Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 215

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 215

73. Ability to give up sight (3)

“ah. This puts Almond at a disadvantage! No matter how good it is, an ADC is still an ADC, right?”

“If I get caught by a monk, I’ll just die in one combo!?”

This is what the commentators said when the one-on-one battle between Almond and Mosol began.

Basically, it was a fight in which Mosol had the advantage.

It’s a battle between a ranged dealer and a bruiser, so it’s natural.

“But, Almond Player! I choose not to run away!”

“Does it show you something!?”

Although Almond’s running away was the right decision, most of the commentators already knew that.

Almonds don’t run away in times like this.

“almond! Stand still and reduce the waves as much as possible!?”

“Ah, you have good sense!”

“But it would still be disadvantageous!”

After a while.

“Waaah! What is combat!?!”

“I’m going crazy!”

“Wow!! “Mond!!”

The commentators shouted at the top of their lungs, the veins in their necks rising.

If the commentators were this excited, the audience on site would have been even more excited.


-You’re crazy!


It’s not like there was a kill.

However, I didn’t catch any epic monsters.

They just exchanged attacks and exchanged fire with each other.

That alone is enough to make you enthusiastic.

That’s why the battle between the two continued so tensely.

It is similar to applause in a table tennis or badminton game even if there are more than 20 rallies.

“Almond fakes and pushes Mosul away, and Mosul kicks with his foot at the edge of the hitbox!”

“But the almond ‘landed’ on the following uppercut!?”

“Yes! That must be it! He turned his body in the air! That’s probably a feat possible because the first cut kick didn’t go in properly!”

“Ah! Almonds fly really far!”

“If this happens, Mosol is at a disadvantage! Almond is aiming at Mosol from afar!?”

“If you hit Mosol properly, it’s only one hit!”

* * *

Wooooow… … .

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Mosol cursed inwardly.


From this far away, there’s nothing you can do.

Other than running away.

‘I can’t believe you kicked him with an uppercut right there.’

Where on earth does this sense come from?

Mosol was dumbfounded by his opponent’s talent. Although he heard that he, too, was talented.

I’m 30 years old and just started playing reel and I just can’t understand how someone can make plays like that.

Crackling… …!

I felt a wave of my opponent aiming at me.

Ran can shoot to this distance.

‘Let’s run.’

I had to at least run away.

So he turned around and was running desperately.

If you somehow get close to an allied minion, you can use the movement skill ‘Resonance’.

By using a skill commonly called ‘Movement’, almost all attack skills could be avoided.

‘When firing an attack, just use the mover towards the ally.’

The problem is timing.

If you are unnecessarily scared and use the movement skill first, the opponent will attack in the direction you used the movement skill.

Then you have to hit it without fail.

‘You can’t avoid it between frames.’

Big attacks like Ran’s Pure White Crystal don’t work even if you dodge them between frames. You have to dodge it with great precision. There is a high possibility of failure.

‘You absolutely must dodge with the move. Just aim at the moment when you’re shooting.’

He ran towards the friendly minions, concentrating all his nerves to feel the wave of attack.

If you die here, the game is literally over.


At that time, the wave changes on the almond side.

Almond’s hand bounced back in reaction.

It means that a pure white crystal was shot.


However, there were no friendly minions to use resonance.


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Instead, enemy minions appear.

There are two ways for a monk to move.

One is a resonance that can move to an ally.

One is a vibration wave that sticks to the enemy.

[Vibration wave]

He shoots vibration waves towards enemy minions.

Once you’ve set the vibration wave, you can quickly attach yourself to that target.

The monk made his seal again.

[Wave Chasing]


His body flew towards the target hit by the vibration wave at lightning speed.

At this speed, Ran would never be able to hit from that distance.

Lan’s attack must have already missed.

By now, you’re probably exploding behind your back.

‘this. Fake again… … .’

However, Ran’s attack was not fired.

