Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 207

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 207

70. Competition begins (2)

In the waiting room where Sanghyun was staying, this phrase came to mind.

[Participants, please enter the portal.]


I could hear some team members swallowing dry saliva.

The waiting room was that quiet.

Because there was nothing more to prepare and nothing to say.

Just before entering the portal.

Only then did Taco speak.

“I believe everyone is mentally prepared.”

Everyone nodded silently.

“You turned off all chat, right?”

Due to regulations, chatting is not allowed during the actual competition.

This is to prevent viewers from revealing information about the other party.

You may feel empty because chat is gone.

The moment I stepped into the portal, I realized.

That didn’t happen.

[Entering the stadium.]

[Sponsored by… … ]

The screen goes dark for a moment and the logos of the game sponsors appear one after another.

The moment it brightens white again.

“Wow… … !”


A loud cheer rang through my eardrums.


Thanks to this, Sanghyun’s steps stopped for a moment.

‘Is it like this?’

Even though it was virtual, the cheers heard as soon as they entered the stadium were enough to overwhelm the participants.

Glow sticks waved by spectators wearing colorful and unique costumes.

Some people’s glowing sticks hung straight up like a female baton, attracting attention.

What caught Sang-Hyeon’s attention the most was the right side of the stadium.

People wearing almond-shaped hats were screaming.

-Almond! Almond! Almond!


-Wow! Almond!

It felt like I was seeing the Almond Year, which I had only seen in the chat window, in real life.

A feeling of unreality, no, surrealism ran down my spine.

“… … and.”

Sanghyeon couldn’t help but sigh.

There are countless fans who only exist in chat rooms or communities now.

Even though it was virtual reality, people cheering me on were willing to buy tickets and shout my name.

It would be difficult to experience a more overwhelming emotion than this.

“Mond. “Wave your hand.”

Bubblegum came forward first, jumping up and down and waving his hands.

Even though Sanghyun didn’t make as much fuss as bubble gum, he slowly waved his hand.


-Gyaaaah! Oppa, I’m dying!

-Almond! Almond! Almond!

Once again, a thunderous roar broke out.

But there was a voice that covered it all.

[B~~~Allun Stars! Enter~~~~!]

This is announcer Kim Sang-hoon shouting from the stadium.

Every time she vigorously waved her arms, her colorful outfit sparkled.

[Wow, it’s super popular!?]

Kim Sang-hoon gestures toward the Almond fans and says.

The camera also pans to show the audience.

People wearing almond hats and screaming ‘Get out of here’ were caught on camera.

The viewers laughed.

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋCrazy nuts


-When did they get something like that? lol

-Almonds are super popular lol

-Can humans get rabies too!?

That’s because the almond-shaped hat was so funny.

But this wasn’t even funny.

[Wow! A foolish goral! The character is clear!]

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ you guys


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– ㄹㅇ They are a bunch of idiots haha.

-I’m back lol

-He’s ranked 5th in the power rankings. He’s really skilled.

The Mujisung Elk team appeared wearing half-human, half-horse cosplay.


They stood in a line and made a gesture toward the Balloon Stars team.

Taco frowned.

“You’re starting a war of nerves.”

I realized that they weren’t dressed like that just to make the audience laugh.

“They want to make you feel stupid if you lose to your own team. Ignore it. “You just have to act as if it doesn’t exist.”

The team members followed Taco’s advice and acted as usual, each taking their places.

[The players took their seats!]


Flashing lights started coming on one by one, and the picture window immediately came to mind.

[Choose the incarnation you want to ban.]

Once the van starts.

The broadcast also starts from this time.

The caster got lucky.

[Now the ban picks begin! Now, since this is the opening match, depending on what strategy is used here, it could have an impact on the competition itself!?]

King Gyul, who was sitting next to caster Kim Sang-hoon, heard what he had to say.

[Yes, during any tournament, the meta changes at least once, right? Even if it’s a slightly lower-level Nant match, it’s no different!]

[Ah… … The level is a bit low?!]

[Haha. That’s what I mean… … .]




While the caster and the commentator were talking, the van was already over.

