Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 116

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 116

41. Just Chat (1)

On the way out of the punk building, Sanghyun gave Joo Hyuk a slap on the back.

“Good job. “If it weren’t for you, I don’t think I would have thought of raising money.”

“Huh. Okay, I know.”

Joohyuk smiled brightly and showed off.

Sang-hyeon wanted to punch him, but he actually did something nice today, so he’ll let it go.

Instead, we decided to talk more about fun money.

“How much will it rise? expense.”

“advertisement? hmm… … “I think it will go up to about 1,000.”

“Really? Then 3 thousand?”


An advertisement worth 30 million won.


It felt strange to see the sky rise and fall and all this talk flowing back and forth.

This is a number we only talk about when discussing company finances, and it has nothing to do with my salary.

“Yeah. It would be really great if we could get 30 million.”

Sang-Hyeon laughed heartily as he imagined something pleasant.

“By the way, this is not the time for us to laugh.”


“Well, it’s time to change our game.”


We’ve already talked about it before.

Now it’s time to switch from Battle Large to another game.

“You’ve decided on that to some extent.”

“Are you going with that? But you know that this game transition is the biggest risk for game streamers, right? “Especially in the beginning.”


Sang-Hyeon nodded.

I could figure it out just by thinking about it without actually experiencing it.

This is quite risky from a commercial perspective.

For a restaurant, it means suddenly changing the main menu.

“You have to come up with a good strategy. Until then, you can just pretend you don’t know.”

“What should we do on today’s broadcast? Should I try it today?”


Joohyuk stroked his chin.

“The timing is good because Zia’s video went up today… … but I don’t know how to switch it up. I’ll talk to Mr. Bubblegum’s manager first… … . Maybe it would be convenient to use Mr. Bubblegum’s merger… … .”

Anyway, what Joo-hyuk said was to find a better strategy before the broadcast.

Sang-Hyeon nodded, saying he understood.

* * *

After arriving home.

The two sprawled out somewhere and took a nap for a while. I guess I was tired because I suddenly had a schedule in the morning.

Sanghyun was the one who woke up first.


After stretching once to come to his senses, he immediately sent a message to Jia.

It was a complimentary message saying that the video was amazing. I waited for a moment for the number 1 to disappear, but it was still there even after about 10 minutes.

‘Are you sleeping?’

I made those videos all at once, so I don’t know for sure, but I probably stayed up all night yesterday.

Sang-Hyeon took out an electrolyte drink from the refrigerator to quench his dry throat.

Gulp. Gulp.

The cold ionic drink went down my throat and made me wake up.

Then, a capsule naturally comes into view.

‘… It’s 3 o’clock.’

It’s still too early to broadcast.

When I was heading straight to DIA, I turned on the broadcast at that time, but I decided not to do that since then.

There are health issues and the content consumption is also high.

“hmm… … .”

But strangely, Sang-Hyeon kept looking at the capsule.

Joo-hyuk is sleeping anyway.

‘Let’s light it up for the first time in a while.’

When I broadcast for the first time in my life.

At that time, Joo-hyuk wasn’t there and there were only 4 viewers. But it was still quite entertaining.

I felt much more at ease than I do now.

‘For some reason, I remember that time.’

The merger with Bubblegum is over, and I’ve reached Diamond Rank.

It’s kind of like a break now.

Sang-Hyeon wanted to do broadcasting. Not for work, but for his own enjoyment.

Of course, it won’t be as light as it was then. Now, the number of viewers is closer to 7-8 thousand.

But I still wanted to turn it on.


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‘If content consumption is too much, you can just talk.’

Sanghyun thought so and headed to the capsule.

Chii Iik──

When I pressed the button, the hydraulic pressure was released and the lid opened smoothly.

Sang-Hyeon, who went inside while bending his back, started the broadcast program with a familiar gesture.

[Streaming will start in 5 seconds.]

I remember the first time I saw this letter and how nervous I was.

‘Anyway, this is my first time turning it on so recklessly.’

He thought of streaming as a career from the beginning, and has never turned on a broadcast without being prepared for what he will do.

Maybe that’s why a subtle but untimely tension arises. But it felt good.

I thought it would be fun to turn on the broadcast like this and talk to the fans about the next game.

[Streaming begins!]

The broadcast has begun.


-Wow, the 3 o’clock broadcast is a huge benefit.

– Forbes Most Valuable Selected at 3 PM.

-What! Why is the broadcast starting at 3! Master, are you going to turn it on?!



-Oh, isn’t that a bug? ㄷㄷㄷ Aha!


-Almond High (meaning A-ha-ra)




Many viewers flocked to the sudden broadcast.

These are the so-called group 0, Almond lovers. People flock in from the moment the broadcast starts.

While slowly listening to the intro music, Almond watched their chatting closely.

Normally, I read most of the chat, but today I wanted to focus on communication a little more.

Did you feel grateful to your fans after seeing the advertising price?

I don’t know why.

Maybe Sang-Hyeon really liked talking to his fans.

His parents weren’t there and he had almost no friends until he met Joo-hyuk, so he didn’t even know if they were friends.