After seeing the mobile device, it was now shot.


A pure white crystal that flies exactly where the monk is flying.


If you hit that, it’s over.

Mosul focused his consciousness as much as possible and scanned the streets for friendly minions that entered the area.

It’s flying so fast that the waves are hard to distinguish.

at that time.

“Mosol! here!”

A friendly contractor runs in, creating a big wave.



Immediately, resonance was activated on the friendly contractor.

The direction of the body that was flying suddenly changed, and it turned 90 degrees, drawing an ‘L’. It’s a physically impossible movement, like a UFO would be able to do, but this is a reel.

Phew… … !

Almond’s attack was in vain, and Mosol safely landed next to his teammate.

“phew. “I barely survived.”

“hey. Why can’t I kill even a single ADC? “It’s one-on-one.”

“crazy. My brother should try it. “That person is not normal.”

* * *

Mosul, who survived extreme situations.

Almond sighed in disappointment, but the commentators were extremely excited.

“Mosol! Are you crazy!?”

“This is the Challenger! It shows! now!”

“and! Zigzag rush using vibration waves and resonance! “The reaction speed is really amazing!?”

“Almond player is really bad too! And he even faked his move there!”

“How did Mosol notice Almond’s fake attack?!”

“Rather than knowing in advance, I think I reacted after seeing it! “The reaction speed of a true 19-year-old!”

“The team members who rushed forward to give us some distance were also very good.”

“First of all, the showdown between Almond and Mosol was incredible. They fought like they were in a martial arts novel!”

“This is going to be circulated around a lot as a meme later! “The audience response is great!”

As the caster said, the response in the chat window was also enthusiastic.

-This is reel! Shu! Ba!

-Wow, is it true that you can fight like that with Challenger?

-They gave the monk a lot of money lol

-Crazy and ambitious

-Look at him standing still, reducing the waves, not running away. He’s so cute ㅠㅠㅠ

-Fakeing until the end is really scary, scary hahahaha

-A, I want to meet you on the same team… …Almond!

There were also chats praising almonds.

-Mosol! Mosol! Mosol!

-and! Buy this lol

-As expected, it’s Challenger Aaah!

-Solo is strong!!! Solo is strong!!! Solo is strong!!!

There are quite a few fans who support Mosul’s play.

This means that the battle between the two was that intense.

It is true that there were good scenes.

however… … In fact, not being able to capture Mosol in this battle was a huge loss for Almond.

As time went on, the overall flow of the game tilted towards Solo Is Back.

The failure to stop Mosol’s growth started to take a toll.

“Mosol! Mosol! I’m killing you again! Wow! How many meters does it take to kill someone!?”

“There is no longer an incarnation that can survive a single combo!”

The difference between the rise of ranged dealers and the rise of mid laners was clearly felt here.

Mid laner is literally mid.

Because he operates in the center of the game’s battlefield, he was able to influence the entire lane.

Moreover, monks are the perfect incarnation for intervening in different lines.

It can detect enemies in the bushes, has two movement abilities, and can knock down enemies after incapacitating them with combo attacks.

It was because of Mosol’s intervention that Bubble Gum, which had been holding up well at the top, collapsed.

“Is this how Bubblegum’s Iron Ball dies!?”

“I took over mid, top, and jungle! Solo is back!”

“Now Mosol is releasing all lines!”

It’s been a long time since mid-air exploded, and even the tower collapsed.

Mosol advanced to the bottom with his entire team.

“Mosol who has given up sight is so scary!”

No matter how much Almond and Taco flew and crawled, they couldn’t win against 2:5.

Even Bottom, the last hope, gave up his life.

And soon, the Balloon Stars sanctuary exploded.


“Ah~ Mouse Mouse~~~”

“Balloon Stars! “This is the first time you’ve even lost the first set, right?”

In a match that lasted up to three sets, it was the first loss for Balloon Stars, who had never lost even the first set.

