Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 134

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 134

47. Filming location (2)

“and! Almond. “The makeup suits you so well.”

As we headed towards the filming location, Miho was the first to greet us.

Sanghyun responded with a smile of gratitude.

Miho tried to say more about this.

“Uh, uh… … Mr. Miho. “You can’t move now.”

“Ah yes… … .”

I ended up getting scolded by the photographer. From then on, I only glance at Sang-Hyeon out of the corner of my eye during breaks in the camera shutter.

“Almond. Please stay here for a moment. “The photographer in charge will be arriving soon.”


Sanghyun stood leaning against the wall for a moment, waiting for his set to be built.

White light boards went back and forth, and a simple studio was quickly completed.

Next to him, Bubble Gum is busy filming.

Sang-Hyeon watched him filming for a while. It was his first time seeing him in person, so it was also interesting.

He doesn’t feel as professional as Miho, but he’s definitely skilled. It’s like he’s found his own way.

Bubblegum made eye contact and gave me a quick glance. Sanghyun also smiled.

Knock, knock.

At that time, someone touched Sanghyun from behind.


He glanced around and tilted his head.

There was no one.

“Here. here.”

I hear a sound from downstairs.

“nice to meet you! “Almond!”

Almonds aren’t all that tall, though.

The person who greeted me was really small. She was a woman in her early 150s.

“I’m the photographer in charge. Do your best.”

His voice and appearance still have a youthful feel to them. So the word photographer was almost awkward.

“ah… … yes. Nice to meet you.”

Should I just say that it doesn’t look like a professional thing?

I am worried.

Because I am not a professional.

‘I hope it goes well… … this… … .’

Director Oh, who was watching from afar, had the same thought. He spoke to Team Leader Go, who was diligently directing the scene from the front.

“Who is that person? He said he cares about almonds?”

“what. Can’t you see I’m busy? “You care.”

“I’m talking about the person in charge of Almond’s photoshoot. I asked them to assign a veteran since Almond is a complete beginner.”

“… … ?”

Team Leader Koh briefly checked who was attached, then shrugged.

“Ms. Oh Soo-young? You’re right, Director Oh, you’ve got a veteran on your side.”

“… … okay? “You look too young.”

“You’re young. But he’s been doing it since he was younger, and out of all of our connections, he’s the best at taking pictures of men.”

You also took pictures of these people? While saying this, several famous names came out of the late team leader’s mouth.

If it’s real, it looks like he’s really talented.

“Hmm… … Really?”

However, Director Oh still looks in disbelief. As he continues to stare at himself with those eyes, the team leader adds as if he were confessing it.

“Your skills are certain. But my personality is a bit… … Strange. No, that… … “Do I have to say I’m too obsessed with my tastes?”


“The tension is a little high. and… … It doesn’t matter if you like the subject. “If I don’t like it, I hit it right away.”

“what?! “Then what should I do?”

“… … If that happens, our work time will increase. I have no choice but to ask other writers to do it in succession. Oh, Chief. Because there are all ways. “Pay attention.”

Director Oh frowned, but said nothing.

Accidents of that magnitude were not uncommon on set.

However, I felt a bit uneasy about attaching such a unique(?) writer to Almond.

I feel like Go Jung-seok is trying to discourage newbies for no reason.

* * *


“Oww, shhh~~!”

It’s a sound that has been echoing since Sang-Hyeon’s first shot.

And it continued further.

“I really like it! He’s so handsome! Wow!”


“Keuuuu! Is it a painting? “It’s even better than the actor photo I took a while ago.”



This was all one person talking about.



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Sooyoung Oh.

She was a person full of energy.

It makes me wonder if I’m using up all my energy for a week just filming today.

Her shooting style was somewhat unique.

Sang-hyeon’s pose rarely changed, and he just went back and forth and took pictures randomly.

It was quite comfortable for Sang-Hyeon, who was a beginner, but even he, who was a former athlete, was worried about Oh Su-Young’s stamina.



They run around carrying heavier cameras, taking pictures and even shouting.

