Five Time Regressor Walks the King’s Path Chapter 266

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Episode 266

“Hehe, if you had asked me earlier, I would have answered you. “I am actually a cat raised by Heaven.”

And what came back was absurd.

As I was looking at him with a puzzled expression, the frost-haired cat got off my shoulder and stretched.

“He grew up being quite cute, but after Heaven went into the library of stories, I couldn’t see him anymore. Perhaps it was because the level of my life changed. What should I do if the butler can’t come home? “As a cat, I should be kind and go find him.”

“You’re lying, right? “Is this the truth?”

“It’s too much. I’m serious. The first time I saw you was because I felt like a compatriot and it was fun. Afterwards, I helped because I thought it would really help me. “I think your power will take me back to heaven.”

The frost-footed cat, who licked its front paw and spoke casually as if it was nothing to hide, trudged toward the open space in front of him.

“So don’t doubt me too much. “After all, humans cannot know what a cat is thinking.”

If you’re going to do that, don’t be mean-spirited until the end.

I sighed as I saw the frost-haired cat shooing away through space.

It’s because all the doubts and worries I’ve had about that guy felt like it was pointless.

‘done. I got the information anyway.’

Whether that guy’s story is true or not, I got the information.

What’s left?

‘Hits Yasin.’

Finally, the beginning of the Constellation War opens to advance to the story’s conclusion.

* * *

The Milky Way Road, a place where starlight does not reach.

It was a strange place where no constellations could enter and where only darkness existed.

In that place, someone was walking in the dark.

Yasin, real name is Wizentro.

He was covered in tree tattoos all over his body and was walking there with his long black hair flowing.

Yashin, who was walking with countless stars under his cloak, slowly raised his gaze to the sky.

“I guess it’s time.”

The moment Yashin’s muttered words rang out, a bolt of lightning struck through the darkness.

There was a person standing in the place where the electric current crackled and bounced around the lightning that filled the darkness, and he was glaring at Yasin with his eyebrows furrowed.

“Hey, you finally came. “You rotten bastard.”

“I think you realized my intention.”

“Huh? So, are you asking me to look at it?”

Yasin burst out laughing when he saw Ha Cheon-seong, who was more confident than anyone else.

Where on earth does that kind of confidence come from?

Yasin always found this side of him fascinating.

It seems like a weed that won’t break no matter how much you cut it.

But ironically, Ha Cheon-seong’s existence was of the greatest help to him.

Who would dare to unite the constellations of Olympus and Heaven and bring them back?

“Thank you. Thanks to you, things seem to be going well.”

Yasin briefly expressed his gratitude to Ha Cheon-seong, who personally brought him the constellations that would become his foundation.

And at that moment, the energy that shot out from under Yasin’s feet erased all the darkness.

Originally, it was a black space where starlight could not reach and constellations could not enter, but he added that darkness and made night descend.

The reason Yasin could be called Yassin.

He was the master of the night sky who could bring out the greatest power of the constellations.

Stars began to rise like mushrooms in the night sky beneath Yasin’s feet.

Soon, starlight took over the dark space, and thousands of constellations attached to Yashin began to appear one by one above the countless lights.

Titans and monsters with a grudge against the evil constellations and Olympian gods who gathered following Satan.

And among those constellations, Yasin stood tall above the vicious wolf Fenrir.

The place where the world’s worst constellations were gathered was filled with an evil energy so intense that it took one’s breath away just by looking at it.

“Take it out.”

The moment Yashin spoke while glaring at the river castle from above Fenrir, a horn sounded from somewhere.

At that moment, the heavenly gate opened in this sky where only evil lurked.

The ones pouring out of the gates of heaven were none other than angels.

They appeared from the sky, each armed with their own weapons, wings whiter than anything else in the world spread out.

And soon after, lightning struck.

The world was shaken as the gods of Olympus, led by Zeus, descended from the clouds, each wielding their weapons.

A war on a scale never seen before. In an imminent situation, He Tian-seong glared at Ya-shin and raised the Star Heavenly Blade high in the sky.

“Screw everything!”

The war began with a shout worthy of the river.

The evil constellations attacked the angels, spreading evil energy, and the angels made the sign of the cross and swung their weapons against them.

The water that poured out from under the staff wielded by Archangel Gabriel swirled towards the evil constellations.

And the thing that came out of the waters was none other than Poseidon.

He, the god of the sea, turned the sea caused by Gabriel into a tsunami, like a fish in water, and destroyed the constellations.

“Good! I never thought the day would come when we would cooperate with heaven. “It’s monumental!”

“He is the god of the sea. “It’s worth using.”

While Poseidon and Gabriel exchanged well-wishes, a swirl of flames suddenly appeared and evaporated all the water.

The moment Gabriel realized the identity of the fire and raised his head, biting his lip, Michael, a fallen angel with jet-black wings, was standing there.


“Gabriel, you are a fool too.”

Seeing Michael smiling, Gabriel spread his wings and flew up.


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The fire and water in the sky mixed together and the two archangels collided.

Meanwhile, the evil constellations did not lose at all and proceeded to kill the opposing constellations.

Jet-black flies ate the angels’ wings and caused them to fall.

The flies that appeared under Beelzebub were in vain no matter how much the angels tried to shake them off.

The fallen angels were crushed by giants.

Under their swinging fists, the angel died as bad as an insect.

As the war continued, it became a mess, and while the constellations were killing each other like crazy, Ha Cheon-seong was running somewhere.