[Ban List – Balloon Stars]

[Crazy Biker – Paul]

[Supernova – Solia]

[Sturdy Wings – Valkyrie]

Balloon Stars’ bans are generally designed to block enemy rush combinations.

The biker Paul summons a motorcycle and rides it when he uses his spiritual power, and Sollia uses the powerful heat as her propulsion to quickly fly around the battlefield.

Valkyrie is the best tank to fit into a rush composition because she can parachute into any ally position from anywhere.

‘To this extent… … .’

Tako thought that this was enough to block the most difficult of the enemy’s combinations.

A charge combination is still possible, but probably not as powerful as one that includes those three.

‘The problem is the other team’s ban.’

Taco frowned and looked up the opponent’s ban list.

[Ban List – Mujisung Gorani]

[Cold-Blooded Demon Archer – Rayna]

[Succubus – Sitri]

[Iron Ball – Let’s]

It can be said that it is a decent van for Reina and Succubus.

But there’s one rather unusual van involved.

“Huh!? Why me?”

The main character of Bubble Gum. Iron Ball.

He is a tank incarnate that transforms into an iron ball whenever he wants and rolls around to disturb his opponent.

That was banned.

Aside from the fact that Bubble Gum’s skill level is high, Iron Ball doesn’t have a particularly good performance rating, nor is it a threatening pick.

“Wow. Didn’t Balloon Oppa’s provocation really work!?”

“Did I just say that you’d be a shame if you lost to me? Be patient! Don’t you think it would be a shame if I were to ban my character and win!!”

Bubble Gum was shouting while pointing a point at the opposing team.


[Centarous – Chester]

The enemy’s first pick came out.


Taco nods as if he knows what’s going on.

“I think they’ve put together a top rush combination?”

“Surely… … Are you going to keep killing only me?”

“That’s highly likely. The rush composition is easy to use for turret diving anyway… … .”

“eww… … .”

Bubblegum, who had heard that story, showed a face filled with fear.

I thought I would die throughout the game, and my mind went blank. Can you already imagine what kind of chats will come up?

“Anyway, let’s proceed with the pick. “Let’s choose a support first.”

Picks were made one after another.

I chose the small taco as expected.

“Jungler, let’s go as beasts. how is it?”

“I am fine.”

A pick that proceeds according to a set procedure.

Something feels off.

‘Their top strategy was never used during practice matches.’

It was strange.

In practice matches, the ignorant Gorani only practiced killing long-range enemies.

You practiced so hard and then suddenly attacked the top during a real match?

Will that work? It’s not even a professional team.

Taco quickly corrects the order.

“for a moment!”


“Jungle, let’s change this to Poison Bunny. Not Beast. Poison Bunny. Jackie.”


Taco chose the versatile Poisoned Bunny, even though it was a bit less efficient, in order to save his last bastion… … .

[Blink Sword – Swift]

The opponent chose Swift as a mid pick. This is the best version of Tomato, an American mid-stream.

‘It’s okay.’

Was it rain? Taco was scratching his head and trying to decide on his next pick.

That moment.

I notice something strange.

“I get it. “My next pick is Storm Ninja.”


All the team members looked at him.

* * *

As the picks are being completed one by one.

The commentators didn’t know what the difference was at first.

“ah. It looks like Balloon Stars is taking the Beedrill Bunny Jungle again this time, right? I think I had a bit of trouble with the beast. “Wouldn’t a fielder be better in combination?”

“I agree. Rather, what options do you have left, Miho? “Solia and Cirque got banned.”

at that time.

[Storm Ninja – Haruki]

Storm Ninja appears as a mid-incarnation.

The commentators were speechless for a moment.

“Miho used to be a ninja?”


The analyst who was flicking through the screen shook his head.

“No, I don’t.”

At that time, Kinggyul intervened.

“Ah! This isn’t Miho, it’s the position that leads to Almond Mead. I showed it to you once about a week ago. It became a hot topic as a store pick at that time.”

“Is that so?! “It’s a sub position!”

“Yes! I chose the Poison Bunny because I had in mind that Strawberry would be a long-range attacker at the bottom!”

“This is surprising. What are you going to do with Almond as the mid against an enemy that has prepared a strategy to attack Bubblegum?”


Kinggyul didn’t understand that either.

