Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 150

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 150

52. Long story (1)

With the whole body tied up.

Kiriririk… … .

A strong binding rope that tightens up to the neck.

“Keeek… …! Kek!”

Yuria’s eyes gradually turned white.

I was losing my mind.

“It’s working! It’s working!”

Reina shouted.

Although the divine protection of the Avatar rested upon him, this certainly did not mean immortality.

Contractors also die without the blessings of the sanctuary.

The protection of the Avatar and the blessing of the sanctuary. These two are combined to create a contractor who is an immortal demigod.

“If you don’t have one… … .”

This time, Raina grabbed the rope herself and pulled harder.

“You die too!”

Padduk… … !

As her rope was pulled taut, Yuria’s struggles became faster.

Even after being hit hard, Yuria was an archer. Her arm strength could crush a minion.

She twisted her pretty lips and growled.

“These… … these… … .”


White light gathered in her hands again.


Her hands, which had been tied with rope, slipped free.

This is because the tied position was too biased toward the lower body.

“Hands! Tie your hands! Untie your feet!”

“Oh, oh, oh, it won’t come off!”

There is no way the rope, which is tightly tied with hooks intertwined, can be released at will.

Yuria’s hands grabbed the rope around her neck.

“You… … They’re all dead… … No, I didn’t think I could die gracefully──”

That was the moment.


With the sound of the wind cracking, Yuria’s left hand flew out.


It was Almond’s arrow.

“I don’t know how to leave it like that.”

With those words, two more arrows flew out. One to the exact center of her forehead and one to her right hand.


Her right hand jerked back, and the rope tightened around Yuria’s neck again.

“Wow… … ! you… … “Youoooo!”

Yuria glared hard, but the halo was greatly diminished. The protection of the incarnation was fading.

‘We have won.’

Almond buried all the arrows in his quiver into the ground.

Now that I have the upper hand, I have to give it my all.

“Ah, almonds! here!”

Other minions, Holly and Julia, also put their own arrows in front of Almond.

Originally, they had to shoot it themselves. Having seen Almond’s skills before my eyes, I decided that this was better.

The answer of thanks came from Almond’s right hand.


Before I knew it, there were four arrows stuck in the paws of my hands, and they moved straight to the bowstring.

“Hey… … urg! Hike!”

Yuria now made a sound like a cornered animal and tried to loosen the rope that was constricting her neck, but the arrow had already been shot.

Almond’s arrow bounced off Yuria’s hands again without a single error.


Yuria’s two arms sagging again.

“Ugh… … !”

Yet again, Yuria tried to grab the rope, and Almond kept repelling her.

Almond was able to pull those two hands apart faster than Yuria could move her hands to the rope.

The more this obvious battle was repeated, the more Yuria’s complexion turned blue.

Oxygen will gradually become scarce.

Because these people are also breathing humans.

Even while Almond was shooting continuously, he did not forget to insert arrows one by one into vital points such as the face or solar plexus.

Bubble bubbling!


The more it happened, the lighter the halo became.

“Hey… … Hmm… … !”

Yuria felt something and twisted her body, emitting light from her whole body, thinking that this was the end.


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“Lord, kill me! “I will kill you!!!!”

Yuria’s eyes were wide as if she was chewing on an almond.


In those pretty eyes, only almond arrows flew straight at her.


A blue explosion occurred in one eye.



An arrow was stuck in the other eye.

Sticky red blood splattered from Yuria’s left eye.

“Keep, keaaa …

A terrible scream rang out.

“uh… … !?”

“Hey, are you stuck?”

“The blessing of the Avatar… … !”

“The contract holder too… …blood, bleed!”

The children muttered in bewilderment. In the meantime, I never let go of the rope I was pulling so hard.

Even though I let my guard down, the fear of the contractor imprinted on my body did not let me down.

“Don’t let go!!”

“Pull more, pull more! “Almost everyone is dead!”

“Those who are not bound, cut them down with a sword! Or shuriken!”

The excited shouts of children echoed everywhere.

Julia and Holly, who were not in charge of capturing, ran quickly.

This is their job.

“You, Yuria… … die!”

“You tricked us!”

From his angry eyes, sadness rather than anger flowed.

In any case, their swords were filled with more than enough murderous intent.



The two swords crossed and pierced Yuria’s abdomen, splitting it open.

A large amount of blood splashed onto their faces. The children’s pure white faces were covered in blood stains.

That made the kids crazier.

“How many of us have died!? What are you guys!?”

“How many times have you killed me! Yuriah!!!”

They screamed as if they were being stabbed and stabbed themselves with other swords one after another.

Since he doesn’t have the strength to pull out a sword that’s already been inserted, he just keeps inserting new swords.

As if creating some kind of unpleasant work of art.

Phew! Phew!

Pok! Pok! Pok! Pok!

I put all the iron objects I had equipped into Yuria’s soft, white skin.

Now there is no spot on her body that is not red.

Nevertheless, Yuria’s tough breath remained.

Her eyes were still emitting their characteristic white light.

However, that was until then.


Yuria’s head flew off as Almond’s new form passed by.

Almond grabbed the two children’s shoulders without even looking at Yuria’s neck.


