Fated to Be Loved by Villains Chapter 162

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“Oh, I guess they are Mr. Elijah Chrysanax and his attendant Mr. Dowd Campbell. nice to meet you “It’s Lana Rey Delvium!”
Let’s talk about a person named Lana Rey Delvium.
The DLC protagonist of Sera, who some call Elijah’s younger sister.
She is an impressive female student with a single bob of hair sticking out of her sporty black hair that slightly covers her neck.
As you can see, even when he encounters his rivals, Elijah and I, he has a peaceful personality, to the point where he just speaks peacefully rather than trying to keep things in check or taking a hostile stance.
And, to name the most important characteristic.
This guy is immortal.
“…What on earth do you mean?”
This can be inferred from most of the situations I am currently experiencing, but the main game of Savior Rising boasts a level of difficulty that leaves the development team with nothing to say even if they are gang-lynched by users.
And the DLC, [Conquest of the Holy Empire], is content set at a more vicious difficulty level than the main Sera story. In fact, when it was first released, the entire Internet community exploded.
What’s worse, the production team decided that in order to clear the story smoothly, this guy, the main character, should be given an ability close to a cheat key.
“Oh, that’s right. Even if I die, I won’t die!”
Elijah was at a loss for words when he saw Lana saying those words with a smile.
“Ever since I was young, I’ve heard a lot about sacred power overload. That’s why you don’t feel pain, and even if your body is completely torn to pieces, it regenerates quickly!”
“I feel fortunate to have been born with a blessed constitution. Thanks to this, I can use my body for various researches for the sake of the Holy Empire!”
It’s a blessing, right?
It is clearly visible that those words are boiling under Elijah’s vocal cords.
I guess I can’t bear to say such harsh words to a guy who doesn’t change his expression and says he’s glad that Nara performed biological experiments on his body.
Let’s put it aside because we already know that the Holy Empire, and especially the Pope, is a bastard, contrary to the benevolent image that appears on the outside.
‘…It is true that the constitution itself is blessed.’
Among priests, there are often people whose innate divine power goes crazy and gain ‘special abilities’ in addition to simply using it to create miracles or protection.
In the warrior party, Trisha, who plays the role of a priest, is the most similar type. With divine power overload, you can visually understand other people’s emotions.
The homunculus was created by maximizing the nature of such divine power. Yuria and Lucien, the Greyhauncher sisters. A saint and an amulet.
Their ‘specialties’ will not be revealed until later chapters, but there is no doubt that both are extremely powerful.
Especially in the case of the younger brother who has a white devil in him.
“…By the way, what about the attendant?”
When Elijah saw Lana alone and asked such a question, the boy scratched his chin with a troubled expression before opening his mouth.
Elijah opened his mouth in a voice that was twice as absurd as before.
Warrior Candidate – Retinue is the most basic component of this selection process. But since they say there isn’t even that, you might be wondering what they’re talking about.
“I was trying to break through the dungeon by myself, but we got separated!”
“…Wasn’t the record only recognized if you reached the deepest part of the dungeon with an attendant?”
“Was there such a rule?!”
Elijah must have realized this by now.
Lana’s second most important trait.
This guy is stupid.
He is a simple, ignorant fool who is so upright and hot that it is easy for anyone to see.
To a serious extent.
“Hey – Mr. Dowd and Mr. Elijah are good people. “It’s almost like he rushed to the deepest part alone without even knowing it.”
“Since you helped me through what was almost a wasted effort, I will help you with anything! “Just leave it to me!”
“Hey, you know that we’re competing in the starting lineup right now… right?”
Elijah said those words in a voice that almost gave him a headache.
“It’s okay!”
“I was taught to repay a favor I received. “Human principles come before competition!”
It’s dazzling.
It is truly a spirit of uprightness and justice that is eye-watering.
As if he wasn’t a candidate for hero for nothing.
