Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 170

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 170

59. Silver vs Master (3)

20 thousand viewers.

It broke 20,000 for the first time.

At this level, I was temporarily in the top 10% of all streamers.

-I came here to bet lol

-nice. This house knows how to broadcast.

-It’s been a while, Point Toto

-Rebels, come to your senses!? You idiots, come to your senses!?

It was a result of absorbing some of the viewers of Strawberry Shooter and Taco.

Joo Hyuk smiled in victory.

‘This is it.’

As expected, Strawberry Shooter did not turn on the betting system. It’s obvious that she’s worried that she’ll lose to Silver in Almond, but there’s no way she’d do something like that.

Joo-hyuk’s analysis was that he was big in size but timid in personality, and it was exactly right.

Taco, of course you can’t turn on the bet.

Even though it was not a game he was playing in, it was difficult to predict what problems might arise later if he placed a bet.

There is only one person who can turn on betting here.

It’s almonds.

Prepared mentality, and the position of the underdog.

There was even a scary momentum that came rushing in.

These three elements combined to create the current betting board.

13% vs. 87%

Although it looks very unbalanced at first glance, these matches are actually optimal for betting.

It is clear which is the straight line and which is the reverse line, and the line that appears to have a good chance of winning even if the reverse line is made is maintained.

It’s literally the perfect composition for a fire.

-Let’s go reverse!

-Show Silver’s cheerful rebellion!!!

-Please pass judgment on those idiots and traitors! Strawberry!

-What do you think of the Master? Haha, why bet 13%?

-Bshilgol bastards haha ​​Projecting wishes

The current chat window situation was proof of that.

Also, it was proof that you should not normally turn on the betting system.

-(This is a deleted message)

-(This is a deleted message)

First of all, Joohyuk is too busy.

Because the number of things to delete and ban increases exponentially.

“okay. As many as 20,000 people came in. “I’ll take care of everything.”

Joo Hyuk rolled up his sleeves and grabbed the mouse.

And then, it was the moment when Almond’s Reina and Strawberry Shooter’s Poison Bunny finally faced each other.

-at las!


-Put it in, almond! That’s how it is! (Strawberry’s sword)

* * *

“Okay! We finally met?!”

Tako, now in commentator mode, slapped the desk and shouted.

“You all know that Strawberry Shooter’s most powerful weapon is the Poison Bunny, right? If you get hit by it a few times, the poison damage will build up and you’ll die while standing up.”

-Strawberry Shack Cowardly Most 1 lol.

-That kid lol he’s really trying his best as a master

-It’s the poison needle bunny lol.

As if to represent Strawberry Shooter’s personality that does not match his size, Beedrill Bunny, a small and cute character, was his most popular incarnation.

He played the most, played the best, and was like a part of his own body.

“This is just an attempt to take the initiative.”

-ㄹㅇㅋ Silver Shack needs to be disciplined~

-Tonight’s dinner is mixed nuts!

-Oddeuk! Oddeuk!

-NOAMOD. Join us. Why are you cheering for the kid who kissed Reina? If you are Korean, please join us.

“Ah. Now that I think about it, Almond took out Reina, the main character? This is the first time I’ve seen this, too. In fact, I thought she wasn’t the main character anymore because she didn’t do it so much during practice.”


From a taco point of view, almonds were the main character of which there were a lot of rumors.

It wasn’t taken out once during a week of gaming.

“Even if it’s your first time playing a main character, you’re definitely going to feel anxious if it’s your first time playing a main character in a week, right?”


Minions began to rush in with the sound of a horn.

The two of them slowly started killing the minions. It seemed like they didn’t want to start a fight right after meeting.

Even in the Abyss Duel mode, minion farming was important.

Now, Almond knows that fact and doesn’t rush in recklessly.

Peewee! Peewee!

I pulled the bow with a light motion.


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Bang! Bang!

Even the arrows that seemed to be shot roughly while fluttering about all landed perfectly on the minions’ targets.

Pow! pop!

-What is it?

-cs eating is like a ghost

-You’ve fixed your habit of looking down on minions.

-Did you secretly practice alone??

Viewers already felt a hint of anxiety as they watched Almond improve his condition by calmly hitting the minions’ targets.

Because there are a lot of people who are crazy about Strawberry Shooter.

-Reina is still alive.

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋLook at the members shaking

-Is there something different about the movement itself? Is this the same Reina I used?

For high rankers, even the slightest movement changes when they catch the main Avatar.

It’s as if my body has become several times lighter, allowing me to dodge skills that I would not have been able to avoid, and hit skills that I should not have missed.

They have some kind of unknown ‘force’.

But Almond was feeling it now too.

〔It’s been a while, but it’s pretty good.〕

Even though it’s been a whole week since the last incarnation.

-Single-minded Raina… … .

-Raina, don’t be fooled ㅠㅠ You bastard!

-Almond likes Sana more!

-Information) Almond likes the Mangnani Warrior more than Kingdom, and likes Sana more than Reina.

Almond’s optimized movements, even acknowledged by Reina.

I felt it myself.

‘Certainly… …my senses are coming back.’

Maybe it was because it was the first incarnation I touched, but after pulling it a few times, I got the feel of it right away.

This peaceful minion farming continues for a while.

Strawberry Shooter is one step closer.


The intersections were both the same.

The moment our paths cross, the decision will probably be made.

Pok, pok… … .

Strawberry Shooter slowly approaches, taking out the minions one by one with its poison needle.

The short legs move back and forth, walking a tightrope in and out of the intersection.

Reina’s target appears and disappears repeatedly.

Definitely a master. There is no gap in movement.

Meanwhile, the Poison Needle Bunny’s cheek swelled up greatly.


