Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 216

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 216

74. Roaming (1)

If you raise an ADC, you can’t beat a team with a well-developed mid laner?

In fact, almonds are not the only ones who have these concerns.

It was a difficult problem that always accompanied the history of Lille.

However, in general, experts always emphasize the importance of American mead.

It was the same with tacos.

‘Ha… … Midga is the problem.’

In the Siege of Lille, if there is one place that must be popular.

For tacos, I would choose mead without hesitation.

A line that monopolizes the experience points of the line alone and leads the game in collaboration with the jungle.

First of all, being geographically central gives it an overwhelming influence over other lines.

Just as our country is geographically a strategic point that can influence Japan and China. Mead also has an inherent geographical advantage.

Therefore, the incarnations that go to American dramas also have great performance. No, things with great performance are sent to American media.

It is a position that carries a lot of weight, and it is a position that allows you to do a lot.

‘If Mid sets the table, the ranged dealer can eat it.’

The original dealer is a position where power is exerted when the game is set.

‘If the opposing mid laner is a high-ranked user, our team will have no one to set the table for us… … .’

This is Taco’s dilemma right now.

Absence of a member to assist with almond dealing.

‘Mid can set the table and eat alone, but a ranged dealer can’t.’

Mid can either make the board or just end the game on his own.

However, the original dealer is an expert at finishing.

He is better than anyone else in this field, but honestly, his influence is far less than that of the mid.

No matter how much the almond flies and crawls… … It is difficult to overcome one’s innate limitations.

‘It’s a congenital limitation… … .’

The reels have various incarnations and various strategies.

Taco rolled his head.

Are original dealers really only focused on finishing ‘all together’?

‘No. Even if the damage is a bit less… … there are some that aren’t like that.’

He started typing wildly in the notepad as if something had come to mind.

‘With this… … even ranged dealers can have influence.’

Taco’s expression gradually brightened.

‘If we ban the monks and blockade Miho from Mosul… … .’

There is hope in the second set.

‘Growing mead with almonds.’

If you change your thinking, you will see the answer.

Instead of just growing almonds, I was able to let the almonds grow other liners.

* * *

“Following the first set, the banning for the second set has now begun.”

The caster took turns looking at the two commentaries and rhyming.

“That’s right. This ban pick. “I guess the biggest topic is monks, right?”

“Yes. Will it really be banned?”

“Well. Maybe it was because I didn’t see Miho that her performance was good… … or maybe the monk was just a fun pick. It would have been difficult to properly analyze Mosol’s basic skills since they were so overwhelming compared to Miho’s.”

[Balloon Stars Van #1]

[Monk – Jagar]


A van that gets stuck the moment you say it.

“Ah! You’re banning monks!?”

Then, Mosol immediately banned the succubus.

[Soloizeback Band #1]

[Succubus – Sitri]

“No, the succubus van follows right away!”

“Are you sure you weren’t blind on the battlefield? Are you saying that you really can’t play the game properly when you see Miho?”

“Hey. This is a really serious ban pick. “I can’t believe it!”

Laughter spreads throughout the audience.

-No, haha, are monks really important?

-There really is no such thing

-Does your skills really decrease when you look at Miho??

-Mosol Shack… … .

“Don’t get me wrong, everyone! I’m banning the monk because he’s too strong!”

“Oh~! sure! Mead Monk. You showed great skill, right? “It was almost clear that it was a joker card.”


-The broadcasters’ wrapping paper is torn!

-What if I’m not a monk now?? lol

From then on, the van proceeded as expected by the broadcasters.

After both teams were banned.

King Gyu made a point.


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“The monk ban is probably the most important, but the ‘clown’ that was released because of the monk ban seems more important.”

“Ah. That’s Nogari’s main character, right?”

“Yes. Your skill level is quite high, isn’t it?”

“Is Nogari currently at Gold 4? Anyway, my opponent is Master Jungle and midfielder Miho is Platinum. Would you like to be my opponent?”

“Still, it’s not a good idea to give an artisan character. You will receive the effect of your skill increasing from Gold to Pla. In particular, the main content is the Nogari Clown Master broadcast!”

“ah… … okay? “Then you might be a little wary, right?”

The picks continued as the commentators continued to talk.

But there was an unexpected pick.

“Huh? A clown?”

It’s a clown pick.

The problem is that it wasn’t picked at Soloiseback.

“What is it?”

“Is Strawberry Player trying to take the clown? ah… … .”

“I guess it’s because I’m a master. “Is there such a range of operation?”

“That’s Taco’s trick!”

Strawberry Shooter decided to play the clown.

If this happens, the other side will not be able to choose the clown.

“Ah. I looked up the data. How many games has Strawberry Shooter played recently?”

The original reason for playing Strawberry Shooter was to gain some insight into the opponent’s main character.

However, we decided that it would be better for us to choose the taco instead.

‘We need to lay the plan so that Miho can endure as well as possible.’

This was Taco’s spontaneous decision that wasn’t discussed in the waiting room.

This is a pretty bold decision, as the main battleground for this match will be mid.

‘After doing the math, I realized that Strawberry is a clown and can handle that guy well.’

* * *

“No. What? Are you taking this away?”

Mosol was extremely puzzled.

How important is the first pick… … Are you using this for clowns or something?

‘What do you want to do?’

Wasn’t Balloon Stars about growing almonds?

Is it worth investing in the jungle like this?

Nogari ended up choosing Arachne, which was a decent choice in the first game.

‘I feel anxious.’

To care so much about the jungle.

I guess you have something in mind for Mid.

Is there a reason to invest so much in Miho?

I don’t know. First of all, I don’t have time. I had to make the pick quickly.

“Okay. Next pick. Let’s go.”

