Five Time Regressor Walks the King’s Path Chapter 112

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Episode 112

“How did you find out about this place?”

“The president’s grandfather taught me this.”

Han Mi-ri was there.

Wearing a black hat, a white T-shirt that covered her entire waist, and jeans, she casually strode into the house.

Although he had only known me for a day, he acted nonchalantly as if we had known each other for a long time.

“Wow, that’s big.”

“What did you come to do?”

As Han Mi-ri looked around the house in confusion, she sat down on a sofa that was several times as big as herself and said,

“I got into a fight with Ha-won and ran away from home.”

“go back.”

“no. “I’m not leaving until you apologize.”

“Okay then, go to your friend’s house. “Why did you come to my house?”

“I only have one friend. “It doesn’t work today.”

Because you’re so rude, you don’t have any friends.

Mi-ri Han glared at me as if she sensed that I was cursing inside, and then lay down on the sofa as if it were her own.

I sighed at that sight, remembered that Ha Won had previously received his number, and lifted my phone to make a call.

But as soon as she saw that, Mi-ri Han snatched my cell phone using space magic and held it in her hand.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to tell your sister and have her take you, so give it to me.”


While saying that, Han Mi-ri put her cell phone inside her jacket, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

I was shocked to see Han Mi-ri making a triumphant expression as if she couldn’t steal it if I did this, so I casually reached out my hand, lifted her clothes, and took out my cell phone.

“… … beast.”

Maybe it was because I didn’t make a move, but I called Ha Won while Han Mi-ri looked bewildered.

A moment later, the doorbell rang, and when I opened the front door, Ha Won was standing there, out of breath, as if he had rushed in.

“Miri, where are you?”

“excuse me.”

When I pointed inside, Ha Won took off his shoes and stomped inside.

Then, when he saw Han Mi-ri lying peacefully on the sofa, he got scared and shouted.

“What on earth are you thinking!”

“shut up.”

“Why is he like this? Besides, how did you know about this place?”

Since Han Mi-ri was hiding the fact that she was a dragon from her family, Ha Won, who had no way to know about it, seemed unable to properly accept the current situation.

“My uncle told me.”

Then, Shigaji turned the question of the House of Representatives towards me.

“Why Ha Cheon-seong?”

When he looked at me as if asking if there was any reason to give Han Mi-ri his home address, he gave an impromptu answer.

“I gave you a phone number to call if Nostra is targeting you again. “He immediately asked me for my address, so I told him something, and this is what happened.”

Han Mi-ri whistled once in response to my skillful response.

“sorry. Our Miri is causing trouble. “I’ll pick you up right away.”

Hawon lowered his head and immediately rushed at Han Mi-ri.

Perhaps because she was small for her age, Han Mi-ri was dragged helplessly screaming by Ha Won’s grasp.

But I knew this situation wouldn’t be resolved that easily.

Eventually, as I was looking through the Nostra information sent by the Hunter General Assembly, Mi-ri Han was next to my sofa.

When I noticed that he had returned to space magic, I asked while keeping my eyes on the data.

“The House of Representatives.”

“I abandoned it when I was blindsided.”

I thought so.

“I don’t know what we fought about, but make up. “Don’t drag me into it.”

“We won’t make up until you apologize.”

“Then don’t make up and don’t drag me in.”

“Unni gets more upset when you are around.”

After saying that, Mi-ri Han casually came next to me and lifted up one of the materials I was looking at.

“Are you looking for the Nostra guys?”


“Do you want me to help you?”

When I heard that the guy who had been hiding his identity, let alone the hunter’s job, would help me, I turned to Han Mi-ri.

The guy’s purpose was obvious.

“I’ll help you, but please protect me from your sister, is this it?”


Does this guy’s family’s genes contain the attribute of iron-faced skin?

“What can you do to help?”

In response to my question, Mi-ri Han laid out some materials and pointed one by one to the places where Nostra was active.

“I can take them all away in one second.”

And when the words came back, I let out a loud noise.

That point was definitely worth writing about.

Of course, the quality of information will be much higher if you go in and see it with your own eyes rather than looking at it through data.


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Even if it looks like this, Han Mi-ri is the 1st place dragon and I am the 2nd place steel.

Even if Hanmiri does not step forward and just moves me to the location, I am confident that I can cover all Nostra activity areas by myself.

“That’s a good offer.”


The best way to steal their information in a practical way.

Moreover, even if I tried to accept it, the assimilation rate did not drop, perhaps because Kang Cheol-min also agreed.



When I saw Han Mi-ri cheering with both hands raised, I picked up the great sword placed in the living room.

“Are you sure you want to go right away?”

“There is no reason to delay.”

“I’m not a practical person. “I’m a little tired.”

When my intention to fool around was clearly revealed, I picked up my phone without saying a word.

Then, Mi-ri Han got up from the sofa and came next to me, as if she had no choice but to lose.

“Come on, uncle. Where should I take you from?”


This starts from the most powerful place.

