Fated to Be Loved by Villains Chapter 46

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Divine power, unlike other abilities, is an ability that everyone possesses.
In other words, it means that it can be viewed as one of the ‘components’ of the body.
So, unlike other abilities that cannot be used for a while if they are simply depleted, if you draw out all of the divine power and use it, the recoil is quite severe.
As for what happens, I don’t know.
The saint in front of you is probably showing you everything from beginning to end.
Organ damage, muscle rupture, necrosis of cells in the body and rapid regeneration occur repeatedly.
This means that he is gaining divine power at a level that would not be strange to an ordinary person even if he were to die right away. Since she’s a saint of the Holy Empire, she’ll probably be able to hold on.
Lucien poured out a handful of blood from his mouth. Blood dripped inside the sacred barrier drawn on the floor.
And as soon as I confirmed the ‘meaning’ of the barrier, a laugh came out of my mouth.
‘…Are you supplying divine power to this entire plain by yourself?’
The barrier surrounding this entire large area, and the divine power supply for the divine protection attached to the necklaces given to all students.
This person is handling it alone.
An insane level of burden, requiring hundreds of people, even if an ordinary priest couldn’t do it.
“…Wait a minute, I’ll rescue you right away!”
And it is a sight that even a person with common sense can tell that something is going wrong.
For a guy who thinks saving people is his job, it would be strange not to step forward.
Elijah drew his sword and concentrated on his breathing.
If you destroy the entire floor, the barrier will also be destroyed. That’s probably what they’re aiming for.
“this. “You can’t do that, student.”
With that voice, a heavy blow struck Elijah’s sword.
With a ting sound, the sword flew into the ceiling and stuck.
Elijah’s eyes widened when he saw that the sword had bounced off and even torn his palm.
In order to produce a scene like this, it is only possible if the ‘skill gap’ between the two is quite high.
No matter how much he could not have predicted the existence of the enemy, he is a warrior candidate who is said to be no better than a regular knight.
in other words.
This means that the people who are currently wearing the equipment of the Holy Empire’s ‘Battle Priest’ on their whole bodies are at a level of skill that it is difficult to find talented people who can easily match them even if you search country by country.
High-ranking Battle Priest. He possesses combat power that can be called a human weapon.
I quickly glance at the name tag hanging on his chest.
Klein Garrison.
‘…He’s the guy I originally met here.’
A villain who appears briefly in Chapter 2. And if you think about his importance, he is an incomprehensibly strong guy. To begin with, in this section, he had no choice but to fight and catch him.
You can see that Elijah was incapacitated in one blow, but he is not someone you can fight at the student level.
Next, we see that the guy’s gaze glances at Yuria and then returns to Elijah.
This is as expected.
It is clear that the Holy Kingdom has not yet figured out Yuria’s ‘identity’ at all. An exorcist who stole the national treasure of the Holy Imperial Kingdom and ran away.
That itself is the beginning of the highlight of Chapter 2, so it would be safe to say that this is at least the same as the original.
“This is a ‘service’ that the saint is voluntarily carrying out. “Wouldn’t it be something that we shouldn’t get involved in, even considering its noble meaning?”
“…You volunteered to do something like that? “It doesn’t make sense!”
Elijah, who was not at all frightened even though he was incapacitated in one hit, retorted to Klein with a twinkle in his eye.
That’s certainly true, but the prosperous kingdom I know is full of crazy people who would throw that out without any hesitation.
Just look at the situation that is happening right now.
“Hmm. That’s an interesting view. “Then, shall we hear it from the saint herself?”
After saying that, Klein turned his head towards Lucien with a wry smile.
“Tell me, saint. “Did someone force you?”
Lucien gritted his teeth.
Even now, he is a person who is probably suffering from pain at a level where his entire body is disintegrating alive. It is scandalous to shamelessly demand an answer from such a person.
The answer that came out was clearly those words.
Lucien answered in a horribly cracked voice.
Even now, blood was dripping down from the corner of my mouth, but I continued the sentence nonetheless.
“This is because I am a bar. “It’s work.”
While Elijah gaped in shock, Klein continued speaking with a smile still on his face.
“Look at that. “Isn’t that what you yourself say?”
However, the words that followed contained a heavy sense of intimidation.
“Or are you saying that you will fall in love with what the saint wants to do? That is against the will of the entire Holy Empire. There’s no way someone who’s a candidate for a hero wouldn’t know, right?”
“…These trash…!”
The sound of teeth grinding came out of Elijah’s mouth. This reaction is probably because you understand what it means.
Certainly, the saint is a person who represents the will of the entire church externally.
If such a person says he will ‘do something himself’ and someone stops him from doing so, there is a good chance that it will become an international problem.
Even in situations that seem far-fetched, such as the present, such logic applies.
‘…Trash that can’t even be related to each other.’
Power equals gangsterism. A prosperous country, one of the three major hegemonies, is a country that truly has both the power and the intelligence to commit such diplomatic perversity. No one knows what crazy things they might do under the pretext of this. Because they are the kind of people who don’t find it strange even if they start a war.
This can be seen in the fact that Atalanta, who would have gritted her teeth and opposed this, ultimately passed this. It is highly likely that the imperial family or somewhere else put pressure on them to just do it. Don’t get caught for no reason and just get over it on your own.
The fact that saints are the most valuable ‘expendable goods’ in the Holy Empire is a secret known to all rulers of hegemonic countries.
Because of these things, even in the original work, the saintess was clearly subjected to some kind of harsh treatment under the coercion of the Holy Empire in this place.
However, this is a bit strange.