Almond knew what an omen that was.

[blindness needle]


“uh! Strawberry’s blinding needle!! “The fight has begun!”

A blinding needle with a slightly longer range than a regular poison needle. This is Poison Sting Bunny’s skill.

The blinding needle that dulls the opponent’s sense of range and then fires a surprise attack is fatal in 1v1 battles.

“If I get hit by that, I’ll be blinded and lose my vision?! Then, in reality, it’s the end for long-range fights!”

The poison dart deals less damage than an arrow, but is faster.


The spit cuts through the wind and makes a scary sound.

This is a speed that the average player simply cannot react to.


“Huh?! Reina’s gone! When did Almond react?”

Almond had already thrown himself and rolled over.


Strawberry Shooter was taken aback for a moment.

‘How did you react?’

The basics of the Poison Sting Bunny are to first strike a blinding needle and then exchange deals one-sidedly.

That means this is not the kind of surprise attack that can be avoided.

‘It should have been at least that much more than that to react… … And where did it go?!’

Even Reina disappeared right before my eyes. There’s no way she could have a stealth technique.

Strawberry Shooter didn’t understand English, but Taco seemed to know.

“Oh, is this it?! 1 second of hiding when rolling with only Almond’s Reina!!”

-Dirty technique I received after kissing Raina haha.

-Oh, is this the reward? Wow

-Wow, what a jerk haha


An arrow is fired at the same time as the new form wrapped in a blue cloak is revealed.

Blue light flew through the heads of the minions.

The destination is the target drawn on the poison dart bunny’s ear.



A blue flame burst out of my ear.

That’s not all.


Along with Reina’s voice, numerous targets were created on her body.

Strawberry Shooter was embarrassed.

‘Wow, they’re picking so many people?’

Even though it was different from the usual Reina, it was very different.

He felt threatened and quickly blew air into the stinger again.


The small feather flutters and flies as if cutting through the air.


The target point is the bridge of Almond’s nose.

At that moment, Almond’s right hand also released the blue magical bowstring.

The blue arrow also ran quickly through the air.



The poisonous needle disappeared with a blue spark in the air.

“Ah …

-Do you see that?!


-It’s over.

-Brothers, are you coming to your senses?! You are finished! lol

Strawberry Shooter felt like he had been hit in the back of the head with a hammer.

‘this… … what’s this.’

I knew that Almond’s skill was playing with such skill.

But I never thought it could even repel a poisonous needle.

‘I practiced too.’

Almond smiled and pulled back the bowstring that was burning with blue sparks.

I knew that my opponent’s main character was Beedrill Bunny.

Whenever I had time, I would have Jia practice the stinger bunny.


His arrow flew.

Beedrill Bunny is not even ready to shoot yet. While the Beed Sting Bunny can be shot very easily while moving, it is naturally inferior to the bow in terms of firing ability.

Especially if it’s an almond bow… … .


The target drawn on Beedrill Bunny’s eyeball exploded.

One more thing there.

The arrows that flew in succession again blew up and burned the target in the abdomen.


The blue magic exploded once more.

This is the magic damage that occurs when you hit a 3-combo.

In response to the sudden explosion of damage, Strawberry Shooter reflexively spat out a poisonous needle as if vomiting. Now the load has become one.

‘When I shoot one, how many do I shoot!?’

Strawberry Shooter is also a player with an extremely fast reload speed. Compared to Almond’s Reina, it was only 1/3.



Almond rolled over again and disappeared from sight.

The poisonous needle split the air again and accidentally entered the minion’s eye.



Bunny’s eyes widened.

He understood the seriousness of the situation. Where did Reina go… … !

He quickly turned back and ran toward the turret.

The reaction was late.


Almond, who appeared right behind him, released the taut bowstring.


The target on the back of the head exploded.


The almond rolled forward and landed on its opponent.

“ah! Almond just rolled forward, right?! This means… … !”

It means kill angle.

At least in Almond’s eyes.


Blue targets began to explode one after another, helplessly and without context.

The stinger bunny couldn’t even fight back properly and just spat into the air.

It didn’t look like he was aiming properly and shooting. A boxer swinging his fist back and forth due to strong impact. It was exactly like that.



Bubbling bubbling!!

On the other hand, Almond’s attacks all hit the target.

He is being pushed further and further into the corner on the square ring.

“Soo, 17 combos in an instant!! “If this happens, the damage is no joke?!”

Among the ranged dealers, the Poison Stinger, which had relatively high health, held out a little longer.

It’s literally just a matter of time.

Within seconds, it was oxidized into blue flames.


-We’re lost! You fucking idiots!

-Long live Yeokbae! Long live the reverse!

-Almond ㅠㅠㅠ You’re so cool, you’re crazy!

-Silver is fucking Master lol




The rule of the Abyss Duel is that it ends when you die once.

This match was Almond’s win.

3rd edition, 2nd place.

There is now one game left until Almond wins.

“Wow… … I guess Strawberry’s mentality has been shaken a bit?”

Taco smiled as if he found it interesting.


-Wow lol

-Almond wins this?

-I’m tired, Reina, f*ck

-Isn’t this a stealth scam?!

Stealth. Yes.

This time, Reina had that kind of variable.

“It looks like the strawberry let down its guard because it didn’t think about hiding, right? So the next match might not be easy for Almond! In 1v1, you can’t choose the same incarnation in succession! ah… … By the way, the response from viewers is so hot right now, isn’t it? calm down.”


-That’s because I bet, f*ck lol

-You guys hahaha

In the community and chat window, Almond was on fire just because he won one game.

In the meantime, the next game started.

“Anyway, the game continues! Strawberry Shooter! Please do not look at the chat window or community comments!”


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