Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 211

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 211

72. The benefactor met again (1)

After match 1 ends.

The commentators often provide analysis on previous matches.

“Immortal Goral. What should I do? If it’s a ban-pick, it’s a ban-pick. If it’s an in-game play, it’s a play. I’ve been completely robbed.”

“Taco’s ban picks in particular stand out. It’s obvious that he was the brain during his pro days.”

They cited Taco’s ban pick as a primary factor in their victory.

“Yes. He adopted Almond’s mid lane position in practice and won, and even chose Lan, who is vulnerable to rush compositions, and then countered with Time Witch and Hammer Warrior! Beautiful!”

“It’s called Iplil, right? “There were several team fights where I could only use my mouth.”

“A ban pick is also a ban pick. “If it weren’t for Almond’s physicality and instantaneous combat power, the game might have been a little difficult.”

Almond’s extraordinary physical strength was also cited as a second factor in his victory.

“Did you like Miho and Strawberry Shooter today? “It seems like Almond is not the only team whose skills are improving!”

“I think even bubble gum would become really scary if its skills improved!”

“Hey. “That must be really scary in another way!”

Finally, we talked about how scary Balloon Stars will become in the future.

The MVP vote was held.

Since it was a half-joke vote and not an official professional competition, even Miho, who had not been very active, came in second place.

“Ah~ Everyone! This is rude to Miho too!”

“Miho, uhm, anyway, it’s a great American drama, right?”

“It would be a shame for Tako, as ban picks are not an evaluation factor for MVP.”

The relay team was momentarily confused.

Anyway, only the first place winner will be selected as MVP.

The important thing hasn’t changed.

1st place) Badass Warrior

“The MVP is Almond! As expected, that play was great earlier, right?”

“Yes~! Drop the mic! No! Flash sword!”

Kinggyul expressed the situation at the time by twisting his whole body.

-Ugh lol

-What the heck lol

-This is the explanation! Hahaha

-watching!? Red glasses!!

“Kinggyul, you must be really excited.”

“It’s been a while since I saw something amazing!”

“Anyway! The first match didn’t really have any variables. It was a game where the difference in power was clearly revealed!”

“yes. On the other hand, the next game is very difficult to predict, right?”

“That’s right.”

The broadcast moved on to the next game.

The next match was a match between Soloise Bag and Green Tea Bagging.

“ruler. The ban pick has started. Soloise Bag vs. Green Tea Bagging, Green Tea Bagging vs. Soloise Bag. What other strategies have you prepared? … .”

* * *

The broadcasters moved on to the next game.

However, community users did not.

[I dropped the flashing sword earlierㄷㄷ.gif]

[The strongest among nuts. Smoke bomb physical.gif]

[Tomato expression after finishing set 1 lol]

[Kinggyul Droper Flashing Sword.gif]

All the posts like this were headed to Big Pro, and they were still talking about the match between Balloon Stars and Mujisung Elk.

-I got goosebumps when a double kill came out of nowhere inside a smoke bomb.

-The era of nuts has arrived. The era of nuts has arrived.

-Honestly, it was 0.5 electromagnetic waves today. agreed?

└ㅈㄹ I got rabies

└Oh my, Yongpals tsk tsk

└Electromagnetic waves are now obsolete and the era of almonds is coming?

-Can you drop a Blink Sword using electromagnetic waves? Can you drop a Blink Sword using electromagnetic waves? Can you drop a Blink Sword using electromagnetic waves?

└ㅇㅇ Made with dog rice

└If it was electromagnetic waves, I would have dropped my neck at that time

-Did you guys try ninja running in middle school? Did you guys try ninja running in middle school?

└I couldn’t do that because I was busy with almond archery.


-What is the Kinggyul dance lol?

└Great sense of entertainmentㅋㅋㅋ

-King Gyu drop the flashing swordㅋㅋㅋ

These reactions continued until Mosol’s spectacular solo kill in the next match.

[Ah, actually, green tea bagging is the best!? How do we get results like this??]

[Ahhhhh! Mosul! Don’t give me Sollia! It sounds like you’re really growling!]

When this voice came to Joohyuk’s ears.

Chii Iik──

The almond capsule was opened.


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Joohyuk threw a towel.

“You think this is awesome?”

“uh. thanks… … .”

Almond was expressing his gratitude and suddenly became speechless.

“… … “What are you doing?”

