Five Time Regressor Walks the King’s Path Chapter 232

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Episode 232

Ironically, all the guys I had relationships with were here.

After looking at them once, I confirmed that all of Babylon had gathered with the last person, Wolha Old Man, joining them.


With those words, the wizards’ flying magic began.

“cheer up!”

“I hope you succeed in conquering the Demon Palace!”

At that moment, a hopeful voice of support was heard from below.

While protecting New Taipei City from the 7th floor, we conquered London and Jeju Island, becoming the greatest pride of New Taipei.

That’s why there were more people watching us than when we left on the first floor.

Their eyes were full of hope for the future.

The belief that we will bring a new future.

“Lord Emperor, make sure to finish it this time!”

“Arayongnyeo! I won’t call you lazy anymore! Conquer the Demon Palace!”

“You old man from Wolha! “Don’t come back until you clear the Demon Palace!”

Are there any people who know me?

As each name and title was heard from all directions, the magic archers clenched their fists as if they were overflowing with emotion.

I looked up at the sky as I saw them with their determination to clear the Demon Palace.

At that moment, people from other cities across the sky were also watching us.

For the first time since the King, the magic archers were heading to the magic palace.

That’s why they also wanted to watch.

I saw Dal-ho watching me with his younger sister from the skies above Jeju Island.

That day, after defeating the Giant God Soldier and rescuing him and his sister, I remembered the thank you I had given to him while burying my head in it several times.

And what he said also came to mind.

“Never lose to the king.”

Ha Il-seong, this guy has truly become a major villain.

With that thought in mind, I moved my gaze back to the sky.

The 8th floor was approaching.

All of the magic archers had already prepared their minds, and we headed to the magic arch again.

【congratulations. You have cleared the 46th floor for the 4th time.】

【’Owner of the 46th Floor’ and ‘Creepy Little Man’ gives you a reward.】

A bright light engulfed my eyes for a moment.

After a while, my vision returned, and the surrounding scenery gradually began to come into view.

I saw a pure white grass field.

The sky was as black as outer space, and occasionally a few stars were emitting their own light.

In an alien space so far from nature, I realized that I was slowly suffocating and looked around.


No voice comes out.

Of course, it’s a vacuum.

Auras quickly enveloped my lungs.

This was to prevent gases in the lung blood from vaporizing and shrinking the lungs.

At the same time, I activated Atelier.

What is being created is the oxygen that is urgently needed and the air that humans can breathe and the membrane that will hold the atmosphere.

I hastily created a helmet-like spacesuit just for the top of my head, and managed to take in some oxygen and look at the other guys.

Those who faced a sudden vacuum were escaping in different ways.

However, there were some who couldn’t solve it, so I started to take quick action on those who seemed in a hurry.

I, Won, had no information on the 8th floor, so I never imagined that we would experience a major crisis like this.

“Wow, this is a hit. Magung, you really do not disappoint my expectations.”

When we finally managed to make it possible for them to talk to each other using magic, Baekhee’s voice was the first thing we heard.

The guy who solved the vacuum situation starting with Min Do-yeon looked like he had endured it for ten years.

“God, God.”

Meanwhile, Mentis spoke to me.

As I looked at her, Mentis pointed in a direction and my eyes followed that direction.

“There are butterflies.”

Just as he said, there was a pure white butterfly flying in the sky.

The body of the thing that was flying leisurely, whether in a vacuum or not, was covered in powder, and as soon as I saw it, my vision started to turn upside down.

“Oh my, you idiot. Mentis, don’t look at that!”

I closed my eyes and immediately blew the butterfly away with Ceraunos Astrapae.

Then, when I opened my eyes, I felt a strong headache, perhaps because the afterimage of the distorted space did not go away.

As I hurriedly used the aura in my brain, my vision slowly returned, so I was relieved and shouted to those around me.

“There are butterflies that invade your mind and distort your vision. If you see him, blow him right away!”

“It’s not just the sight.”

At that moment, I looked up at Arayongnyeo who was embracing me.

She was looking down at me, and as soon as I followed her line of sight, I saw a leg that looked like it had been broken.

“… … “It distorts all five senses.”

The human brain basically has a limiter, and when moving the body, it adjusts the force so that it does not exceed a certain level based on the information received by the brain.

If you are always applying force, your bones will break because they cannot withstand the tight muscles.

Moreover, those who have trained their bodies to handle aurors, such as magic archers, have much greater variation in their strength.


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The butterfly just now distorted those five senses, and my brain confused the incoming information, released the limiter, and overused the power of my body, which was not protected by the aura.

The only command my brain gave me was to stand still.

The excessive force used to carry it out broke my leg.


While Baekhee approached me and treated me with a potion, I looked for Mentis.

That guy also saw a butterfly like me.

My body must not be in a normal state.

“Shin niiiiim!”

The Mantis who rushed in was fine.

“Why are you fine?”

“Oh, I’ve loosened my brain’s limiters a lot. “After playing around with this and that, I no longer recognize the mental attacks.”

Crazy guy.

As I was looking with tired eyes at Mentis, who was talking as if my brain was a toy, Old Man Wolha approached me.

“If things get like this, it would be dangerous for anyone other than Mentis.”

