Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 203

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 203

69. Before the Storm (1)

Ride, ride!

Hearing the frightening sound of footsteps approaching from behind, goosebumps ran down Hongcha’s arms.

“what! Why are you so fast!?”

-LOL Look at the stack.

-Chakra 4 stacks lol

-Ask Choco Songi

Every time a chocolate bunch is killed, the ninja’s intuition is achieved.

Thanks to this, Almond is now about 40% faster than the original Ninja.

The already fast Ninja has become about 40% faster.

No matter how good your skills are, it’s impossible to suddenly deal with that speed.


As the sword was pulled out, a flash of light occurred.


Lemon lay back.

Red blood spurted out, blurring my vision.


[Our team has been hit!]

A voice echoed as if answering Hongcha’s question.

‘this. crazy. ‘You control that speed like that?’

The speed and accuracy are outrageous.


Even while complaining, Hongcha pulled the bowstring.

Her eyes followed the almond’s movements keenly.

He opened his eyes wide as if he didn’t want to miss a single movement.


At that moment, everything flowed slowly.

Paang… … !

The bowstring was released, and the arrow flew towards Almond’s expected path.

‘That’s right.’

For such a fast assassin-type incarnation, frost archers are rat poison.

If you freeze your lower body, you can’t do anything.

The arrow was flying exactly where she had aimed: towards Almond’s leg.

And the next arrow too.


It shoots exactly along the following path.

Almond, who was hit twice in a row, would have frozen legs and would have tripped over his own feet.



However, a completely different result than expected was unfolding before our eyes.

Kagagaga River!

‘Kick that out?!’

Almond hit the arrow. There must be a limit to cutting it off with a sword.

Those reflexes are incredible.

It definitely wasn’t that bad before.

‘The hands have changed.’

The sword that was held in the left hand is now in the right hand.

Could it be because of that…?

at that time.

Almond kicked the floor hard.


After the floor cracked open.

A new type of almond was shot towards the black tea.


‘too fast.’

The speed was far beyond the expectations of black tea.

Since the total amount of chakra has already increased by 50%, the ninja’s speed has also increased by about 50%.

Hongcha quickly pulled the bowstring again.


[Chakra release mode]

This time, Almond spreads his palm and deflects the arrow.

It is a technique that utilizes chakras.

The story is that the output of the chakra is comparable to the speed of an arrow.

That means the almonds flying in with that output are just as fast.

Hongcha’s hair fluttered in the strong wind.


Before I knew it, the sword had cut off a handful of vital areas.


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Hongcha’s body sways.

It’s embarrassing.

‘what… … ?’

It’s not just because of the opponent’s speed.

‘I tried to avoid it?’

She tried to dodge the attack through the frame, but it didn’t work.

No, more precisely, he knew where she would move and was cutting there.

‘It was read.’

It’s actually been a while since I read it.

In one game, Hongcha was hit by Almond 3 times.

‘That wasn’t a coincidence.’

I thought it was a coincidence.

Everyone can take prediction shots.

But now I see that’s not the case.

Unlike archery, the cutting attack just now had only one chance.

Without any hesitation, I turned it to the left and cut it.

If you are not confident, you cannot do this.

‘What is this? Are you studying me?’

It gave me goosebumps.

I felt completely naked.

Almonds, on the other hand, are rewarding.

‘It’s useful.’

Well done for your hard analysis.

With that thought, Almond kicks his foot again to cut it.

Hongcha also quickly kicked his feet and tried to avoid Almond’s attack somehow.

“also… … !?”

Read it again. Habits are scary.

A shining silver sword passed under the chin.

The red silhouette sparkled and reflected.


[Health 5%]

My stamina was almost gone.


The sword slashed at her once more in quick succession.

If you get hit this time, it’s over.


Hongcha gritted her teeth.

I had to overcome my habits and adopt different patterns.

Ss …

As my back tightens, the sword blow passes by. I barely escaped it.

‘I dodged it this time!’


Black Tea took a rough breath and regained her stance, kicking her feet and running like crazy.

[Hey, I’m going crazy! When are you coming?!]

[Almost there! Just a moment… … !]

[I’ll get caught… … ]

He continued to shoot arrows from behind while calling the jungler.