After the intro music ended, Almond’s face appeared.



-Oppaㅠㅠㅠ You look so handsome today too!

-Sigh, I’m dying!

-almond! almond! almond! almond!





The chat window started scrolling much faster.

[Ruby Sword donated ‘1,000 won.’]

[Are you playing Battle Large today too?]

As always, Ruby Sword opens up a stream of support.

“Ah, today… … .”

Almond scratched his head.

I had no intention of doing Battle Large. I was starting to change games now.

The game was almost set, but it wasn’t time to announce it yet.

“I don’t know what to do yet.”


-What the heck lol



“What should we do?”

-Why are you asking us that?

-What is this? Hahahahahaha

-Why is the broadcast on??

-Then why did you turn it on so early? lol

-Kkkkk awesome.

-Oppa, let’s communicate!

“Ah. Right. Communication. I turned it on to communicate.”


-What is the attitude change lol?

-Jackpot case


-Almonds communicate!?

[Eggplant Stir-fry donated ‘3,000 won.’]

[Is this an advertisement?]

The second sponsorship was one that questioned advertising.


Almond smiled without even realizing it.

-Are you laughing because you got caught? LOL

-Oh lol advertisement lol

-What is it again this time?

-I cheated! This is an advertisement!

“Thank you, Mr. Eggplant Stir-fry. But this is not an advertisement.”

[No way, you donated ‘10,000 won’.]

[I’m scared that a placard for 10,000 years of traditional Oh Kang-Woo Kimchi Stew will suddenly pop out from behind]

– Hahahahahahahaha



-Fuck hell lol

-It’s like a nightmare. Haha.

Except for when eating kimchi stew, Almond has never really communicated. Although his personality was good at reading chat, I didn’t feel like he was really ‘communicating’.

“and. The distrust is amazing. As I said, this is not an advertisement. However, if there is another interesting advertisement like that, I think I will proceed with it.”

Almond just started talking without any prepared words, concept, or topic.

As if chatting with a friend.

“Do you happen to find any of these ads funny?”

Almond was talking to them naturally.

It was literally communication.

-Ja-Na-G-G-Oe Sh*t… Don’t you usually get recommendations for games?

-Main job: Advertising, Side job: Gaming


-I had so much fun playing the hellish game lol. It’s way better than watching commercials all day long in a boring game.

[I, Peanut, donated ‘10,000 won’.]

[Clothes advertisement because oppa fits well!?]

“Thank you Peanut. I also received offers for clothing advertisements. “But they asked me to put up some sort of banner, so I don’t think I’ll do it.”

-oh faith

-Well, that looks really low-class.

[Pungpung donated ‘10,000 won’.]

[Please tell me the story about the union with Bubble Gum!!]

Oh yeah.

Seeing this sponsorship reminded me of almonds.

The first communication broadcast I did that was probably after I went on the Almond Disintegration Analyzer.

This kind of merger seemed like a pretty good topic of conversation.

There are many people who are curious.

“Oh, yes. Should we talk about that later? Um… … .”

Almond frowned as he tried to read more of the chat.

‘Chat is really fast?’

The chat was so fast it was hard to read.

This speed is achieved when you play super or when there is a lot of chat being spammed.

What on earth is it?

Only then did Almond check the number of viewers at the bottom. After all, after it had passed 8,000, he didn’t really care.


[Current viewers 15,000]

Surprisingly, another record has been broken.

Somehow it came more than the merger with Bubblegum.

“Why are 15,000 people watching this broadcast?”

-Really lol

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋI’m surprised too


He rarely mentions viewer numbers, but this one was so ridiculous that he had to say it.

How is it that more people are watching it than when it was King of Diamonds?

“I… …maybe I have a talent for communication?”

-That’s not it lol

-A new record AllTube video was uploaded haha.

– Oppa, please react to the YouTube video! It’s so cool!!!

-This is an influx of Alltube users. Come to your senses.

-There are quite a few foreigners too haha.

“Ah. I see. That must be because of the record-breaking.”

Almond was embarrassed and scratched his head.

By the way, a video that broke a new record for electromagnetic waves was uploaded to YouTube today.

Viewers who only watch AllTube would have found out only today that the electromagnetic wave record was broken. That’s why they came here today.

Sure enough, this kind of support suddenly came in, as if they were targeting this topic.

Bam! Bam bam!

[Fantasia_Official donated a whopping ‘500,000 won’!]

[Interview about breaking the electromagnetic record? (Yoo Ha-yeon Ana is waiting!)]

-Wow, 500,000 won!

-Hey, just prove it’s real with money lol.

-I can feel your sincerity!

-Pay the interview fee in advance!

-Hey Yoo Ha-yeon


-Please let’s do it, bro! please!

‘Huh? What is it? Fantasia?’

An interview with Fantasia.

I wondered if it was real, and judging from the sponsorship price and account status, it seemed real.

‘They advertise here anyway.’

There was no particular reason to refuse the advertiser’s request since the announcer was on standby.

Almond nodded slowly.

“Thank you for the 500,000 won, Fantasia. Then, shall we do it once?”


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