Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 181

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 181

62. The past I didn’t know about (5)

This is the troublesome thing about SNS.

Follow system.

Who follows whom, who unfollows whom. The public eye watches them countless times.

At first, some people looked at this with dismay.

What on earth is so important about followers?

It’s just a game of friendship on the Internet. What’s the point of starting or ending it?

One thing I had to admit was that I had to admit it.

Human relationships now have one more layer.

Not just actual offline relationships, but also online relationships.

The two are not even independent of each other.

A relationship that you met online is not less strong, and a relationship that you met offline is not closer than a relationship that you met online.

They just have different characteristics and strengths and weaknesses.

Nowadays, no one says that they are particularly fussy about following or not.

It matters whether you are following someone or not.

You can’t deny this.

This is especially true among celebrities.

There are countless examples. There was a legendary rapper who released an 18-minute-long diss track just because someone unfollowed him, and there were also cases where a famous foreign artist following a domestic star made headlines.

It didn’t seem like a story from a very distant country to Almond right now.

-Wow what is it? Really?

-Were you friends when you were young or something?

└Almond is 30 years old? Aren’t electromagnetic waves about 24 years old now?

└I didn’t even go to the electromagnetic wave army

All the comments that keep popping up are about electromagnetic waves.

‘I think it’s because we’re just comrades in the same hospital. I think there will be a lot of misunderstandings.’

In Almond’s opinion, there is only one reason why the electromagnetic waves followed.

Because she and he are in the same situation, and he knows her secret. He may feel sympathy.

‘… … I don’t think that’s true.’

The moment he thought that, Choi Sa-rang’s eyes passed by.

Sang-Hyeon shook his head.

I didn’t think I would feel anything like that.

Perhaps following is meant as a kind of surveillance and warning.

Whatever it was, it was not a reason that the world could guess. This is a perfect situation for misunderstanding.

There is a special relationship between electromagnetic waves and almonds.

‘Fortunately, everyone in the world knows that I’m a man.’

It was a really good thing that electromagnetic waves were known as men.

If I were a woman, there would definitely be people who would try to get me into a relationship with a man and a woman.


A staff member comes running from afar.

“They say the director’s proposal was passed.”

“is it so?”

The work was done faster than expected.

The director is also approaching.

“You did a really good job. “It was better than the original plan, so it was passed right away.”

The director’s expression brightened, as if he was satisfied.

“thank god.”

“What should I do, it’s getting late?”

I checked the time and it was 8 o’clock in the evening.

It was too late for dinner, but considering it was a company dinner, it wasn’t.

“It’s okay. That’s what filming is like.”

The director and staff saw me off all the way out. In particular, the planning team members even took the elevator down.

As if trying to break the awkward silence in the elevator, one of the employees opened his mouth.

“I envy you. If you had worked at Asung, our brother company, you would have been so successful.”

It seemed like he was an employee from the strongest planning company.

The employee ID card around my neck sparkles.

‘Chief Kyung-soo Lee’

Joo Hyuk answered with a businesslike smile.

“Working at Choikang Planning is also a successful life. Manager Lee. “What are you talking about?”

In fact, even if I were told to go back to the stronghold, I wouldn’t go. Sanghyun chuckled to himself.

“ha ha ha. is that so. Still, stars are different. “Are you going to have a drink today to commemorate the advertisement?”

“Huh, how did you know?”

“Is there such a thing as an atmosphere? ha ha ha.”

Sang-Hyeon and Joo-Hyeok seemed a little excited.

“We’re thinking of having a company dinner today since the director is in a good mood. Do you want to join us?”

“ah… … .”

Joohyuk hesitated for a moment, but soon shook his head.

“We have a separate dinner appointment for our team. Sorry.”


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“no. Of course, you need to make a reservation in advance. Then, goodbye!”

“Yes, thank you!”

In the meantime, another employee dragged the car back out, and Joo Hyuk was able to get into the car right from the first floor.

He drove again and headed to the meeting place with Zia.

