Five Time Regressor Walks the King’s Path Chapter 81

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Episode 81

“Hey, what do you think that is?”

When Ha Cheon-seong left, there was a group walking through the snow.

The man who found a ray of light amidst the heavy snowfall and bone-chilling cold was wondering.

This was because the sun was there above the clouds, something I had never seen in the past 10 years.

“Do I see anything in vain?”

“… … No, you didn’t see it wrong. “I can see it too.”

One by one, the members of the group began to react to the man’s words.

They quickly started running to the spot.

Where the sun was shining, I could see a land that I had not seen in a long time.

When they saw the land, they began to kneel one by one.

“How on earth?”

It was really the sun that shone in their eyes when they arrived on land.

The sun appeared through those terrible winter clouds for the first time in 10 years.

Not only were those who looked up at the sky in astonishment, but some even began to wipe away tears in sorrow.

Among them, there was a man looking down at the ground.

“… … “I am the Sun Apostle.”

At his words, people’s eyes turned to him.

“If it is Apostle Sun.”

“no way.”

The same mark was drawn on each of their backs.

The marks were all shaped like the sun, and their eyes began to change one by one as they gathered around the man who seemed to be the leader.

There was a clearly marked footprint there.

The dark footprints were left as if they had descended here.

“The prophecy is finally starting to come true. The sun god finally sent an apostle.”

“Oh, oh oh oh!”

“Is the sun finally guiding us?”

With both hands together, someone began to pray towards the sun.

“There are footprints left behind. These are the footsteps of the Sun Apostle. We have to hurry up and catch up. “We must attend the Sun Apostle.”

While the people were praying, he who found the footprints first shouted.

At his shout, people trembled as if they were God’s apostles.

“I have to go. “I have to go!”

“We must follow in the footsteps of the Sun Apostle!”

“Please contact the others too! “We must serve the Sun Apostle together with everyone!”

The people who shouted began to follow the footsteps of God.

Their name is Sun God.

He was a fanatic who remained in this world that was on the verge of destruction.

* * *

“Now, what time was this? “I hope at least one SR comes out in this gacha.”

Does this guy’s snout not stop all day?

With that question in mind, I sat in the cave where I was going to rest and frowned as I looked at the abyss diligently digging the ground with a shovel.

And it’s not just the abyss.

This floor was also extremely annoying to me.

‘No matter how far I go, there is only snow. ‘I can’t figure anything out.’

For a day I kept walking without stopping once.

Nevertheless, they could not obtain any correct information, and in the end, as the snow got heavier and they could not see clearly, they ended up entering a nearby cave.

‘Should I properly erase the snow cloud like before?’

It’s not impossible.

I’d have to use quite a bit of strength, but if it were me right now, I could quite easily dissipate a snow cloud like that.

‘The question is, in this case, how much influence will it have on the floor? This is it.’

The conditions for clearing a floor naturally depend on the constellation on that floor.

As such, I was worried about acting hastily because I didn’t know how much of an effect this snow cloud would have on clearing the floor.

‘There’s no need to create annoying layers.’

Thinking that Apocalypse Ryu was just disgusting, I shook my head and grabbed the Star Heaven Blade.

But I couldn’t just wander around in the snow like this.

We need to come up with a proper solution… … .

“Waaaaaa! It’s up! It’s up! “It’s finally here!”

“Hey, it’s noisy.”

As my thoughts were drowned out by the loud cries of the abyss spinning around on the floor as if in a struggle, I raised my sword as swear words flowed out of my mouth.

As expected, I felt like I had to kill that guy.

But that was then.

Something passed through my senses.

After taking my gaze away from the abyss, my eyes turned to the outside of the cave, where a black figure began to appear through the heavy snow.

The human spirit slowly took shape and soon became a person, and he slowly entered the cave.

“… … sorry. “Can I take a break for a moment?”

Maybe it was because we were there first, but I nodded to his question as we entered.

Then he bowed briefly and sat down, and I watched him closely.

‘this guy.’


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On this floor, as always, there are those with the strongest views of the world.

And the energy emanating from the man in front of me was unusual.

It’s 100 percent.

This guy may be the key to clearing this floor.

“The gaze is too harsh.”

Perhaps it was because of my gaze, but he took off his hood with one word.

He had scarlet hair and looked like he had been around for a long time, but his face was showing signs of fatigue.

“Do you have anything to see me?”

His question reminded me of the hero written in the description of this floor.

The prompt came.

“Do you still regret sealing the Winter Witch?”

The moment I threw the bait, his eyes opened sharply.

After seeing that reaction, I was convinced.

This guy is that hero.

“How do you know about the Winter Witch?”

“I have good ears for one reason or another.”

After hearing my answer, he was silent for a moment.

Then, after slowly looking at me as if trying to gauge the other person’s intentions, he quietly opened his mouth.

“It must be difficult to find proper clothes as winter has been here for quite some time, but this is a very luxurious outfit.”

“Because I’m pretty good at handling Aurors.”

“It’s been 10 years since winter came to be too sly. “I won’t let you get away with saying something like that.”

After saying that, he started searching through the backpack on his back.

He soon took out a book from inside and asked me a question.

“Do you know what this book is?”

I didn’t bother to answer.