Paang! Paang! Paang!

Even though you shoot while running, the continuous shooting continues cleanly.

As many as four to five arrows flew through the air one after another.

‘Do not come!’

Even if you get blocked, you will be able to hold off your opponent even a little.

But the opponent was too fast.


Almond’s new model blocked the way.

Almond’s face suddenly appeared in front of my nose. Hongcha was embarrassed and her face turned red.

The corner of Almond’s mouth rose.



A sword piercing her heart.



Hongcha’s vision suddenly fell down.

Almond’s right arm, frozen solid, looks up.

There were three or four arrows stuck in there.


He ran while sacrificing one arm as a shield.

‘You blocked it all with one arm.’

I had no intention of buying almonds anyway.

“Black tea!!”

The jungler who jumped in then hit Almond’s head.


The almond flew in the same direction it was hit and fell to the ground.

Almonds are also dead.

But I had a hunch about black tea.

‘Let’s not watch Community for a while.’

This game is lost.

* * *


In the end, the opponent declared surrender about 20 minutes into the game.

On this day, the match between Red Carpets and Balloon Stars was a complete victory for Balloon Stars, 2 to 0.

Although the result was a complete victory, Taco’s feedback continued for quite some time.

After hearing all the feedback, I came out of the capsule and it was 9pm.



Almond, who appeared with the sound of a hydraulic press, looked drenched in sweat for the first time in a while.

“Good work.”

Joo Hyuk threw a white towel.


Sanghyun lightly shook off his hair with a towel and wiped the inside of the capsule.

A damp touch is felt.

‘Is it because I kept playing with both hands today?’

As the opponent was his opponent, Almond had to exert as much concentration as he could today.

He took off his damp white T-shirt and threw it into the laundry basket and asked Joohyeok.

“How was the reaction today?”

It was a practice game, but I beat the challenger anyway. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious about what people were saying about this.

Instead of answering, Joohyuk gives a thumbs up first.

“Very good? “Your story comes up quite a bit.”


“Oh. You practiced a lot. It was rewarding.”

Sang-Hyeon is also taken in by those words and approaches them to look at the monitor together.

Joo-hyuk searched for keywords such as ‘almond’ to make it easier for Sang-hyun to see. I passed the monitor.

“… … Wow, sir.”

Sang-Hyeon’s eyes widened at the more than expected mention.

“Is this a reel pro?”


Sanghyeon asked again as if he couldn’t believe it.

This is because Lil Pro has never received this level of attention before.

“Look at this.”

Joo Hyuk points to the corner of the window.

5th) Almond

This was Lil Pro’s search term ranking.

Among them, almonds rank 5th.

* * *

Balloon Stars and Red Carpetz.

Comparing the strengths of the two teams, it was actually not surprising which one would win.

Red Carpets had a very high tier at the bottom, but the rest of the line was so poor that it made people cry, and Balloon Stars was evaluated as a team that was neither here nor there because Almond, who was in silver, pushed out the main position of Strawberry Shooter.

It’s tight.

That is why the process of predicting the superiority of both sides in ‘Reel Pro’ was more intense.

[I think Balloon Stars will win]

[Everyone who knows a little bit cheers for Red Carpet]

[Fact) Little idiots like almonds]

In the end, the result was Balloon Stars’ victory.

What was particularly noteworthy was the second game rather than the first.

Of course, this was the first time the sub position was used.

[Do you really use almond mead?]

[What is this? Is this real? Almond Mead store pick? LOL]

[Wow, this is going to break my spirit. Opponent]

[Even a ninja!?]

In addition to the store pick, it completed a huge aggro.

The fact that the target of that pick is a Storm Ninja is a perfect example of this.

-Chocolate bunches are crazy haha.

-No, really?

-Wow, this is haha.

-Ninja’s intuition! How much are you going to raise me for!

-No, Almond Ninja is so good???

But even from the beginning, he overwhelmed his opponent.

I won the game.

-You’re saying you can win this????

-Wow, the shop pick ninja gave me a cat lol

-F*ck, throw it away, Choco Song… … .

The initial tone was to criticize the other side’s sloppiness.