“I had a great time filming today. I think it was even better than Fantasia.”

Sang-Hyeon mutters while looking out the window from the seat next to him.

“You ate almonds like that, so of course you would.”

Joo Hyuk smiled and accepted.

Meanwhile, we quickly reached the area he had marked on the map.

An alley where the darkness of a dark winter night has already settled deeply.

Crimson lights were scattered along the winding road.

Joohyuk kept looking at the neon signs and the map, then pointed to one with his hand.


It’s a Chinese restaurant called Panda.

It looks like you found the right place.

“Wow. What is this? That’s perfect.”


Zia knocks on the window.

Did he come early and wait for me?

Joo-hyuk rolls down the window and makes a happy expression.

“Oh. Have you been waiting?”

“no. “It was just a perfect fit.”

“I’m going to return it to the rental shop nearby, so settle down first.”


So Sang-Hyeon and Ji-A entered the bar.

The crowded atmosphere was like a guesthouse from a martial arts novel.

“I think there might be something like a dot. Right?”

“Iknow, right.”

Jia and Sanghyun sat down at the four-person table next to the window.

Sanghyeon was thinking while looking at the menu.

“Is the rental shop far from here?”

Gia muttered, looking toward the door.

“Ah… … Well? I’m not sure. Things are going so well these days, so it shouldn’t be that far.”

“Shall we go somewhere first?”

“… … I’m so sad.”

“This is a little different.”

Is that really true?

Jia looks distrustful.

‘Joo Hyuk said it was delicious too.’

By the way, there are two people who claim that eggplant is delicious today.

Jia eventually took her hand off the menu.

“Let me do it yourself.”

“Here you go. “I’ll have two draft beers and one fish-scented eggplant.”

Ten minutes later, the fish scented eggplant came out, and Sanghyeon took a bite of the crispy eggplant while blowing out his hot breath.

Jia tried a bite and then ate another one.

Looks like you like it.

“… … It’s really good. This.”


Zia nodded and took a sip of her beer. Her cool, gurgling throat paused for a moment.

“uh… … Come to think of it, Joo-hyuk should have left the car and walked.”

“Huh? I see. So that’s why you’re late?”

Sang-Hyeon didn’t seem particularly worried, but Ji-Ah kept looking toward the door.

At that moment, a crowd of office workers came rushing in.

“… … “I guess there’s a company dinner.”

Jia muttered, probably remembering her days at work.

-Oh, director. Are you shooting today?

-Oh! Okay! Give me one group seat here!

When they said they were directors, I thought they were athletes or something, but since they were office workers, they were probably members of the filming team.

Jia stared intently at the almonds she had just filmed today.

He didn’t seem to notice because his back was to the door.

“Is the team that filmed today also having a company dinner?”

“… … Huh? How did you get there?”

Sang-Hyeon was roasting himself on a hot plate. It seemed like he didn’t know how to eat what he ordered.

“No. I guess you haven’t eaten a lot of eggplants.”

“Ugh. I’m just hungry… … .”

Joo-hyuk said it was delicious so he ordered it. It seems he pretended to know in order to persuade Ji-ah.

“Be patient.”

Jia laughed in disbelief.

However, in a very short moment, her smile was gone.

As if some thief had stolen it.

Did the thief even steal her gaze?

‘… … !’

Jia’s eyes were fixed on one place in the distance.

Sang-Hyeon, who had been blowing on the hot food while eating, finally opened his eyes slightly to look around at the strange silence.

I noticed that Jia’s reaction was not the same as usual.

“what’s the matter?”

He’s not usually someone who talks a lot, but he’s not the kind of guy who stays quiet like this.


Only after calling again, Jia’s eyes return to focus on Sanghyun.

“Ah. Why, why?”

“Your expression is weird. Are you looking for a bathroom?”

Sanghyun already knew that the expression on his face was not that of looking for a bathroom. I’ll give it a try once.

“Oh, yeah. I’m going to the bathroom.”

