Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 217

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 217

74. Roaming (2)

“First of all, we should pay attention to the pick called Aqua.”

The analyst began to speak with a serious look in his eyes, but Kinguul changed the subject as if he was trying to persuade him.

“ah. I’m sorry. Even if you don’t say so, everyone is paying attention! How can you not see that!?”

-Really lol

-If you can’t see it, you’re not human haha.

-I’m a woman, but I only see Miho.

-The conversation ended with the handsome Almond Hyung, who had maxed out women’s resistance, turning his head.

Laughter spread throughout the audience.

“Ahem… … .”

The analyst pushed up his red glasses and glared fiercely. He wanted to talk more about game strategy.

Because Taco Team’s Aqua Pick has more meaning than that.

“I admit that Miho’s visuals are gorgeous, but I wanted to tell you that I didn’t choose Aqua simply because I wanted to choose an incarnation with a pool party skin.”

“yes? Are you saying Aqua has other strategic elements?”

“Yes. The Pool Party skin was released as a series, so there were many other incarnations… … Mr. Kinggyul?”

King Gyul still had his eyes fixed on Miho.

The analyst takes another look, and only then does he stop playing around.

“Haha! Sorry! That’s right! Aqua Pick has its own meaning!”

The caster asked in surprise.

“Is that so?! King Gyul?”

“Yes. Even if the player Mosul is Mosul, she is a challenger. Would she lose if she just picked any incarnation and made them wear a bikini!?”

“Losing… … no?”

When the caster asked back as if he really believed he would lose, the audience erupted in laughter.

Of course, in the chat window as well.


-No, Caster, I seriously don’t think it will work lol

-It is dangerous to play Solia a lot. everyone.

-But it may not really work… … .

-10 minutes later: What I was worried about actually happened~!

King Gul shook his head.

“Aqua picks definitely have a purposeful tactic. First of all, they are closely related to the Frost Archer and Fisherman picks.”

“Huh?! Suddenly a bottom?”

“Yes. It’s a pick that takes into account the connection with the bottom. It’s about sucking Almond’s abilities to the ends of the earth!”

The caster looks back at the analyst as if asking if this is correct. He nods his head, raising his red glasses.

“The connection between Frost Archer and Aqua. Those of you who know will know. “It’s a linking element between incarnations that few reels have.”

“Ah. That’s right. If you get Aqua’s water on it, it freezes faster, right?”

“Yes. In terms of the setting, the two are also lovers.”

“Ahhhhh! I’m jealous! Almond!”

Kinggyul joined in again, and laughter spread through the audience again.

“Your wife will be watching.”


When the analyst finally brought up the story of his wife, Kinggyul finally shut up.

Thanks to this, the analyst continued speaking comfortably.

“Frost Archer is a ‘roaming’ ADC. Rather than dealing high damage, it moves around to support allies. But you said earlier that it has a good connection with Aqua in the American drama, right?”


Caster taps his knee as if he now understands.

“Almond and Taco are going to be the ones to mostly mid-roam!?”



Literally translated, it means the act of moving around.

The meaning in the actual game is the same.

This refers to the act of going to places other than the line you are responsible for.

“Ah~ It’s definitely easier to roam if you’re a Frost Archer!”

Not all incarnations are easy to roam.

Just as the wizard class incarnations cannot assassinate, this roaming also has specialized incarnations.

One of them was the Frost Archer.

“That’s right. Frost Archer has a skill called ‘Ice Board’. “This is a skill that increases movement speed incredibly fast on frozen floors.”

“okay. There is a ‘river’ flowing between mid and bottom, right? “This is a strategy to use this to get to mid-range!”

“you’re right.”

Roaming requires fast movement speed first.

Long-distance movement speed must be fast, not instantaneous speed.

The first task of liners is to prevent the turrets of their line from being destroyed, because if roaming takes too long, there is a high risk that the turrets will be attacked.

“But Almond, when you chose Frost Archer in the last practice match, there was a saying that you didn’t use this ice board skill at all.”

“… … That’s true. But I have to write it today.”

Previously, Almond could hardly use the Ice Board among his Frost Archer skills.

But this time, we have to use it.

In this game, Almond’s mission was not to blow up the opponent’s bottom lane, but to blow up the Mosul.


