Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 149

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 149

51. Contractor Hunting (2)

“I’ll explain how to kill the contractor.”

Raina explained about a weapon called a trapeze crossbow.

“It’s a weapon that shoots rings with ropes attached to them. It was originally carried by soldiers to subdue us.”

So she said that the armory dedicated to soldiers should be robbed.

“The crossbows are carried by Mott, Holly, Jay, Tom, and Theo.”

In fact, all of the girls, except Julia and Mellie, were required to carry crossbows.

“Our attack doesn’t work on the contractors. “I’ve known that for a very long time.”

Raina explained by integrating what she had observed and what she had newly learned through almonds.

“But yesterday Almond showed me. It’s not that the attack doesn’t work. “Our attack is too weak.”

She placed a stone on the floor.

“This is the contractor, and this is us.”

Tree branches are small and thin compared to stones.

Those were the kids from Reina’s squad.

“As a result of watching the contractors fight, their defense is so strong that even attacks between the contractors cannot work at once. “It’s because of the Avatar’s protection.”

Protection of the incarnation.

In the game, that element is changed into a stamina bar.

To Rayna and the other minions, who had no need for stamina, it must have felt like an invincible shield.

“But the protection of the Avatar does not last a lifetime. More than anything… … .”


She took a thin thread and tied it to a branch and a rock.

“It is vulnerable to attacks that limit this movement.”

“Well, that’s what this trap crossbow is supposed to do?”

Mort asked.

“huh. okay. Mort. “You’re smart.”


Mott smiled brightly, pleased with the compliment.

“This binding crossbow shoots the hook that binds the opponent. I can’t show it to you directly. The soldiers always take care of it.”

This means that you have to succeed at once.

There is no such thing as practice time.

“excuse me…….”

Tom asks, carefully raising his hand.

“But because of the Avatar’s protection, the hook cannot penetrate the skin.”

The Avatar’s divine protection protects their bodies like skin, and no attack can penetrate it until it breaks.

Of course, hooks are no exception.

Raina knows that too.

“huh. that’s right. So we’re going to try something different.”

Raina had a plan prepared.

The plan that came out of her mouth was nothing short of outrageous.

So much so that even almonds tilt their heads.

‘… … Is that possible?’

It was extreme and dangerous.


“almond! Let’s try our best!”

Mort said, squeezing Almond’s hand.

“You can do it!”


Mott smiled brightly.

Theo next to him also laughs.

Theo doesn’t remember, but he likes almonds, now and then.

Would it be the same even if Mott loses his memory?

* * *

‘I should have just seen that smiling face more.’

Almond finished his reminiscence as he looked at Mot’s torn head.

‘There was no other way.’

And then I realized.

Why was Reina’s plan so extreme and dangerous?

‘If you want to kill something like that, you have to do something like that.’

If there is no risk, there is no return.

To kill the monsters called contractors, you have to take that level of risk.

“I had a strange feeling, so I moved to another location. They were doing cute things?”

Among the contractors, the one who made the surprise attack was Yuria.

Yuria’s white halo of light was shining brightly, as if trying to drive away this dark night.

The momentum was completely different from when I encountered that assassin-type contractor before.

‘Much stronger.’

It’s not for nothing that the blue team won.

Yuria was much stronger than that assassin contractor.


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Besides, she’s now glaring at the minion with both eyes wide open as if she’s going to kill him.

It would be a world of difference from fighting the contractor who was distracted at that time.

Almond prepared his mind.


Yuria pulled the bowstring.

“Either die, or come here obediently.”

An unidentified white energy was slowly gathering around the bowstring.

I don’t know what it is, but I saw it in the war.

If you shoot it after it’s all gathered up to the end, they’ll all die.

I was lucky to survive earlier. The minions were spread out horizontally, so Yuria couldn’t wipe them out all at once.

But maybe I’ll get lucky one more time?

Almond shook his head.

‘We have to fight back.’

Counterattack is the answer. In the end, as Reina said, a fight with the contractor was inevitable.

‘But what about Reina?’

Almond looked around to see if Reina was alive or dead. If she died, everything would be over.

‘That’s it.’

Luckily, Reina was easy to find.

They are not in a position to counterattack together.

“iced coffee… … .”

His pupils went out of focus. He seemed to have lost consciousness. As most minions do when they face a contractor head-on.

It’s as if their whole body is trembling and they are just waiting for death.

Even Raina of the world had no choice during her minion days.

Almond finally raised both arms.

“I surrender.”

Anyway, Yuria will try to save Almond and Reina.

“You never die. “I think that would be troublesome.”

What Yuria said to Almond.

It meant not to go over to the red team. Contractors don’t kill strong minions like almonds.

Rather, it captures it and removes its memories. Just like it was with Raina.

I don’t know how they do memory removal, but it’s definitely a more tedious task than just killing them.

Nevertheless, the reason to endure such trouble is to ensure that strong minions remain on the blue team.

‘I guess that’s right.’

Almond’s prediction was correct.

As Almond approaches, Yuria smiles.

“Come closer.”

Yuria’s bow clicks as if to call for more.

At the tip of the arrow, the white light was already at its peak and boiling.

If you let go of that bowstring, Almond will die instantly.

Almond approached slowly, avoiding looking in that direction as much as possible.

“There, Reina. I’ll give you a special chance too.”

Yuria spoke to Reina, who was still shivering.

