Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 144

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 144

50. Raina’s Reason (1)

As soon as I got out of the capsule, Joo-hyuk was waiting.

“hey. An advertisement teaser came out. “Let’s play it.”

“It’s a surprise. “When did you come?”

Sang-Hyeon pinched his nose.

It’s because of the smell of alcohol coming from Joo-hyuk’s body.

“what. “It smells like alcohol again.”

“I had a drink with Jia and some sundae gukbap.”

They succeeded(?) in community drinking and opened a bottle of soju as a toast. Oh, it wasn’t just one bottle. When I came to my senses, there were 3 bottles.

It was a day when Jia was in a very good mood, probably because of the settlement statement.

“People who drink during the day are pathetic.”

Sang-hyeon copied what Joo-hyuk had said before.

“How are you going to get through the day when you’ve been drunk since the day?”

“What is happening all of a sudden?”

“If you start your day with alcohol, you will spend the day unable to use reason, and in the end, you will not be able to do anything. I relieve that stress again with alcohol the next day, and in the end, it lasts for a month, a year… … .”

“Hey. Stop it. I got it. Just tell them you’re going to turn on the commercial. I’ll turn it on now.”

Joo Hyuk raised his arms and declared surrender. Sanghyun chuckled and went back to the capsule and spoke to the viewers.

When I said I was going to show an advertisement, the chat response wasn’t good.

-Almond is an idiot ㅠ An idiot who only knows money ㅠㅠ

-Tsu: Don’t like money // ???: Why // Tsu: Don’t like money // ???: How do you do that?

– These nuts are terrible

-Is the nut in the nut a dog?

-Oh, baby… … I don’t know anything. I only know about advertising.

However, when I told them that this advertisement had been filmed recently with Almond as the model, they showed considerable interest.

“This isn’t just an advertisement. It’s a photoshoot I did as a model. Bubblegum and Miho are in it too.”

-Oh, is that really taken from a recent shoot?

-Almonds coming out???


-Is Miho coming too!?

-Oh my, almonds??

-Wow, you’re a video advertising model!? It’s a dog

-and! Wolkle!

The viewers all knew it too.

It’s not a simple advertisement that you play a few times and then forget about; the video advertisement model has a completely different unit price.

[Ruby Sword donated a whopping 100,000 won!]

[Wow! Fantasia advertisement model! Congratulations! I didn’t read the notice so I didn’t know!]

[Gajjibokkeum donated 50,000 won!]

[omg! Advertising model ㅠㅠ Almond appears, it’s awesome ㅠ]

-No, I turned on the commercial and there was another show that made money?!

-Shooting commercials is money, running commercials is money, and then there’s money added on top of that to the power of three… … Is this insider-style “mathematics”? … .

-Hey, but I’m proud too. I’ve been watching it since Almond Kingdom hahahaha

-and! Kingdom Almonds! You can even shoot commercials! Of course it’s Kingdom!

-As expected! Kingdom Warriors! Awesome! Here they come again!

The viewers’ chat continues.

“Okay, then I’ll eat quickly and come back.”

The screen suddenly went dark.


And the words in a sophisticated font came to mind.


Although it was a mass-produced advertisement, it looked quite convincing.

[Presents… … ]

The background music changed and the actor in charge of the performance appeared.

The man opened his mouth with an annoyed expression.

[Hey, Pam.]

[Yes! Did you call? Warrior? Kyaruru!]

A fairy laughing with a strange laugh jumped out from the side.

It’s the kind of fairy that only appears in children’s fairy tales.

The man said while looking at the fairy. It looks like something is gritting its teeth.

[The Demon King… … I killed him.]

[Ouch! You killed him!]

Either way, the fairy answers brightly.

[It took 10 years… … ]

[is it so! It took you 10 years? It was a little frustrating! Kyaaluru!]

The man has an angry expression all the way down to his head. As if he were going to chew up the fairy at any moment.

[You suffered all kinds of hardships in that barbaric and dirty world before you died! You definitely killed it!!! Then you should keep your promise too!!!]

The man shouted, as if he was supposed to receive something for killing the Demon King.

[Karruru! promise? I kept it.]


