Five Time Regressor Walks the King’s Path Chapter 85

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Episode 85

“Who’s behind you?”

When asked about the abyss that followed me while I was praising myself, I gave an appropriate answer.

“Oh, I met you on the way. “He said he was so tired of the world that he wanted to become a sun believer.”

“It’s a new new road. The author is so lucky. You can meet the Sun Apostle as soon as you enter the country. “It was just luck.”

I was afraid he might be a fanatic, so I just smiled at his unique expression of emotion.

But what if you are a fanatic?

Since the clearing of the floor depended on their path, I could only listen to the chattering man.

After walking through the snow with them for about a day, I was completely caught in the middle of the crowd and found a house in the distance.

It seemed that the group’s target was that house, and as expected, they went straight there.

“They’re all here.”

The Sun Believer, who found the house much later than I, who used Aura to check it in advance, said cheerily.

When we arrived in front of the house, which was collapsing due to the snow falling every day, a sun god came forward.

As if he was the representative of this group, he immediately knocked on the frozen door a couple of times without hesitation.

“The sun.”

At his actions, I heard something like a password coming from inside.

“I won’t lose.”

When the sun god answered as if he was familiar, at that moment the floor next to the door, not the door, trembled and opened.

There, we could see a staircase heading down, and the sun disciple gestured at us as if asking us to go down.

‘Well, with this much snow pouring down, it would have been better to build an underground house than to build a house above ground.’

With that in mind, we followed them down the stairs.

After walking down the cold stairs for a while, we finally arrived in front of an iron door, and several sun gods joined us and pushed the door open, whining.

The moment the door opened, I felt a warm energy, unlike on the ground.

I don’t know how, but the inside was heated, and as soon as people came in, other believers inside closed the door immediately out of fear of losing the warm air.

As we were looking at the path that was divided into several branches inside, like an ant cave, other Sun believers who were loitering at the entrance began to take interest in us.

“Oh, you’re here. You worked hard. “What region are you from?”

“It’s the western Asion region.”

“You’re almost there. Come inside and warm up. “I will show you a place to rest.”

“Oh, by the way, there is a new believer. “I haven’t been baptized yet, so could you please get baptized?”

Of course, the object of baptism was Hell.

Just as Narak’s face, which had been smiling brightly, hardened for a moment, Shindo, who had received the words, shouted boldly.

“Of course you can get it. “I will tell the priestess right away.”

And immediately, I waved my hand at Hell, who was being dragged away by a believer.

It’s ugly.

Afterwards, while I was moving to the house where I could rest, I looked inside.

The number was quite large as the sun believers gathered from all over the world.

Even though the apocalyptic world is on the verge of extinction, there are still so many people alive.

Just when I was thinking that human survival should be recognized, a broadcast suddenly started sounding.

[Ah, all believers to the central auditorium, all believers to the central auditorium. The Archbishop has something to say, so please come to the main auditorium right away.]

As people started to move around, I followed along.

When they arrived at the auditorium they mentioned, a man who appeared to be in his 50s was standing on the podium, and after checking that people had gathered, he stood holding a microphone.


As the archbishop cleared his throat once, the surrounding sounds became quiet.

“A new revelation has come from the advance team following in the footsteps of the Sun Apostle.”

My eyes sparkled.

It seemed like I was finally getting some proper information.

“The revelation we received this time is related to a village. “The Sun Apostle saved the lowly people from the hands of the Yetis and brought down the sun there.”

The archbishop’s words brought sighs from all over.

They put their hands together and began to pray, and I slowly tilted my head to the side, feeling something strange.

“The work of following in the footsteps of the Sun Apostle continues. “I will let you know as soon as any new revelations come.”

Did you gather people like this to make this known?

However, people looked moved by the archbishop’s words.

“God, Goddess?!”

It was that moment.

Suddenly, a woman jumped onto the stage.

With scarlet hair and rather cumbersome-looking clothes, she snatched the microphone from the embarrassed archbishop.

“A new revelation has come.”

At her words, the surrounding atmosphere began to change rapidly.

Everyone listened to the priestess, and she took a breath and opened her cherry-colored lips.

“It is a revelation that Apostle Sun is here now.”

And people’s eyes began to have doubts.

However, they soon understood the meaning of her words and began to look around with bright eyes.

“We have confirmed that the last traces of the Sun Apostle of the advance group were lost in our cathedral. “Apostle Sun has come to see us in person!”

Huge cheers spread around her at her passionate shout.

“Long live the sun!”

“Long live the sun!”

As I saw people shouting with their hands stretched out, I saw with my own eyes what a fanatic was like.

Crazy bastards.


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“We ask that all Sun believers who entered the cathedral today come up to the podium right now.”

As the priestess spoke, people began to climb onto the platform one by one.

I really didn’t want to climb up, but I had to climb up on the platform as the people who had greeted the new Sun believers today approached me.

Tsk, I have nothing to do with it anyway.

‘Who are you? The guy called the Sun Apostle.’

