Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 213

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 213

73. Skills that gave up sight (1)

Just before the game starts.

Taco was briefing.

He said this about Soloiseback:

“The thing to be careful about is that mid-game is of course a challenger and a mosol.”

First of all, the existence of Challenger.

That was the first thing to note.

“I always couldn’t do anything in scrims and lost because the other lines were all blown up… … .”

Second, the overall skills of the laners are improved.

“Look at this.”


The stat sheet that Taco posted shows results that are quite different from the scrimmage.

“With the entire line tier rising, combat power cannot now be measured. Especially Bottom’s Somaek duo.”

So-maek duo.

This team’s bottom duo refers to Soju and Beer.

Soju, which was Platinum, and beer, which was Bronze, each rose one level.

Soju became diamond tier 4, like almonds, and beer was a whopping silver tier 1. I raised my rank to just before gold.

“Things like this aren’t common… … I don’t think Mosol is called a talented person for no reason. You seem to have a talent for teaching, too. I couldn’t do that when I was auctioning off my team members… … .”

I haven’t experienced an auction for almonds since they were put in urgently in the middle of the process.

It was a reasonable system that allowed each team to take the ranks evenly.

However, perhaps because Mosol was young, his auction know-how was very lacking.

Thanks to this, we ended up wasting points in strange places and bringing in a lot of low-rank players.

But by training those people, they are now running at the top of the league.

“The Somaek Duo rose by a whole rank, and all other lines also saw their tiers rise slightly.”

“and… … .”

Bubblegum was impressed and said to Taco, “Why don’t you have the talent to teach?”, but Taco dismissed it, saying, “Your talent for not being able to teach is stronger.”

“Even so, their overall rank is lower than ours. I’m just telling you not to let your guard down. It’ll be a lot different than when we were scrimmaging.”

With these words, the briefing ended.

The ban pick started right away.

* * *

First of all, Solo Is Back’s ban went smoothly.

Raina and Sana to keep Almond in check, and… … .

“uh? “Are you a poison dart bunny?”

Banned the stinger bunny.

The broadcast crew had doubts.

“This isn’t a very common van pattern, is it?”

“That’s right.”

Kinggyul tells us his predictions.

“ah. This is it. “Don’t confuse us!”

“Excuse me?”

As the caster, who had relatively little reel knowledge, tilted his head, the analyst elaborated.

“Because Poisoned Bunny can be used in almost every lane, including ADC, jungle, and top, it can be confusing when picking and banning.”

“ah! okay! Since the opponent is Balloon Stars, you will need to consider changing your position. “Your head must hurt a lot, right?”

“That’s right. Moreover, Tako always showed a pattern of using the poison needle when playing in the sub position. “I’m afraid of being banned from doing that.”


At that time, Kinggyul suddenly made a loud noise.

“But now that I think about it, do you see anything strange?”

“What is it!?”

“You didn’t ban the succubus!?”

Mosol has been treated harshly by Miho’s succubus many times. Of course, it wasn’t the humiliation of being solo killed. He had to play evenly against Platinum. Of course, it’s not a very good memory.

“this… … Is it possible?”

“Why did you spare her? This is… … Are you telling Miho to go mid? That’s why you banned Dokseom Bunny just now. It’s also hard to change to the sub position.”

“Yes. It looks like the counter is ready.”

“ah. “Anyway, I think there are some viewers who are curious as to why Platinum Miho’s Cirque is treated so seriously in the ban pick.”

As the caster caught the flow, Kinggyul chuckled as if he had been waiting for the story.

“Player Mosul is literally Mosul?”

“Ah! Everyone. I’m talking about Most Sollia. Please don’t misunderstand.”


Laughter is heard from the audience.

“It’s not an age where you should be embarrassed to be single. You’re 20 now, right?”

“Yes! Actually, shouldn’t we have dated before that age?”

“Yes. But at this age, when I’m so energetic, my mother… … no, my mother happens to be Solia!”

Laughter once again erupted from the audience.

Mosol’s expression is caught on camera as the chat window is flooded with ‘ㅋㅋㅋ’.

His face is bright red.

“ah! Say more! Is it Most Solia? What do you mean!?”

“Isn’t Miho famous for her beauty?”


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“Ah, that’s right!”

