Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 200

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 200

67. Challenger’s Wall (4)



In Solia’s flames, witch doctor Kui-Pan burned up with a loud noise.

Traces of countless blue arrows were clearly visible on his back.


Lemon called out to Hongcha pitifully. But Hongcha turned around and ran away again without even looking back.


Miho’s fireball targeted her behind once more, but black tea was also a challenger.


I dodged the attack lightly by slipping through the frames.

Of course, that doesn’t mean there’s any hope.

It felt like I had to run away. He barely saved his life.

“Ugh… … Ugh… … Fuck… … .”

Hongcha ran, spitting out harsh words as well as harsh breathing.

‘I forgot that mead is shit.’

It should never be overlooked that Hongcha Team Mid is Silver.

Even without Silk Miho, the enemy mid always dominated the battlefield.

There is nothing strange about it appearing suddenly anywhere and at any time.

“This game is really fucking hard.”

I feel this every time.

Reel is a team game.

No, it’s a mid game.

“I have to do something other than that.”

Ranged dealers have too little early influence.

In particular, Hwashin, which has a slow rate of fire and depends on a lot of conditions, like Lan, uses a lot of teamwork.

It was not a suitable pick for a team like this that had to carry Hongcha alone.

I just picked it with the feeling of bringing one of Almond’s mainstream picks.

“Whoa… … “Did he survive?”

After running away for a long time, Hongcha seemed relieved. She took a deep breath and then clasped her hands together.

Wooooow… … !

It was a cognitive action of return teleportation.

[Returning to the Sanctuary]

[Please remain in a non-combat state for 8 seconds]

Now you have to go to the sanctuary, buy some items, and figure out how to survive going forward.

‘In just 20 minutes… … .’

In just 20 minutes, Lan of Black Tea, who has never died, will be able to carry.

But she didn’t know.

A red lightning surged from afar. I saw no trace of the spirit.

[Gangsingi (God’s Technique) – Damien’s Freed Arrow]

“… … uh?”

By the time I felt something creepy, it was already too late.


A blue mana swept through her.


Suddenly the world turned black and white.

‘ah. crazy. Was it level 6?’

Hongcha let out a hollow laugh after realizing what he had done.

‘Have you already built the stack?’

Level 6 is still level 6, but Reina needs a combo stack called ‘Archer’s Pride’ to use the Holy Spirit.

It looks like it was all piled up when I was beating up the Kuipan earlier.

It’s a mind-boggling speed.

‘Ha… … Let’s surrender.’

In this version, the will to fight has been lost.

* * *

“good job. contractor.”

Raina, the incarnation who descended into reality, smiled at Almond.

Smoke was still rising from her bow Damien.

“almond! “It was great!”

Taco tapped Almond on the shoulder.

“I made the decision on my own earlier. It was very good.”

I thought he was going to scold me, but it was unexpected.

“is it so?”

“Then! Just like before, when I’m in a crisis, I can’t make good decisions! And besides, your decision was right, right?”

Almond confirmed that Miho was in a position where she could help out sufficiently, and he made the ‘call’ considering that the mid-line situation was also relaxed.

That was the right call. That’s where the game turned.

Has it been five minutes since that battle? The enemies eventually declare surrender.


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[I will end this edition of Scream here.]

After a while.

Balloon Stars gathered in the waiting room.

Taco was giving personal coaching to several players, and Almond was receiving sponsorship.

[Mission success!]

Doo doo doo!

A donation of 500,000 won was sent out with a loud drumbeat.

[Ruby Sword: Congratulations!]

“Wow! Ruby Sword! Thank you! I will work hard!”

-No reaction?

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋThink about how you’re going to die.

-Are you going to die this time, Almond!?

“ah. I don’t think the reaction is to die. This is a team game. “I’ll turn on Battle Large later.”

-No haha ​​Battle Large why did it happen like that ㅠㅠ hahaha

-Hey, don’t you use Kingdom as a reaction?!

– Muchinneom hahahaha

“Oh, or let’s try reacting while playing as the Wrecking Crew.”

-It’s a mobile game, right?

-Advertisement is a reaction?!

-ㅁㅊ Hahahahahahahahahahaha There is a streamer whose ads are reactions!?

-Wow, I want to be a streamer too haha.