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“Soloiseback cannot win without taking down Mosul. Taco also chose the ‘Mid-Destruction’ composition with this in mind.”

“and… … okay?!”

“in short!”

King Gyul, who had been silent for a long time while listening to his wife’s story, finally intervened.

“Balloon Stars decided to just beat up Mosul! Destroy Mosul! That was their only plan from the beginning!”

“Ah~ Breaking the mid! This is going to make Mosol-nim tremble!?”

“yes! Almond player now. Are you pushing the bottom line very strongly? So much so that it’s hard for the opponent to eat the minions! “This is proof that we are ready to roam!”


[Minions Killed 37]


[21 minions killed]

The gap between the supply and demand of the opponent’s ADC and Almond’s minions was gradually widening.

“Oh! What does this have to do with roaming?”

“yes! “We have to push the front line all the way to the enemy line so we have time to stop by and come back!”

“I see! So now… … you’re really pushing me so hard? It’s almost to the point where I feel like I’m going to kill you!”

Frost Archer is clearly an incarnation with relatively low damage.

Strangely enough, the opponent is being pushed back.

As soon as the opponent stepped forward to eat a minion, an arrow flew.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The opponent did not dare to move forward due to the barrage of arrows coming from all directions.

“Ah! The beer player can’t even breathe!”

“Player Almond! It seems like your skills have improved compared to before!?”

“The poison has risen! “I guess I’m pissed that I lost a game!”

As the commentators said, a different level of pressure was applied compared to the lane battle that was played in the lane.

“After all, Ran isn’t a strong incarnation in the early game, and Frost Archer is strong in the early game? And… … Above all, Almond. I’ve been watching you all along… … .”

The analyst hesitated while trying to say something. I wondered for a moment whether I could say this.

“… … There were a lot of plays where I didn’t use my right hand very much. Especially when playing Ran.”

“ah. “Is the Sealed Black Flame Dragon something like this?”

“Um… … I hope so. I hope it wasn’t an injury.”

“Ah! An injury! That could be the case. Ah… … It shouldn’t be like that, right?”

“Anyway, right now you’re using both hands as a frost archer. I think that’s why there is a difference in performance. “He has a very good reputation for bows.”


The analyst cleared his throat for a moment and then changed the topic.

“Anyway, if we keep pushing like this, it will end up being hard for Mosol.”

“If this continues, we will lose!”

The caster asked after hearing the two commentators’ confirmation.

“Then… … how do you deal with Solo Is Back?”

“Maybe the jungler should come.”

“Ah, it comes the moment you say it!”

“As expected. This isn’t an easy team, is it?”

* * *

SoloIsBack’s jungler.

Nogari’s ‘Spider Queen – Arachne’ was running hard towards the bottom.

[Hey. Hey. I’m suffocating!]

[Oh shit! Don’t give Almond the arrow! Ran is better!]

The Somaek Duo continued to whine as if they were giving up their voice.

[Ah!! I’m going! I’m going!]

Thanks to this, Nogari had to ignore the planned route and run to the bottom.

It was annoying, but there was nothing I could do.

‘That would be the best they could do, too.’

Nogari himself knew how hard the entire Solo Is Back team had practiced.

Nogari himself said that he played the game while bleeding profusely.

‘Now is the time to bear fruit.’

He focused on rolling up a ball of spider webs that could hold his opponents tightly in place.

The opponent has a means of escape.

‘I’m going to use the drag net on Almond and drag him away.’

I didn’t have time to hide in the bushes and watch the angles.

He ran straight ahead without hiding or looking around.


“Ganking is here!”

I knew it.

The other person reacts immediately.


Nogari swung his hand holding the spiderweb ball vigorously.

“Ah! Player Nogari! If you throw it now, Taco will just drag Player Almond away!”

“yes. A fisherman can catch an ally in a net and drag them away, right? “So fast!”

[Casting a net]


The net that Taco threw wraps around Almond and drags him away.


At a very fast speed.

This was one of the advantages of the Fisherman pick. As long as the Fisherman is left behind, no matter how many ADCs are attacked from the front, you can survive at least once.

[Oh, what! Did I miss it?!]

[Throw it a little slower!]

Arachne smiled and lifted the bundle of spiderwebs.

[It’s fake.]

The move I threw earlier was a fake.

Almond’s eyes grew wide.

‘I was embarrassed.’

