Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 208

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 208

71. First game (1)

Day one of the competition.

The participants were planning their final strategy or gathering their minds in their respective waiting areas.

The teams waiting for the next game, or the game after that, were all blankly staring at the screen.

[Match – 1]

[Balloon Stars VS Ignorant Elk]

The first match between the participating teams, ‘Mujisung Gorani’ and ‘Balloon Stars’.

After the ban picks were all over, the players finally joined the battlefield.

“Wow… …what is that?”

“It’s the Alldive system. It kills.”

“Ugh. What do we do… … .”

“I’m glad it wasn’t my first game.”

They were all surprised by the all-dive system that allowed spectators to appear on the battlefield. Of course, it was a system that completely changed the atmosphere of the game.

After witnessing the ripple effect of the new system, some participants stood up and stretched, perhaps because they were nervous. Stretching has no meaning in virtual reality, but it is worth doing. Besides that, there were also people who listened to music alone or took a nap.

Among them, there was one person who relaxed in a very unique way.

“… … hey. What are you doing.”

It is Mosul (Most Sollia).

“huh? me? “Training.”

He proudly told his team members that he was training and turned the pages of the magazine he was reading.

A teammate picked up a magazine he was looking at.

‘Full Dive… … Into Miho… … .’

I mutter something with phrases like that written on it.

There was a large photo of Miho on the cover.

It seemed like she was a model for this magazine.

In addition, there are pictorials that Miho has taken over the years, and even some that you have to buy, scattered all over the place.


It was absurd. This is training.

If someone who doesn’t know you sees it, they’ll definitely say that.

“ah… … Fighting! I don’t know if this will get better… … .”


Mosol’s teammates recognized his training.

“If I wear the Pool Party skin, I won’t be able to do anything?”

Those words shook Mosol’s mind.

‘How did know?’

Miho knows how to attack even the Challenger mid laner Mosol herself.

The 19-year-old genius midfielder Mosol, who was a challenger, is being toyed with on the topic of platinum.

‘… … Get used to it. ‘Get used to it.’

Mosol is trying to get used to the stimulus in advance so that the strategy she has prepared never works.

What’s disappointing is that I tried to buy underwear or bikini pictorials, but I couldn’t because I wasn’t over 19 years old.

‘It’s a shame. It’s a shame that I couldn’t practice.’

Mosol, who was regretful and made excuses about training until the end.

For a moment, Miho takes her eyes off the large magazine and looks at the screen.


And then you’re surprised.

“what. “Why not Miho?”

Balloon Stars’ Mid wasn’t Miho.

“… … Tsk tsk. “I was just looking at pictorials, you know?”

Although one of his teammates clicked his tongue.

It didn’t reach Mosul’s ears.

“What happened!?”

* * *

Plain Elk’s Midliner Tomato.

He looked troubled.

‘Ah. This is really mead.’

In the distance, you can see almonds stretching out.

[hey. Is it really almond mead? What about our tactics? The goal was to improve mid-range and kill ADC.]

[Are you sure this is American drama?]

[Oh. I see it over there.]

[ha… … I couldn’t believe it. Tsk.]

The friend I am lamenting about now is ‘Pepper’, the Grand Master’s jungler. He was also the leader of the team.

‘You see through this?’

I definitely made you think it was a combination aimed at bubble gum.

‘Taco… … He even shaved his head. ‘He’s not dead after all.’

As expected, it seems that you can’t fool a former professional’s experience.

[I can’t help it. The ban pick was a bit messed up. It’s okay though. It just changes to killing Strawberry Shooter.]

[Then the operation remains the same, right? Raise me.]

[uh. I’ll destroy the American drama. But can it hold up as a counter?]


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The basic principle of ADC killing does not change.

However, the problem was the Avatar that the Blink Sword had to deal with.

‘I didn’t consider ninja.’

I never thought that she would change positions from the first match, so I didn’t take into account that the hard counter, Storm Ninja, would come out. Miho can’t play Ninja.

