Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 191

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 191

65. Old Relationship (1)

After returning to This World.

The claimant, Danmuji, gave feedback.

There was nothing special about the feedback.

It was a very one-sided victory. Except for the bottom.

“Well done everyone.”

The expressions of the team members were generally bright.

That too, except for the bottom line.

Goguma, the supporter, and Baeksook, the original dealer. The two were sitting separately in a corner, sighing deeply.

Among them, Baek Sook is especially miserable.

That expression as hard as stone.

‘… … ‘Did you even feel the wall?’

Pickled radish knows that look.

This is the expression you get when you feel a wall against your opponent. This is the facial expression that many professionals make.

All professional gamers, or famous amateur players, think they are pretty good at reels.

No matter where you look at people around you, grand master and master skills are rare. Even if you become a master, you are the strongest person around you.

As the strongest player, I play reel for a long time. When you get to the professional world, it’s not like that at all.

Masters and Grandmasters, who were originally considered the strongest, are actually lower tiers. In pro games, they become a source of shame.

Even if you become a challenger, the story is no different.

Even among challengers, they are not the same. There are skill levels that are divided into those with over a thousand points and those without.

Even if you exceed 1,000 points, it’s different when you enter a competition. Can you play in the regular league, or are you a second-division player?

Can we go to the playoffs or not?

In the end, did you win or not…?

‘I couldn’t get over the last wall.’

Pickled radish closes her eyes tightly as the memory of that time comes to mind.

It is truly despairing for humans that there is something that cannot be done no matter what. That feeling of helplessness cannot be explained.

The finals were like that for pickled radish.

Although he received all kinds of good reviews, he didn’t win.

He even earned the ignominious title of ‘King of the Uncrowned’.

At that time, there was a time when pickled radish wanted to die.

Other people won’t understand.

-Why don’t you just retire later and get your regular salary? You’ll buy a building, right?

-Winning is good, but isn’t it still the highest salary?

-hey. People who work at companies like to say that their salary is Lupin. Don’t be too obsessed.

Buy a building with your salary?

Are you sucking honey on your salary?

They don’t understand that I didn’t become a professional gamer to live this kind of life.

Those who pursue that kind of life cannot reach a position where they harbor resentment for not winning.

They don’t understand the mental structure of people who enter the professional world.

They came here drunk on victory, not for a solid building in their old age.

“… … hey. “Baeksuk.”

Danmuji understood Baeksuk’s feelings.

Even though he is an amateur, he was once a challenger.

The competitive spirit probably won’t be that different.

“That’s the way it is. men and horses.”

“… … what.”

“If there’s someone who’s good, there’s someone who’s better. If there’s someone who can’t win, there’s someone who wins.”

“Is that what you call comfort?!”

Baek-suk was so shocked that he suddenly got up.


The other team members burst into laughter.

Danmuji patted his shoulder as if to calm him down, offering genuine comfort.

“Hey. Fortunately, I didn’t hear that I lost to Silver.”

“… … “What are you trying to say again?”

“I saw it a little while ago. Almond is now turning into Solang.”


Baeksuk’s eyes widened.

I don’t know about other players because they haven’t experienced it, but the close fight at the bottom earlier was a bloody battle that made your brain melt.

He even felt that virtual reality could be dangerous.

The fight with Almond probably lasted less than 10 minutes, but it felt like 10 hours.

It is said that the battle was carried out with such frenzied concentration. Even continuously, without stopping.


Baeksook’s stamina was already depleted during the game. Not only in the bot lane battle, but also in the mid to late game where everyone was together, he had to fight while exhausted.

But now they’re adding solo queue.

What happened to your physical strength?

“I’m on the verge of going gold. Already.”

“I see.”


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“Ah, but there is also bad news.”


“I also realized this while giving feedback. I was debating whether to say it or not.”

Pickled radish muttered quietly so that others could not hear.

“I played with only one hand, Almond.”


“They said it was like that in the previous edition as well.”


‘Come to think of it… … ‘

Strange scenes that only passed by then.

Baeksuk’s mind went blank.

I realized that I had truly lost with one hand.

* * *

[The crazy warrior is running wild!]

[Dominant of the Battlefield! The Wicked Hero!]

[The Mangnani Warrior is legendary!]

A voice, growing increasingly excited, finally declares that the game is over.


Something like a storm had passed by, and the sanctuary was shattered.

The arrow naturally heads towards the bottom who had been fighting the bad guy.

“No, ten… … Does this make sense? How long have you raised your child? uh?”

“You are truly the farmer of the sun. You raise your children very well.”

“I thought they were a bunch of losers, but they’re not losers at all. But why are they acting like that? Just die, please.”

If I had known who the damn hero was, I wouldn’t have heard this.

Most users in the Silver to Gold ranks enjoy playing the reels lightly.

Lil streamers who are not famous professional gamers don’t know much about it.

“no. That Ran is really good? “You all got kicked out when Ran went up, right!?”

“That’s because you raised him so well, you brat.”


When Almond does well, the enemy bottom always has nothing to say.

It’s not enough to start with a mere argument.

Even though they were all defeated in combat by the physical strength of the warriors.

If you say that it’s because you raised it, then there’s nothing to say.

Their only crime is that, since they are both bottom laners, they were the first to meet the idiot hero.

“It’s frustrating. Just get out. Let’s never see each other again.”

“That’s what we’re going to do. “You twinhead troll.”

The tyranny of the villainous warrior did not end here.

