Fated to Be Loved by Villains Chapter 240

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Chapter 239 – 239. Night’s Secret Love Affair

Did you say that Victoria’s purpose in joining this group was to kill her sister?
[…Isn’t it too much to listen to again?]
‘…It probably doesn’t mean it.’
Thinking like that, I look at Victoria preparing tea for the guests right in front of me.
For a guy who always wears a blank expression that makes it hard to understand what he’s thinking, he greets customers with a lot of common sense.
‘Did you know that the Empire is enforcing strict discrimination laws against sub-races?’
Even among humans, the characteristics of ‘other species’ are particularly prominent and are called sub-races.
I saw it briefly a while ago, but I think Jin will understand what she’s talking about just by looking at the animal ears that appear above Seras’ head.
[know. I think it’s a disgusting law.]
Although he was the head of the Guardians who decided to protect justice and goodness throughout his life, I did not expect him to accept it so readily.
Don’t those with vested interests who have achieved success usually tend to surround the established system?
Since this person is still in that level, I thought he would make an excuse.
[In the first place, isn’t that like an old-fashioned bad habit? The number of remaining sub-races was too small to be abolished, so it was never brought up as a hot topic.]
‘…Then it will be easier to talk about.’
At least when I say something, this person won’t foam at the mouth and refute it.
I sighed inwardly and looked at Victoria in front of me.
‘This guy and Seras are the survivors of the few remaining demi-human clans.’
The silence that comes as soon as I hear the word ‘survivor’ makes me smile bitterly.
This person would also have recognized the meaning contained in that word.
Sub-races basically look like humans and act like humans, but ‘human rights’ are not guaranteed by imperial law.
It’s the same as treating animals.
In other words.
This means that there must have been some human horse species that hunted it ‘for fun’.
It’s a pity for Caliban that he heard something he couldn’t hear, but hunting sub-races is a ‘sport’ that was actually popular among some nobles.
In particular, the ‘beast race’, who often used their physical abilities and stealth to act as assassins, would have been easy targets for such vicious acts.
It is said that it is perfect to attach old-fashioned nonsense such as ‘this is a purge for justice’ or ‘it is a paving stone for the future’ to the act of massacre.
[…things like that actually happened?]
I swallow my words at the voice filled with sad anger.
I feel sorry for this person who gave up his life for the empire, but it actually happened. Seras and Victoria are the victims.
The source of this guy’s nonsense about killing his sister is traced back to his past as a survivor.
‘He thinks his whole family died because of his sister. That’s probably why they say it.’
[…Hey, wait a minute. wait for a sec. The explanation is greatly omitted.]
Caliban opened his mouth in a voice that sounded like he was pressing his temples.
[You just said he didn’t mean it. If there are such circumstances, there is enough reason for anyone to be sincere, right?]
‘To be exact, that’s just what I doubt. ‘I have a mental illness, but no physical evidence.’
It must be a complicated feeling for you, too.
He is the only remaining blood relative. Even if you try to treat him as an enemy of the world, it is difficult to be harsh to that extent with only an uncertain mind.
I continue the sentence as I see Victoria coming with two cups of finished tea.
‘So, the chances of saying something that serious are probably pretty low.’
While I was thinking that, words came from the other side again.
“Whoever kills her sister first will win.”
Victoria picked up those words and served them.
I’m hungry so let’s eat. As if it was so obvious that it wasn’t even worth saying anything about.
And because that’s the attitude.
On the contrary, it is clear that the will is so firm that not even the teeth can sink in.
[…You’re saying you’re not serious?]
[Are your eyes extremely sincere?]
‘So, under normal circumstances, that would be the case.’
I answer like that, trying my best to soothe the pounding headache.
Hanging in the corner of my eye are Victoria’s eyes, which are glowing purple.
It seems as if they are ‘encroaching’ on this guy just in time to bring up topics related to Seras. As if it clouds rational judgment.
As I said before, the devil’s pieces have a tendency to merge together. If you are in a situation where each person is holding a piece, you can easily create a situation where you are encouraging the vessel to achieve that ‘unity’.
And as I remain silent for a long time, I notice Victoria across from me tilting her head.
“Didn’t you tell me to propose a match?”
“…It did?”
“You asked me to freely decide on the event, so wouldn’t it be possible to achieve the ‘competition’ you want with the one who kills the enemy first winning?”
The tone is asking what the problem is.
As if there was any reason to hesitate in accepting it.
[…Let’s refuse. Anyway, this is not it.]
Caliban said those words as if his head was pounding.
[Let alone cooperating in something ridiculous like killing someone, it’s a play on words in the first place. It’s a bit weird to ask for something like this when you say the purpose of joining is to kill your sister-]
Sure, it is.
As I hear those words, something sparkles.
“Let’s do it then.”
That may have been the influence of this answer coming out before Caliban’s sentence was even finished.
Victoria’s hand suddenly stopped.
He looks like he just heard something wrong.
Judging from his reaction, it seemed like he didn’t expect me to be so cool and OK, regardless of the fact that he really wanted to do it.
I was probably thinking of saying something like this to draw out some regrets on my part, and then suggest something ‘negotiable’ based on that.
“Let’s do it. Killing your sister. “Who goes first?”
I receive words with a grin.
Victoria, who heard me, was in the same situation as me when she first heard this guy’s suggestion, but she didn’t care and continued talking.
“Instead, I have to keep the promises I made?”
It means, ‘If you lose in a match, you will obey me.’
Victoria trembled.
It was clear that there was something ominous about my sentence.