“Yes! It feels like it’s been a while since I’ve met such a great team!”

“Even the opponent is the one who beats up every scrimmage, Soloiseback?”

“I was a loser during Scream days, but now I’m a strong candidate for the championship?!”

“Ah. Solo is back! A delightful rebellion of the loner! It’s fun!”

Mosol’s battlefield dominance, which grew steadily without Miho’s interference, was amazing.

This is the challenger’s game… … As if to show that, they dominated the entire battlefield.

“Ugh… … sorry. I am… … I’m so tired… … .”

Miho returned to the waiting room in This World and immediately lowered her head.

I guess he was the one who got hit by Mosol the most in this game. You feel guilty.

Bubblegum comforted her.

“no. “What can Platinum do against Challenger?”

“But there’s no MMR coefficient for skills! It’s too… … overpowered… … .”

Miho muttered indignantly.

“Just for a middle school girl… … .”

“Middle school student? She’s 19 years old.”

Strawberry steps in and corrects him.

“No, I’m 20. My actual age is 19.”

“Eh? Is that it?”

When everyone was talking about Mosul’s age.

Taco came over and gave his opinion.

“Okay. Miho is right. Just because I’m a Challenger doesn’t mean I deal more damage or take less. We use the same healthy body with the same limbs. It’s normal to feel upset when we lose. Of course I lose because I’m Platinum. That’s weird. It’s because being Platinum makes me upset in the first place!”

“… … Ugh.”

Bubblegum clutched his heart as if he had been shot.

Taco immediately went into feedback, putting up a chessboard-like strategy board.

“First of all. Don’t take it to heart that we lost one game. We didn’t expect the monk pick at all, so we didn’t respond well to the ban pick.”

I guess it’s professional after all.

Although Takoyaki has a strong competitive spirit, he calms himself down and gives feedback right away.

but… … .

“Whoa… … .”

Almond seemed to have a slight change of heart.

It wasn’t a matter of despairing over defeat or mental turmoil.

‘Isn’t ADC a very good position?’

He was feeling the limitations of his position.

It may seem funny that I feel this way when I’ve only just reached Diamond Rank.

I have personally witnessed Mosul’s dominance in the game.

The roles of these two positions were very different.

‘Comparing the abilities of Storm Ninja and Lan… … Honestly, the performance difference is too drastic. ‘Maybe it’s in the very late stages.’

Even from my own experience with mid, the performance of the incarnations that go to mid is really good.

In addition, words similar to the prophecy(?) that King Gyul had previously claimed flashed through my mind.

“I’ll give you S for almonds. But it’s not original dealer almond. Mead Almond is S.”

King Gyul called Almond, who had never played in the sub position at the time, S as a mid laner.

‘Is it real?’

Almond thought for a while as he glanced at the taco that was giving feedback.

He quickly shakes his head.

‘Taco will make the ban pick decision.’

Were there one or two games where you won easily with Taco’s ban pick?

What I know is just the tip of the iceberg compared to Taco’s wisdom. Almond kept his mouth shut.

Taco finally summarized the feedback.

“Anyway. Sollia is the main character of Mosol. In other words, she likes to roam. “He’s a guy who’s crazy about moving around.”

We discussed Mosol’s response to mid-roaming and ended the feedback.

“Keep that in mind. and… … .”

Tako exhaled for a moment and then spoke forcefully.

“If we lose this time, we lose the match. “It’s my first loss in a league game.”

“… … .”

Everyone was silent at Taco’s words.

“But it doesn’t matter. Even if I lose, I’ll do my best and lose. And Miho.”


“Don’t let your guard down just because you can see the enemy. The jungle ban will be released, and the clowns will be focusing on you.”

“Don’t you usually let your guard down because you can’t see? Haha… … .”


A loud notification rings in the waiting room.

[For the next match, enter the portal.]

The second set of ban picks has begun.


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