Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 142

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 142

49. Minion (3)


The arrow Almond shot hit the enemy minion’s head.

It seems that there is no such thing as a ‘health bar’ here like in real reels.


If you get shot in the head with an arrow, you just die.

I felt a shiver at my fingertips as I pulled the bowstring.

It’s the first time in a while that I’ve felt a sense of reality.

-Hey! Of course, a headshot from the first shot!

– It’s been a while since I’ve seen such a clean headshot. Let’s go back to Battle Large right now.

-But there’s a story, it’s a solo game, and if you pull the bow, what’s the difference from Kingdom?! Come to Kingdom.

-WHO-selected Class 1 highly toxic substance: Almond arrow.

Viewers also enjoyed seeing headshots for the first time in a while.

However, the children who were running next to Almond had their eyes wide open.

“… … !”

“W-what is it?”

“Did… … we just shoot?”

It was a miracle to them that they could kill a minion from a distance with just one shot.

‘uh… … ?’

Meanwhile, Almond was curious for another reason.

Woohoo… … !

When he kills an enemy minion, something like a blue energy comes over him.


I guess it was like mana.

As expected, this text comes to mind.

[Acquire 1 mana]

[I feel a mysterious power.]

[It still seems insufficient to do something magical.]

Here, the structure was such that killing a minion would give you mana instead of gold.

If you collect them, you can become stronger. Looking at the explanation, if you collect mana one by one, you might get enough mana to use magic.

Or become a contractor.

‘It’s like becoming a contractor.’

Magic is magic, but it seemed that if you collected a lot of this mana, you would become a contractor.

That was the atmosphere.

Even now, these young children are getting excited to kill their opponents, shouting, ‘I’m going to be a contractor!’, and Reina running to the front row.

I guess he wants to become a contractor.

By killing as many enemy minions as possible.

“Wow, our archers are better!”

“Kill me!”



I only killed one person, but whether it was because the headshot went through the helmet or because the enemy’s arrows went in the wrong place, the morale of my troops increased tremendously.

Doo doo doo doo… … !

All the children in row 8 started running.

Enemy minions also ran.

A number that shook the earth hit the center of the line.




There were cases where he punched someone, stabbed them with a spear, or even accidentally cut off the head of an ally with a sword.

It’s a mess.

The allies and enemies were tangled together and even rolled around.




The only way to identify Pia is by the color of the cloak she wears on her shoulders.

Enemy forces are red, and friendly forces are blue.

Even that was torn to pieces in an instant.

Anyway, Almond saw that and had to draw his bow.

He held four arrows in his palms.

In an instant, a foot caught the bowstring, and bang!

The sound of the air being torn apart echoed and arrows flew.



An arrow flew through countless allies and pierced the enemy’s forehead.

Mana flowed in again.

Almond immediately drew his bow again.


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As expected, one minion falls.

Then, the next arrow.

Pok! Pok!

It hit the minions’ foreheads exactly and they fell down.

“after… … .”

Almond continued to shoot arrows one after another, as if trying to vent his frustration about not being able to shoot his bow properly on set.

As if it were a predetermined fate, the arrows began to sweep away the minions.

“and… … .”

The other archer next to him looks at him with envy.

“You, who are you? This is the first time I’ve seen you.”

Almond, who was concentrating on shooting, answers vaguely.


-Ugh… Simple and clear!


-older brother. People here don’t know what almonds are!

-what is that!

The archer’s eyes sparkled, paying no attention to Almond’s simple answer.

“Your name is Almond. That’s amazing.”

-Almond, what a great name!

-The name is great haha.

-Almond is a great name haha.

This boy may not have said that his name was great, but viewers were jealous and made fun of him.

“I’m Theo.”

The boy introduced himself as Theo, but Almond didn’t hear him. He was completely focused on shooting his bow.

The bowstring was swinging frantically, and the number of arrows in the quiver was gradually decreasing. And when the quiver was finally empty.

Before we knew it, there were hardly any minions visible in the enemy camp.