Elijah looked at me as if he was trying to take advantage of someone like this.
And this time I agree.
No matter how necessary it may be, doing something bad to this guy is so terrible that I can’t sleep because of the guilt…! 
[…Even though I think about it, I guess I’ll do it in the end. How are you going to fool me?]
A voice like that came from inside the Soul Linker.
I sigh and deny it.
‘no. I also have a conscience, how can I so casually deceive a child like this?’
[Was there…?]
He is silent for a moment and then answers.
‘Anyway, I won’t cheat.’
[You finally decided to become a human]
‘I’m going to do some trash.’
When did I say you were backstabbing and scamming me?
If this guy is your opponent, just go out fair and square and that’s it.
From the beginning, didn’t you say you were asking for something? It continues from there.
[Hey, no matter how much I heard from the beginning that he was going to do trash, this is a little… Are you trying to strengthen Elijah by making this guy hate me?]
‘It’s not that I’m not getting along with him.’
Lana, that is.
He is a human being who is impossible to hate in the first place.
It feels like things like ‘anger’ and ‘hatred’ have been completely deleted from the emotional circuit. No matter how trashy the other person is, we just laugh it off.
[…hmm? Then who is threatening your life? Are you saying that only then will Elijah be strengthened?]
‘If you do something trash to this guy, there will definitely be someone who will grit his teeth and attack you.’
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Anyone who tries to f*uck me will f*uck me too.
It’s simple.
of course.
This would be something that would scratch the bottom of my humanity.
I’m sorry Lana…!
“Lana, then is it okay if I ask you a favor?”
Suppressing that guilt, I open my mouth with a smile on my face.
“Yes, please do anything!”
okay. Well said once.

Utad Han-Chai frowned slightly and lifted the cup of black tea to his mouth.
For someone who lived the life of a warrior, such sweet drinks and refreshments were not very pleasant, but I heard that it was a culture that was well enjoyed in the imperial kingdom and empire.
The reason he was sent to select warriors on behalf of the tribal alliance was probably because he had the flexibility to respect this tradition.
“…What do you mean by that, Archbishop Luminol?”
Even he sometimes comes across stories that are too absurd to just accept.
“I’m asking you to join hands and keep the empire’s candidate in check.”
“To be exact, it is limited to students named Daoud.”
Utad felt almost dizzy and rubbed his eyes.
It had been a noticeable issue since the previous angel uproar that the Holy Imperial Kingdom wanted to keep the man named Dowd in check, but I had no idea that they would approach it so blatantly.
“…I like the direct approach, without any metaphors or hints, Archbishop Luminol. “It’s the way of tribal unity.”
Utad sighed and answered.
“But in a case like this, we should at least hear the reason. “Why are you so hostile towards that student?”
“For personal reasons, I don’t like that student.”
It’s a really personal reason.
As Utard stood there in a daze, Archbishop Luminol fired back in a quick tone.
“It is blasphemous, promiscuous, and devoid of any sense of decency, but you have entered the ‘Divinity Faculty’ in such an abominable way. I cannot open my eyes to such pretense and hypocrisy.”
“…May I ask the basis for your judgment?”
“You can tell when you see it, Chief Utad. Lowly humans can’t hide that smell.”
Oh yeah.
This man was a serious classist.
It was as natural as breathing to look down on Daoud, who was a former baron, or at best a self-writer.
“Well, if I were to give reasons other than personal ones…”
As I was thinking that, Archbishop Luminol spoke again.
“The Empire is the most powerful of the three hegemonies. “We, the Holy Kingdom and the Tribal Alliance, are opposing it with ‘religious authority’ and ‘technological power’ respectively.”
Archbishop Luminol continued calmly.
“If we go beyond the legitimacy of being a ‘warrior’… we are truly like a lantern in the wind. “The balance that supports the entire continent will be broken.”
okay. Logically, this makes sense.
