Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 171

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 171

59. Silver vs Master (4)

Strawberry Shooter’s fist trembled.

Of course, if you are a master, you should easily get past the silver rank.


I tried to calm my breathing, but it wasn’t easy to calm my mind.

-hey *@&*(&!!



Meanwhile, there is a lot of swearing in the chat window.

The excited viewers flocked to the betting.

Joo-hyuk’s move was working very well.

‘Damn it, I never thought I’d bet.’

Strawberry Shooter gritted his teeth.

As a master, it was a mentally unfavorable fight.

From his perspective, where he had to win to even win, the current game, which included betting, was too much of a burden.

[Choose your incarnation!]

Even if one dies soon, the game has begun.

In this world, winner takes all anyway, ‘Winner Takes All’.

If you win, everything will be solved.

[This time, Strawberry Shooter is my first pick!? I’m looking forward to seeing what you choose!]

* * *

“ah. It’s biker Paul! Although he is an ADC, he has strong stamina and mobility.”

Strawberry chose the incarnation of Biker – Paul.

It is an incarnation that uses a shotgun, and has strong stamina and defense unlike an ADC.

There will be few incarnations that can handle one-on-one situations more skillfully.

“It’s definitely a master-like and appropriate pick. “It’s rare to find a pick as good as Paul in 1v1.”

On the other hand, what about almonds?

Now it’s Almond’s turn to pick.

“It’s Almond’s turn to pick. But… … Ran? You chose Ran?”

Almond chose Ran, a pure white sniper.

‘It came out.’

Although I was secretly happy with the tacos.

It came out completely differently from the mouth.

“Ah… … Ran, despite her long range, is really weak. It’s not easy against Paul.”

Lan was definitely a difficult character to use in 1v1 matches.

From a commentator’s perspective, this is obviously a pick that is difficult to evaluate positively.

However, Tako’s personal position was different.

‘If it’s Almond’s orchid… … it’s different.’

In his opinion, Almond suits Ran better than Reina.

It’s just that her skill level isn’t as high as Reina’s yet.

“I wonder what will happen.”

Taco smiled as if it was fun.

* * *

As soon as she was chosen, Ran immediately asked this.

〔Why are you quitting?〕

Almond was even more embarrassed by what he said next.

〔Reina will be sad.〕

Almond answered as best as he could without hurting either of them.

“I thought it would be nice to do it with you.”

〔… … okay.〕

A heavy sound was felt along with those words.


Ran, who appeared with her bright blonde hair swept over her forehead, was summoned in front of Almond. He glances back and smiles.

〔You will have to win.〕

Instead of responding to his words, Almond was analyzing the opponent’s picks and imagining how to play.

‘If you allow Paul to get close, you lose. When there are minions blocking your way, shoot at a square angle as much as possible. You don’t necessarily have to shoot with your mana fully charged… ‘

Unlike Raina, who can handle all types of situations as long as she is physically fit, Ran is an Avatar that must be handled with great care.

There are many conditions in fighting, and if you allow the enemy to attack you, you will be torn apart more easily than a piece of paper.

[Welcome to the battlefield!]

[Mode: Abyss Duel]

Wow… … !

The battlefield has been summoned again.

Almond simply stocked up on the items and ran out.

‘Before the minions get there… …we have to get into position.’

He was running in a slightly different direction than the usual route that contractors take.

Meeting Paul head-on doesn’t do anything good for Ran.

This is because if the minions use the minions as a shield and slowly approach and start shooting with a shotgun, Lan will not be able to deal with it.


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‘It’s most advantageous to hit from the far right of the diagonal.’

Lan is an avatar with a long range.

You can collect and overcharge pure white mana and shoot it like a sniper from afar.

Usually, if a collection of mana appears for a certain period of time, it disappears according to the order of the world.

Ran’s attack method, which increased the purity of mana to the limit, broke through that limit. He was able to reach the end of the caster’s field of vision.

Ran’s way is to strike unilaterally using that overwhelming range.

‘You have to make the most of it.’

If you don’t take advantage of that advantage, this incarnation is just a walking experience.

Almond slowly returned to the bushes on his right and took his place.

-Why do you come here?

-You don’t eat minions?

-Is this a surprise attack?

-If you stay here and get caught by Paul, you’re dead.

-What is it? You prepared a cowardly move.

From this position, you can surprise Paul’s left side.

However, a surprise attack does not mean rushing in like a beast.

It’s sniping from a very long distance.

Almond raised his index finger to the sky.


It was a cognitive action of the ‘charge’ technique that gathers mana into one point.

Phage support support.

The gathered mana burned blue at first, gradually becoming brighter.

[Pure White Crystal]

Now it has transformed into pure white mana and burned.

Almond cautiously extended his index finger, which contained the pure white crystal.

Now you just have to choose when to release it.

The method of releasing these pure white crystals can be decided differently for each player.

Some players choose to throw it like a ball, while others choose to shoot it like a gun.

Almonds, of course─


It was a pose that seemed to be pulling a bowstring.

White wings spread around the pure white crystal, drawing the curve of a bow.

It was as if a bow had really appeared out of thin air.

It was the signature of the lane Almond played.

-Shooted already?


-I can’t see it.

-Are you planning on shooting before I can even see you?

-ah! I get it! It’s hard to hit the minions when they come, so I’m trying to shoot them as soon as I see them!

Almond held his breath and waited for the enemy to appear.

‘Probably will appear with the minions.’

The enemy will probably be expecting this to some extent.

Wanting to land a skill hit at first is something all long-range incarnations have in common.

However, you would never guess where the almonds are hiding.

‘I’ve barely used Lan in solo queue. ‘You probably don’t know.’

The enemy could not possibly have analyzed Almond’s eggs, but even if they had, this would not have been expected.

