Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 163

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 163

57. Light and shadow (4)

13 minutes ago.

Anyway, I won the first round well and it was time for the second round to start.

Almond picked Sana again and said something meaningful.

“I think I got the feeling.”

-Almond (1 win): Got the idea

– Hahaha it was awesome.

-Do you feel better after playing Reina and then playing Sana?

It wasn’t nonsense.

‘This is perfect.’

The incarnations of Almond and Sana were absolutely perfect.

〔I don’t think anyone has handled my powers as well as you from the beginning. Contractor.〕

Even Sana acknowledged it.

However, viewers didn’t really think much of it, because they had heard similar comments from Reina many times.

Moreover, Sana has a better personality than Raina.

-Kya, as expected of you, Sana. I don’t hold back on compliments!

-But you don’t often give compliments like that, do you? thief

-Sana noonaaaaaaaaaa

-Sana is the best after all haha

Almond’s viewers only realized that those compliments were not empty words when the game started and Almond faced off against the opposing bottom laners again.

But the beginning was a little strange… … .

“Supporter. Just hit the enemy supporter first.”

Almond suddenly demanded a rush from the supporters.


“Please just do it.”

-Hey Almond, isn’t that what you do? You’re not even a hammer warrior.

-You idiot, he is a poking type supporter who shoots while giggling lol. If you hit him, he will fall.

Almond’s supporter was an incarnation called ‘Wizard of Radiance – Lumion’.

“You want me to charge?”

Lumion is a somewhat unsophisticated looking male wizard incarnation whose specialty is harassing his enemies by shooting flashing spells from behind.

Although it had a long range, its body was naturally weak.

Almond didn’t take those circumstances into account.

“Just look at each one and charge forward.”

-???: Just look at the estimate and you’ll go crazy lol

-What a bastard lol

-???: Just check the temperature of the Han River water and get out.

“… … Ah, I see.”

Lumion was convinced by Almond’s firm tone.

After the fight with the enemy contractors continued for about two minutes.

“Hey, I’m going now!”

Lumion caught the moment when the enemy was just a little greedy and ran.


He ran like crazy, screaming and using all his magic.

-Ugh hahahahahaha

-Why is he listening so well?

-Don’t listen to Almond! How do you do that?

The enemies were confused as they saw Lumion running towards them.

“What? Is he crazy?”

“What the heck? It’s a free kill. Kill me!”

After a moment of panic, they concentrated their firepower and poured it into Lumion.

A combination of fire magic and a powerful shotgun!


Lumion burned fiercely and became one with the fire.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

It got oxidized like that.

No, it should have been… … .

〔The realm of the divine will protect you!〕


Woohoo… … !

A refreshing green light spread out, and Lumion’s stamina soared.

“You’re alive?!”

“Sana saved my life! Shit! Hit me again!”


Lumion’s stamina was reduced again.

It suddenly drops below 5%, but then bounces back up like a rubber ball.

[Current stamina 19%]

‘Did you survive?’


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Was alive.

It’s been the same since then.

When enemies attack and your health goes down.

〔The realm of divinity protects you!〕

〔I will expand the realm of divinity!〕

[The realm of divinity… … .〕

Sana’s lines are heard one after another.

‘Hey, does this make sense?’

The enemy keeps hitting you, but the health bar keeps defending the same area.

The arrow of light was hitting the target created on his body without missing a single shot.

Even difficult parts, such as the tips of limbs, are all guessed correctly at the same speed.

It was a skill rarely seen in normal games, no, nowhere else.

‘Besides, why doesn’t the arrow of light disappear?’

There is a limit to the number of arrows of light.

It is created only when the shadow arrow hits the target.

This is to limit such reckless play.

It’s a meaningless restriction for almonds.

pop! pop!

From earlier, his shadow arrow was perfectly hitting the target on the enemy minion.

Since the range does not reach enemy contractors, it detonates targets that are created above minions.

In this way, it casts shadows on minions and light on friendly supporters.

But very quickly.

‘Oh my god. This is the speed at which it alternates between shooting shadows?!’