Nogari thought she had completely fooled him.

He then threw a bundle of spider webs at Almond, who was being dragged into the net.

While being dragged into a net, the route of movement is determined. It’s too easy to make predictable shots.


Isn’t Almond pulling the bowstring while being dragged into the net?

──Thwack, thwack!

As the two shots struck in succession, the bundle of spider webs that had been flying well froze in the air.

‘what… … this… … .’

It was a privilege of ADCs with good aim.

Something that can counteract these projectile skills.

‘No, but who knew that this would happen while being dragged into a net?’

But I didn’t know that I would succeed even though I was being dragged by the net.


A cheer erupted from the stands.

This is because Nogari and Almond showed great play.

Nogari was sad to go back like this. Can’t we do it somehow?

[Hey! Just run away!]

[It doesn’t come out!]

Somaek Duo told him to just go back now.

[Let’s try it one more time! Makt! Makt!]

[Ma, Makt?]

Let’s do it one more time.

The most dangerous thought in the reel filled Nogari’s head.

[Opponent jungler… … Do you know where it is?!]

That’s why I didn’t consider it.

The best play I did when I chose ‘Clown – Recard’.

It is a reverse gank that catches the opponent who is ganking in reverse.


Through the white smoke.


A funny clown mask that suddenly pops out.

It’s a strawberry shooter.

“Hello, brother!?”

When the clown mask was placed on Strawberry Shooter’s muscular body, I got goosebumps.

A curse suddenly came out.

“Ouch. What the heck! Foot!”

I took a deep breath and turned around.


A large knife was inserted into the back of Arachne’s head as she tried to run away.


Clown’s passive. As the backstep effect occurred, my stamina was lost in clumps.

Arachne immediately turned around and tried to fight back.

Almond’s arrow, which had missed him, was instantly embedded in his waist.

Two shots in succession.


My back was frozen and my body couldn’t turn.

“What, so fast?!”

I didn’t understand why the Frost Archer’s arrows flew two at a time.

Easy profit──

Besides, the two feet weren’t the end.

──Whoa! puck!

Two additional bullets are lodged in the head.


If you get hit twice in the head, you will faint briefly.

The frost archer’s damage is not that great.

“Oppa, today is George’s day!?”

Meanwhile, the clown’s knife cut into the back countless times.

My physical strength was at rock bottom.

As if he had been waiting for that moment, Almond’s arrow pierced his head.


Nogari’s vision became black and white.

[First Blood!]

[Bloody warrior → Nogari]

Even the last hit was successfully conceded to the original dealer.

* * *

“Ah ah ah ah ah! what is this!”

“Strawberry Shooter! That player is really scary! My brother! Nogari has never had a younger sister like that!”

“Sometimes they say they come up with a concept like that! “I’m equally appalled!”

“however! Soloize back?! “This is a major accident, right?”

“Yes. As I said, Balloon Stars is a mid-destroying combination, and the key to that mid-destroying is Almond and Taco… … Almond got killed, right?”

“Is this the end?”

“If Mosol doesn’t make a solo kill, he will be ruined.”

“Ah, but strangely there’s no news right now, right?”

It was like that.

While the broadcast team was focused on the bottom fight, they didn’t pay attention to the mid.

For a match between Challenger and Platinum, there is nothing special about it.

“There were no kills. So are you still making a difference in minion counts?”

“Maybe the minion difference is… … uh?”


[Minion Kill 81]


[Minion Kill 85]

Miho was progressing in the line battle at a level quite similar to Mosol.

“It’s almost the same?!”

“What is this! “Is this really the power of a pool party!!”

-Mosul Shake… … Is it really not possible!?

-Haha, there is a challenger who can be countered with a swimsuit!?

-Ugh, shit haha.

-Wow, is this really possible???

-Honestly, how would you win if Miho was like that in front of you hahahaha

“How can Solo Is Back win like this! Mosul is the hope of this team!”

“ah… … ! The moment you speak! Almonds and tacos! I’m not going from the sanctuary to the bottom now! “I’m going straight to American drama!”

Adding insult to injury.

Almond and Taco, who had eaten the kill and had the items, were heading to Mead.

“This is a big deal! From Solo Is Back’s perspective!”

“I’m going to break the Mosul! This is Most Sollia! Everyone! Don’t get hurt for no reason!”


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