Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 109

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 109

38. Educational broadcasting (3)

Almond suffers a lot while playing a duo with bubble gum.

This was the basic fun point of the original coaching content.

Bubblegum is a player with incredible talent in this field.

This is because the people who coach on their own suffer even if they do not force the situation.

Bubble gum was just something you had to get into and work hard at.

That was a huge pain for the other person.


‘Isn’t this just an almond mad movie?’

There was something different about that guy who was shooting arrows at the players on the first floor without hesitation.

There is no shaking whatsoever.

I’m just playing like a machine to get first place.

‘Your mentality is not normal.’

His gaming skills were overwhelming, but what was most powerful was his mentality.

Even with the bubble gum popping out of frustration, he didn’t seem to have any complaints.

It’s not that he didn’t show it even though he had accumulated dissatisfaction, but rather that he had no dissatisfaction at all.

I can feel it in my facial expression. His inner peace.

‘What the hell is he doing?’

As for bubble gum, I was curious as to its past history as an almond.

He had no idea.

Almond’s mentality was trained through archery, where he suffered from tremendous pressure every time he shot an arrow.

‘that’s interesting.’

This is a virtue that is not usually seen in players who have only played games.

Just because you’re good at games doesn’t mean you have a good mentality.

In fact, the opposite is often the case.

As a common example, aren’t there quite a few professional gamers who play while breaking their keyboards?

Full dive games are the same.

Throw away an intact gun, scream loudly, or suddenly bang your head against the wall.

In this virtual reality, it was more difficult to control emotions, so more strange actions occurred.

But almonds show no such signs at all.

Aren’t broadcasts going to fail like this? I’m worried.

-I like a clean broadcast without any pain haha.

-ㄹㅇㅋ It’s refreshing to see a sane human being come after only mentally ill rankers come as coaches.

-Almond That bastard is not a particularly normal human being haha. He’s just so fucking hard… … .

-Better than the team leaders.

Still, the chat window response was good.

Is it because I always see tutoring full of yelling, shouting, and pain? Almond’s character seems refreshing.

-In the first place, since your gaming skills are so damn good, why would you ever have a mental breakdown? Just kill them all.

-Really ㅋㅋ People who lose their mentality end up not having any skills.

-That’s it then

There were even people who praised him, saying that the current peaceful situation was thanks to his skills.

It was certainly a convincing argument.

If you think about it, there’s no reason for Almond to be angry.

If I put my mind to it, I could single-handedly wipe out nearly 20 people in the armory, so how could a little squeamishness from the bubble gum really hinder the overall trend?

To him, it’s just like playing with a child. No adult gets angry because a child is not good at riding a bicycle.

The skill gap between Almond and the users here is that serious.

‘That’s good. I just have to work hard. I guess.’

Since it had come to this, Bubblegum decided to put aside his worries about broadcasting and use this opportunity to improve his skills.

Anyway, he is not the type to force a broadcast angle.

I’m the type of person who just goes with the flow and works hard, and ends up with a good broadcast angle.

I decided to just work hard today.

As Almond finished clearing out all the users on the first floor, Bubblegum asked with enthusiasm.

“What do we do now, teacher?”

“I think we can go to the underground warehouse now. Let’s arm Bubblegum there and try to get first place, shall we?”


Almond tied the rope to the railing with deft movements.

It was quite sturdy, and it didn’t look like it had been played once or twice.

“Okay. Hold on and come down.”

Almond grabbed the rope and jumped down with light movements.

In fact, it was a natural landing that made me wonder if I could do it without a rope.

Almond, who went down to the first floor, motioned for me to come quickly.

“Please come!”

“… … .”

Bubblegum hesitated for a moment.

“uh… … Does this really have to go down like that? Wahaha!”

Bubblegum’s body got caught in the railing and he couldn’t do anything.

-No lol


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-tremendous! These sandbags!

-Kkkkkkk You can’t even get over that?

-Hoo… …Can this also hold up, Almond?

Almond shrugged his shoulders without any irritation.

“If not, just come down the stairs. “She’s dead anyway.”

Since I knew this would happen and killed all the players on the first floor, there was no situation where I could get annoyed.

-I can handle this

-How to survive bubble gum: Just kill them all by yourself.

-The secret to Almond Mentality: Doing it well.

-Forbes: Hold This

* * *

In the end, Bubble Gum came down the stairs.

Anyway, the two safely entered the underground warehouse.

A gun fight was going on for a long time inside the underground warehouse.

Doo doo doo doo doo doo!

Doo doo doo doo!

They were fighting with high-grade guns.

Funny enough, because they were so bad at shooting each other, so many people were still alive.

‘and… … .’

Almond was impressed by the air of Stones that he had not felt in a long time.

“Wow. The air here is really nice.”

-Aren’t you being too sincere? lol

-It’s different since I’ve only played in dirty water for a long time.

-Stones: Fun Tier 1

-It hurts my bones lol


“Let’s hide for now.”

Bubblegum and Almond decided to hide behind a large pillar until the enemy fight was over.

Basically, it’s dark and the enemies’ gunshots are loud, so if you hide properly, you won’t even notice.

“I’ll go back there.”



They ran as fast as they could and succeeded in hiding behind a pillar.

Bubblegum, leaning against the pillar, said out of breath.

“Ugh… … Ugh… … I, I think it’s been almost two months since I’ve been to that underground warehouse?”

“You don’t have to worry. Just wait for them to kill each other and farm to get out.”

“yes. yes.”

