Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 1

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 1

1. I still want to shoot (1)

‘What if I shoot him?’

Current time: 3 PM. This is something I always think about around this time of year.

“So you’re saying you can’t even do one of these things properly?! Huh? Huh… … .”

The bulging belly of the bald manager who is talking and spitting in front of me.

“hey! Are you listening? Does it make sense to prepare something like this as meeting material now? … .”

The manager’s precious item hidden under that belly fat.

‘You can hit it from 500 meters away.’

Yoo Sang-hyun was estimating how far away he could shoot and still hit the target.


The documents came flying in with the manager’s shout.


Sang-Hyeon tilted his head slightly and the sound brushed past his ear, landing in the trash can behind him.

“This kid! What are you thinking about while someone else is talking?!”

Only then did Sanghyun come to his senses and immediately lowered his head.


Two hands clasped together politely.

Among them, the right one was particularly trembling.

The manager’s eyes stayed on the hand.

“Ugh… … . Where did you get the idiot from? … . Slow hands, slow brain… … .”

The trembling stopped for a moment at the word ‘retard’, but the manager didn’t notice.

“Go quickly, you little punk!”

The manager finally turned his chair toward the computer and motioned for him to go.

“I’ll go and see.”

Sang-Hyeon nodded his head as if to ask when he had been confused and left the manager’s office.

“Whew. You did well today too.”

As soon as he came out, his expression became clear and innocent.

Commonly referred to as mental management.

This is an essential skill to acquire as an archery player.

“Hey. Are you awake again today?”

A colleague gathers around him and asks.

“Well. Of course.”

“Ha… … You too… … . You’re having a hard time coming into a job that’s not even in your fortune.”

“What can I do? If I get a parachute, I’ll have to live like a slave until I die.”


That was the nickname that always followed Sang-Hyeon around.

He was unable to develop his natural talent and had to leave the archery game due to injury. The coach, who took great interest in him, somehow put him in this company through an acquaintance.

“Self-reflection is good.”

His colleagues were surprised and laughed at Sang-Hyeon’s candidness in describing himself as a parachute.

“Well. You have to know your place.”

Sang-Hyeon answered as if passing by, pressing hard on his right arm and releasing it.

‘Know yourself before you know your enemy… … . ‘It reminds me of the old days.’

When asked to know fractions, Sanghyun recalled his days as a player. That’s what his coach always said to him.

Those words didn’t really hit home at the time when I was treated as a top prospect, but after facing such criticism and living a miserable life, it stuck in my heart.

“hey. I go first. “If I don’t reorganize the report, it’s going to be overtime.”

The reminiscence lasted only a moment. Sang-Hyeon immediately came to his senses and ran to his seat.

* * *

After work.

He stopped at a convenience store, bought four cans of beer, and headed home.

“Ha… … I barely managed to avoid having to work overtime.”

He returned home and looked at his watch. It was 9 p.m., he thought.

I quickly sat down in front of the computer and played a sports video.

‘I suddenly remembered it today.’


He watched the video while opening a can of beer. He used to watch this video whenever he felt depressed, but it was a video he rarely watched recently.

The day when I became the youngest person to win the national championship.

It was a video recording of that historic day.

The player in white in the video. He takes a deep breath for a moment.

Within moments, the bowstring is pulled back, breathing stops, and eyes turn sharply to the target.

All those training and training days existed for this one moment of release.

The bowstring that had been held straight was released.





-Another hit! Re, the lens is broken!! Now the youngest, the youngest… … .

-The birth of a genius of all time! Everyone, you are now making history… … .


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A close-up of Sang-Hyeon’s face as a child, accompanied by the excited shouts of the commentators.

“Kiya. You look so pretty.”


He gave himself an empty exclamation and took a sip of his beer.

After a series of complicated congratulatory events such as interviews and awards ceremonies, the video was turned off.

His face was dimly illuminated on the black screen.

“You’re getting old… … .”

In fact, he was 28 years old, too young to be considered old. However, it may be because the previous video was too green.

“Let’s go to the game room.”

Following his usual pattern, he turned on a game broadcast he enjoyed watching.

I didn’t particularly like games, so I didn’t watch them often. In fact, I have never played a game or anything like that.

Since he had only practiced archery since childhood, he had no time to play games with his peers.

Playing sports costs quite a bit of money.

Sang-Hyeon, who lived with his grandmother, couldn’t afford that amount of money. He had to get a scholarship no matter what.

Thanks to that, I practiced like crazy without even being able to play a game. As a result, he achieved the feat of becoming the youngest person to win the championship.

At that time, I thought it would unfold really smoothly.

“Of course not.”


He took a swig of beer. Pushing away all his difficult memories, he returned to focusing on the game broadcast.

The screen he was watching was showing a virtual reality game broadcast in the popular ‘Full Dive’ format.

-hey! Move! Why is this so wrong!?

-critical! critical!! Cut!

Full-dive virtual reality games are the best vicarious experience medium available today, as they literally make people feel as if they are inside the game.

It is often called a ‘capsule game’.

This is because you need a device called a capsule to do that. The price is really high even with the minimum specifications, so it is the ultimate luxury for a salaried worker like Sang-Hyeon.