Then he opened the book and stopped turning at one page.

“This is the book of the Winter Witch you just mentioned. And this book says that 10 years after her, someone who will unseal her will appear.”

It seemed as if the Winter Witch was a prophet or something, so I made a sour expression upon hearing her words.

“So you think that’s me?”

“Yes, this is a world where winter has arrived, but they have one thing in common.”

After saying that, the hero started to get up from his seat.

“A rumor spread by those who tried to unseal the Winter Witch in order to end the damn winter.”

A vicious aura began to emanate from him.

“If you see a man with scarlet hair, run away.”

For a brief moment, the man’s image disappeared.

In an instant his spear was rushing towards my throat.

I swung my fist at Chang’s advance, which had no intention of stopping.


A sound rang out once.

I slammed the hero who had been hit by my fist to the floor, and I left the unconscious guy behind and walked over to the book.

“Wow, don’t you usually try to talk more?”

“Why bother?”

“Even though he looks like that, he seems to be the strongest in this world, but he has no mercy.”

Narak, who was quietly watching from the side, looked at me curiously.

But I snorted and grabbed the book he had just taken out.

He called this book a prophetic book.

That means that all information related to this book will be written down.

Leaving the unconscious hero alone, I opened the book.

As I opened a book, my eyes slowly began to become more subtle.


Hell, who was poking the hero’s head stuck on the floor, turned his attention to my call.

I approached him and showed him the contents of the book, and Narak tilted his head.

“There’s nothing written.”

“Is it like that in your eyes too?”

When Hell’s answer came back, I frowned.

All pages of the book were white.

As if nothing was written from the beginning.

But the hero clearly acted as if he had read something in this book.

There is a possibility that this guy is crazy, but the constellation’s design is probably not that poor.

‘If only the world’s residents could read the book.’

“Shall we check it out?”

As if it sensed my thoughts, Narak spoke to me.

I nodded, knowing that his class was related to necromancer.

Then Hell dug up the floor with a shovel.

At that moment, a hand suddenly popped out from the floor, and the hand immediately lifted the body up to reveal itself outside.

The corpse, with half of its flesh falling off, staggered and gave off an acrid smell.

When the abyss made a gesture to the corpse, the undead’s eyes came to life.

“Oh, uh-uh.”

After letting out a voice once, the corpse covered its throat to control its voice, and soon opened its lips normally.

“Did you call me? “Master.”

The undead bowed their heads to the abyss and saluted.

Narak smiled at that greeting and pointed to the book I was holding.

“Mr. Corpse, can you see the contents of that book?”

“I will check.”

When I handed the book to the corpse, he looked through the book he had received from me.

“Some of the writing is damaged, but it is readable.”


After hearing the undead’s answer, I reacted as if I had expected it.

It was a setting intended by the constellation to somehow relate to the characters on the floor.

“Tell me about the contents of the book.”

“Please tell us.”

When Narak asked the undead to follow my instructions, he nodded and roughly read the book to inform us of the contents.

“This book was written in the past by a being called the Winter Witch. The contents are written about the events that have occurred up to now, and later events are written like a prophetic book.”

“What is the content of the prophecy?”

“It is a prophecy that 10 years after he was sealed, someone along with the Church of the Sun will unseal him and the endless winter will end and the blessings of the world will return once again. Conversely, the prophecy states that if the seal is not released, the world will be trapped in eternal winter.”

“Sun believer?”

“It is a religion that has existed for a long time. “Nowadays, they live with the belief that the sun will one day appear in the sky again, and I understand that a similar prophecy is coming down to them as well.”

There were people who turned to religion when times got tough, so there was nothing strange about it.

However, hearing that it was a similar prophecy made me curious.

“What is that prophecy?”

“If you take out the word winter witch and add sun god, it’s quite similar.”

Anyway, it’s true that there is a connection.

“Where are those so-called sun believers?”

“They are everywhere, all over the world. Because it is the main religion of the world. But that makes it even harder to specify where they are… … .”

The undead made an embarrassed expression.

In the end, you have no choice but to go out and find it. Is this it?

Moreover, the book did not seem to contain any instructions on how to break the seal.

‘Knowing how to break the seal.’

This must be the hero I knocked out.

But I have a feeling, no matter what this guy does, he won’t let you know.

Based on the pattern of the levels I have experienced so far, the strongest people have always been like that.

“Do you know where the Winter Witch is sealed?”

“Hmm, I don’t know much about the Winter Witch, but I’m sure the Sun Gods know where the Sun God is sealed.”

Fortunately, the location is also hidden.

“Mr. Ha Cheon-seong, Mr. Ha Cheon-seong.”

Just as I was thinking that things would go smoothly, Narak, who was next to me, spoke up.

When I turned to him at his call, he grinned.

“Ha Cheon-seong, don’t you want to steal information from the author?”

When Narak spoke, pointing to the hero, I looked at him as if it was obvious.

Then he spoke, this time pointing at himself.

“Then, can’t you just ask me?”


The moment my gaze subtly changed, I realized what he meant.

Hell is the owner of the Necromancer class.

The undead revived by this guy, like this corpse, follow his orders unconditionally.

That’s right.

‘If you kill a hero and revive him as an undead.’

All information will be disclosed.


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