While walking down the hallway, I stop and take a deep breath.
The silence coming from within Soul Linker stings. I feel like my throat is filled with everything I want to say.
“If you have something to say, say it.”
[No, now I know that asking is meaningless.]
[What are you doing by asking things like, ‘What on earth are you thinking?’ Anyway, I’m not going to say anything crazy like this again…]
The question of what happened to my evaluation of this person suddenly occurred to me, but I didn’t dare say it out loud.
As this person said, there are things you know without having to ask.
“…Victoria will definitely do it since she said she would.”
He’s under the influence of the purple devil, and he’s not the type of person who talks to each other, so since they’re in sync, he’ll probably attack Seras for real.
“It might take some preparation.”
It’s natural.
Victoria herself has joined the ranks of Grand Assassins, considered the best assassins on the continent, and is an expert when it comes to killing people.
The same goes for Seras. If you think about the period of time he has maintained that title, his is overwhelmingly longer.
We will proceed with the ‘work’ by checking the movement line, assessing capabilities, and finding the most certain time to deliver an unavoidable blow.
I won at the point where everything was already in order.
I am.
I’m thinking of ‘committing’ right now.
With that thought in mind, I knock on the door in front of me.
“Okay, let’s go”
Who are you at this hour, really-
The door swung open with a grumbling sound.
“…Uh, sir, senior…?”
Inside the entrance, I see Seras stuttering and embarrassed by my visit.
Although I went straight here after speaking with Victoria, it was still quite late. She is seen wearing a polka dots pajamas with a sleeping cap on top of her head.
One taste is ruinous.
Even Yuria, the youngest person around me, would run away in disgust, asking me to treat her like a child, and her face would instantly heat up as if she was so embarrassed to stand in front of me like that.
“This, this… I like to be comfortable when I sleep-”
“Can I come in?”
I cut him off and say those words.
“I really have a story to tell. “Just the two of us.”
I can clearly see his body becoming stiff when he sees my expression.
He must have noticed that my appearance was unusual.
At night, a man came to his room with a serious expression on his face. He even says that he must talk alone.
“It’s important business. “It can only be done between you and me.”
“…Ah, yes, yes…?”
Hearing these words, you probably have a hard time coming to your senses. Wearing white polka dot pajamas and a sleeping cap further contrasts the blush on her face.
Even the earlobes are red, to the point where even tomatoes can feel their relative paleness.
“Will you let me in?”
“…Well, of course…”
He brought me into the room as if he were possessed. The thought of being embarrassed for meeting me dressed like this has already passed from my mind.
In my head, I can’t figure out what kind of situation this is, so I’m sure my delusions are running wild.
And, um.
To be honest.
We are not far from that delusion.
With an expression that showed no sense of reality, he rustled a candle out of the room.
At least it means that we can talk face to face.
‘…I wouldn’t need it.’
For what I’m going to do with this guy from now on, it would be more uncomfortable if there was lighting. I guess both of them are like that.
Grab the wrist of the guy trying to light the candle.
There’s nothing that surprising, right?
The guy was so startled as if he had just met a ghost, and then he started shaking. There are even a few tears in your eyes.
“…Yes, yes, my senior…”
At the answer he gave in a trembling voice, I sighed deeply.
Things don’t look very good. There would be no benefit in prolonging the story.
“Shall we do something pleasant?”
Punch in straight.
The guy’s mouth drops open.
Caliban inside the Soul Linker also looks as if his mouth is wide open in bewilderment.
“…Seo, senior?”
Seras looked at me with sparkling eyes.
Maybe it’s because of his mood, but it feels like his eyes keep going back and forth between his bed and me.
It was as if he instinctively felt a correlation there as soon as he heard what I said.
“Well, a joke to lighten the mood, right? yes?”
He frowns and rubs his chin.
okay. I understand that this can be misunderstood.
I should speak a little more easily to understand.
“I’ll make you feel so good that you die.”
Again, Seras and Caliban within the Soul Linker fall silent at the same time.
[…Did killing mean killing with ‘that’?]
You didn’t say ‘how’ to kill him.
is not it?


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