Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 212

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 212

72. The Benefactor We Met Again (2)

“No, brother. Thank you so much. Suddenly, this opportunity… … .”

It may feel like you’re bowing down.

Joo Hyuk automatically bowed down just for today.

First of all, the CEO of Divers, one of the top capsule manufacturers in Korea, was in front of me.

The representative was a senior at his school and even his father’s junior.

Moreover, if they give me capsules for which I don’t even know how much they cost, how can I keep my back straight?

“Wow. Joohyuk is working hard.”

CEO Park tapped Sanghyun on the shoulder with a very different expression than when he was with Sanghyun earlier.

In that sharp impression, I can now feel a little bit of humanity.


“It’s not even your capsule, so why are you so thankful? You just have to work hard.”

“ah… … haha. That’s right… … .”

“If there were only people like you working here, we might have already surpassed Aston.”

Lee Kang-seok cleared his throat.

“Eh, ahem! Aston is a bit… … .”

Representative Park laughed out loud.

He speaks again to Joo-hyuk as if to reassure him.

“You don’t have to be so grateful. This is a win-win. Where else can we easily find someone with data like Almond as a diver? Plus, the advertising effect will be great.”

Joo-hyuk couldn’t figure out exactly what on earth Park Hyung-jun believed when he said the advertising effect would be so great.

“Also, as you know, our product is the first high-end line. No one will want to write this easily. The Divers image is so… … .”


CEO Park’s company, Divers, has a strong entry-level image.

In addition to the image, we are currently only making entry-level capsules. It’s cheap and has decent performance.

So, it was also the savior of many capsule room owners.

However, the brand image was quite poor.

There were even rumors that he could suffer brain death, and there were actually a few minor accidents.

What’s unfair is that famous overseas manufacturers also experienced the same problems, but the article got more coverage.

“But then I heard that the manager of Almond was you, so I was really surprised. How is your father?”

Joo-hyuk could understand why the CEO immediately brought up the story of his father.

The question is, ‘Did your father allow this?’

“Father… … It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. I hope you’re doing well.”

“hmm. “Don’t you allow it?”


Joohyuk smiled awkwardly and nodded.

“I think so. Because of the older brother’s pride, if he says his son is someone’s manager… … Oh, it’s not that the manager is bad.”

“I don’t want to just end up as a manager, but rather try to gain experience before starting a management company.”

The CEO blinks at Joo-hyuk’s sudden ambition.


“Yes. Honestly, I believe that the younger generation, like me, should lean toward emerging industries rather than the established industries that are like fortresses in order to have hope.”

That way, I can escape from my father’s shadow.

Representative Park nodded as if he understood what was not said.

“… … Yes. That’s right. You won’t be able to make a living if you do what adults do.”

This is something that Representative Park has already experienced once.

The opposition I faced when I suddenly decided to quit my successful semiconductor company and jump into capsule manufacturing.

“I can’t say this or that. Do your best. “It’s a market with a lot of potential.”

From then on, the three of them exchanged jokes about Joo-hyuk’s father.

Joo-hyuk, who was listening at this point, noticed what he was seeing and asked what he had been curious about.

“however… … Do capsules really change a player’s abilities?”

Lee Kang-seok intervened at that remark.

“what? Of course not, man. Is there really a difference between a sports car and a regular sedan? “It’s the same as asking.”


That much of a difference? Joo Hyuk was surprised.

Representative Park smiled and corrected Lee Kang-seok’s words to some extent.

“Not that bad, man. first… … A sports car is a sports car no matter who drives it. “The capsule may not perform well depending on the diver.”

“Does it feel like it removes restrictions?”

“yes. It’s not about raising the floor, it’s about removing the ceiling. Of course, there are also techniques to strengthen the floor. Brain wave stabilization sheet, wind-free temperature maintenance system… … But things like this are everywhere these days, right?”


“High-end products naturally have this, and they even solve transcendent synchronization rates and oversynchronization. This is absolutely impossible with ready-made products. “It can only be realized through customization.”

“ah… … .”

“If this customization performs properly, we will begin mass production.”

“So this will be the new flagship?”

“Ah. The flagship of Divers?”

Mr. Park smiled and shook his head.

“No, Divers already have a very popular image.”

“then… … .”