This is a tactic I came up with after discussing it with Joohyeok, and I’m using it for the first time today.

[Minions have been created!]

There was silence on the battlefield for a moment.

Only the sound of Lan’s pure white mana burning echoed silently.

‘When the minions come out, they will be mixed in.’

Thud. Thud. Thud.

I can feel the ground rumbling as countless minions rush in.

The contractor is much larger than the minion. It is exaggerated.

Makes you a great target.

‘It’s over there.’

It wasn’t hard to spot the banged-up biker hairstyle.

Paul was hiding very well behind the minion.

That was assuming that the almond was in front.

‘There is a gap.’

It’s full of gaps now.


If you count the flying time, it is now.


Perfect control of breathing and unwavering aim.

Just like back then when we bet everything on just one release.

Almond’s right hand placed the imaginary bowstring.


A white wave exploded, and Almond’s new form was pushed back.

The pure white crystals that bounced back and flew away roared.


A mass of pure white energy that moves forward, swallowing up the wind.

It hits the forehead of the biker Paul, who happened to be revealed.


Strawberry Shooter’s head was thrown back in pure white shock.

* * *

Taco jumped up from his seat without even realizing it.

“No! As soon as you start, you get hit with a pure white crystal full charge on your head!?”

Almond’s aim concentration was beyond imagination.

“There were quite a few minions! “It went straight through it!”

Even though it was a surprise attack, there were many obstacles.

Still, the white bullet Almond shot landed smoothly on Paul’s head as if it had dodged between the minions.

Aiming accurately in that area on the first stroke is truly an area of ​​talent.

In terms of shooting, it is like hitting the target dead center without even adjusting the zero point.

“I got a critical hit because it hit my head! You start off losing 30% of your health! Strawberry Shooter!!!”

Strawberry Shooter, who had been hit hard from the start, hesitated as if he had not expected it.

“uh? But Strawberry Shooter is no easy feat, right?”

But he is also a master. When it comes to judgment, it is superior to almonds.

He took the potion, straightened his posture, and started running towards Almond.

“Ah, if I stick to it, I win! That’s the mindset! Right now! If you actually stick to almonds, it’s dangerous?!”

Taco’s excited voice says it all.

A piece of paper like a column meets Paul from the front? Then there is no hope of living.

Almond was far away from the turrets that would protect him, in order to make the first move.

Strawberry Shooter is running towards that goal.


The terrifying sound of a shotgun being reloaded rang out.

“But right now, Rando isn’t running away at all!?”

Phage crackling.

Ran, who thought she would run away, was gathering mana once again.

“What is it? If you go head-to-head, you lose! almond!”

It was obvious that if I ran away, I would be caught up by Paul’s fast moving speed and become a beehive of shotgun fire.

In that case──

‘It ends here.’

“Ah, what kind of judgment is this?!”

Almond continued to collect mana on the tip of his index finger, saying, “If you have to try something, give it a try.”

Anyway, Paul, who was hit first, has less stamina.

Here, Almond plays a game of chicken.

‘I won one game, and Strawberry loses one game and it’s over.’

I intend to play without ever letting go of this psychological advantage.

I didn’t expect the strawberry to jump here, but this was the best response.

Almond believed so.


“Almonds are shooting now! If they miss, there’s really no hope! This is too much of a gamble! Paul is shaking back and forth right now!”

Because his arrows never miss.

It’s so hard… … !

The shape of a bow created by pure white mana spreading its wings.

Almond immediately released the wild white crystal, leaving only the direction set.


His new form was pushed away, and a pure white crystal flew away in the recoil.

It hit Paul’s head again.


“No! I’m going back and forth trying to dodge, and I’m going to hit you again! You won’t know if I do this!?”

Paul’s head jerked back, but his fingers moved.


The shotgun fired fire.


[Your stamina has dropped below 30%!]

Almond’s world was turned upside down.

“At the same time, strawberries fight back! If you hit the shotgun correctly, it’s a two-shot decision! If you get hit twice, the character gets knocked back like that and flies away, right? “It’s even worse because Ran’s stamina is like a piece of paper!”

My stamina was instantly drained. My body momentarily floated away.

If I’m pushed around like this, it’s over.


Almond opens his eyes, which had been closed for a moment.

I immediately straightened my back and raised my body.

I quickly extended my index finger toward my opponent.

“Ran is rising again! Now run away? Or fight?! Paul’s health is now below 20%! Run away? Or fight! You have to make a quick decision!”

The tip of his finger.

Pfft pfft pfft!

Pure white mana was already being charged there.

“uh!? What is that now? Mana is already collected! I had no intention of avoiding almonds in the first place! From the beginning, I decided to fight until the death! On the other hand, Strawberry Shooter──”

Strawberry Shooter’s eyes, which were staring at Almond behind the sights of the shotgun, shook violently.

The pupils were as small as a soybean, and inside them was a blazing white light set like a jewel.



The strawberry didn’t respond.

“almond! Charge only 70% and shoot! Will it cause damage!?”

Because Almond’s shooting was half a beat faster than usual.

The white light gradually grew larger, burning the entire field of vision white.

There was nothing to see.


Only these two letters are vague.

Almond’s dill calculation was correct.

“Ahhh! A 70% charge was enough! It was the right decision! On the other hand, I hesitated for a moment when it came to strawberries!”

Strawberry Shooter hesitated.

The worry that it would be the end if he lost here really pushed him to the end.

It was only for a moment, but that subtle difference.

Almond won by a margin of 0.01 seconds.

“The winner is───!”

The microphone volume went out as it couldn’t capture Taco’s excited voice.

What was off that day was not just the microphone volume. The community site LilPro also stopped working for a while.

Because of the news that Silver defeated the Master.


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