Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 145

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 145

50. Reina’s Reason (2)

There was quite a lot of money at stake in today’s game. The reward for clearing a 3-star mission was 1.25 million won. With the appearance of the big hand, King Kyon also received support.

‘I didn’t know story mode would be this exciting.’

Is it because of curiosity about clearing Raina 3 stars, which has not yet been revealed? Usually, games with a story are slow in terms of support and viewers.

Today’s broadcast is quite exciting.

[Current viewers: 9 thousand]

The number of viewers has already reached close to 10,000.

This number of viewers in the morning time slot is very encouraging.

Sang-Hyeon was quite satisfied.

‘If you work hard, everyone will notice you.’

It was a good thing that he had thought of turning on the broadcast and practicing his reel in the morning. At least that’s what Sang-hyun thought. He didn’t know what Joo-hyuk was doing in the community.

‘Cleared with 3 stars. Let’s just focus on that.’

The broadcast was already successful.

Sanghyun decided to focus only on playing the game.

[Story Mode]

[Would you like to continue?]

* * *

The ruins of the second turret are visible again.

‘I even pushed the second turret.’

If the second turret has been pushed in, only the two towers in front of the sanctuary are left.

Crash… … Crack… … .

The warmth that comes with the sound of a campfire.

The place he was was a base camp set up nearby. There were several children warming up there.

These are the blue team’s minions.

Most of them sat still, shivering because of the cold or the fear of war, but Reina was moving around busily.

She threw more firewood into the bonfire where the youngest minions were gathered and covered them with blankets. And he whispered something into their ears. She couldn’t be heard from this distance.

Almond thought. As expected, it’s still strange to see it again.

‘I care about my minions so much.’

And he reflected.

What Reina said when story mode started.

“There’s a reason why I hate that kind of thing.”

What does it mean?

If it’s ‘that kind of thing’, it means that he used Reina to do something ridiculous by making her a spirit. But this memory has no connection to such a mischievous act.

‘Let me think about it some more.’

If you really look for a connection, there might be one. Life as a minion is probably far from respectful.

They are beings used and abandoned like slaves.

Does Raina hate the feeling of being ‘used’ because of her memories of this time?

‘Is this related to this?’

Almond felt quite promising.

Even if I think about it from the other side, I think I would have been sensitive to such things if I had lived that kind of life. Enough.

He muttered, wondering if this was the right answer.

As if talking to the game system.

“Is Minion’s life Reina’s reason?”

Common sense tells us that there is no way to clear 3 stars like this, but Almond’s game knowledge is below common sense.

He just does whatever comes to mind.

[Unfortunately, no. There is a connection, though.]

Surprisingly, the answer came back.

Of course it was a disaster.

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This kid is trying to eat me raw

-Do you think it will work? Haha.

-No, I’m more surprised that the answer came back? lol

-Wow, is this the spirit of a newbie or something? It’s better than the spirit of a person without weapons. What the f*ck.

-A novelty that no one has thought of!

-That’s why there’s a saying that new employees are always full of energy.

Since it had failed, it was natural that all sorts of ridicule would come. However, Almond did not see it as a failure.

‘Is there a connection?’

I gained information that I would never have known if I had stayed still. Information that the life of a minion is not the correct answer, but is related. And I even got information that if you ask a question this way, the system sometimes provides an answer.

[Time passes.]

Time suddenly passed.


After that, what unfolded before my eyes was our army’s minions preparing to advance.

“We skipped the gathering scene this time?”

-I guess I just skipped it because I was afraid it would be boring.

-Is there a reason?

-Just ask the system like before lol

– Hahaha raise your hand and ask.

To the viewers who were teasing me by raising my hand and asking, I’m sorry, but there was no time for that.


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“Row 1!! Do something!! Run!!”


Almond, who had been blankly staring for a moment, was pushed hard from behind by someone.

When I came to my senses, all my colleagues next to me were running away.

‘Oh, was it the first row again?’

Only then did Almond start to run away. Raina’s blonde hair can be seen from a distance.

‘I have to fight with Raina again this time.’

Fighting next to Raina would be at a disadvantage to survival, but after fighting a few times, I got used to it.

Survival wasn’t difficult anymore. Rather, it seemed like the key point of this game was to keep observing Reina even if you went to the first row.


“almond? “Why are you here so late?”

Young Reina spoke in a grumpy tone, but her tone became much friendlier than when we first met.

-Even young Raina… … .

-Hey, hey, you’re saying it’s not your face but your archery skills?


-This is adult Reina’s trick. Even young Reina wouldn’t like almonds!

There was no time for Almond to explain why he was late.

“Gye, it’s a contract!”


The enemy’s contractor had arrived.


Come to think of it, this is my first time encountering an enemy contractor so quickly. And that too without any friendly contractors.

‘It must be an everyday situation for the minions.’

I’ve just been lucky so far.

Minions are exposed to this danger at any time.

The enemy contractor was an incarnation of an assassin. It was difficult for Almond, who didn’t know much about the reel itself, to guess who it was, and it was useless to try.


The contractor’s new model disappeared in an instant along with the shadow.


Almond, feeling an ominous sensation, rolled over.


As expected, a red blood mist was scattered everywhere.


I couldn’t figure out what was going on.

A speed that is difficult to keep up with with the eyes. This is the power of the contractors as seen from the perspective of a minion.

After the black fog has passed once.

All Almond saw were round heads rolling around on the floor.

These were the heads of minions.

One of them spoke to Almond.

“Ah, almonds… … .”

“Theo? crazy… … !”

A curse came out in a voice. For a moment, I almost forgot that this was a game.

“I… … came to the first row to become like you… … .”

The child who spoke to Almond first after Reina and called his name.