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[I asked you to send me home. He said he would give me money too. They said my hero story sold well, so I squared my shoulders among the story fairies. They said they would give me 30 billion won and send me home!]

[You sent it home?]

[under… … okay?]

A man nervously opens the window curtains.


As soon as the curtain is opened, red light comes in.

Looking down on the city, it was burning everywhere. All kinds of monsters were slaughtering people here and there. Even the high-rise buildings on the riverside in the distance were half destroyed, with only half of them remaining.

The gate was opened and the world was destroyed.

It’s a miracle that the man’s house is intact.

[This is my house!! When you look at this, it’s the Earth!!!]

[This is home.]

The fairy spoke, tapping the wall with her wand.

And then he continued, pointing out the window.

[Out there is Earth.]

The fairy looked as if she was suppressing laughter.

[It’s as promised! Oh, and I also put 30 billion won in your account! That was also a promise, right?! I don’t know if you’ll be able to use it though! Kyaruru!]

[You fucking bastard! What a trick!]

[Huh!? What do you want us to do with the Earth becoming like this!?]

[You made it like this! They are trying to use me again to sell stories!!]

[Kyaruru! Do you have any evidence!?]

The man eventually couldn’t stand it anymore, grabbed the fairy by the collar and shook her violently.

[Hey!! ──! ──! ────!]

Judging from his expression, he seemed to be spitting out some really bad curses. The scene changed as the curses were muffled.


-No lol this is fucking hilarious

-Even if I end up being a loser, I still have to admit it lol

-You really are crazy, lol

-Is this a joint production with Weplug? Pam is here lol

-Oh wow haha.

-Evil bitch! Kill me lol

And then the ads for the actual gameplay started. They were the usual mass-produced mobile game ads.

[I got tricked by that damn fairy!]

[Still, I have to live!]

Bubblegum rolled around dressed as a tanker.


-Gum type ㅠㅠㅠ hahaha

-Can you identify that tanker? LOL

-You’re having a hard time here too lol

-For some reason, I look so fucking weak haha.

-A tank that doesn’t seem to have good aim? On the contrary, it’s good… … .

[Gather your team members!]

Miho, who took on the role of a priest, appeared while burning enemies with light.

The sight of him coming down from the sky reminded me of an angel. An angel with a somewhat impure outfit.


-Nunaaaaa! I’m dying!

-I’m so tired of dressing up ㄷㄷㄷ

-Almond Shake… … Even if you eat a lot, this is acceptable.

-Get me the Gacha! I’ll spin it all day long, damn it!!!

When she smiled once, the chat window was filled with all kinds of drips and was almost unreadable.

-Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, even if you are a priest, Miho Ramen can treat eunuchs.

-If Miho had been born 60 years earlier, there would have been no civil war.

-If Miho had been born a thousand years earlier, the capital of the Republic of Korea would have been Manchuria.

-If someone asks about the future of the country, stop by a convenience store and buy a Miho pictorial. You’ll feel better.

-Only Miho knows the ending of this world… … !

Now comes the final sentence.

[Be strong!]

Almonds appeared.


-Finally peanuts?



Although the reaction wasn’t as great as when Miho appeared, the reaction was still hot because it was Almond’s room.

Almond was in a confrontation with a huge giant monster with a tree between them.


The moment when the giant sneakily approaches Almond.

Almond’s eyes flashed as he quickly moved to another cover.


The giant’s club crushed the space where the almonds were.

Then Almond plucked the bowstring.

Pava ba bang!

Four arrows hit in a straight line from the giant’s groin to his head.


-I don’t think that’s a composite!?

-That’s crazy.

-Did you do the shooting yourself? It’s the same as when playing games.

-It’s not an avatar implementation, it’s a real shot, but it works


No matter how much CG developed, it was still possible to distinguish between a 3D human being and an actual filming.

To the viewers, it was clear that this was a real shoot. Nevertheless, Almond showed off his archery skills beautifully.

-I think he has real athletic ability too

-Wow, you’re so cool ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Oppa aaaaaaaah!

-Oppa, I’m dying!!

-Wow, so cool

Big… … !

The giant hit by the arrow fell, blocking the entire screen.