He blew off the heads of the constellations in front of him, and the aura above the starry sky glowed menacingly.

In the meantime, a wolf was seen devouring the constellations.

Fenrir, the wolf he had personally suppressed, fell into Yashin’s hands, and Ha Cheon-seong clicked his tongue and kicked the floor.

And immediately, Ha Cheon-seong grabbed Mjolnir instead of the Star Celestial Blade and struck Fenrir on the head.

“Stop eating it. “You pig.”


Ha Chun-seong, who had pinned Fenrir to the ground in an instant, spun Mjolnir around and looked at Fenrir.

Previously, he had to have used a lot of strength against Fenrir, but after telling the story of Zeus, Fenrir was no match for the river sky castle at all.

Perhaps aware of that fact, Fenrir stepped back holding his collapsed head and Ha Cheonsung looked around.

“So where on earth is your new master?”

He Tian-seong thought Yasin would be next to Fenrir, but he was nowhere to be seen.

The moment he looked around, something suddenly disappeared under his feet.

Just as I was trying to get out of this swamp-like trap, Fenrir, with his head half collapsed, attacked me with his mouth wide open.

When Ha Tian-seong raised Mjolnir again to strike Fenrir, this time the red dragon suddenly struck him down.

“You bastards.”

Because there was no foothold under the shadow, Ha Cheon-seong clicked his tongue as he was sucked into the shadow.

This is because, following Fenrir, even Satan went crazy to bring himself down to the shadows.

However, there was no intention to fall into an obvious trap.

His sword was lifted into the sky and covered with dark clouds.

Old style


Lightning struck.

Satan and Fenrir had to quickly turn to avoid Ha Cheonsung’s sword skills, which were activated at a speed that was at a completely different level than before.

This is because it was a lightning that even Satan and Fenrir felt dangerous.

“Did you borrow Zeus’ story? “It looks like the intention is to become a completely second heaven.”

The moment He Cheonseong came out of the shadows, a voice rang out.

Hearing the words spoken by the red dragon, Satan, He Cheonseong raised his sword above his shoulder.

“You sound like a dog.”

Seeing Satan saying something that didn’t sound like words, Ha Cheon-seong raised his auror.

Satan is an unpleasant opponent even for other constellations.

In that case, it seemed like it would be a good idea to wipe out the opposing constellations here in order to break their momentum.

‘I don’t know where Yasin is hiding.’

If you don’t come out, I’ll be mad at your constellations.

* * *

The sound of explosions coming from all over the place.

And the occasional falling stars.

In the midst of the great war between the Constellations, I was holding a sword and looking down at the red dragon that had been cut in two before my eyes.

His identity is Satan.

Although he fought me head-on, he was no match for me as he even contained the story of Zeus, the best of the highest constellations.

Still, as the highest constellation of evil, I suffered a lot in one way or another, but the result was Satan’s defeat.

Satan, who died with his head and body cut in half, had no intention of moving any more.

Through it all, Fenrir could be seen on the other side, his entire body pierced by the Spear of Heaven.

When Satan fell, the balance was broken.

At some point, most of the evil constellations died, and now Heaven and Olympus were joining forces to fight Typhon.

No matter how much Typhon plays with the god Zeus, even the heavens have joined him.

Typhon, who was slowly being pushed away, began to lie down on the ground.

The victory was in jeopardy.

Although many of our side died, victory was a victory.

Meanwhile, as I looked at Rafiella crying in front of the bodies of Gabriel and Michael, who had stabbed each other in the heart, I wiped away my sweaty bangs.

“Hey, you rat.”

Where on earth are you hiding?

My frowning eyes scanned the battlefield again, but Yashin still wasn’t even showing his nose.

I knew they were aiming for a story about the war between the Constellations.

However, in order to obtain such a story, one would have to participate in the war in some way, and he has not yet appeared.


At that moment, even Typhon, who was virtually the last enemy, fell.

In the distance, I could see the constellations making noises, expressing the joy of victory.

The war was effectively over.

‘at last.’

I looked up at the sky with a dumbfounded expression.

Did he just want this result?

Coo coo coo coo coo coo.

When I was overcome by a sense of emptiness, I suddenly felt a slight vibration beneath my feet.

Feeling something strange, I looked around and soon realized that the vibration wasn’t just under my feet.

The entire space, including the atmosphere, is vibrating.

It was as if something huge was directly moving through this space.

That was when I picked Byeolcheondo again.


When there was a flash of light, the sky suddenly turned pitch black.

No, it wasn’t just the sky.

Everything beneath my feet, beside me, and around me was turning black.

It felt like I had been thrown into a lonely space without any starlight. The surroundings were becoming stained as if they were covered in pitch-black ink.

【The ‘master of the night’ quietly spends the night.】

As soon as the notification came to mind, my aura exploded.

The aura of all attributes wrapped around the Star Celestial Blade soon spewed out light like a star, and I immediately swung my sword towards the floor.

Twelfth Eclipse

White Thunder Star

The moment I became a star, I activated the Librarian.

Then, through the darkness, I began to quickly read Yasin’s story to find out what he had done.

Who is Yasin?

When he was on Earth, he was a boy born in Syria during a civil war.

The boy lived every day during the war, faced the risk of death every day, and was eventually drafted as a soldier and taken away.

The moment when the opponent’s gun was pushed to his head as he was driven into the battlefield.

Yasin entered Crown Road.


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