However, the Storm Ninja pick itself was quite good even if you only look at the mid lane.

“If the enemy mid laner is Blinkblade and Storm Ninja comes out, it’s hell, right? At least until level 6!”

“Oh, all the picks are finished while we’re talking!”


With the loud sound of drums, the bodies of all the participants disappeared somewhere.



With the sound of lightning, a huge battlefield unfolded in the stadium.


-Wow, what is this!?

-Kill me!

The audience gasped at the incredible sense of presence.

Spectators can cheer by looking down at the field with their own eyes, rather than through a screen.

The caster shouted the message requested by the production company.

“This is the All-Dive system that will be applied from this season! The battlefield will be inside the stadium, and the participants will be able to see the spectators! Just like soccer!”

“and! “Technological advancement is amazing!”

“Now, the first match against NANT. Balloon Stars vs. Ignorant Elk! Ignorant Elk vs. Balloon Stars! “Let’s go take a look!”

* * *

Almond didn’t understand the sudden change in position.

‘What? It’s not like I just chose Ninja because he’s Swift’s counter… … .’

Are you saying you made a ban pick after looking at just one mid lane?

“You pulled out the Blinkblade.”

Taco added, as if reading Almond’s thoughts.


“Instead of destroying the tower, I created a combination to increase the flash sword and kill ADCs.”

Almond thought for a moment.

“Isn’t it because the blinking sword is Tomato’s most important 1?”

“That’s true, but even so, Swift doesn’t really fit the top strategy combination.”


“Mid needs to go up top and rush to attack the top lane. That won’t work. Swift is stupid before level 6.”

“ah… … .”

Swift can use two Blinkblades once he reaches level 6. That’s when the real Blinkblade play begins.

“Looking at it, it’s about raising a flashing sword. “The top plan is to ban Gum as the main character, making him stupid, and focus on mid-career, then later rush in with a large flash sword to catch ADC.”

Swift has a disarm skill.

It temporarily removes the opponent’s weapons, which is fatal to ADCs.

After the laning battle goes well, the ADC is not allowed to do anything later… … It is a combination of.

“Is that why you banned Reina?”

“Yeah. Of all the ranged dealers, only Reina was banned. Only Reina.”

Since Raina is Almond’s iconic pick, it wouldn’t be surprising if she was banned.

So their true intentions were not visible.

‘It’s creepy.’

If you think about it, Reina is a counter to the rush combination. Almond’s Reina is even more so.

Whether four or five people are charging, Almond’s Raina can disappear from sight in an instant.

‘It was banned because it was a combination that kills ADCs.’

You hide your strategy by banning the enemy main character and picking your own main character.

It’s an amazing psychological warfare where you can’t tell how many people are at stake.

“And isn’t that what they practiced the whole time during scrimmages?”

“Killing the long-range attack… … .”

“Yeah. Just keep practicing what you were doing.”

We’ve even put together a combination that can deploy your most practiced tactics.

Now all the puzzle pieces fit together.


Taco placed a hand on Almond’s shoulder.

“We made a pick that focuses on flash swords, so they will be very focused on mid defense.”

“I guess so.”

“Breaking through that defense. “That’s your job.”

Yes. If the opponent has a strategy of raising Blinkers, then the game will end if you kill only Blinkers.

So, Taco made his ban/pick decisions by prioritizing the mid lane compatibility over other lanes.

[Welcome to the battlefield!]

The light of the sanctuary rises before your eyes, and a shout is heard.


-Let’s go!

-Almond! Almond! Almond!


Yes, you can see the audience inside the game too.

It’s a completely different feeling from what I usually do with reels.

They say this is a system that will be implemented on a trial basis starting this season.

Perhaps that is why the team members, who are veteran broadcasters, also look nervous.

“Wow… … .”

“Wow. What should I do? This is really nerve-wracking!?”

Almonds were actually no exception.

There was no human being who could not tremble in this situation.

‘are you okay. The body remembers.’

Even if I was nervous and my throat was dry and scratchy, it didn’t matter.

After all, it is his hands, not his head, that will swing the sword, and his feet, not his head, will dodge enemy attacks.

‘Let’s break through.’

Almond repeated Taco’s words as he stepped towards the midline.


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