“I’m thinking of creating another top brand. I’ll change the name completely. I’ll have to indirectly touch on the image of Divers. If I go too head-on, I think I’ll sink.”


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One more brand?

This was the first time I heard about it. It was amazing that Divers, who already had a solid position in the popular category, was preparing for such a big move.

‘This is why it is successful.’

CEO Park displayed the logo on the screen, which appears to be still in production.


“Novara is a brand.”

“oh… … .”

It was a logo that looked luxurious at first glance.

And, the logo looked different to Joohyuk’s eyes.

‘this… … It goes well with almonds.’

Just as Nova pursues high-end capsules, Sanghyun also aims to eventually enter the major scene.

If they mix well, there may be good synergy.

It’s still a delusion, though.

* * *

About 3 hours had passed?

A customized quote was provided.

President Park smiled brightly after looking at the estimate.

“Mr. Sang-Hyeon… … .”


Suddenly, Sanghyun, who was sitting across from CEO Park, raises his head.

“You exceeded my expectations.”

Sanghyeon had no idea what he was talking about.

He just did whatever he was told to do inside the capsule for three hours.

“Instant concentration, acceleration, and brainwave scalability are beyond top class, and are the best I have ever seen with my own eyes… … .”

Words that were difficult to understand flowed out.


“… … Have you ever had brain problems?”

The representative asked in a cautious tone.

“Medical information will never be leaked to the outside world, so please don’t worry and tell us. “Otherwise we can’t make something custom.”


Sanghyeon made eye contact with Joohyuk for a moment.

I told the whole story.

This was a story that even Lee Kang-seok, the owner of the capsule room next door, already knew.

“ah. The right arm… … It was a brain nerve problem. but. Because it’s been going on for so long… … .”

The CEO nodded and scribbled something.

“hmm… … I originally expected it to be about 2 weeks… … .”

The CEO looked at the calendar.

“It will take a little longer.”

“Is there a problem…? I’m using the capsules without any problems right now.”

“No problem? “That can’t be possible.”

“ah… … Of course, there are some difficult aspects.”

“yes. Probably so. If possible, we will produce it taking Sanghyun’s current handicap into consideration. “I don’t know if it’s possible, but we’ll do more research.”

Are you saying that you can adjust the overload related to the right arm?

‘No way.’

Even electromagnetic waves couldn’t avoid it.

Probably not.

Still, it’s good that you’re even trying.

“All right. thank you.”

“But I’ll give it to you until the finals. Only then will we see some advertising effects.”


Sanghyun nodded.

“thank you. “Production is faster than expected.”

“Because the world has become a better place.”

This was the part.

The moment when a person named Yoo Sang-hyun was deeply embedded in CEO Park’s mind.

‘The reaction is amazing.’

They say it will be given to the finals. It was just a half-joking comment.

It’s such a calm reaction. It’s not an artificial calm, but it’s like they really naturally think they’re confident in the finals.

Representative Park smiled differently than before and held out his hand.

* * *

So the next day came.

Today’s game is against Squirrel Thunder.

“Balloon Stars vs. Squirrel Thunder! Squirrel Thunder vs. Balloon Stars! The match begins!”

Squirrel Thunder.

It is definitely not a strong team.

The Balloon Stars are a team that has not lost a single game during a scrimmage.

This team was also ranked near the bottom in the power rankings. Because the difference in power was so great, the bans and picks and the plays were too easy.

They had a bunch of things to ban, but we were at a level where we could win by picking and playing anything.

“ah… … ! “It’s miserable!”

“Rabbit Thunder! Is it passing again!?”

“I have to kill at least once! Please! Let’s just kill one person!?”

If a game is too one-sided, it’s not fun.

So the commentary had a lot of trouble. They raised the tension as much as possible and sang loudly, so the game didn’t seem boring.

Fortunately, Balloon Stars’ style is to push back rather than squeeze their opponents with tight management.

-Squirrel Thunder is so bad ㅠㅠㅠ

-Ha, the power difference is too big.

-I’m not even a fan, but I can’t bear to watch it… … ㅋㅋㅋ

-The mid-game jungle is Bronze and Silver, so what the heck?

-Ah, I’m so bad at picking teams here haha.

They won 2 to 0 in an instant.

“and. A clean 2-0 win, right? If this happens now… … .”