He was overwhelming in the next match, the last of the promotion matches.

[Bloody warrior! Pentakill!]

As the game progressed, Ran’s skill level increased rapidly. Even though he plays with one hand, he is actually better than when he first played with two hands.

Although shooting accuracy and speed are not comparable to those with two hands, operational know-how and understanding of the game have improved.


Two familiar letters suddenly appeared in Almond’s field of vision.

[You have completed all the promotion battles!]

The silver seal began to glow with a bright light.

Keying… … !

[Gold IV]

Promoted to Gold Tier 4.

It was worth playing 4-5 rounds in a row.

“Whew. Now it’s gold.”

Almond smiled, as if he had finally calmed down a little.

“If I didn’t learn how to play with one hand, I wouldn’t be able to get a diamond.”

Reel had a structure in which the rank could only be raised if the absolute number of games was high.

No matter how many consecutive wins there were, there was a limit to jumping.

Thanks to learning how to play with one hand, I was able to meet the amount of games required by the reel.

‘I think the effect is pretty good.’

There was a reason the doctor gave the okay right away.

This worked great.

Just by not using your right hand, you definitely feel less strain and you sweat less.

‘The performance isn’t that different either.’

Almond thought as he looked at his deal graph. In Gold, the amount of damage was similar whether with one hand or two hands.

‘It’s so bad compared to Baeksuk… … .’

Players who were much worse than the Baeksuk or even Green Tea that we had faced earlier appeared as our opponents.

So there is no need to use both hands.

[almond! almond! almond!]

[Wow, it’s almonds!]

[Who is that?]

[Nut Shack Next time, let’s meet on the same team… … Mr. Woo… … ]

[Is that almond? You didn’t even turn on the broadcast?]

[Wow, are you training to close Almond?]

Still, by participating in the competition, did you gain some recognition in the reel game?

No one has noticed this so far.

In the last game there were players who recognized it.

[Hyung, are you going to do more? Duo with me? I am a good supporter.]

The person who supported me earlier also applied to be a duo.

I don’t know if they recognize that I’m an almond or if they just apply because they think I’m good.

‘Duora… … .’

I checked the time.

It was already 11 o’clock at night.

‘When did it become like this?’


I was craving a late-night snack.

[I think the duo will have a hard time.]

He politely declined the request and left the capsule.


When I went out, I saw Joo-hyuk stretched out on the sofa. Beer cans are rolling around under my hands that are sticking out and shaking.


Sang-Hyeon gently touched Joo-Hyeok.

“hey. “Go in and sleep.”

“… … ?”

Joohyuk opened his eyes wide.

“oh. “Are you done?”

Joohyuk woke up more quickly than expected. He checked the time and looked at Sanghyun again.

“Can you play games like this for a long time?”

“It doesn’t really matter since I’m doing it with one hand.”

“Does that really work?”

Joo-hyuk nods while looking up and down at Sang-hyun. He definitely sweats less.

“Who did you talk to on the phone?”

“Ah… … That’s not it… … I was just watching YouTube. Oh! And Jia wants to hire a new assistant.”


“Yeah. He said he’ll give it out from his pay. He said the rate of increase has been too slow lately. He’s thinking of picking someone who knows the reel well. Since you’re the one making the decision. What do you think?”

Is this the guy I saw last time? Sang-Hyeon probably doesn’t care since he said he’ll give it out of his paycheck.

“Okay. Tell him to do that.”




Sang-hyun called out to Joo-hyeok, who was about to go to sleep.

“that… … “Are you not hungry?”


Joo Hyuk tilted his head.

Are you going to eat a midnight snack?

“Now that I think about it, I think I’m a little hungry.”

Is it because I drank beer that I’m craving carbohydrates?

“Oh. Really? Is there anything you want to do?”

Sang-Hyeon’s expression changed dramatically.

Only then did Joo-hyuk realize what Sang-hyun wanted.

‘This bastard… … .’

I was hungry, but I didn’t want to eat a midnight snack.

‘I’d like to tell you to eat some almonds.’

Joo-hyuk gave a higher score for finding his own dish instead of almonds rather than the hassle of cooking a late-night snack.

And isn’t this what it means to have a good manager?

“I saw a recipe for bibim noodles on YouTube this time.”

“… … oh!”

* * *


The sweet, sour, and spicy seasoning is sucked up together with the cool cucumber slices.

“and. “This is delicious too.”

“This is Mr. Big’s.”

“Mr. Big?”

“There is a chef who is tall.”

“I see. “The world is good these days.”

While slurping down Mr. Big’s bibim noodles, Sang-hyeon took out his cell phone.


It was a personal SNS that I was obsessed with these days.

I wonder if the fun of communication is somehow different from AllTube and Trevi, which I have been using so far.

“What? Are you looking at Runestar?”


“Can I not take care of that?”

“Is this what it is… … “It’s my personal account.”

It was like that.

Trevina AllTube is a system managed by Joo Hyuk and Jia.

Runestar was entirely Sang-Hyeon’s.

That was the difference.

Of course, that wasn’t necessarily a good thing.

“… … Okay. Got it. Be careful.”

Sanghyun nodded and checked dozens of DMs.

There were a lot of female fans who wanted to send messages of support or talk to him.

in those… … .

[and. Sanghyun. Are you Sanghyun?]

I saw a message from a familiar name.

[I thought you were doing something else because you stopped hearing from me after quitting archery. Are you a streamer? It’s so amazing haha. You’re still shooting well?]


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