Isn’t Joo-hyuk suddenly bending into a strange position?

Joo-hyuk bends over again as if he doesn’t know why.


“Drop the blinking sword… …but.”

“… … .”

What came back was a cold response.

“… … Ahem. Joohyeok. There’s no need to hold on to something like a community for too long.”

Joo-hyuk’s face brightened at Sang-hyeon’s words.


Only then does Sang-Hyeon chuckle at that sight.

“I’m going to take a shower.”

Sang-Hyeon headed to the bathroom without even stopping his smile.

Joo-hyuk glances back at that evil bastard who did not accept his joke.

My back was wetter than I thought.

The reason I was sweating so much was probably because of the Storm Ninja’s power.

I heard that it would be difficult for the general public to play.

I’ve even seen articles that say it’s no different than splitting the brain into three parts.

Something that’s so hard… … Everyone calls it a game.

After all, aren’t games meant to be played to have fun?

But Reel was different.

Very few people do this for fun.

People wanted new achievements here.

In fact, you put in just as much effort into this game as you would struggle in real life, compete to the point that your blood is racing, and even progress despite the strain it puts on your body.

‘Sports seems to be a more appropriate word.’

The mental strength and effort of gamers were comparable to that of any other sport.

Perhaps that’s why Sanghyun was so fascinated.

When I first heard about buying capsules, I thought I was crazy.

It’s no surprise that the next thing he set his sights on after the three primary color targets was games.

‘No, he is crazy.’

Joohyuk corrected his thoughts and turned his gaze back to the monitor.

at that time.


His cell phone rang.

[Hyung Kang Seok]

Brother Kang Seok… … ?

He is the owner of the capsule room who sold the capsule to Sanghyeon.


Joo Hyuk first answered the phone.

“Brother. It’s been a while.”

-Hey. Hey, how are you?

“Yes. I’m doing better than ever.”

A giggling sound is heard on the other end of the receiver.

-I think so. I’m watching the broadcast well. Did you see the commercial?

“No, really?”

-okay. That was so fucking funny? My wife laughed a lot too.

“Ah, even your sister-in-law… … haha.”

Another burst of laughter spreads.

-ah. But that friend named Almond. CEO Park seemed to like it.

“Representative Park?”

-There’s a capsule company that I own shares in.

“Ah. Yes. I know. The representative there… … .”

Joohyuk spun his head around quickly to recall all the memories from before.

In social life, remembering such personal information is surprisingly often very important, so Joo-hyuk is already trained in it.

“Mr. Park Hyungjun! Right?! Hyungjun hyung.”

-uh. Do you remember? Have you ever met? I guess he likes almonds. He also told me that I had sold him a used product from our company and that his friend was currently participating in a competition, and then… … .

Joo-hyuk’s eyes widened as he listened to Kang-seok’s story.

“A custom capsule?”


Joohyuk was dumbfounded.

I’m pretty much ignorant about capsules. He also knows what a custom capsule is.

Just like there are ready-made suits and custom suits, suits are not literally mass-produced, but rather a custom capsule made just for one person.

Considering that the price of mass-produced capsules is so high that it is comparable to that of automobiles, 70-80% of people choose to lease, pay in installments, or rent long-term.

You can roughly estimate the price of a custom capsule if you think of it as a custom sports car.

‘It would cost several hundred million won?’

Depending on the manufacturer, it would not be surprising if the price exceeded hundreds of millions.

“no. “You’re giving me that now?”

-The cycle is human. We advertise too.

“Well, still… … .”

-Let’s discuss it. Come by at your convenience.


Boom boom!

Joohyuk immediately ran over and knocked on the bathroom door.

“hey! Come out quickly! “It’s awesome!”

* * *

next day.

“Wow. You came quickly?”

At 10am we arrived at Divers, the capsule manufacturing company.

Lee Kang-seok waves his hand at the entrance.

“Oh. Okay. You should come early.”

Joo Hyuk greeted Lee Kang Seok, whom he met for the first time in a while, with a warm greeting.

“How have you been? brother. “What about the capsule room?”

“There’s a part-time job there right now. ah. Mr. Sanghyun. I see you again. Nice to meet you.”


Sang-Hyeon entered, greeting politely.

Lee Kang-seok was Sang-hyeon’s benefactor who sold him a used capsule for only 7 million won.

“Your face has become much brighter. haha.”

