Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 189

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 189

64. New Challenger (3)

After the Green Tea Bagging was defeated miserably.

The analyst of Kinggyul and Red Glasses was about to wrap up the broadcast.

Because the game they were trying to watch had already ended.

“Ah. So far, it’s been a scrimmage between Green Tea Bagging and Balloon Stars. Although it was a scrimmage and very short, I think it was quite fruitful.”

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Only you got a big harvest

-The analyst is excited because he won.

-If the crime of violence disappears, Red Glasses will go straight to King Gul’s house and bet everything on it.

-Harvest okay lol

-Kingyul: (cutting off Red Glasses’ head with a sickle) The harvest is great!

I fully knew that the harvest that Kinggyul was talking about meant defeating him. I accepted her red glasses with a gentle smile.

“what… … I had fun too. “It was an interesting ending to an interesting plot.”

-Overuse of diplomatic terminology ㄷㄷ

-When introducing a good restaurant, ‘Oh, this tastes interesting?’ = It tastes like shit

-Interesting seat lol

-Following the verification seat, it’s interesting lol

It seemed like a lot had been lost about the red glasses, but I was still satisfied because it seemed like it had become a more familiar image to viewers.


But then, Kinggyul reacted violently to some chat.


The analyst adjusted his glasses and watched. What is happening that makes you so surprised instead of making self-indulgent comments?

“I heard they’re having a practice match with the pickled radish team right now!?”


Even the analysts were surprised by this news.

‘If it’s the radish team, it’s high protein… … .’

It was a pretty – and not to use diplomatic terms, seriously – interesting matchup.

Goprotein, which is considered the strongest team, vs. Balloon Stars, which has the best momentum recently.

First of all, the team structure was impressive.

Takoyaki had an overwhelmingly good career during his pro days, but was undervalued due to his position as a supporter.

Pickled radish, the ‘king of all warriors’, has always been highly regarded, even though it doesn’t have a winning history.

In addition, the matchup between Baeksook, who was the strongest ADC among amateurs but returned after a 3-year hiatus, and Almond, who is currently the most talked about topic.

‘I am currently participating at Platinum rank, but in reality, my skill level is probably higher than that of Grand Master.’

If Baek Suk had practiced properly and improved his skills, his skills would be at least comparable to a grand master.

“That would be really interesting. This is not a diplomatic term.”

-Was that a diplomatic term just now? lol

– Muchin hahaha

-Great red glasses hahaha

-Ajo is also broadcasting!

-Instructor King’s red glasses haha

“Then how about it? Analyst. “Wasn’t it a bit disappointing that the game ended after just one game?”

Red Glasses said with a smile, as if he had decided to just accept Verification as his meme.

“yes. Verification was disappointing. If you’re going to do verification, you have to do it until the end, right?”


King Gul received it with great excitement.

“Let’s go check it out!”


-ㅋㅋㅋㅋCheck it out!

-King proof lol

-Public verification certificate red glasses ㄷㄷ

-How many times do you have to verify it!

-Verifying multiple times like this is also a public verification certificate.

* * *

By the time the analyst and King Gul started watching the game, some time had already passed.

“no. Miho and Bubble Gum have already been harmed now?”

The kill score is already 2 to 0.

You could say it was only a two-kill difference, but the situation was much worse than that.

“The situation is not good. I already died once, and I am still under pressure.”

Bubble Gum and Miho were barely able to survive near the turret.

“This is called turret hugging. It’s like hugging the turret.”

“Yes. It’s a sarcastic remark, but it means that the situation where you hug the tower (turret) is not good.”

“Why, Analyst?”

“Tower hugging, in terms of war, means lying down in the trenches of your own camp and protecting yourself. But what about winning wars?”

“They’re running and wiping everything out!”

“you’re right. The camp will be pushed closer and closer to the enemy, eventually becoming the enemy’s core area, in this case a sanctuary. This is a game called Lil Siege, where you push the camp all the way to the sanctuary. “The most antithetical behavior is turret hugging.”

“That’s a clear explanation. You compared it to war. “If you think of the jungler’s situation as a supply route, it’s similar.”

“yes. In times like this, the jungler has the hardest time. It has a role like blood in the body that has to go to each line and provide support and supplies. The blood vessels become increasingly narrow. “Because I was pressured by the enemy.”

“If the area where the blood flows is narrow… … it can’t be good for your health!”


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“That’s right.”

“On the other hand, acorn jelly, a high-protein jungler, must be very comfortable to play?”

“Yes. It’s almost like a runway now. “Everyone is in their own world, except for the bottom, which is blocked by Almond and Taco.”

In short, things were going very badly for the Balloon Stars.

“Bottom needs to do something now.”

In the end, almonds and tacos have to do something.

Otherwise, the Balloon Stars team will naturally lose.

However, it was not as easy as it sounds.

“Yes! Almonds and tacos will do the trick eventually!”

“The words you just said reveal some of Balloon Stars’ limitations. Ultimately, Bottom is the team that has to do it.”

“The bottom has to do it… … So, on the other hand, the bottom of the high-protein team can just hug the turret?”

“Yes. Almond has to force it out and kill it. Baek Sook is not an average player, so it probably won’t go well.”

Taco and Almond were also aware of this situation.

[Then the question should be, why be so defensive?]

[Why are you being defensive…?]

[okay. If you know that, you will be ruined. Read the other person’s psychology. Change your stance.]

[Because you’re winning?]

[That’s right. So how are you going to destroy such an opponent now? The opponent… … .]

The commentators who heard Taco’s voice were impressed.

“What Taco is trying to teach Almond right now, in a way, is the basic operating knowledge of Reel… … Taco is really good at explaining.”

