Fated to Be Loved by Villains Chapter 89

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The last thing I remember is seeing Daoud and another woman hugging and being so angry that my hair was cut off.
Now, everything is just a blur.
The act of thinking itself feels meaningless, and my entire consciousness feels hazy, as if there is fog.
I can recognize the sound of something collapsing nearby and people screaming, but it’s faint, as if it’s coming from far away.
Let her gaze wander through the air for a moment.
In a gray landscape where all color has been lost, like a faded photograph, you can see the vague outline of a person looking down at you.
It has a mysterious atmosphere floating in the air, defying gravity.
All I can think is that even if he looks like a weird person with no clothes on, he can do that.
Even with just that blurry outline, I was able to clearly recognize the ‘shape’.
What would it be like if you grew up a few more years?
In my dazed mind, that thought was the first thing to pass by.
Because he was someone I had seen many times in my dreams. Because he was the person he missed the most.
However, one thing feels certain.
This one has the same shape.
The mother she remembers is not the same.
The ‘essence’ is as different as heaven and earth.
‘Something’ in the form of a mother is anxiously saying something to her.
Do something, stop. Please stop. It feels like I’m trying to stop him.
However, the voice cannot be transmitted.
It’s as if, in the ‘current state’, that being’s voice cannot reach him.
And, even that appearance quickly disappears.
Elnor looked at the figure with a blank expression.
‘…What am I doing now-‘
However, even though I was barely able to think of such thoughts with my floating head.
A strange voice, like a snake hissing, was coming straight from me.
-Why don’t you do it?
Do what?
-Don’t you want to make that guy yours forever?
-You don’t want to be sick anymore, right?
But still.
Daoud is Daoud.
-If you don’t want to kill him, is there a way to make him a puppet?
This… I remember.
This is the voice I heard before when I tried to give Daoud the ring for the first time.
However, much more than then.
A feeling she found difficult to ‘resist’.
As if something was eating away at a much bigger part of her than before.
I barely remember those thoughts and shake my head.
No matter how angry the other person is. No matter how much you hurt yourself.
Daoud is Daoud.
To kill. Make me a puppet.
Just as this voice is reaching out to me, I don’t want to harm that man.
-Do it.
However, such a voice penetrates through my dazed consciousness.
The size gradually becomes larger. So loud that my tinnitus rings in my ears.
But, the voice kept getting louder, louder, louder.
Just when I thought I couldn’t bear it anymore.
Suddenly, all voices disappear.
I don’t understand.
I don’t know why, so I close my eyes blankly.
I look around with the glimmer of reason that has returned. I strain my blank eyes to understand a little more about what happened.
And, thanks to my consciousness being focused on ‘vision’.
Elnor was able to capture Daoud’s face right in front of him.
The feel of his lips on top of hers.
We’d heard Beatrix passionately claim that her first kiss tasted like cherries, but Elnor’s first impression was simply the exchange of thick, gritty sensations.
It would be funny to think of sentiments about cherries and all in the chaos that seems to be around us right now. It’s clear that this man didn’t prepare anything in particular when he kissed her.
kiss your lips
So, that.
That’s it.
Only then can the surroundings be clearly recognized.
In a world where everything is stained gray and frozen like a faded photograph.
Only Daoud and she are moving straight. As if she and only she existed in a world where everything was at a standstill.
And that too, while kissing.
Her eyes became even wider than before.
A kiss?
This man, to himself?
why? Why on earth?
You were just playing around with another girl like that?
“…Now, sleep…”
The expression breaks. My heart suddenly sinks. The heat rushing through my entire body makes me feel weak.
Meanwhile, the lips part.
It was then that I looked at Dawood’s face seriously for the first time.
“Are you awake?”
Hearing that voice, Elnor’s face turned red as if it were going to explode.
Perhaps it’s the effect of that kiss earlier, but he looks dozens of times cooler than usual.
Of course, usually I couldn’t see anything other than this man, but now, even more than that.
Breathing becomes difficult. Without realizing it, various thoughts come to mind sequentially.
What did you eat today?
Did you brush your teeth properly?
I wonder if this man might be displeased right now. That shouldn’t happen.
If I do that, I might not do it again next time…
wait for a sec.
No, anyway. Now is not the time to think about things like this.
Come to your senses, Elnor. You have to consider what you need to discuss.
As for this man’s unscrupulous behavior right now-
“Then, I’ll do it again.”
“…what? No, what-”
When she heard Daoud’s words, she unconsciously and reflexively pulled back to widen the distance, but as if he had noticed her, the man’s arm wrapped tightly around her waist.
If you consider the difference in abilities between the two, you will probably be able to easily shake it off.
But, I can’t. I just can’t resist.
As soon as she got the sense that this man wanted her, all she could do was her whole face blush even more and stiffen.
The second shock came.
Again, Daoud’s lips are placed on top of hers.
I take another drink, and this time, I put my tongue inside my mouth.
“Ah, ooh, da, daoud, ah, ah… Now, wait…”
I tried to continue the sentence somehow, but it was all futile.
The inside of my mouth is being teased without any hesitation. Daud’s tongue came inside and his own tongue immediately became entangled.
It was squishy, ​​stretchy, hot, sticky, and thick.
I felt a little unfair.
It’s my first kiss. Why is this man so skilled?
As the saliva became tangled, all the thoughts that had been built up in Elnor’s jumbled mind collapsed.
Before you argue or anything.
This feeling.
This faithfulness.
The comforting feeling that this man is filling me.
He was driving away all the gloomy emotions that had been eating away at him until now.
The feeling of your entire body being filled with warm things.
In the end, Elnor.
Before doing something.
Without even realizing it, he wrapped his arms around Daoud’s waist.
Admittedly, it is not an expression of intention to argue for something.
‘…That doesn’t really matter right now.’
It was indeed so.