Accuracy aside, an ordinary person cannot achieve this speed even if they pull an arrow of light.

Lumion’s mouth dropped open.

The mouths of the enemies also continued to talk without stopping.

“Hey, why doesn’t this bastard die!?”

“Is this crazy!”

“How does this guy have infinite arrows of light?! Isn’t that a bug?!”

“Hey Police, you bastards… … .”

“Report after you’re done, you fucking idiots.”

From the enemy’s perspective, it would have seemed like Almond was using the Arrows of Light infinitely, so it was worth it.

-I’m about to get reported again haha.

-Ugh lol If I get reported, what happens to the competition?

-Breaking News) Almond… … It turned out to be a bug, not a nut!

Then Almond shouted.

“What are you doing! Just keep shooting!”

Lumion, who had been dazed for a moment, was startled.

“ah… … Yes, yes!!”

Since my stamina was so low, I lost my sense of reality and forgot about it for a while.

We were fighting now.

Skill cooldowns were all back.

Lumion fired magic again.

Fuuuuuuu! Pubbung!

It was very easy to hit a panicked enemy who was hesitating whether to report or not.

[Double Kill!]

In the end, the two who tried to kill Lumion lay side by side in harmony.


-Lumion double kill lol

-It’s chaos

-Okay~ Now if I buy the item, the game will explode, right?

-Another big kill haha.

From this point on, the game just went out of control.

Every time the enemies were resurrected and returned, they had to be killed by Almond… … .


In the end, just 13 minutes into the game, the opponents unanimously surrendered.

After the game ended, an enemy supporter said something.

“You bastard hero, you’re playing a shit game. “Is it okay to play a scam like that in a normal game?”

Although it took the form of a curse, it was the highest praise in the world of reel.

-High praise ㄷㄷ

-The Nobel Prize of the reel worldㅋㅋㅋ

-Actually, the year-end awards ceremony hahaha.

-This is honor.

-For Honor! lol

-Almond wins the Nobel Game Prize! You play games like shit!

* * *

“no. “What did I just see?”

Tako didn’t mean to spill this out.

It just popped out on its own.

It was like hiccups, something I couldn’t control.

Almond’s play, who fought like a storm for 13 minutes, was just as amazing.

‘You got the hang of it by the second round, didn’t you?’

The second game felt like watching a Sana craftsman play.

No, the word craftsman has a slightly different focus.

‘This isn’t the Sana play we’ve seen before.’

Almond’s Sana was ‘special’.

The average Sana fights at the rear. There are many reasons why she has to do so, such as her long range and low health.

Almond was the same in the beginning. He focused on healing with the supporter at the forefront.

But it was different from the middle.

I started to move forward.

-That’s Sana, the hammer warrior haha.

-It’s almost like a rock?

-I turned around, it’s really funny lol

I had no intention of dodging the attack. Under the premise that he could heal unconditionally anyway, he took the lead in battle more than anyone else.

And he didn’t actually die.

The amount of healing his Sana did was more than overwhelming the enemy’s damage.

[Taco Hometown Osaka donated 1,000 won.]

[Taco. Isn’t Sana a scammer? Just order Sana]

A backing voice played in a slow, comical way.

I knew something like this would come out.

Taco smiled bitterly.

“If it were that easy, everyone would buy it.”

This is why it is difficult to become a pro at this game.

Even if he made a great play, it often came down to Hwashin’s performance.

“Shall we take a look at Sana Tier’s evaluation?”


With a familiar movement, he opened Lille Pro’s statistics website and showed it off.

“look. It’s tier 2. If it’s Tier 2, it can be used as a joker pick in a tournament or as a counter pick. But is this really a scam? “If you ask me, it’s definitely not right?”

-Really lol

-Those who have tried Sana know

-Sana is a fraud? Those guys who don’t have a reel at home

Because viewers may not know much, Tako added a more detailed explanation.

“The arrow of light that lives is a fraud. Shadow Arrow has a good debuff, but the conditions for casting it are very difficult and the damage is weak.”

Arrow of light.

It was safe to say that this was Sana’s main weapon.

