Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 156

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 156

55. Proposal (1)

All I could see was the back.

One, long hair that reaches down to the waist and a wheelchair, etc.

Thanks to my somewhat unusual obsession with impressions, I was able to identify him right away.

‘That’s the woman from earlier.’

This is the fan who asked for an autograph before getting tested.

It seemed like Almond helped me out as a fan.

Even when Sang-hyeon got very close, the woman seemed to not notice and was looking at the distant mountain.


Cigarette smoke rising with a low breathing sound.

‘You were smoking.’

Wheelchair and cigarettes. It really shouldn’t suit me, but I feel like it does.

“Miss. I have brought the person you mentioned.”

The man who had been silently pushing Sang-Hyeon’s wheelchair spoke politely.


The word ‘young lady’ is not unfamiliar, but it is not common for it to be used in this context.

‘I only saw it in dramas…’ … .’


The woman paused for a moment, then quickly put her cigarette out in the ashtray.

When I looked back at the face, it was indeed that woman.

The woman’s faded lips smiled.

“Now you’re in a similar situation to me.”

Sang-Hyeon also said that he was in a wheelchair.

Compared to the atmosphere he gave, his first words were quite pleasant.


“Is it worth using a wheelchair?”

“yes. It’s comfortable. and… … thank you “There’s no need to go this far.”

“The hospitalization fee there is expensive. “It doesn’t feel good to get caught up in something like that.”

I don’t think I’d care much about expensive things, but I didn’t necessarily say that out loud.

“Shall I give it to you?”

The woman asked, pointing to the black van parked in front of her.

Maybe it’s because of the wheelchair, but it looks like he’s riding around in a big van like celebrities.

Sang-Hyeon paused.

‘What should I do?’

If you get a car, your address will be known.

Of course, it’s better to refuse, but if you refuse like this, the wheelchair will have to be given back to the woman.

Then Sang-hyeon has nowhere to go.

“You’re in trouble.”


The woman seemed to have read Sanghyeon’s thoughts.

“If I follow them, it’s not good for revealing their residence, and it seems like it would be difficult to get off somewhere far away and walk, and if I don’t follow them, I don’t know what to do here without a wheelchair.”

It comes out smoothly as if I had known in advance and asked.

Sang-Hyeon nodded.


The woman laughed.

“You’re very honest, just like you see on TV.”

Was there anything that could be said to be honest? It was a standard of honesty that was difficult for Sanghyun to understand.


The woman looked at the man next to her for a moment and muttered something softly.

The man did not appear to be a bodyguard. I guess I’m a bit old for that. He might be a butler or secretary or something.

The middle-aged man nodded with a reluctant expression.

It seems like the discussion is over. The woman looks at Sang-Hyeon again.

“Did you eat?”

* * *

On the way to the restaurant, escorted by bodyguards along with her.


From a smoothly moving wheelchair, Sang-Hyeon sent a message to Joo-Hyeok.

[Sanghyun: Hey. A fan saved me for a moment. When can you come? I think I can go back only when you come]

The reply came quickly.

[Joo-hyuk: Hey, great! I’m a little far away now! Ji-ah will go instead!]

[Sang-Hyeon: Oh, tsk tsk]

Meanwhile, Joo Hyuk seems to have asked Jia for a favor.

“I guess they’re sending out a rescue request.”

The woman didn’t even look at the cell phone, but asked vaguely how she knew.

“Oh, yes. I guess it’s because it’s a nuisance.”

“It’s not a nuisance. “Do you like dim sum?”

When he looked at the place where the woman’s eyes were directed, he saw a famous high-end restaurant that he also knew.


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“Okay. I’ll buy you dinner.”

Sanghyeon offered to buy her a meal in return for saving her.

“hmm… … .”

The woman looks around for a moment.

To be exact, two bodyguards and a middle-aged man.

“I would like to do that as well, but they have to eat with me. For convenience, I will use my corporate card.”

“Oh, of course I-”

“I’ve hardly ever donated. Please accept it as a donation.”