‘I was thinking something like a leprechaun.’

I thought Miho would fight as a leprechaun.

I didn’t know that if you change it to an almond, it will turn into a ninja.

‘I should have watched all the screams.’

Since Pepper is not a professional player, he was not able to watch all of the opponent’s scrimmages. So the emergence of almond mead was a variable that had not been taken into account.

Of course, even if I had known, it would have been over if I hadn’t remembered it at that moment due to the nature of the ban pick process that proceeds within a set time limit.

[I’m a flash sword craftsman. Would you like to see a counter or two?]

Fortunately, Tomato is confident in his most-1 pick.

[If that’s the case, I’m glad.]

[hey. Anyway, I’m really nervous about having an audience.]

[I know… … .]

Since this was the first time the system was being applied, it seemed like it would take some time to get used to it. Even when you hit a monster, you can see the audience.

It didn’t feel like I was playing a reel, it really felt like I was playing a sports game.

* * *

“ruler. The first match to be played using the new all-dive system! “The players must be nervous, right?”

“Right? This is the first time we’ve seen a match this immersive. This is our first time too! If it’s like this, we might not even need an offline match!”

“Wow. The world has really become a better place!”

“Now I can really do everything at home!”


As we were just talking about the audience, the analyst interjected with a polite clearing of his throat.

“What are the main points, Kinggyul?”

“Ah. At first I thought it was a top dive combination? But after picking them all, I realized it’s a Blink Sword combination.”

“ah. So, Tako’s ban pick, which boldly gave up other elements and chose a mid counter, was a good one?”

“yes. You could say it was sharp. Now, the important thing is how the ignorant elk responds to the ban… … .”

Caster intervened and asked.

“Those professional things are great, but what about just the fun factor?”

“Ah, it’s similar, but the romance of solo-rank warriors! There will be a showdown between Storm Ninja and Blinkblade! They both show off some really flashy battles, right? Of course, Blinkblade starts at level 6… … .”

“Ah. That’s true. It’s a situation you don’t see often in professional matches.”

“Yes. Both are not very stable for use at the professional level. However, if you have the skills to use the electromagnetic waves, they can be used at the professional level.”

“The compatibility with each other is clear. This is also fun. Until level 6, ninjas beat you up. “The situation changes once you reach level 7 or 8, right?”

The caster laughs heartily.

“Ah. So everything is based on level 6?! King Gyul?”

“That’s right. That’s when the Flash Sword comes in. When it reaches 6, it becomes two swords, and you become a completely different character. From then on, it’s a battle between the spear and the drill.”

Caster asks this time, turning his head towards the analyst.

“By the way, analyst!”


“Almond! Almond’s tier has gone up a lot! What do you think, Analyst? Did you expect this!?”

After all, the analyst in red glasses has always said that Almond’s skills need to be ‘verified’.

The analyst lifted his red glasses and smiled.

“Well. I expected it when I got there about halfway through the training period. Ah, this player… … At least he’ll get to Diamond in no time.”


Caster Kim Sang-hoon reacts in surprise.

The viewers and the audience also laughed.


-I guess the king fever is over now.

-Of course it’s a certified certificate! It’s difficult! It’s difficult!

at that time.

The first clash occurred.

“uh! While we were chatting for a while!!”

Kinggyul immediately changed the topic. All the heads of the audience turned and turned towards the show.

“The midline is in trouble right now!”

“No. Why is there such a difference in minion kills?!”

* * *


The shuriken and the flashing sword collided, sending sparks flying.

Flashing sword, Swift hesitated backwards.

‘what. This aim… … .’

Tomato was embarrassed. Because it was my first time dealing with Almond on Line.

Almond barely managed to avoid the minions’ attack range and threw shurikens whenever he had the chance.

Even though the tomato tried to eat the minion, it had to take time to block the flying shuriken.

By then, the minion was already dead.

‘What kind of accuracy is this?’

It felt very different from the Storm Ninja I’d seen before. Usually, these shurikens are just for deterrence, nothing more, nothing less.