“Eeeeeee~~~~Ah! It feels so good. Just one more time in this position!”

After she briefly demonstrated the posture herself.

Tap, tap, tap.

He came over and directly corrected Sanghyun’s posture. Just by coming near him, I could feel the heat rising from his body.

His eyes were bright and sparkling.

Today’s subject was something that caught Oh Soo-young’s eye.

“This is your first time filming, right? Is it just a sculpture standing there? “There is almost no awkwardness.”

It didn’t seem like he was asking with any particular expectation of an answer, so Sang-Hyeon just remained quiet.

Click! Click!

Anyway, she was busy pressing her face into the camera lens and pressing the shutter.

“It’s so good! You’re doing great. You’re really sexy. Is this a game for women!? I want to play it too!”

She didn’t rest her hands or feet, but neither did her mouth.

Even that seemed to be part of the job.

“Just become a celebrity! yes? “She was born that way.”

Because he kept praising him like that, Sang-Hyeon also started to gain some confidence.

‘It seems like things are going well.’

Sang-Hyeon was able to naturally perform most of the poses.

Actually, the filming was going very successfully.

However, since he was a beginner, there were bound to be some difficult sections.

“Okay, then let’s laugh naturally? Naturally! Brightly!”

It is a naturally smiling expression.

This is what beginners find most difficult.

I feel like I can do something about glaring at the camera with an expressionless expression.

A natural smiling expression was physically difficult.

The moment you worry that your smile will look awkward, you end up smiling really awkwardly.

Like Sanghyun now.

“hmm… … ? Isn’t this some kind of employment preparation photo? Think about something funny. Don’t be too funny. “It’s just ridiculous.”

Sanghyeon thought deeply.

I thought of the bubble gum rolling around in Battle Large.


Laughter did escape.

“Eeeeeeeee. No. No. Your face has more potential than this. It doesn’t feel so bright right now. It was a more genuine laugh.”

What on earth am I thinking?

When Sanghyun’s expression hardened, the writer added:

“How about something happy rather than something funny?”

A happy moment.

The moment I heard those words, a scene immediately came to mind as if it were a lie.

It was when I ate with Joo Hyuk and Jia.

I remember that moment when the dining table at Sang-Hyeon’s house was almost full.

I didn’t think much of it at the time, but that scene from beyond my memory suddenly came to me.

The corners of his mouth slowly rose, and his eyes naturally folded to form a crescent moon.



The photographer exclaimed in admiration and immediately started pressing the shutter button repeatedly.


click! click! click!

‘But your right hand is a little awkward?’

After a few shots, Oh Soo-young noticed that something was wrong with Sang-hyun’s body.

There wasn’t really a big problem, but I felt like I was quite conscious of the moment my right hand moved.

‘You didn’t want to talk?’

Usually, these aspects need to be agreed upon before filming. Sanghyun didn’t bother to say anything.


In that case, there was no need for Oh Soo-young to mention that part.

It was polite to just let it go.

“This time, I’ll put my right hand in my pocket and go!”

* * *

Filming is already coming to an end.

Bubblegum, Almond, and Miho have finished their joint photoshoot.

“Thanks for your efforts.”

“Almond, this is your first time, but you’re doing great. Wahaha.”

“Now the altitude is not far. “You’re doing great.”

The staff came over and complimented Sang-Hyeon.

For my first time filming, it went well and I felt good.

‘Did you worry too much for no reason?’

It was Sanghyun’s first time filming, so he was a little nervous.

Probably because his life was very far from the entertainment industry.

But those worries were for naught, and things went very well.

‘It’s much more fun than I thought.’

On the contrary, it was even enjoyable.

It was fun to see all these people, the hectic shooting scene, and all kinds of poses being completed one by one to complete the posters.

To the point where I wonder if this is my constitution.

“ruler. “This is the last time.”

Now there was one last, most important shoot left.

It is video shooting, and is probably most used in actual advertising.

The mission given to Sang-Hyeon was simple.

All you have to do is run towards the green wall on the other side, and then shoot an arrow at the green tower further away – which will look like a giant after CG processing.