It heals allies and yourself, and deals damage to enemies.

There are few mechanics in this game more unfair and merciless.

“The problem is that the arrow of light is not infinite. First of all, having to take the arrow of light out of the arrow quiver is also very frustrating. There is no count. “You have to hit the target with the shadow arrow to get one.”

-Kkkkkkkkk really

-Taking it out of the quiver is fucking awesome lol

-There are so many times I accidentally took it out the wrong way haha.

-Now that I think about it, almonds never make mistakes.

“Look at this. If I do this just once, I’ll die.”

Then Taco showed one of Almond’s replays.

About 7 minutes into the game.

Almond was fighting at the forefront of the midfield.

After receiving or receiving all enemy attacks.

A scene that comes to life by continuously hitting shadows and lights alternately with barely-there stamina.

“In this battle, the game was simply over? But what do you think would have happened if Almond had missed the arrow here?”

It was definitely a cool scene.

What if one of those arrows misses? Because the cycle is broken, nothing happens and you die right away.

If a well-grown almond dies in vain, an inverted angle appears.

“It’s a very risky play, but it also has a big return.”

High Risk, High Return

Almond showed such tightrope walking throughout the game.

“To use an analogy, it is a game where you make about 100 million won a day by continuously hitting coins. “Can you do it?”


-LOL There’s no way you can do that.

-Coin Mad Movie Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


-You still haven’t stopped eating Takoyaki?!

-Oh, hearing it as a metaphor makes me dizzy.

-I don’t think I can do it against bots. I take them out alternately and then I get a slap and just keep shooting shadows and I’m out right away. Lol

-Really, I can barely do it against bots, but I’m Eva

[Taco’s hometown, Osaka, donated 2,000 won.]

[Thanks for the explanation. But Almond, don’t you give any feedback? Are they already queuing for the next game?]

“… … ah?”

Taco was so focused on explaining things that he forgot to give Almond feedback.

“But this time there was almost nothing to give feedback on.”

Almond’s play this time was not operationally perfect.

However, his Sana play was so unique that Taco had a hard time saying anything.

It felt like he had found his own path.

‘I usually only get this feeling from master tier artisans… … .’

“Why not give feedback all at once? Honestly, there is nothing to do in this edition. “The score is 34 kills and 0 deaths, what more can I say?”

-Well haha.

-Wow 34 kills lol

-They say I just got 50 kills in Battle Large, but it’s no joke here either.

-The rating is low lol. The kids can’t handle the almonds.

“Okay. Let’s see the next round. Will we get 30 in 3 days? We can’t tell with just 2 rounds.”

Reel gives a large bonus experience when winning consecutively.

Almonds that day.

I quickly advanced to level 20.

“under… … ?”

Taco was speechless.

I can’t believe I’m on a 9-game winning streak without even taking a breath.

In the feedback afterward, I couldn’t say anything else other than praise.

‘The operation is also being supplemented… … .’

“Thank you for your effort. Almond. “It was fun.”

Taco decided to stop broadcasting feedback here.

Almond also ended its broadcast here.

Taco sat on the bench blankly for a while.

-Taco, isn’t there a broadcast?

-Are you indulgent too? Hahaha

-Hey, what are you doing!

“ah. Self-indulgent. good.”

With that, Taco turned off the broadcast.


And I sit alone on the bench and look up at the fake night sky created by Disworld.

Even though it was a fake star, somehow he felt that one of those constellations must be that guy.

‘Dongwook. This place is still full of geniuses… … I think you might be right.’

Thinking that way, he brushed his bald head back and stood up.

A shadow cast in front of him.

“older brother.”

The shadow makes a deep voice.

“… … What is it? Is it Junmo?”

This is Goo Jun-mo, also known as Strawberry Shooter.

“Yes. I just finished my broadcast. I just heard that my brother finished his broadcast too.”

“Really? I’m going to go now.”

“Oh, is that so?”

Taco got up from his seat and headed towards the portal.

Goo Jun-mo asked behind him.

“older brother. “I’m the ADC, right?”


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