This guy’s shuriken is aiming for my vital spot with the intention of killing me.

Is that why?


[Minion Kill 3]

I could only eat 3 minions.

On the other hand, what about almonds?


[Minion Kill 21]

He ate a whopping 21 minions. This means he ate every single one of them with a final blow.

[What is this? Considering that it is a flash sword, is that okay?]

[hmm… … If it were a professional game, it would have been blown up, but it’s still worth holding on to.

[Ah! Can you hold on? Isn’t that a bad thing to say!]

[Yes. It will be a bit difficult to do on your own.]

[Tomato player is a flash sword master and has 1 diamond. What can I do with this?!]

The moment the commentator started saying that, the audience also started booing.

-Uuuuuuuu… … !


The tomato flinched at the jeers.

Even if you can’t hear the commentators, you can hear the audience.


At that moment, blood spurted out as if it had been waiting.

The shuriken was stuck in my shoulder.

[I looked like I was going to die while being controlled!!!]

[No, Almond Player! Why are your shurikens so sharp!? If you keep throwing them like that before you even learn Storm Shuriken, anyone would be a ninja!]

The tomato bit its lip.


-Return the diamond!


-almond! almond! almond!

The crowd’s continued booing.

“Ugh. “Just wait a minute, you guys.”

Tomato was a little taken aback by Almond’s shuriken accuracy.

Still a craftsman.

His Blinkblade isn’t all that weak early on.

‘It depends on how you use it.’

It’s not like Blinkblade has nothing to do at the beginning.

The early advantage of the blink sword is its passive ‘Sword Strength’.

It activates automatically once every few seconds.


As energy surges at the tip of the sword, the dagger turns into a long sword.

The tomato slowly moved forward.

Almost at the same time──



The sword strike hit the opponent.

It seems that Almond did not expect the enemy’s attack.

[82% Stamina]

A huge amount of damage was dealt in just one room.

The craftsman is a craftsman. He uses the edge of the intersection like this. It was a play that couldn’t be done without precise distance sense.

With this one shot, my stamina turned around.

It was a completely different level of damage from slowly chipping away at something with a shuriken.

“Haha! “This is a deal exchange!”

This is a play mainly performed by flash swords.

After dealing passive damage with the sword, throw the flash sword back and run away again.

Now all you have to do is throw your sword in the direction of the friendly turret and use blink.


Swift’s sword was thrown.

A sword that flies quickly towards the turret.

If you run away like this, the line battle will become boiling again. But──



“… … what?”

The flying sword fell.

Something flew by and dropped it.

The audience also murmured in surprise, and Tomato couldn’t even react and used her skill.



Did it move 3 centimeters? It was a distance that made it embarrassing to use blinkers.

“This is so beautiful… … .”

The trip was so short that Almond was waiting in front.

“… … Hit!?”


Almond’s sword cut off his neck.

[Critical Hit!]

[Health 77%]

Continued slashing.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

[Critical Hit!]

[53% Stamina]

[Critical Hit!]

[Health 32%]

Almonds are cut into pieces as if they had been waiting for this day.

Tomato was probably quite embarrassed and was unable to properly block any of the sword strikes.

No, I couldn’t pick up the sword in the first place because it fell in a strange orbit. If you learn a new skill, the sword will stick to your hand… … .

Now level 1.

There’s nothing but a blink, and that blink is currently on cooldown. A whopping 12 seconds.

In 12 seconds on the reel, the contractor can die about 3 times.

But that didn’t mean I could run.

It’s not for nothing that there’s a meme calling Swift who doesn’t blink ‘slow’.

“Ah, no! Chew… … Wait!”

Wow! Wow!

The tomato died while holding out its palm, as if trying to dry the almonds.

[First Blood!]

The moment when this voice echoes throughout the battlefield.

-Waaa …

A thunderous roar shook the battlefield.

[AA …

[What did you just play!?]

Like the voices of the commentators, the chat window soared like crazy.


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