“It’s dangerous to look directly at it. “If you detect it with aura detection, you will have no choice but to avoid directing your gaze towards it.”

When the bridge was restored thanks to Baek Hee, I got up and gave advice to Old Man Wolha.

It seemed like the 8th floor would be more difficult than I imagined.

In a vacuum, a butterfly invades the mind just by looking at it.

If you were accidentally exposed to a vacuum by releasing magic or aura while receiving a mental attack, there was a high chance of sudden death.



“Stay close to me.”

So, I have no choice but to take that guy who is immune to the mental world with me.

We started walking again, pushing away Mentis, who was clinging to my words.

Perhaps it was because of this from the beginning that even the magic archers seemed very nervous.

Even though they were veterans who had climbed up to the 8th floor together, they had no choice in the new environment.

‘Besides that, it’s fourth.’

Since the Sword King is behind me, the Hell guy also went to the 8th floor before me.

Anyway, he is a rotten child.

After that, we continued walking through the pure white fields without much incident other than spotting a few more white butterflies.

“I feel like I’m standing still because all I can see is this grass.”

“I checked it with the Auror earlier. “It is true that we are moving forward.”

Min Do-yeon responded to Nak-cheon’s self-talk.

As these guys say, we keep moving forward. The scenery was repeated without change.

Even if you know it in your head, the scenery you perceive with your eyes is the same, so it feels like you are standing still.

‘Is this a malicious severing of mental strength?’

As I looked up at the sky of outer space, I noticed something pure white approaching there.


I immediately looked away and pulled Mentis, who instead looked at the flock of butterflies.

“Wow, that’s a lot. “I think there are hundreds of them.”

“good. You act as my eyes. “I will blow it away.”

As soon as I loaded the lightning bolt upon Mentis’ words, Mentis immediately grabbed my wrist.

“Wait. “God, there’s something in the center of the swarm of butterflies.”

“What do you have?”

“Yes, uh, the body is human. “My head is butterflies.”

There are some strange things here.

But Mentis’ reaction was a little strange.

A reaction as if you had met someone you could talk to rather than meeting an enemy.

“Old Man Wolha.”

When I turned to look at Old Man Wolha, he nodded.

It seemed like he decided that a solution to this situation where he seemed to be going round and round in the same place was necessary.

“Mentis, can you talk to that guy?”

“Yes, I’m still doing it.”

I guess that was why.

“If you see that guy, will you go into a mental state?”

“I think it can be controlled differently from a butterfly. wait a minute. “I’ll ask you to bite me a butterfly.”

Mentis, whose eyes were moving eerily quickly as if he was having a conversation about various things, soon nodded once.

Then, a human with a butterfly head landed in front of us, and only then was I able to see him with my own eyes.

“It’s bizarre.”

I also sympathized with Arayongnyeo’s comment about casually evaluating other people’s appearances.

Although he was dressed in a suit and wearing white gloves, his head resembled that of a flapping butterfly, so to us, it was extremely grotesque.

The man groped his neck for a moment as he looked at the bizarre butterfly man who was disturbing people’s psychology.

“Ah, Ganimo, Biran, they are here, um, I can hear them. I’m sorry. “It took me some time to get used to the language.”

A butterfly human, flapping his wings as if he had learned language through Mentis, greeted us politely.

“Nice to meet you. Magungsa people. “I don’t have a name like you, but I am a being who lives here in the demon palace you refer to.”

“Does being a being living in the Demon Palace mean that you are also a demonic beast?”

He smoothed his chin in response to my question.

“Masura, it’s a bit far from that. “I am also a being from the world who climbed the Demon Palace together with you.”

Everyone had stern expressions at the words that followed.

“The world is a different city?”

“It’s not city level. “Do you see it over there?”

He pointed to a spot in outer space.

He pointed to the distant universe and continued speaking while looking at the stars shining in the universe.

“There is a planet near the star, and other people live there. That’s what the world is like. Just like your world, the apocalypse has come and the Demon Palace has been created. There must be something in common to this extent. Oh, don’t they call us aliens?”

“There are aliens… … .”

Min Do-yeon muttered to herself.

There are more than one or two things that humans cannot explain, such as gods, demonic beasts, and demon archers, but aliens are the same.

I looked at him with a sour expression and looked around.

“Then here.”

“It’s our world. “I guess you guys are in some ways intruders.”

Was the 8th floor a random world among the worlds I had climbed through the Demon Palace?

It was fortunate that this butterfly guy was friendly. If it were a place full of combative guys, it would immediately be an all-out war.

“Are butterflies ever residents of your world?”

“It’s a little different. Just before our bodies completely disappear, our heads turn into butterflies and fly freely. It’s a kind of soul. “It is of no particular value to the butterflies that fly without ignorance, without awareness, without thinking.”

That’s a good thing.

If I had said I was a resident, there would have been people who would feel uncomfortable.

“And our world was destroyed in the first place.”


The impact that one word has is huge.

Because the Earth was also moving towards destruction by the minute.

As the others’ expressions became tense, I, the only one who was far from destruction, asked instead.

“Did you fail to climb the Demon Palace?”

“I do not know.”


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