[Current Mana 20]

[The number is still too small to do anything.]

Out of 30 minions, 20 were killed in an instant. It was an amazing hit rate. The allies were surprised and murmured.

“I was wiped out?”

“One column is dead… … !”

In the meantime, Almond just calmly went around picking up the fallen arrows.

If this is like the siege of the reel, the next minions will come out anyway. I had to charge the arrows before that.

‘There aren’t many.’

However, none of the arrows that fell were healthy.

“Hey. You. Did you say your name is Theo?”

“Uh… … Huh? Oh. Right. It’s me, Theo.”

“Give me your arrows.”

“what? But I don’t have much anymore… … If you give me this… … .”

“I can’t shoot well anyway. “It’s better if I just shoot.”


-That’s too much lol

-That’s true, lol

Theo thought about it for a moment, then seemed convinced and handed over all the quivers.

“Okay, you have to shoot well.”

Almond wrapped his quiver around his neck without answering, because the next minions were coming.

He picked up the bow again, aimed at the enemy minions, and began flicking the bowstring. In an instant, the arrows in the quiver disappear. Also, the enemy.

“Wow, wow… … .”

As Theo opened his mouth in surprise, a loud voice hit the back of his head.

“hey!!! There’s a minion!!! “It’s amazing!!!”

I had no idea that being hit with sound could be like this.

When I looked back, I saw a body much larger than an ordinary person. Judging by the faint glow of the halo, I knew that it was the contractor. It was the one I saw when I was marching earlier.

“… … contractor?”


This time, I was actually hit on the back of the head with my hand, not with a sound.

“Hahaha!! You’re as arrogant as your skills! You’re the contractor, sir!”

“Your Majesty, Contractor.”

“okay! minion. Good work. Now hit the turret!!! “I’m also advancing!!!”


The contractor leapt out, stepping on the ledge. He became a blazing light and slammed his entire body into the enemy turret.


It’s a technique as loud as his voice.

-It’s Bart!

-Iron Bart lol

-A real manly characterㅋㅋㅋ It’s the same here tooㅋㅋㅋ

I think the incarnation of that contractor is a guy named ‘Bart’.

“What are you doing!!! Run! Hit the turret!!!”

Bart gave orders to his minions as he fought the turrets with his whole body.

In the game, minions hit the turrets instead, but here, it seems like contractors still hit them.

Let’s go!

The magical energy fired from the turret struck Bart’s body as if it were welding him, but he was fine, as if he had used some kind of technique.

“Let’s go too!”


“Break it!”

Speaking of turrets, they are the mortal enemy of the minions. How many of my teammates have been sacrificed to those turrets? The friendly minions started running towards them, shouting.

The spears and swords stabbed and slashed at the turret. Normally, it would be absurd to think that such attacks could bring down a building. But the turrets in this game start to crack apart.

In the end, it collapsed into stone and made a loud noise.

Kugugugung… … !

“It was great!!!”

Bart shouted and planted a flag where the enemy turret had disappeared.

“Waaa …

All the minions screamed.

As if it was over.

“I survived! “We lived!”

In reality, the siege ends here by pushing the secondary turret and destroying the sanctuary, but in this battlefield, the battle seems to end here. It seemed like reality was taken into consideration.

“… …Almond! Almond! Almond!”

Suddenly a boy started shouting his name. It was the guy whose name I had told you earlier.


“What is it.”

As the other minions murmured, the boy shouted again.

“That’s this guy’s name! “Almonds!”

Only then do all the minions shout.

“This guy just killed almost all the enemies! With his bow!”

“Ah! That’s you?”


“almond! almond! almond!”

“Almonds! Almonds!”

Viewers were equally excited and filled the chat window.

-almond! almond! almond!

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Those minion guys are no different from usㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-The tricks of the battlefield lol

-Mom, I want to be an almond when I grow up! Mom, I want to be an almond when I grow up! Mom, I want to be an almond when I grow up!