Even after the head was blown off, the children who continued to plunge the knife into him stopped.

“… … Huh… … Huh… … Gasp.”

“ha… … ha… … .”

He was shaking with excitement, covered in tears and blood.

I couldn’t tell if it was because he was crying or because he was tired.

“Yuria is dead.”

According to Reina, the contractors always have only one person guarding that door.

They said they didn’t seem to want to stay here while there was no battlefield.

‘It must be because there is no light from the sanctuary.’

When there is no battlefield, the sanctuary loses its shine. Then the contractees will not be immortal.

They are so accustomed to immortality that they are afraid of even the slightest danger despite their great power, so only one of them is always guarding this place.

“It’s finished. Let’s go now.”

Now that we’ve taken out the one person who was the only one guarding it, our escape is pretty much a success.

“Ugh… … Black… … .”

“Huh! Haaaaaaaaa!”

Now that we’re done, let’s go out.

At those words the children began to cry.

“Because I don’t know until I go out. “Let’s cry later.”

Almond caught them one by one and raised them up. The main mission was to help Reina escape, but I had grown attached to these guys.

The children stood up, whimpering and holding Almond’s hand.


A blonde girl could be heard running from afar.


She immediately hugged the almond.

Raina’s face was also covered in tears.

“I, I really thought it would happen… … .”

The moment he felt Reina’s body temperature, Almond realized what the strange sound that had passed through his head earlier was.



I realized it more fully when I met her wet eyes.


What is his last name?

“That’s my last name. I just remembered.”

Raina says the name one more time as if thinking about it.


She smiled brightly.

“It’s a good name.”

“Let’s go out now.”

Reina nodded vigorously.

Both of their heads looked toward the door at the same time. There was no one guarding it.

Only white light welcomed them.

[Ruby Sword donated a whopping 100,000 won!]

[Hey, this is finished!? Congratulations!]

[Dobby donated 10,000 won!]

[and!! almond!! You idiot!]

[Dehyeop donated 10,000 won!]

[Although I hate Almond for stealing Reina as a traitor, I watched this episode with tears in my eyes… ]




Donations poured in like wildfire.

I wasn’t looking at the chat window, but unlike chat, sponsorships appear on the screen like this even if you don’t look at them.

In general, these were donations congratulating the clear.

But contrary to their expectations, the story did not end this way.

thud… … !

A loud noise echoed from the door.

A huge, sturdy black figure roared.

“You’ve created a mess! “Gentlemen!”

It was an iron ingot, a bart.

A look of fear appeared on the minions’ faces.

Now I’ve used up all the ropes to tie up Yuria. There’s no time to untie her.

“Would you like to play with me now? Huh?”

He was speaking in a very playful tone, but everyone could tell.

The anger in that voice.

Almond pushed Reina’s back.

“Go quickly!!!”

Almond made the decision.

“run! “I’ll take my time!”

Reina asked with wide eyes.

“What… … What?!”

It seemed like he was about to shout, “Stop talking nonsense… ”

The moment Raina saw what Almond was holding, she was speechless.

“Come on. Don’t waste my life.”

He was holding Yuria’s bow.

If you’re not a contractor, no one can touch it.

I’m sorry… … !

Surprisingly, white light began to gather in his hands.

[Mana 300]

[I feel like something is going to happen.]

After killing Yuria.

A huge amount of mana had accumulated in him.

‘Killing a contractor is the fastest way to become a contractor.’

Killing a minion only raises it by 1 level.

Kill the contractor and you get 300.

And, it felt like the incarnation was reacting.

I think he probably became a contractor or something like that.

“Go! Raina! please! Are you planning to kill all the children!? “Mot’s dead too!”

Reina and Almond’s eyes looked at each other once again.

Reina’s pretty face was distorted and she sobbed. He shed tears and pulled the fallen children.

One, two, I started running towards the door, following Reina.

“her? Do you think that will happen? Minion——!”

Bart growled and charged.


The ground where I hit my feet crumbled into dirt. Bart was flying at that speed.

Almond also pulled the bowstring.

‘You have to get it right the first time.’

Almost simultaneously with the pull, as silent as a ghost, his hand released the protest.

Shh …

The almond arrow flew.

An arrow that once belonged to Yuria.

He slammed into Bart, who was running towards the children, as if he was snatching them away.


Bart’s new model was pushed far away.

White light covered everywhere.

[Loading… … ]

At that moment, the game ended.


-Is it done?

-What about almonds?

-omg! Did it really work!?

-What happened to you when you died?

-and… … What is this, a lie?

Almond’s life or death is unknown.

The objective was achieved.

[Get Reina out of this battlefield! – Complete]

The goal was to escape Reina.

It doesn’t include almonds.

[Achievement ★★★]

The pure white light gradually faded, revealing the figure of a blonde woman sitting on a stump.

Raina was now an adult.

“I thought it was too long to talk about.”

Her face smiled sadly as she looked down at Blue Bow Damian, and Reina from her childhood appeared overlapping.

[Story mode completed]

* * *

[Beginner Tip: The battlefield you are active in is a place that follows ‘sound rules’, so please use it with confidence.]


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