When I opened my mouth, a long string of saliva hung down.
Is this the right way to do it?
It’s my first time doing it, so I don’t know if I’m good at it…!
[I heard you’re good. Haven’t you tried jumping with a swallow a bit?]
Have you tried it?
[Then the talent for very furry was born, it was born with it. If it’s your first time doing something related to that, you’re just good at it. After all, professional trash is different?]
You just shut up.
At the same time as I thought of that thought, several messages lined up in front of my eyes.
< System Message >
[The target ‘Elnor’s corruption level plummets by more than 250% in a short period of time! ]
[The ‘runaway’ state is lifted! ]
[Awesome achievement! You are given a new title! ]
< System Message >
[‘Title’ system added! ]
[ Depending on the title you equip, you may be granted additional proficiency in actions other than combat! ]
[The title currently given to you is ‘Rabbiter’! ]
[ When you tail a woman, you’ll be able to use more skillful, versatile and masterful techniques than ever before! ]
Is he arguing with me now?
The title is a libertine, but why are the effects so different?
No, I’ll worry about this later.
“Elnor, it’s okay…”
“…Ah, haa, haa-”
I keep my mouth shut because it doesn’t look like I’m okay.
The nape of his neck and the tips of his ears are red and he is breathing heavily.
“wait a minute. “I will help you.”
I said that and tried to approach there.
“…Could you please not come closer?”
Elnor stopped me, panting.
“Now, if you approach, it’s dangerous in many ways.”
At those words, my expression hardens again.
If it is said to be dangerous, there are many ways in which it can be interpreted.
I feel better right now, but that’s after I crashed once. There is a good chance that there will be other aftereffects.
In fact, the gray devil’s energy has not yet been completely extinguished. Because the world is still standing still.
In addition, Elnor’s ‘suspicious’ status is still maintained.
Then, the brass I have to work on from now on is also clear.
I compose myself and open my mouth to Elnor again.
From now on, I had to think of something that would make this person feel better.
[The effect of ‘Title: Lovemaker’ is in effect! ]
[ Your actions will be corrected! ]
“Lately, just hearing your voice makes the area below my neck tingle. If I don’t see it for a few hours, I want to see it again. “Every day before I go to bed, I want to say a prayer of thanks to God for giving me such a fiancee.”
Elnor’s mouth drops open.
And I am shocked that he even said this.
I had no intention of saying this at all.
It felt like my mouth was out of my control and moving on its own.
No, don’t f*ucking do it.
Don’t really f*ucking…!
This must be because of the title or something. Need to release it right now-
< System Message >
[Title: You have requested the release of the Rascal. ]
[This is the only title. Cannot be released! ]
f*uck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“…Was that what you were thinking?”
While I was screaming internally, Elnor squirmed, avoiding my gaze.
At least I’m glad that he doesn’t seem really angry at me or anything like that before.
My actions that resulted from the influence of the ‘title’ were not at all fortunate.
“…something else.”
I walked up to Elnor, whose face was still red, and bowed my head.
I hug her and push her into my chest and kiss her forehead.
“i love you.”
It’s hard to see, but it’s clear that Elnor is stiff and gaping right now.
Because it would be so ridiculous.
And that goes for me too.
Is it a title or something? Please stop.
I’m dying of shame like this…!
However, such screams are useless.
My body, already out of control, kisses Elnor’s forehead again and whispers in her ear.
“i love you.”
Ugh, this is it, a faint moan came from inside my chest. It was clearly conveyed that Elnor was trembling.
It was hard to see because his face was buried in his body, but I could tell what kind of condition he was in by seeing that the tips of his ears, which were exposed on the side of his head, were bright red.
[Wow, wow! Hahahaha! Ahahahahahaha-! I, out of breath, out of breath, out of breath, out of breath, out of breath, out of breath, out of breath, out of breath, out of breath, out of breath! Please stop!]
What does a person who has already died once say?
No, more than that, I really want to stop.
Immediately, I lowered my head again and tried to kiss her, but Elnor stretched out his arm and stopped me.
“Ha, don’t do that…”
“no, I do not want.”
Even though he tells me not to do it with his mouth, he gently grabs the arm that has no strength at all and lowers it. Even though Elnor could easily shake off me if she wanted to.
Kiss again and whisper.
“Well, Man, Daoud, people around you are watching, watching…”
It seemed like no one was watching because time had stopped, but Elnor still seemed embarrassed to have people around, so she muttered that.
“Look, that’s it.”
I respond to Elnor, who speaks in an urgent voice, because my damn mouth is like that, and I lower my head.
Kiss again and whisper.
“i love you.”
“Ah, this, that…”
Wear it again…
“Stop, stop!”
“Are you not angry anymore?”
“It didn’t work! “It didn’t happen!”
At the same time Elnor said that almost with tears in her eyes.
A window appeared before my eyes.
< System Message >
[ Target Elnor’s ‘suspicion’ status is lifted! ]
[The increase/decrease amount of corruption value has been corrected to normal! ]
You did it.
Although my dignity seems dead.


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