“You’re here.”

The moment I looked around at the people on the podium, I encountered Hell, who had already climbed on the podium before me.

He was taken away earlier saying he needed to be baptized, but unfortunately, he appears to have survived.

“Ha Cheon-seong, I heard an interesting story during baptism.”

While I was ignoring Hell and looking at other people, I looked back at him with a sour expression.

Then Narak smiled and whispered a story in my ear.

“I heard that there were more revelations before.”


As I looked at him with an expression of wondering what that was, Narak smiled and taught me about the previous revelation.

The Sun Apostle first appeared in a remote place.

As a group of sun believers were passing by, they discovered a place where the winter clouds that had always been there were clear.

There they encountered the sun for the first time and immediately reported this to the cathedral.

Afterwards, the cathedral dispatched an advance team made up of the most elite, and it is said that they used their incredible skills to follow in the footsteps of the Sun Apostle.

As a result, there are three things they have found so far.

This was what the sun believers called revelation.

First, the cave where the Sun Apostle stayed.

It is said that in this cave, traces of an aura that could change the world itself, never seen before, were discovered.

There were also traces of the traitor who brought about this winter, and they speculated that the Sun Apostle himself wanted to bring down the sun to them by confronting the traitors.

They considered the cave sacred and called it the ‘Sun Cave’ where the Sun Apostle stayed.

The second is the Fallen Heavenly God that was directly destroyed by the Sun Apostle.

Because the most fertile land, Tacheonsinjang, has been taken over by corrupt divine beasts, the sun believers have been starving countless times.

Therefore, it is said that the Sun Apostle felt sorry for them and erased all the divine beasts to prepare fertile land for the Sun believers.

This place was decided to be called a fertile land, ‘the sun-covered land.’

The third time we reached the story of saving a village that we had just heard.

I wiped my eyes for a moment at the absurd story of deification.

I suddenly feel very tired, but why?

“Isn’t it fun?”

“Where is the fun?”

“I find it fun.”

The moment I raised my hand to break the smiling face, I suddenly realized that the surroundings had become quiet.

As soon as I turned my gaze back, the woman I had just called a priestess was standing behind me, and I exchanged glances with her for a while.

It was that moment.

The priestess was held in my arms.

The Sun believers were surprised to see the priestess embracing her with tears streaming down her face, and they began to kneel before me one by one.

“Ahhh! Sun God! “Have you finally led Apostle Sun here?”

I watched for a moment as exclamatory sounds came from all over the place, and then I slapped my forehead.

Yeah, f*uck it.

I was that damn Apostle of the Sun.

“Apostle Sun, please say hello.”

At the words of the priestess who left my arms, I lowered my hand from my forehead and stood in front of the podium.

“Uh, it’s me.”


“Long live the sun!”

“Long live the sun!”

And the moment I said a word, an enthusiastic response erupted.

After looking at that scene for a moment, I covered my face in a situation that even my acting skills could not handle.

I’m used to accepting it.

He doesn’t have the title of youngest son of a chaebol family for nothing.

And as I have repeated Crown Road five times, I am also quite old.

But it wasn’t because I wanted it to be like this, and it felt odd to be revered as a god.

This is a different story from simply accepting the situation.

‘Should I just break it down and leave?’

No, this is also necessary to clear this floor.

“It’s spectacular. “Aren’t the stars happy too?”

First of all, I don’t need it all and I think I’ll just have to get out of the abyss.

“I will take you to the Sun Apostle’s shrine.”

The moment I was about to raise my fist, I let out a small sigh at the words of the priestess who bent over ninety degrees towards me.

Since the story was progressing somehow, I couldn’t ruin it by making a mistake, so I nodded and tried to go down the podium.

“It’s not possible! “How dare the feet of the Sun Apostle touch this land!”

But at that moment, a priestess blocked my path.

As I was looking at her blankly for a moment, people carrying something that looked like a palanquin suddenly started running from underneath the platform.

And they quickly prepared a palanquin under the stairs.

When I looked at them with an expression that asked, “What is this?”, their eyes sparkled as if it was an honor to serve the Sun Apostle.

As I climbed onto the palanquin under everyone’s expectant gaze, people around me made a fuss and called it ‘the carriage of the Apostle of the Sun.’

Be patient.

Let’s be patient.

The palanquin moved to the cathedral as the priestess had said earlier, and all the Sun believers followed behind me.

They bowed low every time I looked back, and some followed me while lying down on the ground.

I felt like if I said something, there would be an uproar, so I just decided to keep an expressionless face and deliver it like an object.

How long did it take to move like that? It arrived in front of a building called Shindang.

The moment I was about to get off the palanquin, the Sun believers took off their jackets and laid them on the floor, fearing that their feet might touch the ground.

I looked at that scene for a moment, covered my forehead, then stepped on the clothes as if it was okay and entered the shrine.

“These are clothes that God gave me.”

“These clothes must now be passed on to future generations forever!”

Just buy me proper clothes.

They seem like crazy people.


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