Fated to Be Loved by Villains Chapter 231

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Chapter 230 – 230. Club (2)

Creating a club itself is not that difficult.
The problem is that rather than just creating a club, we need to create a club that is as ‘inconspicuous’ as possible.
If possible, it’s best to be a ghost club where you don’t have to get involved with other people. It’s at a level where it’s just okay to just make it and not pay attention to it.
Since it’s designated as mandatory by school regulations anyway, all you have to do is not violate it, right?
“…So, what is the name of the club?”
In that respect.
It would be a good idea to ask this first.
I look at Elijah with a grumpy expression as he says those words with a grin.
This guy was the one who came up with the idea of ​​creating a club in the first place, and since the minimum number of people to form a club is two or more, I suggested that we create a club by including this guy.
Isn’t the idea a bit too catastrophic?
“…is that really a good idea?”
“No, you want to create a group that no one else will want to join as a teacher?”
“Isn’t it a club that is very faithful to its purpose?”
It is worth agreeing with.
Of course, the profession of ‘exorcist’ itself exists, including the Vizsla I met before, but in general, the word ‘exorcist’ mostly focuses on ‘the devil’.
Speaking of the devil, it is a continent that first starts a game and then watches it. If it were a name like that, it would be a name that no sane student would even think of.
the problem is.
“Will El Fante allow that?”
“What are you going to do if I don’t give you permission? “Am I in Yongsan?”
“The only human on the entire continent who can defeat demons is saying he wants to create a club like this. Who on earth can tackle him?”
Is that also true?
If it were any other guy, I would have dismissed it as an absurd request, but if the person making the request is this guy, I kind of think that might be the case.
“So, this is the club building?”
I exhale and look around.
An old school building that feels like an abandoned building.
It’s an old-fashioned building in a remote place that reminds me of the place where Yuria used to live.
When you look at it up close, you almost believe it’s haunted.
Elijah chose this place himself, saying it was a club building.
“…I managed to find a place like this.”
We somehow reached an agreement to make it a club where people wouldn’t gather, but I didn’t know they would do it this thoroughly.
As I was thinking that and laughing, Elijah next to me nodded as if he was satisfied.
“Seriously, no one will come.”
“You and me, teacher, will continue to meet here after school, just the two of us, without any distractions?”
Woo-hu, woo-hu-hu- As I look at the guy laughing, goosebumps appear on my body without me even realizing it.
“It’s a club created just to match the variety. That far-”
“Uh, didn’t you know?”
“Once a club is established, there is a period in which attendance is mandatory. “This rule is in place to prevent people from registering but not showing up.”
“I guess the teacher will have to comply with that period anyway?”
So, to put it another way.
This means that once the club is officially recognized, after being forced to take classes, you have to be alone with this guy for a set amount of time.
Is that right?
I feel like I’ve stepped on a land mine.
“Now, now, why don’t you go in, sir?”
“Hey, wait a minute, don’t push-”
Saying that, I entered the abandoned building and found that the interior was decorated more comfortably than I expected.
“… ?”
No, should I say it is comfortable.
Unlike the outside, the inside is decorated too well, which is a problem.
Even from the perspective of seeing the living space of a high-ranking noble in the Duchy of Tristan, the furniture was tightly decorated and the wallpaper and flooring were carefully applied. Love love heart decorations and pink lights decorated here and there.
Unlike the outside, which looks like it’s completely falling apart, this side even feels bright.
It would be a room suitable for a newlywed couple on their honeymoon.
And the most notable thing among them.
It’s not just a bed. The bed is large, made of solid wood that looks expensive at first glance, and has a beautifully arranged blanket made of the highest quality silk.
It’s just the right size for two people to lie down on.
“Would you like to lie down, sir?”
“It’s a bed. “It’s there to lie down.”
Why do I have to lie in bed in broad daylight?
And that too in front of you with such a sinister expression on your face.
“Uh huh, I’ve prepared so hard, but you’re not even going to try?”
“Don’t be like that, now, now…”
Elijah approaches me with a slightly heated face, wiggling his fingers.
“…Hey, wait a minute. Stop for a second. “Let’s solve it with our story.”
“yes. Let’s talk. “Lie down together.”
“That’s not it… !”
The sound of breathing is heavy. The pupils are also slightly dilated. It’s as if they’ve been waiting for just this moment.
Without even realizing it, my face turned white and I was so condensed that I took a step back.
‘Desire’ is not a joke.
But fortunately, before I could say anything to that person, a helping hand came from somewhere else.
“Are you in-”
Elijah stopped walking when he heard a sound coming from outside the building.
Then, the sound of the guy clicking his tongue is clearly heard.
“…It’s strange. “I must have made sure that no one could come…”
you dude
How carefully did you prepare it?
While I was thinking that and sweating profusely, Elijah walked to the entrance of the building with reluctant steps.
And as soon as he opened the door, Elijah’s face quickly rotted as he saw the faces of the people on the other side.
“…What are you doing here, Liru?”
At Elijah’s fierce words, Liru and Seras, who were standing on the other side of the door, simultaneously cleared their throats and looked away.
“…No, I’m just passing by.”
“…Well, me too.”
An expression appeared on Elijah’s face as if he was saying that right now, but Liru crossed his arms with a confident expression and continued.
“I just came because I heard a voice on the way.”
“…Who told you? “It means creating a club.”
Elijah sighed deeply and answered. As if she said that people who know each other shouldn’t do this.
Liru’s reply will also be a response to that.
“No one told me. “I just followed him.”
“You mean, you’ve been rubbing against that guy without me knowing. “I went to that duchy not long ago.”
Liru said that sentence in a loud voice.
“So the two of you were watching something closely. “That’s it.”
“…That’s stalking, Liru.”
“what is that?”
In response to the confident answer, Elijah touched his forehead as if it was difficult to explain.
Then, his gaze slowly returned to Seras next to him.
“…Then what about this way?”
“I’ve been collecting all of Senior Dowd’s whereabouts for a long time, right?”
“My ability to gather information is incomparable to the barbarians here. “What is your favorite food, what are your hobbies, and what do you do when you’re alone?”
“…Yes, I don’t think you need to tell me that much, Seras.”
While Elijah was giving that answer, my face was becoming increasingly pale.
Hey guys .. hey guys.
What the hell is my private life… ?
Do you have any plans to guarantee it? ?
“…This will be used as a club building from now on. “If you don’t have authority, please leave.”
“uh-? really-? “Was it a club building?”
“Wow- we are both independent now- do you want to hear about what kind of club it is?”
As Liru and Seras spoke one after another as if reading a Korean language book, the veins on Elijah’s face rose slightly.
Its expression squirms wildly, as if telling it not to be disturbed.
“…This is the exorcism center, you guys.”
“It’s just as the name suggests. Exit. mind. wealth. A club that defeats the devil.”
Elijah gritted his teeth and spoke as if this was a club that you guys were not allowed to come to. The evil glow in his eyes shows that he is willing to engage in armed conflict.
Liru and Seras, who were confronting each other with iron plates placed on their faces, looked so ferocious that they hesitated for a moment and backed away.
However, despite this, the two people spoke at the same time, muttering their mouths.
“Why do people I know come here! “You all have something to do with it!”
“Are you going to play the role of being expelled, then?”
“I will do anything to join the club… !”
Elijah wiped his face as Liru and Seras spoke one after another.
It looks like he is reaching the limit of his patience.
However, as I was watching the scene, words came out first.
“…No, there is a problem that needs to be resolved first.”
If you think about it.
Isn’t everyone here drinking kimchi soup?
“…Isn’t it up to us to decide whether or not one can join the club?”
In the first place, the authority to do so lies with the advisor, not us.
Especially if it is a new, very small club with less than 10 members.
That’s right.
The guys looked at each other blankly with expressions as if they were saying that.