The woman flatly refused.

The meal was a multi-course meal served slowly one by one.

This is because it is a situation where you need to spend your time leisurely.

Conversing with the girl wasn’t that awkward. Contrary to the aura that came from her appearance, she was surprisingly receptive to conversation.

Since Sanghyun wasn’t the type of person who couldn’t speak, the conversation continued without interruption.

Above all, the women were very interested in Sang-hyeon’s actions, so there were a lot of topics for conversation.

She showed great interest in the reel part in particular.

Eventually, the story about Reina’s story mode came up.

“Oh, congratulations. You cleared Raina for the first time. “And kiss me.”

It seemed as if he had said it intentionally. There was a playfulness in his eyes.

Sanghyun answered, feeling a little embarrassed.

“You always mention that.”

“Yes. It’s important. The kiss.”

The woman continued to speak, smiling bashfully.

Sanghyeon put more dim sum into his mouth, hoping that his face would not change color.

It feels good to have the juices bursting out.

“How about being the first to shoot on the Korean server?”

“I’m proud, though. I do not know. This isn’t actually a big deal. “People in my country aren’t interested in Raina’s story mode, so I’m the first one.”

“Even though Reina’s performance isn’t that good, she’s popular.”

“Still, the number of plays is significantly lower than in other countries. “Koreans don’t like story mode in the first place.”

“But still, you’re the first. I’m jealous.”

He said he liked Choi Choi, but it seemed like he was really obsessed with Choi Soo.

“Now that you have some coins, have you decided on your next incarnation?”

“I think it will probably be Sana. “I don’t know what it will be like.”

“If you use Rayna perfectly, most ranged characters will be easy. “Sana is particularly difficult.”


A piece of dim sum went into her mouth.

How can you eat without getting your mouth wet while talking?

Maybe it was because I knew he was rich, but his elegance seemed like he was from another world.

It seems that the saying ‘that’s it’ exists for a reason.

“Are you only going to do long distances?”

“Because I’m good at it.”

“But it’s good if you know how to handle reels in various ways.”

“is that so?”

The woman nodded and popped another piece of dim sum into her mouth.

“I recommend the blink sword. Swift.”

Flash Sword – Swift.

This incarnation also knew almonds.

‘It’s mainly used for electromagnetic waves.’

This is an incarnation that you cannot help but know when studying electromagnetic images.

He is an incarnation that uses a two-handed sword, and can fight by blinking to where his sword is.

And if he got too far away, he could call back the sword.

So, the game usually involves throwing the sword here and there and repeatedly blinking to confuse the opponent.

“He’s physically good too. You seem to be quick to make decisions. “When I saw Rayna in story mode, it seemed like she couldn’t even use a sword.”

“Oh, thank you. “I’ll give it a try.”

Sanghyeon nodded while making a note in his head.

It seemed like a reasonable recommendation.

“What are your goals for the future?”

“Goal? Well.”

“Breaking the electromagnetic record?”

I met the woman’s smiling eyes.

At this time, Sang-Hyeon felt a strange void.

There seemed to be an oddly long silence after that question.

In reality, that’s not the case at all.

“Maybe we can’t break the electromagnetic wave record on reel.”

“Almond, you might be able to do it.”

But I say this.

Sang-Hyeon somehow felt that the woman was very satisfied with his answer.


Were you originally a fan of electromagnetic waves like Jia?


[Zia: Almonds. I decided to go. Do you need anything?]

Just then, a message came to Jia.

Because it was necessary… … there wasn’t anything like that in particular.

[Just come quickly.]

[Jia: Okay. Can I go with a friend? I can’t eat almonds by myself, lol]

[Haha it’s okay, okay]

“I guess you’re ready to come.”

“Oh, yes. The manager said something urgent came up, so the editor is coming instead.”

“Ah. That person… … is the person you mentioned earlier who gave a lot of support and then became an editor?”

We talked a little bit about Seo Ji-ah earlier. You remember that so well.

“Yes, that’s him.”

“It’s rare for someone to be so close to their editor, so it’s nice to see.”