#1 High Protein

#1 Soloise Bag

#1 Red Carpets

#1 Balloon Stars

“Anyway, you’re first place, right?”

“Hahaha. That’s right. First place is right!”

A total of 4 teams shared first place.

They were all prominent teams that had fought at least once. If it’s a little surprising, it’s the Soloise Bag.

“Here’s another very unexpected team!”

“Isn’t it Solo Is Back? It’s literally Solo Is Back! I’m back! Isn’t that the feeling?”

“Mosol has a nickname of ‘extremely talented.’ This player received four professional offers when he was 17.”


“They are all different games.”

“It’s amazing.”

“Instead, God gave Mosol nothing else.”

“Are you your girlfriend?”

“yes? Oh no. I was talking about a teammate… … .”

Solo Is Back. This team was a place where the mid was a challenger, but the rest of the members were just holes.

But now, somehow, I’ve managed to get 2 wins and am tied for first place with Balloon Stars.

Green Tea Bagging, which had a pretty good record, is now recording two losses.

Almond was worried that there might be a division within Green Tea Bagging.

“Good. Let’s do the day after tomorrow just like we did today!”

“The enemy team needs to do what they did today. Gum bro… … .”

“Hahaha! Is that so?”

Fortunately, those concerns had nothing to do with Balloon Stars. The team atmosphere was good.

It was like that for at least a week.

This is probably because Balloon Stars had good matchmaking luck.

“Balloon Stars! “He is a civilian massacre!”

“We’re going to destroy the Cheese Factory!!!”

“Ah~~~ The factory is on fire! Now Miho’s Solia! “I’m going to set the whole factory on fire!”

“almond! almond! “This player is really crazy!?”

“Ran! Almond’s Ran is literally dominating the entire map! I can’t do anything anywhere!!!”

“Balloon Stars~~ We maintain our joint first place position with a 2-0 score, with plenty of points?!”

However, due to the nature of the rules of the Nantjeon, it is actually a matter of luck if you get lucky in the draw.

Anyway, we all had to stick together once.

It’s just that the time has come to face the strong team.

* * *

A few days later.

The day of the match against Soloisebaek has arrived.

“Today’s matchup. “It’s getting a lot of attention, right?”

Caster asks as if he is slowly starting the engine, and Kinggyul answers as if he has been waiting.

“yes! Soloise Bag and Balloon Stars! These two teams? “These two and the high-protein team are now tied for first place!”

Before we knew it, the first place team was divided into exactly three teams.

Balloon Stars, Solo Is Back, High Protein.

“It’s a bit surprising, isn’t it?”

“The Soloise bag is especially amazing!”

“Is that so? Why?”

“My scrim results were really bad. I got stabbed every time we met!”

“Mead is a challenger. “The team selection was a bit of a mess.”


This is a team led by challenger Mosol.

Despite being a challenger, the skills of the rest of the team were miserable.

Thanks to this, my performance in the practice game was not good.

“But now! When it comes to actual combat, its combat power is incredible! Even the teams that defeated them have impressive records!”

However, in actual combat, he suddenly showed his strength.

“Green Tea Bagging, with great power across the board! Led by Challenger ADC Hongcha, Red Carpets had an incredible scrim record! They even beat Gotham City, which had a Challenger top player!”

“Wow. You only met strong teams?”

Even the teams that have won are all evaluated as strong teams.

“yes! The experience is extraordinary! Moreover, as the solo rank scores of other laners are all rising by several levels, the leadership of this ‘Mosol’ player is being re-evaluated!”

“Mosol made his teammates good at the game, right?”

“That’s right! So, I can’t measure this team’s combat power right now!”

Even team members’ ranks rose during the competition.

This means that it is no longer the Soloise Bag it used to be.

“Wow… … That’s great! On the other hand, Balloon Stars has been undefeated so far. But the quality of the teams they’ve defeated so far has been a bit low, hasn’t it?”

“Yes, I’ve met a lot of easy opponents.”

On the other hand, Sang-Hyeon’s team is also undefeated, but so far they have only faced easy teams.

A completely opposite situation to Solo Is Back.

At that moment, the caster changed the subject while fixing his earphones.

“Ah~ While you’re talking! The ban pick is starting! Let’s go check it out!”


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