“There were a lot of people saying that Mosol couldn’t do anything with Miho in scrims!”

“Ah~ Is it because the most important person is Solia?”

“Yes. Especially if this Miho player equips a succubus, the game genre will change completely.”

This time, the caster couldn’t hold back his laughter and burst out laughing.

“Hahahahaha! That, that’s right!”

“As a Mosol player, there is nothing I can do! “I understand!”

“So, I said in an interview that I had tremendous training this time.”

“yes. I bought all of Miho’s pictorials and watched them every day… … .”

“No. Is that going to help!?”

“well. “I think they’re just making excuses.”

“Ah. While we’re talking!”

[Succubus – Sitri]

“Balloon Stars! “I chose a succubus!”

“So you’ve finally made a decision? I feel like the other side deliberately set the stage for you to choose Circus… … .”

“Yes. Although Solo Is Back’s ban is a bit suspicious, it’s hard to avoid the temptation to pick the main character! When Miho played a succubus and Almond played an ADC, Balloon Stars’ balance was the most stable!”

As the pink magical energy spread, Miho’s outfit changed. The audience is shaking.

“But I heard that you bought all of Miho’s pictorials, so I guess they just chose this because they wanted to see the succubus… … Let me guess!”

“Isn’t that what Kinggyul thought when he just saw the succubus Miho!?”


-Caster is so funny lol.

-Ah, is even King Gyul that crazy?

-Honestly, it’s a benefit ㅇㅈ

-???: What do I do after winning the Nant!? Go see more of Miho Succubus!

Following Miho’s Succubus, Strawberry Shooter chose Beast, Taco chose Fisherman, and Almond chose Ran.

And Bubblegum, of course, chose his main character, Iron Ball.

“Now we have the last pick left, right?”

“What will Mosul choose?”

“hmm… … A simple counter to the Succubus would be something like Illusionist or Leprechaun… … “Right now, Mosol isn’t having a hard time because of his succubus function, right?”

“Right! Is that a different problem?”

When another wave of laughter passed by in the audience.

The corners of Mosul’s mouth went up.

“Oh? Mosul? You’re laughing!”

“What is it!”

[Blind Monk – Jagar]


The incarnation he chose was a monk who had lost his eyes but had transcendentally developed other senses.

It was Jagar.

“Ahhhhh! What kind of trick is this!?”

“You’re crazy! This isn’t even the real Mid incarnation!”

“Are you saying it really doesn’t have to be visible!?”

“No, but if that’s the case, why did you even look at Miho’s pictorial?!”

“I just saw it! Just like that!”

The commentators’ reaction was heated.

It was not originally intended for mid-mid, but it was worth it because it brought Avatar, which goes to the top or jungle, to mid-mid.

-Crazy hahahahahahahaha

-You’re really gouging out my eyes

-Mosol gave up sight.

-Monk mid??? lol Challenger’s confidence… … lol

-Wow Jagar hahaha

“This is a very interesting ban pick. I wonder what kind of play you’ll show. I’m ready! Let’s go!”

* * *


Five contractors were summoned to the sanctuary.

While everyone was hurriedly buying their items, Taco’s expression didn’t look too good.

‘I feel like I’ve been caught for some reason… … .’

I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had been caught in the opponent’s trick.

Taco, of course, noticed that his opponent was preparing something.

However, Miho chooses the succubus, and Almond chooses Ran.

It was difficult to give up this sense of stability.

Because this is the combination that has been winning so far.

‘I don’t know how well a monk can do in American dramas.’

When you play as a monk, you become truly blind.

The player instead uses a second sense, such as ultravibration waves.

That’s right, it’s feeling the other person’s ‘waves’ with your body.

The advantage is that it can detect enemies that are very far away, or even inside bushes or behind walls that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

The downside is that there is nothing to see, just waves floating on a dark background.

This is advantageous in the jungle, where there are a lot of bushes and walls, but it is not very useful in the mid lane, which is a square-like flat area with few walls and almost no bushes.

In short, it’s like giving up your eyesight just to not see Miho.

The mindset that you can win if you can’t see it.

Will that really work?

* * *

The game started well.

It was a structure in which each person proceeded with their own tasks, while secretly starting a strategy.

There was nothing particularly worth seeing, since nothing was happening.


Signs of an incident arise in American dramas.