[Raising a damn warrior]

The advertisement ended here.

* * *


Sang-Hyeon exclaimed in admiration as he finished eating the almond flakes.

“and. Can this happen in just one day? “It’s really cool.”

Today’s video technology is truly breathtaking.

After all, it is a world where full-dive gaming is possible at home.

This might be easier.

“uh. This is a teaser video. “The full version hasn’t been released yet.”

Joo-hyuk also said, unable to take his eyes off the video.

“I’m definitely looking forward to it. Although it seems like a mass-produced game.”

“The response from viewers is also good. Even though we played the ad, almost no one came out. “It only decreased by about 500 people.”


Sanghyun quickly took a shot of cereal.

The reduction of 500 people was also a bit of a waste to him.

“I have to do it again soon.”

“But would you be okay eating that? You had cereal for breakfast too.”

“When I’m full, I can’t concentrate.”

Sang-Hyeon answered like that and started stretching for a while. He was planning to enter the capsule soon.

Swish, swish.

It didn’t look like he was very skillful as he slowly took his time and pulled it straight. She definitely comes from a national university.


Joo-hyuk grabbed his shoulder.


Sang-hyeon, who had his head down while stretching, stuck his head out between his crotches and answered.

“… … It’s not some kind of bat ghost. “Anyway, you know you’re going to the hospital tomorrow, right?”

“Ah. Oh. I know.”

“Don’t overdo it today.”

“Oh. I won’t do it. It’s impossible.”

When I spoke with my face turned upside down, my credibility was completely at risk.

“Be patient. I get it.”


As Joo-hyuk sat in front of the computer, Sang-hyeon also finished stretching and opened the capsule.

* * *

Almonds returned to the capsule.

He read all the backlogged donations. And I also confirmed the mission amount.

‘This much?’

The mission initially started with 500,000 won.


[Reina 3-star clear]

[1.25 million won]

Now it’s a whopping 1.25 million won.

It seems like there are quite a few people who think they won’t be able to clear the 3-star level.

-Almond, are you going to watch the ending today?

-Are you going to Kkunwang today?

-at las?

King. It is an abbreviation for ‘to the king’.

This means that once you turn it on, it won’t turn off until you wake up the king. In other words, it is content that ends that day. Sometimes it even goes on to the next day.

‘Do it now or when will you do it?’

It would be good to try it when doing content that is less taxing on stamina, such as story mode.

If you play a game like Reel, you will end up seeing King Yeomra while you are at it.

But it was possible with Raina’s story. The battle time was short and there was enough rest time in between.

“I need to get the mission money. I’m going to Kkeunwang.”

Moreover, the mission’s time limit was until today.

You can’t just miss a mission with 1.25 million won accumulated.




-Wow, the first almond king!

-Really? Wow! My wish came true ㅠㅠㅠ

-I just ordered chicken lol

-I got Kyochon chicken today

-I was behind BBQ!

-Twice lost, two greedy dogs!

Is the declaration of the king really that good?

People were so excited that they declared that they would slaughter the chickens and hurled support.

Among them, there was some fairly large support.


[Sonkeun Colony donated a whopping 500,000 won!]

[Kya! King of the first turn! Success!]

A viewer who suddenly appeared donated 500,000 won. Even the name was unusual.


-Wow, Sonkeun Colony! wow!

-Wow, here comes a big shot too

-and! It’s a constellation! LOL

-Sonkeun Colony is almost a constellation lol.

It was a famous name.

‘He’s the big guy in the bubble gum room.’

He is a big man who has also seen almonds. He was a guy who was quite energetic in the bubble gum room.

I remember that when Bubble Gum was playing, he always came and shot me once.

‘I’ve become that streamer now… … .’

Once again feeling that his life had changed a lot, Almond started playing the game.

“Thank you, Sonkeun! I’ll definitely clear it! I’ll leave after the reaction!”

-As expected hahahaha

-I guess the reaction is also indulgent lol

-Wow, how will I fall behind in the story lol?

-What would this man… be like in a coffin?

– Hahahaha consistent reaction!

-Wow what a king ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

With the expectations of countless viewers, the reel is back in action.


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