“You’re really good at shooting a sniper rifle. “I’ll grab that for you.”

“yes. yes.”

Bubblegum just nodded absentmindedly.

– Hahaha ‘at least’ hahaha

-Bubble Gum: Yes, yes. Carry me.

-Bubble Gum: Okay, I understand, so you kill them all.

-Reaction type player, lol

There were a lot of chats that seemed to be teasing him, but I didn’t have time to pay attention to that.

Doo doo doo doo doo doo!!!


In the underground warehouse, there were about four teams fighting.

It was a more difficult battle than I expected, and I didn’t know when a ricochet would hit and kill me.

Bubblegum started to feel anxious.

They’ve all farmed their guns, but didn’t Almond and himself come in here with only a bow?

‘Is this okay?’

Bubblegum peeked his head out from behind the pillar to check.

Doo doo doo doo doo!

The sound of gunfire continues to be heard. The enemies eventually switched from pistols to hero grade or higher rifles.

‘No matter how much it’s almonds… … .’

If you go head to head with a gun, the bow won’t be able to use its power properly.

Is this really a fight?

“Uh… … Sir? Is this to our advantage?”

“Yes, that’s right. They don’t know we exist, but we do.”

“But, the gun… … .”

“ah. “It’s better here.”


Almond confidently holds up his recurve bow.

This sentence came out naturally from Bubble Gum’s expression.

‘How can that be?!’

-Ugh haha ​​…

-What do you mean distrust? LOL

-ㅅㅂ This is the first time in my life I’ve seen a guy in an underground warehouse who says he likes the bow better haha.

-You said it was good because your face was so bright, lol

– Bubble gum facial expression management failure ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

For a moment, I was dumbfounded by the statement that bows are better.

“Oh. “One team is dead.”

There was a change in the melee situation.

One team was dead, now three teams were left, except one of them had just one person left.

Now was the time to intervene.

“I will stand on that one person’s side and fight for now.”

Almond said, pulling back the bowstring.

“The moment I kill a team, you run over and pick up a sniper rifle or whatever.”

It’s easy to say things like killing a team.

But aside from that, what came after was even more shocking to Bubblegum.

“Yes, yes? Me, me? Run over there?”

“Bubble Gum, you’re good at shooting a sniper rifle. “There’s a legendary grade sniper rifle over there.”

“That, that’s true… … You, it’s too dangerous… … It’s better to just catch them all here… … .”

-LOL Bubble gum is trying to eat me LOL

-???: Just shoot them all!

-If the teacher tells you to run, run! Pig!

Almond smiled and shook his head.

“I can’t kill them all, so you have to help me carry them.”

It was a lie.

Almond’s curve shot ability could intercept anyone hiding in the underground warehouse.

This was just meant to be a bubble gum exercise.

“Oh, I understand.”

Bubblegum nodded without even thinking about that.

And then he asked the viewers.

“Hey, guys, do you have something like a sniper rifle?!”


-well… … .

– King.

-Haha, was there such a thing?

“You damn bastards.”

The moment Bubblegum grits his teeth and spits out a word.

Almond laid the bowstring.


Then he took aim at the pillar and placed the bowstring.

‘… … ?’

At first, I thought, “Why are you shooting me like that?”


-Wow, the arrow is bent again.


-No, what kind of guided arrow!?

The arrow that seemed to go straight to the pillar suddenly went around the pillar and hit the head of one of the two-person duo in the distance.


[Almond → Saladity]

[I fainted!]


A colleague next to me screamed.

“where are you?!”

He turned and aimed his gun in the direction the arrow had come from, but there was no one there.

Instead, another arrow was flying.


[Almond → Turererere]

[Double kill!]


One duo team was wiped out.


Almond shouted.


Bubble Gum watched Almond play in fascination.

He came to his senses and ran wild.

‘Sniper rifle, sniper rifle, sniper rifle… … !’

I started by looking at where the sniper rifle Almond had mentioned was.

My eyes were spinning around like crazy.



It was there.

Brilliant gold!

It is a legendary grade sniper rifle.

But it’s too far.

‘It’s a bit far. Will it work?’

There was no time to think. The bubble gum jumped.

Doo doo doo doo doo!

Enemy gunfire was heard.

At first glance, it looks like it’s shooting towards the side with the almonds.

I think I figured out where Almond was. Luckily, I didn’t see the bubble gum move.

Because Almond is drawing aggro by shooting arrows. And Almond’s arrows are not only drawing aggro, but also annihilating another duo.

Now there is only one person left.

One of them resisted fiercely, firing bullets at Almond.

[Bubble Gum has to catch the remaining one.]

Almond’s team voice was heard.

Bubblegum couldn’t even answer and ran like crazy… … .



I eventually picked up a sniper rifle.

As expected, I checked and it is a legend.

I immediately loaded the bullet with a familiar movement.


‘No matter what country… … .’

He immediately took up the gun and skillfully assumed his stance.

‘You can do it with a legendary sniper rifle!’

The only skill he boasts of is sniping.

Strangely enough, the aim was good when sniping.

‘I’m a little shaken right now.’

Perhaps because he was running, the aiming point was shaking wildly.


After holding my breath for a moment.

I waited for the shaking aim to calm down.

The enemy keeps shooting almonds. To shoot the enemy, you have to stick your head out, so the enemy’s head is exposed outside the cover.

Bubblegum’s wobbly aiming point settles on the enemy’s head.

For a moment there was silence.

Now Bubblegum’s fat finger pulled the trigger.



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