When I pointed to the U.S. branch of Nostra, Miri Han grabbed my collar and stamped her foot as if she had accepted it.

At that moment, space magic enveloped her body, and as soon as my vision changed, gravity began to pull my body violently.

Soon the clouds began to pass by my eyes, and I immediately realized that I was in the sky above a certain area.

Noticing that the buildings were hanging down like toys far below, I hurriedly turned around with my auror to avoid the pressure of the strong wind.



When I called her, Mi-ri Han, who was sitting on my back as if she was on an airplane, answered.

She raised her hand to her eyebrow, briefly looked around at the buildings below us, and then stamped her foot in the air again.

At that moment, the floor suddenly appeared before my eyes, and I immediately started falling and rolled around and landed.

“Mister, your hair is funny.”

When I heard that, I hit her head.

“If you’re going to go like this, tell me in advance.”

“For that matter, he doesn’t look too embarrassed.”

While Han Mi-ri answered while stroking her head, I straightened my hair, which had become a mess due to the wind, with my hands.

After tidying up my wrinkled clothes, I looked around.

This seemed to be the inside of the building we had just seen.

“It’s true because I checked the coordinates properly. “I also looked inside earlier.”

Was the action on my back meant to look inside?

Thinking I had done a good job of observing from that distance, I asked a question.

“How many people are in this building?”

After hearing my question, Mi-ri Han placed her hand on the wall of the building.

At that moment, the spatial magic that flowed from her body spread inside, and she soon grasped the entire situation of the building.

“321 people and one dog.”

“Is that one of the dogs with a person right now?”

“Yes, by the way.”

“Then we can go there.”

Han Mi-ri tilted her head at my words.

“Why is there a dog there?”

“Who would raise a dog in the building of Nostra, the global crime hunter organization, except a Nostra executive?”

“That’s right.”

Mi-ri Han nodded, saying it made sense and grabbed my collar again.

Then the vision changed again and the conversation stopped as soon as the devastation unfolded before us.

“W-what are you guys!”

There was a grown man who appeared to be in his 40s, dressed as a dog and pretending to be in front of the dog.

“Sorry, maybe there were two puppies.”

As Miri corrected me with a stern expression, I reached out and grabbed the man’s neck.

He seemed so embarrassed that he didn’t even think about escaping and was caught by us, making a loud noise and struggling, and I immediately raised my Auror to stop his struggling.

“Answer the questions from now on.”

When I spoke English fluently, Han Mi-ri looked at me as if she was surprised.

Fortunately, both I and Kang Cheol-min could speak English, so it was possible.

“Are you sure you’re going, Cheol?!”

Hearing the words of a man who seemed to know Kang Cheol-min, I had a good idea and came straight ahead, holding him up.

As Han Mi-ri tilted her head and asked what she was doing, the man started hissing and screaming as soon as he saw her.

“You win.”

“What did you do?”

“Since he recognizes you, he must be an important person in Nostra.”

Nostra issued separate instructions to identify and capture Han Mi-ri.

Therefore, the key executives would naturally know Han Mi-ri’s identity, and as I expected, he was shocked that Yong, the world’s number one hunter, had come here in person.

“What’s your name?”

The man came to his senses at my question and quickly shut his mouth.

Well, I was embarrassed at first, but he is a high-ranking person in an organization.

If you reveal information yourself, you will know what will happen later.

I know how to control these guys.

“Han Mi-ri, stay out.”


I quickly cast a spell to prevent sound from leaking out, and after confirming that Han Mi-ri had escaped using space magic, I looked at the man and grinned.

“I won’t open my mouth. This is it.”

I dragged the man and sat him down on an expensive-looking leather chair.

Then, he immediately struck the empty space between the guy’s groin area with a loud thud.

As a result, more than half of the chair’s seat disappeared, and cold sweat began to form on the half-naked man’s forehead.

“Every time you don’t speak, 1 cm disappears.”

For reference, the remaining distance from the man’s groin is 3cm.

“Your position within Nostra.”

The man did not answer.

That’s why I reduced my size by 1cm without hesitation.

“Your position within Nostra.”

Once again there was no answer.

I again lost 1cm.

“The location is.”

And it decreased by 1cm.


I raised my hand.

The man, who realized that he was seriously about to strike, began to breathe very quickly.

But he didn’t answer again, and I immediately put my hand down.

“Cho, I’m one of the North members of the General Staff!”

The moment the man shouted as if screaming, my hand stopped.

The hand that stopped just before his groin contained an aura, and as a hunter like me, he knew very well that the moment that hand came down further, he would immediately say goodbye to his groin forever.

‘It must be North.’

Among the data obtained by Seo Kang-seon, North was one of the highest executives under Nostra’s chairman, world-class ranker Hunter Amon.

Thinking that I had come to the right place, I began to put pressure on him.

“Then I guess you know why you tried to kidnap the dragon. Is this an order from Amon? Or did one of you North do it?”

When I asked, the man’s eyes seemed to be thinking intently.

However, I immediately hit the man in the groin.


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