Dean Persi, who was yawning with a tired expression, read through the club plan I had given him. Because this is the person in charge of our club’s advisor.
Persy, who was looking at the paper with a serious expression, soon smiled and opened his mouth.
“It’s not possible.”
Seras and Liru flinched at the same time when they heard those words.
“…Uh, why is it impossible for us to join the club-”
“It’s not a matter of joining, but creating a club in the first place is not as light a problem as you might think. “Both traditions and procedures are strictly managed.”
Percy continued with a sigh.
“It is an activity that receives funding from within the school and is reflected in student grades. There’s no way they would just accept it as a joke, right? ‘Expertise’ and ‘performance’ must be certified at the same time. “Old clubs often function as political factions and are sometimes directly managed by the royal family?”
The expressions on the faces of the women around me, including me, instantly became blank.
It seems as if he had no idea that management would be so tight.
In particular, Elijah, who was confident that he would definitely pass if he was involved, looks the most embarrassed.
“…Uh, but if your performance is as good as mine and your teacher…”
“If we’re talking about abilities, honestly, I don’t have anything to say about ‘exorcism.’ When it comes to demons, I doubt there will be anyone among the faculty who has more power to fight back than him. but.”
Persi said sharply, as if it was a very simple and fundamental problem.
“It’s not me who gives the approval, it’s other people. “For an activity like this, it would probably only be possible if Professor Walter proves that it ‘has research value.’”
“If you are an exorcist, you must prove your ability to do things related to exorcism. As I said before, both expertise and performance are needed.”
“…Uh, that was already during the last Red Night incident-”
“No, there has to be work done by ‘everyone’ here. If you are creating a new activity, you will have to do that.”
Percy let out those words like a sigh.
“Do you have the means right now to have everyone participate and show a performance that will convince the Dean of the Department of Divinity regarding ‘exorcism’?”
It can’t be possible.
Everyone was quietly silent.
That silence continued until we left the dean’s office.
“…What should I do? Should I look for another club?”
When Elijah said those words, I silently frowned.
If possible, the best thing to do is to create a club and quietly stick to it. As far as I remember, no matter which club system I choose within Sera, in my current situation, there will be nothing but loss.
The condition that Persi mentioned was that the creation of the club would only be approved if it showed groundbreaking results in terms of ‘exorcism’ that Walter could understand.
It means that, beyond the usual demon-related knowledge, you have to show them an exorcism method that even they can admire.
And if there is a way to present a ‘result’ that is impressive enough to persuade Professor Walter…
I looked at Liru and Seras in silence.
Without saying anything.
A little long.
Let the silence get a little longer.
Liru and Seras noticed something unusual and opened their mouths.
“…Why are you looking at me like that?”
Hearing Liru’s slightly trembling voice, he chuckles and says.
“You guys said you would do anything to join the club, right?”
“Do anything?”
“You definitely said that with your mouth, right?”
Liru and Seras’ bodies began to tremble.
There was no doubt that the atmosphere was full of regret for saying such a thing for no reason.


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