-The strongest nut according to the Nut Association: Almonds The strongest nut according to the Nut Association: Almonds The strongest nut according to the Nut Association: Almonds




With such heated exchanges from both sides, the first battle ended. Quicker than expected.

[Time passes.]

The scene changed in an instant, and Almond was already sitting in the warehouse-like place from before.

“Huh? What? You’re alive.”

Raina’s voice is heard. As expected, Raina was alive. Even though she was in the first row.

“You were the one in the front row. How did you survive? You weren’t even visible.”

“I went to the tower. “You were in the 8th row, so you probably went to mid.”

It seems like they don’t all go down the same attack path, but take turns advancing. That’s why I couldn’t see Reina.

“Even if it’s a tower, the circumstances are the same. How did you survive?”

“Just sleep.”

-Wow, he really is a kid haha.

-Look at what you’re saying haha.

-Oh hahahaha

-It looks like that young nose guy needs a Joseon-style education. older brother.

“How did you live like that? You can’t even move a corpse properly.”

“Me too.”

Raina behaved like a child, and Almond was treated the same way. In this game, Almond is a boy anyway. It will be fun for viewers to see him faithful to the role.


-Almond, the best elementary school acting!

-Why are you a kid?

-Mites! Me baby almond!

-Almond. Since when did you become a peanut?


Reina sneered.

“You just hid behind the scenes and didn’t do anything?”

“Do you think you will let me know that you are provoking me like that?”

“… … .”

When the almond didn’t go over, Raina frowned.

“I guess I can’t tell you. “I would have just hid behind and fired an arrow anywhere and just saved my life.”

“huh. “Don’t tell me.”


-Is that a true story about an elementary school student acting? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Almond! This is acting!? I can’t tell the difference!

-200% immersion

-Hyung, your avatar looks like he’s in middle school. Why are you acting like an elementary school student?


Raina’s cheeks turned red. I couldn’t tell if it was because he was angry or because he was embarrassed because his intentions were discovered.

“Anyway, if you ask other kids, it’ll be easy.”

Reina said that and quickly turned around and walked away.

Are you asking other kids? That’s the sea I wanted.

Because each of the children in row 8 that Raina caught and asked questions about had a predetermined answer.

“Oh, Almond? He was the best archer I’ve ever seen in my life… … .”

“Almond was so Yuria today!”

“almond? There was no fuss today! “I wiped out two waves of enemy minions by myself!?”

When Reina didn’t get the answer she wanted, her shoulders trembled.

“thing… … lie!”

It seems that asking questions with the answer you want is the same whether you are young or old. Reina turned around again and strode towards Almond.

“You, stand in the same row as me tomorrow.


“Because we have to decide who is on top.”

That guy is really a poisonous guy.

When Almond stays still, Reina urges him.

“It’s a promise.”

She held out her pinky. It seemed like it was really necessary to do this, but Almond accepted it by linking her pinky. Only then did Reina turn around and disappear back into the campfire.

-Is this how it goes?

-I guess this route opens only if you shoot a bow better than Raina haha.

-Wow, little finger with Raina… … ! I’m jealous!

This kind of development doesn’t seem to usually happen. Almond felt that he had made a good promise. New routes and developments always make broadcasts more exciting.

‘As long as you clear 3 stars well, you will be successful.’

Broadcast-wise, the story mode flow was good. Now, if I just focus on clearing the 3 stars, I think I’ll be able to properly pull out the AllTube video. While I was thinking about that.

[Time passes.]

The scene changed.

“Miniaaaaaa!!! Ziphaaaaap!!!”

The battle began again.

Almond ran into the battlefield next to Reina as promised. This time, he was in the first row with her. And there weren’t many enemy turrets left.

How on earth did Raina survive in the first row, what is Raina’s reason, and why does this story mode exist?

I think many questions will be resolved this time.

* * *

[Beginner Tip: In a siege battle, you win by destroying all of the enemy’s turrets and destroying the sanctuary.]


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