The vibration wave attack launched by the monk hit Miho’s abdomen. A loud noise rang out and her body trembled.

Miho looked embarrassed.

‘Is this right?’

On the other hand, Mosol was more calm than ever. He figured out Miho’s location through the waves and made contact again.


The skill is activated.

[Wave Tracking]

The monk’s new form is launched towards the source of the vibration wave.


Although the monks were blind, they had amazing wave-tracking abilities.

In particular, it was possible to move very quickly in the direction of the waves it shot out.

Of course, since these waves can only be created when hit by a vibration wave, skill accuracy is important.

“Huh… … Huh?!”

The succubus quickly began to run backwards.

No matter where the opponent ran, the waves created by the vibration wave continued to guide him, and the monk instantly clung to Miho.


The monk’s kick hits the mark.


The succubus held pink magic energy in its hands and threw it at the monk.

A pink wave that appears the moment the skill is fired.


The monk bent down flat and avoided it.

‘It’s the end.’

Mosol repeated that, and kicked his body upward like a spring, taking the recoil of his bent body and putting it into his feet.

It hit the succubus’ chin.


[Ahhh! It’s going up!]

[This starts the combo!]

As if in a fighting game, a monk repeatedly throws his fists at the body of a succubus floating in the air.

Pubbung! Pubububung!

The succubus’ body rises again as all the repeated hits hit the target.


Finally, the succubus’s body flew away helplessly from the side kick.

[oscillatory wave]

Surprisingly, Mosol fires a vibration wave again and hits it.

[Wave Chasing]

And then he caught up with the flying succubus’s body and slammed it down.


[First Blood!]

[Wow!!! What a dazzling combo!!]

[This is really good for the eyes!]

[Yes! Miho’s succubus isn’t the only thing that’s pleasing to the eye! This is a treat for gamers!]

[Mosol! I’m strong now! I’m a strong man! It seems like he’s shouting!]

[Ah! Mosul raises his fist upwards to signify that he has overcome it!]


Let Mosol show the ceremony.

The cheers of the crowd filled the stadium.

-Mosol! Mosol! Mosol!

-Hope for singles!!! Jeong Ki-chan!!!

-Jung Ki-chan! Jung Ki-chan!

There were even people chanting Mosol’s real name.

But then, a louder cheer came from another side of the stadium, drowning out everything.


-Go crazy!

-Kill! Kill it!

[Our team has been hit!]

Mosol’s expression hardens at the familiar message.

While he was checking the map.

The next voice follows immediately.

[Double kill of the damn hero!]


[almond!! He put it in the turret and beat up the Somaek Duo like crazy! In the end, I catch it with a fork!]

[No, is this poking!? It’s not poking, it’s hitting!?]

[It’s fucking from the other person’s perspective!]

This felt like something I’d experienced before.

Bad memories come to mind.

This is a picture that appears every time there is a scrimmage. If you can barely hold on against Miho in mid-game. The bottom always exploded.

Mosul shakes his head and fights them off.

‘But this time it’s different.’

Yeah, this time it’s different.

This time, I’m not just barely holding on. I’ve grown up well too.

‘I can kill them all.’

Mosul now has carry power.

Like the original dealer. There is almost nothing you can do in front of a monk.

* * *

About 5 minutes later.

Almond added another 2 kills in the meantime.

Mosol’s monk also killed Strawberry Shooter and Miho once, scoring 2 additional kills, and gradually eating into the enemy’s jungle camp.

“Ah, is Mid-Range the best in Lille? Honestly, their map control is ridiculous!”

“A sneak attack doesn’t work on monks!”

“Not only Miho, but even Strawberry Shooter will dry up and die!”

At that time, Soloiseback’s bottom turret was broken.

“These two will be the saviors of this game! Tacos, almonds!”

“Almond and Taco! Cool down the bottom turret and then move up to mid!”

“Mosol is trying to destroy the mid turret as soon as possible. Strawberry Shooter and Miho are still resisting!”

puck! puck!

Mosol, who was kicking the turret hard, stopped.

A strong wave was felt from the left.

‘Did you come?’


Pure white mana, heavily strengthened with the gold obtained from the kill, was flying out.

“ah! The composition is interesting now. I think the two best players on each team will soon be fighting to the fullest!!!”


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