a ‘click’ sound was heard.

==== ====

I was having a hard time today so I indulged myself right away.

It was fun!

==== ====

Comments started pouring in.

But it’s not what he expected.

I thought most of the comments would be praising Super Play.

‘… … what.’

-Suddenly throwing a selfie? lol

-older brother… … Is this your first time taking a selfie?

-Is this an almond?

-Crazy lol

-Just post an ad. older brother.

-ah! I get it! This isn’t almond, it’s almond bread!

-Why is there a loaf of bread? Is this a bakery advertisement?

Sanghyun was embarrassed.

Although he checked the photo once again.

‘hmm… … .’

In his eyes, it is the same face.

‘Let’s go to sleep.’

Sanghyun just closed his eyes, thinking that it was clear that I had no talent for this.

The night when Sang-Hyeon was asleep.

Notifications rang countless times on his Rune Star.

-Is this the place where you can upload super cute selfies?!

-Wow haha ​​almond bread

-I immediately pressed follow

-I came because I heard you launched a bakery.






There has been a change in the number of followers that had been stagnant.


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