‘I plan to kill the rest.’

The remaining minions are just a distraction to Raina anyway. I will kill you without mercy.

‘How many minions are left?’

Meanwhile, Almond was trying to figure out the number of remaining minions. For the plan to work, at least four people had to be alive.

‘Does this guy know?’

Almond looked at Yuria.

Yuria is also rolling her eyes here and there.

They don’t know where the other minions are. In other words, Yuria doesn’t know.

There is hope this way.


Suddenly she turned around and took aim at the almonds.


Surprised almond.

“If you don’t come now, I’ll kill this guy too. It seems like you have a special relationship, right?”

Fortunately, it wasn’t intended to kill, but was rather threatening.

Reina slowly got up in response to the words, “I’ll kill Almond.”

My legs still seemed to have no strength and I was shaking. The eyes returned to focus.

“Either I die or go to you. It’s the same… … .”

Reina’s eyes looked straight up at Yuria’s.

As a minion, looking into the contractor’s eyes was like facing the bright sun.

Raina did not avoid eye contact.

“Right? It’s the same anyway. My memories are erased. I’m just going to be treated like a slave, like livestock, and play along with your strange games.”

Yuria’s brow furrowed.

“Strange game?”

“What is war, and what is this dirty Taran?! If we die anyway, we’ll go back to Taran and fight. What’s the difference?”


Yuria sighs, saying, “You figured that out?”

“It’s not play. It’s training.”


“Anyway, you know too much. You won’t be able to convince me.”

Kiririk… …

Yuria pulled the bow.

Reina still couldn’t do anything.

There is probably no way to avoid this arrow.

It was a miracle that her shaking legs didn’t collapse.

“You’d be better off dead.”

If Reina found out that far, she certainly wouldn’t surrender anyway.

As for the other minions who heard that fact, they should probably all be killed as well.

‘however… … .’

Yuria, who was pulling the protest, realized something was strange.

‘Why did that guy surrender?’


At that moment, a hot sensation came over my left arm.

The bow’s balance was disturbed and the arrow dropped.

The white-burning energy disappeared like a lie.

“As expected, I can push even if I don’t get hurt.”

Looking back, it was an almond.

Almonds, completely different from the first time, with lifelike eyes sparkling.

“you… … ?”

Ting… … !

Yuria reflexively let go of the bowstring, but what use is a bow without arrows?

Nothing happened.

In the end, it just gave me another chance.

“The Avatar Raina shoots even without arrows. “It seemed like you couldn’t do it.”


Almond’s sword struck Yuria’s chin once again.


A blue flame burned along with the sword strike.

Yuria’s eyes turned white and flashed with anger.

At the same time, Almond shouted at the top of his voice.


When I figured out the number of minions left.

Unexpectedly enough, there were enough people alive. And they were all crawling to their respective seats.

‘If what I saw was true… … .’


Hooks were sticking out from all over the place.

These are hooks shot with a trap crossbow.

The ropes sticking out from all directions stretched out and formed a star shape.

“A crossbow? Something like that… … .”

Yuria let out a hollow laugh.

There’s no way a hook or something would pierce my skin.

Rather than avoiding that, I’d rather kill this wicked brat in front of me.

Yuria’s foot burned with white energy and kicked Almond in the face.


A white explosion followed the path of the foot.

Although it was nothing compared to shooting a bow, it was a destructive force that was fatal to minions.

However, Yuria is an archer after all.

Almond wasn’t that great at kicking. He had already evaded the assassin’s attack, so there was no way he could avoid that.

Almond easily dodged even the white explosion’s trajectory.



Tsk tsk tsk! Ting!

The one who couldn’t avoid it, no, the one who didn’t avoid it was Yuria.

“Go, hook by hook?”

The hooks were shot in different directions, and they weren’t even aiming for Yuria’s skin in the first place.

The moment when it is pulled back after shooting.


I aimed for that moment.

The moment when each person’s hooks hook and tie each other.

Yuria’s body was instantly covered with hooks and tightened.

“Ugh… … !”

He was already holding one leg up.

In that state, my arms and thighs suddenly became tight, making it difficult to maintain my balance.

Yuria, who had lost her balance, staggered back and forth.

Soon it shook left and right.

As the shaking became steeper, the recovery slowed.


I fell to the floor.

At this moment, all the minions flinched.

‘It works.’

‘The contractor too… … fell down!’


Reina was right.

Even for contractors, the trap worked.

Almond had to finish it now. That was his job.

‘But one thing is missing.’

There is no hook that Mort should have originally shot.

That’s what it takes to finish.

At that time──



A hook comes from somewhere and gets stuck in the top of the tree behind Almond.

I followed that taut line.

“Haa… … Haa… … I got confused looking for this.”

It was Reina.

It looks like he hasn’t lost his mind.

she shouted, rolling the pulley and slackening the rope.

“almond. hurry!”

Almond was already moving.

He grabbed the loose rope with one hand and ran towards the fallen Yuria.

It hit her head like a tackle.

“Let go! Before I kill you!!!”

Yuria’s hysterical voice echoed. It seemed as if she was trying to bite him to death with her teeth.

But that was only for a moment.


“You are the one who will die.”

Almond quickly wrapped the rope around Yuria’s neck, and Reina pulled the trigger, winding the pulley again.

Shhh, profit──

The rope tightened around Yuria’s neck and pulled her up.


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