He takes Sang-Hyeon’s words at face value. He takes a bite out of the lame lie he had led him to.

Thanks to this, Sanghyun was able to find out right away.

‘Something’s going on.’

His gaze slowly followed Zia.

She seemed to be going to the bathroom, but then she was staring intently at a seat.


As for Sang-Hyeon, he couldn’t tell who he was looking at from that seat.

‘The strongest planning?’

Coincidentally, I could vaguely see that employees of Choikang Planning were having a company dinner.

I guess it’s polite to say hello, but I didn’t want to drag things out to this point.

“Hey. Have you been waiting long?”

At that moment, Joo-hyuk suddenly appeared from behind.

“What are you so surprised about? Jia?”

“ah. restroom.”

“I see. No. What the! You just ordered the fish sauce!? This is crazy… …!”

When Joo-hyuk got upset and asked what would happen if he ordered his favorite menu in advance, Sang-hyun replied that he could have just ordered one more and asked why.

“Hey, man. Would it be okay to eat the same menu twice? “You’re going to have to eat almonds twice!”

“There are many other delicious things too. “I thought you would come soon.”


“What are you doing? You’re fighting over food again.”

Jia arrives before they know it and looks at the two with pitiful eyes.

“No. I said I wanted to eat this, but I already ordered it.”

“Be patient. Who is the adult?”

Jia said that and went into the seat next to Joo Hyuk.

“Mites. Baby Joohyuk. Order one more eggplant. “I’ll buy it for you.”

“… … ”


Sanghyun burst out laughing until his stomach hurt.

Joohyuk’s face turned red and he couldn’t say anything.


Sang-Hyeon rummaged through his pockets and took out his phone.

“Now that you think about it, we have good news.”

Sanghyun held up his Runestar account and showed it to him.

Joo Hyuk had not heard this news during filming earlier.

“… … hmm? Rune Star? and. My followers have increased a lot. “You’re going to go to 100,000 within this week?”

“no. “No, electromagnetic waves followed me.”


Jia and Joo Hyuk’s eyes widened.

“and! “It’s real.”

“What on earth? “What’s with electromagnetic waves?”


Sanghyun avoided Joohyuk’s gaze.

‘Because a secret is a secret.’

I asked you to keep the details of the electromagnetic waves a secret. I can’t give you a proper answer.

Especially since the secret is about an uncomfortable body.

“Then what? Why am I being so nice to you?”

“Because I’m so good at it?”

“… … ?”

Joo Hyuk made a bewildered expression.

“Be patient. Have a drink. “Anyway, it’s something to celebrate!”

“It’s good.”



While Joo-hyuk was clinking his beer mug, forgetting about the annoying things, Ji-ah’s gaze lingered on the electronic wave account for a long time.

“Zia. What are you doing? “Aren’t you going to make a toast?”

Jia was still staring at the account.

“… … But I guess no one knows that.”


Knock knock.

Jia’s finger touched the upper right corner of Sanghyeon’s phone.

This is where the number of electromagnetic wave followers is written.

A whopping number of 6 million.

“6 million followers? You know what. So, let’s celebrate.”

Sang-Hyeon lifted his beer again.

“no. Not followers. Look at your following.”

“… … ?”

Sang-Hyeon’s gaze turned slightly to the right.

The number 10 written at the end.

I was passing by without thinking, but when I thought about it, that was my following number.

“Electromagnetic waves were originally only following 9 people.”


A person with 6 million followers is only following 10 people.

It didn’t end there.

“Those nine people are all his former teammates. There is no one else. Personally, I don’t even follow my close friends. “I don’t know if there is such a thing or not.”


Joohyuk shouted in surprise.

“What, what is this? Isn’t this even more awesome?”


Sang-Hyeon also looked at the number 10 as if he couldn’t believe it.

‘I’m really the only one out of 10, right?’

what? Why did you follow me?

I’m not sure anymore.

“hey… … .”

Joohyuk’s eyes became very serious.

“Is this really enough to make news?”


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