Listening to her, it seemed like she knew quite a bit about this industry.

Sang-Hyeon asked curiously.

“Now that I think about it, I guess you’re doing something related to this.”

“no. “I’m just unemployed.”

“yes… … ?”

“Originally, unemployed people were more interested in the internet.”

Sang-Hyeon quickly glanced around at the bodyguards and a man who appeared to be a butler eating nearby.

Even though the bodyguards didn’t know, the butler couldn’t hide his expression.

The butler was looking at the woman as if she was saying something outrageous.

“Because she’s someone’s daughter, you think she’s treated with such favor.”

“No. It doesn’t matter whose daughter she is. It matters who she is.”

For a moment, their eyes met.

Then, for the first time since they met, the woman avoided eye contact.

The shoulders that had been proudly straightened throughout the meal began to slightly hunched.

“… … “That’s a good mindset.”

After an awkward silence.

The meal was over in ten minutes.

While I was savoring my dessert, I received a message saying that Jia had arrived.

As I wait in the vacant lot, Jia comes running from far away.


Her friend, whom she had seen in the morning, was also there.

“You came. You’re cuter than I thought.”

The woman said it was nice to meet her and extended her hand.

“See you again.”

Sanghyun clasped his hands and expressed his gratitude again, then stood up and returned the wheelchair.

The guards deftly folded the wheelchair and placed it at the back of the van.

“almond. are you okay?”

Zia came over and looked at Almond’s complexion.

“Yeah. Thanks to him.”

“Is he that fan?”

Jia lifted her chin and poked her head over Sang-hyun’s shoulder, but the window was tinted black, so only Jia’s face was reflected.


As the window rolled down, Zia’s face was cut off.

The face of a woman who appeared instead.

Alluring eyes, faded lips, and long, flowing black hair.

A strange feeling of danger to herself and others.

A person who seems like you’re walking on a knife’s edge when you talk to them and is difficult to forget.

“It was fun.”

She waved her hand one last time and left.

Jia was staring blankly at the van that had left.

“Jia. What are you doing.”

“Uh, that person… … .”

Jia mumbled something blankly for a moment, but Sanghyun didn’t hear her.

Because Heo Yeon-ju intervened.



She hit the back of Gia’s head while she was just standing there blankly.

“Ah. It hurts.”

“What are you doing? Just blankly! If you’re going to stop, I’m telling you to get a parking ticket! Let’s go quickly!”

“ah… … okay. That’s strange… … .”

Jia tilted her head and headed to Yeonju’s car with Almond.

Holding his still staggering body.

* * *

… … Meanwhile, Joo-hyuk was still meeting with Director Oh.

He thought.

‘It’s all been good news so far.’

I listened to the story for a long time.

So far, all Director Oh has said is that the advertisers for Mangnani Warrior were very satisfied, and that he received an interview from Reel, etc.

It’s all good news.

As he declared, he started with good news.

Director Oh said he definitely had something to ask of him.

I’ll probably say it from now on.

‘What the heck is that?’

What on earth are you asking for, so why bother so much?


Director Oh took another sip of the bitter coffee.

“Mr. Joo-hyuk. Now, I have some bad news. Actually, it’s not bad news… … but rather, I have an urgent favor to ask of you.”

It seems like he’s finally speaking up.

“Please tell me.”

“You may have noticed that our punk entertainment side has a somewhat close relationship with Bubblegum’s company.”


“But the Bubblegum team is going to a competition this time. A streamer competition.”

“… … A streamer competition?”

This was something Joo Hyuk had no idea about.

“yes. Nothing has been revealed publicly yet. This is a story we only share among ourselves. But it was hosted by Lil and Trevi, and Bubblegum’s crew was supposed to go there.”


“There was a puncture. Not our company name. “My teammate was really punked.”

“… … Ah, yes.”

“There’s talk from over there about recruiting Almond. It’s a bit urgent.”

Reel competition?

Joohyuk’s expression became quite troubled.

‘She can’t even change ranks yet?’


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