“Almond is a true beginner when you see him like this. It’s hard to believe, though.”

“So there are even more surprising things. “You mean you’ve been pressuring the other person based solely on your senses without knowing anything about this?”

At that time, Almond took a step forward.

[I know what to do.]

Have you reached the appropriate realization at a point where you need to decide whether to win or not?

Almond caught his breath and ran forward.

It’s so hard… … !

White mana bloomed again on his index finger.

‘… … Will it work?’


The analyst opened his mouth as he watched Almond running among the minions.

“ah. “Are you trying to make the other person come out by throwing yourself as bait?”

“If the other person is rational, it won’t come out.”

“That’s right. Or, they could just take the bait and run away. “You have that level of skill.”

“This is a dangerous tactic. But it’s also the only tactic that works.”

“ruler! As long as your opponent doesn’t respond, you win! When it comes to betting, I bet against ridiculous odds! “It’s called reverse cutting!”

* * *

Although the commentators’ words such as “reverse beating,” “rational response,” etc. were not heard, Almond had already taken them into account.

‘It will work out.’

Almond knew.

In sports, how emotional humans become.

How many soccer games have you played where an attempt to score more goals in a match you’ve already won ends up being overturned?

There are basketball players who throw the ball they have at a crucial moment while the crowd boos them, and there are baseball players who intentionally hit their opponents.

It would be the same in games.

Even if it’s just a practice game, if you’re the type that enjoys competition, it’ll be the same.

‘Especially if it’s a team game.’

Taco told me to think from the other person’s perspective.

The opponent was once a top amateur and is now back. His current rank is underrated.

And the enemy is silver rank almonds.

He is leading the game by getting kills on all other allies.

‘What would it be like if it were me?’

What if I were in that situation?

Should I kill myself without being greedy and just bury myself in the team’s victory?

In a practice match where winning or losing doesn’t really matter?

What if the other person was a human with blood of a similar color to mine…?

‘I won’t be able to bear it.’


Almond’s feet inevitably entered the rifleman’s range.

Baek-suk’s movements appear to have stopped.

‘come out.’

Almond takes a big step forward once more.

Even though there is a taco in the back, this is clearly an advantageous structure for the rifleman.

Because it is a position that gives up the range that is the advantage of the orchid.

At that moment, the enemy’s rifle was pointed very slightly towards Almond.

There was a brief silence.


Almond swallowed dry saliva and took a deep breath.

It was the same for the enemy.

A look of intense conflict flashed across Baek-suk’s eyes.

However, the conflict literally passed by.

Didn’t stay long.

His eyes shone fiercely.

He shouted to his supporters.

“Kill it! Run!”


At the same time, the muzzle, perfectly attached to the shoulder, is pointed at the almond. And the trigger is pulled.

‘He took the bait.’

Almond focused with all his might.

That feeling I felt during the Survive Challenge.

The sound of the wind, the screams of Taco shouting something with his mouth open, everything started to play in slow motion.

Gorgeous fireworks slowly exploded from the enemy’s gun muzzle.


A long trail of red gunpowder.

The flame pushed the lead away, and the sharp lead split the air.

All of that firepower was focused on just one point.

It’s the eye of the almond.

In the center of Almond’s pupil, a flashing bullet was shining.

Almond braced his back as hard as he could. His body tilted sharply to the right.


A loud noise from high speed rang in my ears.


A red blood line drawn on the left cheekbone.


The rifleman’s first shot missed.

The rifleman player, Baek Suk’s eyes widened in disbelief.

‘Dodge bullets?!’

The rifleman didn’t miss his shot. He aimed straight for the head and missed.

He didn’t even move his body in advance, he just saw the bullet and reacted.

That’s an outrageous reaction speed.



Almond’s world returned to normal.

His fingers instantly aimed at his opponent and released the mana he had accumulated.


A pure white light emits from the tip of the finger.


White mana flew through the air.


A white blast erupted from the rifleman’s head.

His back jerked backwards and his body swayed. Ran’s full-charge attack was very destructive. If you were hit, you would lose your balance for a moment.

In that gap, Almond was out of the enemy’s range.

The ring of light thrown by the enemy supporter cut through the air and disappeared.


The rifleman, Baek Suk-do, who had raised his gun and prepared to counterattack again, also had vain eyes.

Almonds have already gone far.

“good job!”

Taco shouted.

“That’s it. You got it right. “Now you know the law of destruction.”


“If we repeat that, we have hope.”

25% of health was reduced.

In theory, you can do this four times and get 1 kill from the bottom lane.

‘It’s tight.’

Is it because my opponent’s skill level is that of a grand master?

‘He said he could feel the wall from that point on.’

The difficulty of 1 kill was on a whole other level compared to the games I’ve played so far.

I was pressing a little more, but the opponent’s resistance was too precise and strong.

“It’s a lot harder than what I did before.”

Taco nods as if it were obvious.

“Of course, it won’t be easy to get a kill. Take it slow.”


Almond looked at the minimap.

Mid and top are on the verge of death again.

“Still… … I think I’m more prone to provocation than I thought.”

I wanted to solve it quickly.

Once again he offers himself as bait.

Almond took another step forward, stepping into Baeksuk’s space.

Baeksuk and I made eye contact.

The corner of Almond’s mouth rose. It is a provocation. It’s like you can’t hit me anyway.


Then came the response.

Baeksuk’s gun changed direction. And the moment you try to take a step.

Almond noticed that the opposing supporter was also not there for a moment. A strange light flashed through his eyes.

“Kill it… … .”

This time, I thought I could finally kill him.


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