Lee Kang-seok sees Sang-hyeon in person for the first time in a while.

‘I see you’re doing well.’

From his perspective, Sanghyun now and Sanghyun back then seemed like completely different people.

At that time, Sang-Hyeon had been laid off from his company and had come to buy capsules.

At that time, he shot an arrow properly for the first time in 10 years and burst into tears.

It was my first time seeing a grown man cry so sadly.

Lee Kang-seok was disgusted by men who cried, but at that moment, he felt something hot burning in his chest.

I hoped things would go well for Sang-Hyeon.

“I’m so glad that things are going so well for you.”

“Thank you. It’s thanks to you.”

That weak ember was now burning brightly throughout Sanghyun’s body.

That alone should be enough to make you feel rewarded for helping.

“Follow me. First of all, since it is customized, it requires quite a bit of testing. “It’s a good thing you came early.”

Joo-hyuk and Sang-hyeon entered the company with pounding hearts.

Inside, there was a wide exhibition space.

Inside, everything from entry-level capsules worth 30 million won to flagship capsules worth about 70 million won were on display.

Even at first glance, the expensive capsules had a different design.


After passing through the exhibition room with admiration, they entered the laboratory.

“You’re here. Nice to meet you.”

The representative was waiting inside.

He was a middle-aged man with a quite sharp look.

“Are you Almond?”

Even though he looks like he’s ten years older than Sang-hyeon, he greets him politely.

Sanghyeon was surprised and bowed down.

“Oh, yes. Hello.”

“Thank you for accepting our offer.”

The representative got straight to the point.

“We’re in a hurry, so should we proceed right away? We’ll talk about the details later. “I think the test will take about 5 hours from now.”


“We need to collect data such as VNS values ​​again, and we also have various tests of our own. Please take good care of us.”

“Yes. Thank you.”

* * *

Meanwhile, inside the lab.

Researchers wearing what looked like white spacesuits were waiting there for a moment.

Even though there were four or five people, not a single word was exchanged.

The tension was palpable as the company’s biggest project was underway.

The first time they spoke was when a diver entered through the glass of the lab.

“Team Leader. Is that guy Almond?”


It is said that the divers were personally selected by the CEO.

It was a little strange.

Although he is a person who has become an issue in his own right, he is not very famous, nor is he a professional gamer.

“manager. “Does that person really have the highest VNS next to electromagnetic waves?”

“The electromagnetic waves are next to that guy.”


“It’s unofficial, but that’s what they say.”

“Wow, sir… … Then I guess I understand.”

The only thing that is understandable is his ‘performance’.

VNS values ​​are known to be higher than electromagnetic waves. And the extraordinary plays shown in the game.

Considering that, it was understandable.

“Is the capsule that the electromagnetic waves use called ‘Aston’?”

“… … Yes. That’s probably true. They custom-made it for me there. They actually paid for it.”

“Because I think we are making that class now. “It feels really strange.”

“If that’s what the team leader is like, what about other people… … If Divers says they’re making high-end capsules, they’ll think we’re crazy. If a capsule company goes bankrupt, it’s over.”

“Hey, you little brat. Stop talking nonsense. How many experiments have we done and how many years of research have we done? Why do accidents happen?”

“… … sorry.”

Divers specializes in popular capsules.

A high-end, high-performance capsule has never been available on the market before.

As I continued my research, I created countless prototypes.

In the public perception, Divers specializes in cheap, entry-level capsules.

That’s why this project was so important.

This was also the reason why researchers could not simply be satisfied with almonds’ ‘performance’ abilities.

“manager. But will this person become as famous as Electromagnetic Wave? That should be it… … .”

“I don’t know. I’m sure the CEO has an idea.”

The performance had to be good and it had to be famous.

It was greedy, but now was the time to be greedy.

Because the company is at a crossroads where it can either take a leap forward or fall.


“hey. I know you’re doing that because you’re nervous. Just shut up. “Because it’s crazy.”

“… … yes.”

* * *

About 2 hours later.

The researcher looked at the data for a while with a dumbfounded expression.

And then glance at the team leader.

I told you to shut up earlier… … Should I still say this?

After thinking for a while, he carefully opened his mouth.


“Again, what?”

“That… this person’s data is a bit strange?”


The team leader’s eyes, who approached with a nervous look, soon changed to look the same as those of his subordinates.

‘… … What is this guy?’


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