This level of horrible behavior is a level of insanity that I have never seen, even in the original work.
“Well, if you’d like to talk a little bit. “I might try to ask the saint at least once.”
“…What did you say?”
Elijah asked back in a cold voice, and Klein answered with a grin.
“This is the ‘demonic incident’ from a while ago. “The Pope is very interested.”
The gaze that said that was flying straight towards me and sticking into me.
“I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.”
And as soon as I hear those words, it feels like the puzzle is immediately put together in my head.
The devil is a very important element of the ‘great cause’ that the Pope is establishing. Even in the game, there are constant depictions of him being interested in the devil.
This means that they will be paying a lot of attention to the gray demon descent incident caused by Elnor during the Purifier boss fight not long ago.
And obviously.
The ‘my information’ that was intertwined there must have flowed in to some degree whether I liked it or not.
‘You’re provoking me.’
The back of my neck feels cold. I mutter curses to myself.
It’s a deliberate threat. If you do not cooperate, I will harass the saint even more severely. Listen to what we say when we say nice things.
And thanks to what these guys did, the main quest and progression from what I originally remembered was greatly altered.
‘It’s a battle with a runaway vessel…’
In the main quest, it says to stop the rampaging Yuria.
That means just commit suicide.
In the case of the Marquis of Riverback, there was even a basis for it, but it is absolutely impossible to subdue a vessel that has the possibility of manifesting even fragments of the devil here.
in other words.
There is only one way.
I also go much more aggressively.
Avoid battles with ‘vessels’.
In the direction of giving a blow to these scum.
He chuckles and walks briskly towards the saint. Inside the camp, he is still vomiting blood and extracting divine power.
“Oh, if you get any closer than that, I will overpower you. “If you let me interfere with the saint’s work-”
The sentences flowed from Klein in a relaxed voice.
He answers like that with an expressionless expression.
At the same time.
Yuria’s eyes, which had been lost, widen.
“Try it. “It’s none of my business what they say.”
“I’m going to save this person. Try blocking it.”
Klein’s expression hardened for the first time.
“…it will escalate into an international problem. Are you confident you can handle it?”
The guy mutters something, but ignores it and approaches the saint.
What I was waiting for was when there were about three steps left.
[ A crisis situation is detected. ]
[We believe this is a situation where serious injury may occur. ]
[‘Skill: Desperate Death’ is applied at Grade A. ]
As soon as that window appears, turn on the skill.
[ ‘Skill: Swordsman’s Concentration’ is activated! ]
[ Reaction speed and precision increase! ]
The world slows down again. As we approached with a desperate and overlapping attack, I could clearly see Klein’s attack, whose specs were vastly different from mine.
So, I also pull out the sword from my waist and point it at him.
A wry smile appeared on Klein’s face again.
Even imperial knights of the same rank are reluctant to directly interact with high-ranking battle priests.
Even if they don’t know about swordsmanship or physical strength, combat priests can apply all kinds of buffs to their weapons.
It’s impossible to deal with it simply by exchanging sums.
It would feel like they were ridiculed for being foolish when they saw that being accepted at the student level.
I have a skill that, if the timing is right, makes anything ‘null’ damage.
At the same time as ‘deflecting’ the attack at the correct timing.
[ Perfect bounce! ]
[‘Attribute: Strange Wind’ is activated! ]
[ Reflects some of the opponent’s attack damage! ]
All the ‘offensive protection’ that had been applied in that sword strike was poured back towards Klein.
The guy’s body bounces around at an incredible speed. So much so that it was thrown into a wall, kicking up dust.
Of course, there is no significant damage. Just looking at the fact that the word ‘Desperate Death’ appears as ‘A’ is enough, but it was not a serious attack in the first place. A high-ranking battle priest is not an easy person to the point of being knocked down by receiving even a small amount of return from such an attack.
What appears on his face is an expression of stupidity, as if he doesn’t understand what happened.
A high-ranking battle priest. I am one of the best fighters in the country.
At best, the academy student was allowed to take the hit.
He must have been extremely shocked by the fact itself.
“You’ve been saying strange things since a while ago.”
I help Lucien, who continues to cough and cough, to get up. As he walks outside the floor barrier, Lucien finally stops coughing. I don’t vomit blood anymore.
And, as soon as that happens, Yuria, whose white energy begins to subside, approaches Lucien with teary eyes.
okay. First of all, this side is safe.
He put Lucien down, took out a piece of parchment from his pocket, and approached Klein, who was still stuck on the wall with a blank expression.
“An international problem is happening. So what is that?”
He grins at Klein, who is dazed.
This is an understandable response.
This is not a problem that a student can talk about so lightly. Because it is an issue that could turn the entire continent upside down.
So what.
He throws the parchment and hits Klein in the face.
“What is this…!”
I smiled wider and answered the guy whose expression was sour.
“I don’t have any gloves. “I’m just going to replace it with this.”
The guy’s rotting expression became blank again.
Because there’s no way he wouldn’t know what throwing a glove at his face means.
Yeah, that’s it.
Challenge to a duel.
In my mind, I slightly apologize to Gideon.
Thank you for your troubles later, Grand Duke.
Because I’m going to make it a little bigger.
“It’s a special waiver. “Everything I do from now on will be the responsibility of the imperial family and the Duke of Tristan.”
If you keep showing off your guts with international power, all you have to do is summon a power equivalent to that.
Yes, Seonghwangguk?
This is the imperial family of Grand Duke Tristan. What should I do?
And what to do now that that authority has been used up.
From now on I
I’m going to clean up the trash.
“You, let’s take a hit.”
First of all, let’s start with this one.


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