Mosol chose ‘Dancing Fire – Igtan’, which has the best carry power among the mid lane.

Similar to Solya, she is an incarnation of fire, but Solya is a human who uses the superpower of the sun rather than fire.

Igtan is closer to a fire spirit than a human.

Although it doesn’t have any notable mobility, it is a being with a destructive power that can burn down the entire battlefield.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

As soon as the pick was finished, a red flame spread around Mosul.

Cheers erupted from the stands.

“oh! Igtan of Mosol!”

“Hey. Should I call it Sapa Mead? Igtan is also not a well-used mid-range.”

“But isn’t it as famous as Mosul’s Sollia?”

“yes. Surprisingly, the style is very different from Solia. “He handled it well.”

Igtan is a pick that Mosol is quite confident in.

The atmosphere became even more heated.


This was followed by a pick that poured cold water on it.


A cool sound of water burst out from the other side.



-Oh, you’re crazy!

A roar that was incomparable to the one when Mosol picked Igtan.


Mosol’s eyes were lost.

[Quiet waves – Aqua]

Aqua was my pick, and as you can see, it is the incarnation of water.

I chose a fire-using incarnation, but I’m not surprised that it’s water. Attribute-based compatibility doesn’t apply in fights between incarnations.


“Hey! Should we consider that the promise was kept!?”

“Pool Party Aqua! Amazing! This is Mid Carry! It’s like shouting!”

“Isn’t this already a super play?!”

Her skin was the problem.

The pure white flesh visible through the fluttering blue hair.

Other than the neatly designed blue bikini, there was no longer anything blocking it.


-Mosol is defeated… … .

-Hey, sister, I lost!

-“stop… … “No, no, don’t stop!”

-Cowardly Balloon Stars! go! Oh my! all! Balloon Stars!

“… … Rain, cowardly. “Are you really doing this?”

Mosol’s face brightened.

‘Should I not have made a monk in set 1?’

If it weren’t for the pool party, I think it would have been worth it somehow!

I was shown the monk first for no reason, so I ended up dealing with Miho dressed like that without being able to cover my eyes.

‘… … If only I could buy underwear pictorials!’

Mosol gritted his teeth in lamentation at the regulations that did not allow him to practice.

On the other hand, the broadcasters’ faces brightened.

“Hey~! great! But do you really think that Mosol will lose because of the Pool Party skin?!”

“Hey. No way. Then it’s a real Mosul certification.”

The team members also asked Mosol with eyes that seemed to be wondering if it was true.

“Hey… … You’re not really affected, are you? This isn’t a practice match… … .”

“Hey. I’ve dealt with it a few times. It should be possible.”

“Ah, ahem. What are you talking about, hyungs? It’s just a skin. And besides, I trained.”

The pick then progressed further.

[Frost Archer – Leon]

Tako chose Frost Archer without hesitation.

It’s a pick that doesn’t deal that much damage… … Maybe it was the old Somaek duo. Right now, our bottom can’t win the laning match with a pick like that.

The winning formula for Balloon Stars is that Almond wins the lane battle and is huge like a monster, so he wipes out the teamfight.

What are you trying to do?

‘ah… … ?’

Mosul has now drawn the picture the enemy is drawing.

‘Linked with Aqua?’

Why did the enemy take the jungle first, and why did they give Almond a low-damage ADC?


Frost Archer had a skill that linked up with Aqua.

When Aqua was doused with water, the freezing effect was applied in just one room.

It was one of the few connecting elements on the reel.

“Almond oppa and I are a couple. Right?”

Miho asked Almond with a grin. In reality, Frost Archer Leon and Aqua are set as a couple.

“hmm? ah… … .”

Almond’s eyes, which had been absentmindedly looking to the side, lost their place for a moment.

I was so focused on the ban pick that I only just now saw Miho with her pool party skin.

‘Gaze processing. Gaze processing.’

I engraved Joo-hyuk’s words about being careful of scandals in my head 100 times and avoided Miho’s gaze as much as possible.

It was okay when I saw it on TV a few times, but it was quite awkward, perhaps because of my close relationship with Miho.

Taco laughed cheerfully as he looked at the almonds.

“Hahaha! What are you embarrassed about? Almond!? Judging from your reaction, we won this time!”

“… … .”

Almond looked at Taco in bewilderment.

That’s understandable, because Tako wasn’t even looking at Miho.

“Okay! The ban pick is over!”

Somehow, all the bans and picks are finished.

“The game is about to start!”

White light swept all around, and the surrounding scenery disappeared.

* * *

After entering the battlefield.

Taco said in a pretended serious voice.

“If I lose this time, I just lose. know?”

League matches are best of 3.

After listening to Tako’s words, I realized that we were currently losing 1:0.

“Almond. Frost Archer is a roaming, operational ADC. You know what I mean? We also play other lanes like Mosul.”

Although I didn’t use it well, it was a combination I had already practiced with Taco.

Taco’s Fisherman and Almond’s Frost Archer.

It is a combination that solves the game by invading the midfield and jungle without being obsessed with killing the opponent’s ADC and support.

Just like a mid laner does.

‘Will this be as influential as Mid?’

Almond was curious as to whether he could actually stop Mosol with this.

Taco placed his hand on Almond’s shoulder.

“Even an ADC can carry the entire game. I’ll show.”

He speaks as if he has read his mind.

After all, he is also someone who spent his entire professional career as a bottom laner.

There’s no way I haven’t thought about this.

‘As expected, it was a good thing I left the ban picks to Tako.’

Almond was worried that Taco might not be able to account for these limitations.

Taco was thinking, as expected. He was always looking one step ahead.

Almond felt much lighter now.

“let’s go.”


There was a faint smile on his lips as he ran across the battlefield.


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