“It’s simple, right? “Because it’s something you do every day.”

A staff member asked vaguely.


A staff holding out a simple-looking recurve bow.

Sanghyun’s eyes shook greatly as he looked at him.

“… … Almond-nim?”

As Sang-Hyeon’s answer was delayed, the staff asked again.

‘Are you an idiot? Yoo Sang-hyun.’

Sang-Hyeon blamed himself.

I’m such a fool that I didn’t think I’d be shooting an arrow. She was so relieved that we had a preliminary meeting.

There’s no way all the details of the shoot will come out during the meeting.

Stupid. Why didn’t I see this coming… … .

Of course it could happen.

Joo-hyuk, who was next to me, also chimed in, looking embarrassed.

“I wasn’t informed of this in advance.”


The staff looked puzzled.

Who would report such things? It wasn’t even a photoshoot with any exposure, and they were asking someone famous for archery to shoot a bow. It was obvious that they would think it was strange. Joo-hyuk knew that too.

‘First of all, I have to somehow push through if it doesn’t work out. naturally… … .’

If you stubbornly refuse to do it, things will work out somehow, but strange rumors may start to spread.

At that time, Director Oh came running over.

“oh my. “Wait, let’s talk for a moment.”

He grabbed the staff and dragged it to where Team Leader Go was.

“uh… … uh? “Why, why are you like this!”

“Oh, that’ll be fine in a moment! Let’s take a short break and then resume filming~!”

Filming was temporarily halted due to Director Oh’s intrusion.

The video director, who was currently filming Miho and Bubble Gum, looks at us in confusion.

Joo-hyuk stood in front of Sang-hyeon on purpose and spoke.

“I made a mistake. I was just excited about filming a commercial, so I had no expectations… … .”



Sang-hyeon only said he was sorry, turned around and walked away.

“Hey. Where are you going?!”


* * *

“Oh, no, why are you doing that?”

The staff member who was dragged in grumbled to Director Oh.

Team Leader Go also asked when he saw Director Oh suddenly dragging his staff with him.

“What?! What’s going on!”

“uh. Go team leader. wait for a sec. “There’s something I didn’t tell you.”

“Why are you dragging the staff around?”


Director Oh racked his brain desperately.

‘Ah… what should I say?’

I succeeded in separating them and driving them crazy.

What would be the most natural way to say this?

“It’s no different than almonds these days… … I get physical therapy. that… … “On the arm.”

“eight? Physiotherapy?”


“You didn’t mention that during the preliminary meeting, right?”

“You didn’t say anything about archery. Other than that, your arm is fine.”

“It looked fine… … ?”

Director Oh was momentarily speechless.

No, you say you’re sick, what’s the point?

“It did seem like it was painful.”

At that time, Oh Soo-young intervened from the side.

He is the photographer who took pictures of Sang-Hyeon.

“When we were filming earlier, you seemed really conscious… … You looked uncomfortable.”

Director Oh was relieved. Team Leader Go frowned and pulled out his hair.

“Haa… … My back hurts. No, what capsule game streamer hurt their arm… …?”

“See what this person is saying? Do game streamers only play games? I don’t even know why I got hurt! Anyway, this is a bit too much!”

“Okay… … .”

Rather, when Director Oh Seol-jang pressed him, Team Leader Ko was unable to say anything.

“Haa… … When will physical therapy end? I have to film this scene. The almond-like warrior character is shooting a bow… … I’ll schedule another shoot for him… … .”


Even moving to a different schedule?

Sweat dripped down Director Oh’s forehead.

‘I didn’t think of that?’


So, there were limits to hastily made words?

I never imagined that they would wait for me to finish physical therapy.

“Ah… … That’ll be done in a day or two──”


At that time, the glass door opened and Sanghyun came in.

His face was soaked with water, as if he had washed his face.

While Sang-hyeon was talking, Sang-hyeon came in, and there was a moment of silence.

Sang-Hyeon’s gaze shifted to the staff. His eyes were filled with determination.


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