[Detailed analysis of Almond Ninja play]

[Almond Ninja Dodging Between Frames]

[Almond sealing the Black Flame Dragon in his right hand]

As one by one, analysis articles began to appear, public opinion changed.

-Wow, dodging all the black tea freezing arrows while cutting frames is legendary.

-The adsorption and release transition is also very fast.

-Since I started using my right hand, my shuriken accuracy has gone crazy.

-The Black Flame Dragon has awakened! The Black Flame Dragon has awakened!

Of course, there were quite a few comments saying they couldn’t accept the ninja playing against Silver.

Public opinion was better than at first.

Moreover, Reina’s play as a non-ninja was met with only a completely favorable response.

[Almond’s Root Reina Moving]

[Reina avoids the damage from Lan’s attack by selecting the knockback]

[Frame Breaking Artisan Almond Reina]

A post like this comes up, and comments pour in.

-Wow ㅋㅋㅋㅋ You’re saying you can avoid knockbacks, damage, and choose freely to avoid them????

└No, does that make sense???

└They say there’s a 0.01 second gap between the knockback and the damage ㅋㅋㅋ

└0.01 seconds is like Eva, lol. Isn’t it 0.1 seconds?

-Because you can move like that, you did really well even if it was your first time as a ninja. It’s scary what happens when you become skilled! almond!

-You can marry Reina! Almond! You can marry Reina! Almond! You can marry Reina! Almond!

└Why did you decide that… … ㅠㅠ

└Arrest of Dehyeop

If the response to Ninja was around 6:4, with 6 users approving it.

Reina’s response was overwhelming, about 9:1.

-It is correct to say that Raina is now just an almond.

└It’s been almonds since long ago…

└Because I took your lips… …

└Take responsibility for your entire life!

-I thought I wouldn’t do well since it’s been a while since I brought it up. We’re just one body

└One body with Raina… … ㄷㄷㄷ

└ㅁㅊ ㅋㅋㅋ

-Reina admits it! I don’t know about ninjas, honestly haha.

-We are now living in the age of almonds! We are now living in the age of almonds!


After taking a shower and lying down in bed, Sang-Hyeon read the community posts and burst into laughter without realizing it.

Once upon a time, about 10 years ago.

There were people who said that Yoo Sang-hyun’s era had come.

A small league of their own.

Although it was said at the archery court, the words were enough to make young Sanghyeon’s heart cry.

“This is the era of almonds… … .”

But now it is said that the era of almonds has arrived.

It’s a shame we missed Yoo Sang-hyun’s era.

I didn’t want to miss the almond era.

Don’t miss this opportunity.

Sanghyun promised that even as his eyelids slowly closed.

In his dream that day, Soyeon held hands and repeatedly said this.

“are you okay.”

A smile slowly spread across the sleeping Sang-Hyeon’s lips.

* * *

Time passed.

All practice matches are over.

Now, one day before the start of the competition.

“ruler. “The NANT League starts tomorrow, right?”

King Gul in formal attire.

And as always, a red-glassed, polite-looking analyst sat at the desk and chatted.

“That’s right. “There are many things we need to address before that.”

“yes. First of all, there was a really big change in the power rankings, right?”

Kinggyul then pointed to a chart that appeared in a corner of the screen.

“I would like to first introduce the team that experienced the biggest change.”

A total of 16 teams were listed on the chart. King Gyul’s hand, which was sweeping away one by one, stops in the middle.

[7th place] [Balloon Stars]

It appears to be ranked 7th.

It started out in 15th place.

“It’s Balloon Stars!”

“How many stairs did you climb?”

“Eight steps? That means you’ve missed out on almost half the team.”

During the practice period, the scrimmage record was 13 wins and 5 losses.

It was a tremendous achievement compared to the initial expectations.

“Of course, we also have to look at this team’s noteworthy players.”

“This player’s evaluation has also changed considerably.”

“Within the training period, my solo rank skyrocketed to Diamond. “The evaluation deserves to change.”

“I agree. Shall we see?”

==== ====

[Players to watch]

Nickname: Almond (Baby Warrior)

Rating: S

Tier: Silver (now Diamond)

==== ====

The player to watch for in Balloon Stars was, of course, Almond.

It looked a lot different than when the first practice match started.


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