For him, it was a blessing in itself to be able to watch such a great game while drinking beer.

[Baddeuk Baddeuk sponsored 50,000 won]

[Amy! Where did Amy go!]

A viewer laments the broadcaster’s aiming skills and donates money. The sponsorship program reads it in a comical voice.

-Amy! Amy! Where have you gone?!

Similar support continued after that.

[Jinsung Gumtakji donated 4,000 won]

[5 minutes later: Okay~ What game are we going to play today?]

He backed up by saying that he would turn the game off and on again after 5 minutes to try editing.

[Amy donated 30,000 won]

[Hey! I shot it, but why isn’t it coming out! What is this capsule?]

There has been a steady stream of donations, including one from gamers who blame the responsiveness of a perfectly good game capsule.

The chat window is filled with ‘ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ’.

But Sang-Hyeon’s face hardened.

“Well… … Even not being able to do something is considered talent. Is that hard to get right? It looks easy.”

Long ago.

It was a very pathetic moment when I gave everything just to do well.

“Let’s get some sleep.”

Time passed quickly, and it was time to prepare for work the next day.

Regular life.

It was one of the habits that was ingrained in him during his playing days.

Soon the lights in his room went out, the curtains were drawn, and even the city lights outside the window were blocked out.

* * *

next day.

As soon as he got to work in the morning, he was called to the manager’s office.

‘What is it…? The atmosphere doesn’t seem right.’

Being called to the manager’s office was a familiar situation, but the way my colleagues looked at me felt strange.

He has pretty good eyesight.

Even from a distance, I was able to read all the subtle facial expressions of my colleagues.

‘This is a little strange.’

The conclusion he came to was that everyone was a little strange today.

I could find out the reason after entering the manager’s office.


The resignation letter was placed in front of him.

“… … There will be restructuring.”

The manager continued without even looking at his face.

“If you do it right now, I’ll take care of it for you. If you get pushed out due to restructuring, you won’t even be able to receive that properly.”

Is this what you’re talking about to me? A voice and expression so indifferent that it makes you think.

“There is only you. Our team. know? “Everyone is working hard.”

Now, other colleagues have been taken hostage.

‘Yesterday, I said I overexerted myself and hit myself… … .’

Actually, yesterday’s report wasn’t bad. Sanghyun also had that feeling. Nevertheless, the manager persistently found fault and pushed him out.

He was only an assistant manager, so when the manager pushed him, he just said sorry. That was the rule.

And now, by that rule, he had to step down from this front line.

“… … All right.”

The manager finally turned to look at him, having heard his answer come out more easily than expected.


“Aren’t you saying that if you leave now, at least your severance pay will be well taken care of? “Please add a little more.”

“… … The calculation is quick.”

“I recorded it, so please keep your promise.”

It was a blatant lie, but the manager nodded. This is because there are quite a few people in society these days who are always recording. Especially when I’m called to the manager’s office.

“Well, okay. It’s not a promise I’m making, it’s a guarantee from the company. “Don’t worry.”

“Do I have to leave today?”

“If you ask me to work today, will you work?”

“… … Let’s pack.”

“what the.”

Sang-Hyeon turned around with a blank expression. The manager’s voice was heard from behind him.

“hey. Don’t feel too sad. You’re a parachute, anyway. uh? All the kids here are kids who worked hard to graduate from college, built up their qualifications, studied English, and even saved up money to study abroad. “There’s nothing we can do.”

I knew it.

The reason he was scolded by the manager he met. The reason he had almost no colleagues. The reason why even that was all on the verge of disappearing now.

It was all because he was an athlete after graduating from high school.

“I know.”

He slowly returned to his seat and organized his belongings in the box. It was a company I had worked for for 4 years, but the luggage wasn’t even the size of a post office box.

* * *

“What do we do?”

Sang-Hyeon returns home.

I left the company coolly, but when I came back, I was going crazy.

28 years old. High school graduate. Unemployed. Former athlete. Special skill: archery.

Because with these specs that are a handful of dust, it seemed almost impossible for him to work as a salaryman in this Republic of Korea.

But I couldn’t contact Coach Shin Se Jin again since I had already done something for him once.

“Hey, should I buy some ramen? I might also buy some bottled water… … .”

He started going through a shopping list in his head as if it were a war.


He came to his senses and took a deep breath.

I sat down on a chair because I couldn’t even stand, and then I ended up lying down on the bed.


“ha… … .”

He collapsed from exhaustion and looked blankly at the ceiling. A round fluorescent light placed on the ceiling.

It was the same shape as the target he always aimed for.

He absentmindedly raised both hands and aimed at the center of the target. As if holding an arrow, his breathing was regulated and his arms formed a perfect posture.

Ta-da-da-da-da… … .

Right hand visibly shaking within one. The longer I delayed, the more severe the tremors became.

“Khuh… … .”


Eventually, his hand rested on the bed again. Cold sweat was running down Sanghyun’s forehead.

About 5 minutes later.

He jumped out of bed.

He walked over as if possessed by something, turned on the computer, and sat down. She briefly considered getting a beer from the refrigerator, but decided against it.

He entered the game broadcasting platform he usually enjoyed and searched for something with trembling hands.

‘Skill broadcast’.

Can you make money even if you are good at playing games?

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