-The infinite orbit of capital lol I’m done for

“uh. Game 2 begins. “I’ll go.”

Almond eventually left without telling us what kind of reaction he would show.

It seemed likely that he wouldn’t do it.

* * *

The ban/pick structure of the second game was quite different.

First of all, the first to be banned is Raina.

[Cold-Blooded Archer – Reina]

Once the van was confirmed, Raina’s voice came out.

〔This is really pathetic.〕

This voice is also heard by the enemy.

Hongcha seemed to have suffered a considerable blow to his pride, but he ignored it and continued the ban.

[Pure White Sniper – Ran]

[Melody of Light – Sana]

So, three of them were banned.

Almost all ranged dealers who use bows have been banned.

‘The only ones left are the Frost Archers… … .’

This character has good controllability, but is disliked because its damage is too low.

Still, I was going to give it a try if that was all that was left.

“uh… … ?”

The next moment, Almond’s expression became blank.

Hongcha took away ‘Frost Archer – Leon’.

– Wow, those who shoot bows are blocked at the source.

-Oh, I think I figured it out?

-You can’t do anything other than raw almonds??

-This is how they write that they are the first pick.

-Is this going to block it!?

Taco, who was doing the ban pick, scratched his head.

“I knew something like this would come out… … but I didn’t know it would come out in a practice game. And on the red carpet… … .”


-Is the challenger cowardly enough to ban and take it away? Lol

-It’s really merciless.

-Do I have to do that to become a Challenger!?

Black Tea seemed to think that the limitation on the number of incarnations that Almond could handle was a major weakness.

It was a pretty accurate analysis.

“Mond. What do you want to do? “Is there anything left?”

“I did practice a little bit to try to do it with one hand… … .”

In the end, Almond chose ‘Bedrill Bunny – Jackie’.

〔what. Was it you who called this body?〕

Jackie appeared with her characteristic sassy tone of voice.

Almond’s head grew rabbit ears and his height was reduced by half.

And in his hand, a poisonous needle that shoots poisonous needles appeared.

It was a very shabby outfit, very different from when I chose Reina.

-Oh my gosh lol so cute lol

-Ugh hahahahahaha

-Are you starting a new fight!?

-Oh my gosh ㅠㅠ Rabbitmond

-This is… … yours.

[Almond Rabbit Ears Jonberdan donated a whopping 100,000 won!]

[at las!? Buddhahood!]

[Almond Soufflé donated 30,000 won!]

[Wow ㅠㅠㅠ Give me the poison sting bunny every day!]

Sponsorship is coming in from strange places.

Almond felt embarrassed, but expressed his gratitude anyway by shouting ‘I’m a streamer!’ five times in his head.

“thank you. Jonberdan, a whopping 100,000 won! thank you! And almond soufflé. How do you make soufflé with almonds? Anyway, thank you.”

-ㅋㅋㅋ Are you curious about that in the meantime?

-There’s no way that could happen…

-Isn’t that just putting almonds on the soufflé?

-Dirty world… … If I said rabbit ears, I would report you to the police. He’s sponsored.

-Please cut me off ㅠㅠㅠ

The atmosphere in the chat window was friendly.

Almond was worried.

‘I wonder if this will work.’

I hastily chose the Poison Bunny.

The opponent was not skilled enough to win with such a hastily made pick. That’s because it’s a challenger.

In fact, it is difficult to say that Reina has won over Hongcha.

The previous game wasn’t a victory for the bottom lane, but a victory for the mid and jungle lanes.

This is a game that we could never have won if it weren’t for Miho and Strawberry Shooter.

But can a poison dart bunny compete with black tea?

Even Taco adds:

“If we lose here, other teams will follow this ban pick.”

Once it was discovered that almonds could be sealed in this way, there was no reason for anyone not to do it.

In real life, everyone will probably prepare this ban pick.

It’s only valid if the enemy picks first, but isn’t it possible to win at least one, or at most two, rounds for free anyway?

“If it gets out that you’re locked up here, you’re in trouble.”

“Then isn’t it still a good thing because the ban on other lines has been released?”

“It is like that now. As I said, the Red Carpets are a team that focuses on the bottom line, and the top line is not very high ranked.”


“What if the enemy team has high mid-top tiers and average ADCs? What if we use this ban to go half-and-half with Almond?”