-Wow ㅠㅠㅠ


-I’m sorry, sister ㅠㅠ

– Wow, the development was over.

-Where is Raina?

Raina is not visible.

‘Reina? Now that I think about it, where is it?’

Almond came to his senses and looked around.

‘Where is it?’

I looked around but couldn’t see Reina. She wasn’t the only one.

There were no fellow minions beside him. In the blink of an eye, the heads of the archer minions were all blown off. Seven or eight children were killed in one blow.

This is what happens when a minion encounters a contractor.


It was just a black shadow passing by.

The shield minions in front also had their armor destroyed in an instant and were swept away.

“Gagging… … !”


The minions still didn’t even think about fighting back against the contractor. However, Almond’s gaze was directed at the contractor.

A swaying shadow.

There was a hint of anger in Almond’s eyes as he looked at it.

He pulled the bowstring as if possessed.

Of course, the target is the opposing contractor.

“Blood, damage! Almond!”

“what are you doing!?”

When we aimed at the contractors instead of the minions, even the friendly minions far away shouted.

“There are still enemy minions left! “What if we shoot the contractor first?”

They were shouting things out as if it were some kind of great rule.

It didn’t reach the almonds. Without any time to say anything, his hand suddenly let go.


The arrow flew straight.

Within moments, blue flames burst into flames from the contractor’s head.


It was a hit.

“You idiot! “The contractor receives the ‘God of Avatar’ and is almost unaffected by our attacks!”

Only then did I hear Reina’s voice.

She was covered in mud, as if she had been rolling around somewhere.


It seemed like it was trying to tell him to run away quickly, but Almond’s arrow didn’t seem to have any such intentions.

phut! phut! phut! phut!

He fired at the contractors without stopping.

Shadows began to bloom again around the contractor’s new form. He seemed to be able to move to where the shadows were.

Ssssssssssssssssssssssssss… … !

The new model that reappeared was already behind Almond and Raina.

He held up a black phantom-like sword and cut.


However, there were no almonds there anymore. It’s been a while since he rolled forward. Because he already felt that he would come out from behind.

The arrows did not rest.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three arrows that roll and fly at the same time.

The contractor once again went into the shadows and chased Almond, but the same thing happened again.

Almond is the world’s best at avoiding things. Even though he’s a minion, his abilities are still there.

Even though I kept chasing, the only one I got hit with was the contractor.

After about three or four repetitions.


The contractor hesitated.

“… … Oh, that’s ridiculous.”

The minion made the contractor step back. Reina’s mouth fell open.

The existence of a contractor was like the sun that the minions could not even dare to look at.

However, Almond was not disturbed one bit as he aimed at the sun.

He just did the same thing, stringing an arrow onto his bow as if he were hunting a wild animal.

The arrow was aimed at the contractor just as it was at the minion.


The contractor was hit by his barrage of arrows and once again fell back.

You win by avoiding all attacks and hitting all attacks.

It was a play that took this simple proposition to its most ignorant extreme.

-Wow crazy

-Isn’t this how it’s done?

-Dude, you’ll get a bug lol

-Physical is really bad, lol

-If this is our minion, I am already a challenger~~

-Ah lol I told you the blue team is a fraud?! lol

But in the end, almonds are also minions.

‘doesn’t exist…….’

I was out of mana and out of arrows.

The contractor rushes in at this moment. A black shadow swings around, emitting a terrifying aura.

Almond had no choice but to run away.

That was when.

“Oh my! This is it. Aren’t you that guy from back then!?”


A loud voice was heard from behind, and the opposing contractor’s attack was repelled.

It was our contractor, Bart the Iron Ingot.

[Time passes.]

At that moment, the scene passed.

* * *


It was the first time that a scene skipped during a battle.

Where he was now was not even near the campfire.

He was hiding in the thick bushes, eavesdropping on the conversation.

“That guy was pushing the contractor.”

It was Bart’s voice.

“Um… … This is a dangerous irregularity.”

It was Yuria, a contractor who fought with a bow.

It seemed like all the other contractors were gathered there too.

“It’s great, but it’s kind of weird. “More than Raina.”

“Reina also puts a lot of effort into ‘memory management’. Another guy like this… … .”

Almond showed a play that could lead the Blue Team to victory today.

However, contractors actually hate it. Is this a normal reaction?

Did I look like something unpleasant?

Even so, it’s strange.

In a battlefield where you risk your life, you hate it when a guy you hate is active?


-Wow, what is this?

-It’s creepy.

-My head is really dizzy

-what? what?

The viewers seem to think the same way and are surprised.

And Almond realizes one very obvious fact.

‘They wouldn’t risk their lives… .’

The only ones fighting for their lives are minions. They weren’t contractors.

And one more thing.

‘Wait a minute. Where am I?’

He checked his surroundings again.

Although it was a dense forest, the place where the contractors gathered was an empty lot.

A familiar empty lot.

‘Body crematorium.’

It was the place where the minions always came to incinerate corpses after a battle.

“Anyway, let’s stop here for today and watch more tomorrow.”

As Yuria finished the conversation, she activated something in the crematorium.

Ugh… … !

A bright light burns. Of course I thought they were going to burn the bodies.

But that wasn’t the case.


The body was sent somewhere.

I saw the body disappear. What was emitting light from the floor was not a burning fire, but a magic circle.

The magic circle glowed brightly again, and this time, corpses appeared again. Most of them wore red clothes and looked like the corpses of the Red Team.

and… …

‘What the heck.’

The corpses got up and started walking out.

No, it wasn’t a corpse.

They were all alive, but there was no light in their pupils.

They changed their clothes according to the contractor’s orders. From red to blue.

Just like that, I became a blue team minion.


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