The assumption alone was terrible.

Almond will rot all day at the bottom with that guy with the stinger bunny, and the rest of the team will explode due to the difference in skill.

You could also draw a picture of Almond blocking Carrie and suppressing the rest.

“So the way I see it, it seems like it is now.”

Taco said, seeming to have made up his mind.

Almond didn’t understand for a moment and wondered what he was talking about. But the next moment, he heard Taco’s words and immediately understood.



“As a supporter.”

“… … yes?!”

“Strawberry Shooter, take the stinger bunny that Almond chose.”


“I am the jungle. The bubble gum type is still top. And almonds… … .”

The position is changing now.

‘Sub position!’

The entire team is changing to a sub position.

And, even the incarnation is changing.

The poison dart bunny chosen by Almond was originally supposed to be swapped with Strawberry Shooter, the main character.

Another player chose a character for Almond.

“Brother. So you want me to do that here?”

If that’s the case, then it’s a blink sword.

Since the viewers don’t know, they sing it as carefully as possible.

-??? What are you guys hiding?!

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Hey, plan D is going back to 2.

-It’s a concept, you piece of shit, lol

-Is it a boys’ comic? Hahahaha Captain… Should I use ‘that’? Hahahahaha

Of course, viewers didn’t seem to believe it very much. Rather, it was fortunate.

“no. “That’s not true.”

“Then what should I do?”

Almond had not been able to practice any incarnation worthy of going to American dramas except for the flash sword.

“Just buy whatever you like and choose.”

Are you ordering us to pick stores now? The viewers were dumbfounded.

-Well, there are teams like this haha.

-Are you a coach, octopus shack? LOL

-What the heck lol

-Don’t think at all so the enemy can’t read your thoughts!!

-Dorat man hahaha

The viewers were screaming, asking if that made any sense.

I also had thoughts on tacos.

“Your opponent is Silver. He is no match for you.”

“okay. Because the opponent is Silver… … .”

-He was silver a while ago too?!

– Hahahahaha look down on Silver.

-Are Marver and Silver the same? Tsk tsk

-ㄹㅇ The Muchin team is coming!

In the chat window, the mainstream reaction was still that he was crazy, but Almond, the person in question, didn’t seem to be shaken at all.

He opened the shop window calmly.

To him, picking a store is nothing special.

Among the things I saw the other day, there was one that seemed a bit interesting.

‘They say this is pickled radish.’

An incarnation that swept the battlefield at high speed.

[Storm Ninja – Haruki]

“I’ll take this.”

He immediately purchased Haruki.

Taco nodded.

I thought it fit well. It was an incarnation with a similar play pattern to Blinkblade.

“good. Let’s go with that.”

All picks were completed, and at swap time, Almond handed over the Beedrill Bunny to Strawberry.

And Miho picked Haruki and gave it to Almond.

“good. Degasaaaa!”

Almond’s first mid-play has begun.

* * *

“what… … what?”

Hongcha felt dizzy after seeing the opponent’s strange pick.

“uh… … Well, really? Almond is a storm ninja?”

Lemon tilted his head next to me.

“Not Miho?”

“Actually, Miho isn’t very good at using swords as an assassin… … I thought it was strange.”

“Taco is a hammer warrior… … like a jungle hammer warrior.”

The opposing team’s picks were confusing in many ways. What happens?

“Strawberries are also poisonous bunny?”

“Huh… … First of all, Miho… … chose… … ‘Leah’. Isn’t that a bit much for a mid-level role?”

“It can be done… … .”

Since the picks are all so versatile, it was all confusing. One thing is for sure, bubble gum is still the top.

“Isn’t this it!? Sub position!”


Only then did Hongcha realize that the opponent had switched to the sub position submitted to the roster.

In fact, I am just writing it down nominally. One thing that is rarely used is the sub position.

“These bastards… … .”


Black tea ground his teeth.

“Are you ignoring me?!”

Why am I using it for this practice game? There are not just one or two scratches on the pride of black tea today.

“Oh, Sister… … Rather than ignoring you, isn’t it more like you’re ignoring our Mid? Almond took refuge in Mid. He got banned.”

“Ah… … Is that so?”

Hongcha scratched his head and burst into laughter.

“Then that’s right!”


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