“…Even if we keep that side in check, what will the Holy Empire gain? “The man named Dowd is simply an attendant of the candidate.”
For that reason, it would be understandable to say that they would rather keep Elijah in check.
In the first place, it is very unusual to be so wary of the warrior candidate rather than the candidate himself.
“This is what the Pope wants. “I just follow his orders.”
Uthard’s eyes narrowed.
He also knows the story of the snake sitting in the main temple.
I didn’t know that a person of that caliber was paying that much attention to a student named Dowd Campbell.
“If you help us keep their humans in check, we will promise you a solid alliance through that authority after the selection of heroes. “We will give you everything you want.”
“…You speak as if the person who will become the owner of the holy sword has already been decided.”
“Because we have talent who can definitely pass the Holy Sword test.”
A very slight but human smile appeared on the archbishop’s face as he said that.
“He may be a bit insensitive, but he is strong, warm, and above all, braver than anyone else.”
It was a mixture of pride and warmth, an expression that is extremely rare to find in a politician who has reached such a position.
“…She is also my precious daughter.”
I don’t think you need to tell me that much.
Why am I suddenly proud of my daughter?
Luminol Ray Delvium.
The father of Lana Ray Delvium, who participated as a candidate for the Hero of the Holy Empire.
This man was clearly a fool.
“Great, Archbishop!”
While those words were flowing out.
Someone burst through the door of the conversation room where Utard and Luminol were located. Judging from his attire, he appears to be a person from the Holy Empire.
Luminol’s face hardened slightly.
Such senseless behavior at a place that boasts almost summit-level authority.
Unless it is a very urgent matter, you will definitely be reprimanded later.
“Your daughter, now, now…!”
“It is being used as a ‘shield’ by Dowd Campbell!”
A heavy silence fell in the conference room.

Seras Evatrice was looking at the other person with a sullen expression.
Suddenly, a call came in and I said something, and two completely unexpected people were sitting in the room.
First of all, first of all.
‘…Prime Minister of the Empire?’
Sullivan Axion Petronus.
What on earth is there for a person who is so busy looking after government affairs that he is here?
As someone who hates all humans in the empire, her face was frowned upon seeing her.
There was someone else who was even more absurd than that.
“…What are you doing here?”
To be honest, she doesn’t feel like anything has slowed down since she infiltrated Elfante, but basically, she is still an assassin who follows the Emperor’s orders.
Although he is deeply concerned about killing Dowd Campbell, his desire for the well-being and benefit of the entire Holy Empire has not changed.
In that sense.
“The name is…”
It’s a really insincere pseudonym.
What on earth was the Holy Emperor’s Intelligence Department thinking of giving such an identity to this guy?
“Well, even if I say ‘Seonhwaryun (旋flame wheel),’ people on this continent won’t even understand, right? So just call me Hans.”
“…I guess that kind of thing is fine.”
Seras touched her throbbing head and opened her mouth.
“What is a warrior candidate doing during selection? “The Emperor must have laundered your identity even if it was unreasonable.”
The man called Seon Hwa-ryun, alias Hans, grinned.
“Wow, every time I hear that that kid is the Pope, I can’t get used to it. “It seemed like just yesterday that I was on the verge of starving to death in a slum.”
What happened was that a person in his early 20s was belittling the Emperor by calling him a kid.
Seras also vaguely knew.
The human in front of her right now is a monster who has entered the realm of a half-god, although he has a human form.
“Well, to answer your question.”
It doesn’t seem like that at all if you look at the harsh answer.
“My purpose is not to select a hero. “I came to protect the guy who holds the ‘key to the world.’”
“…what do you mean-”
“I was sent there in the first place because they were handling the situation?”
“If you were a Grand Assassin, it wouldn’t be difficult to stab a guy named Dowd. Why are you so hesitant?”
Talker continued with a deep sigh.
“If they had properly left that guy named Dowd in a dying state, the ‘flow of events’ wouldn’t have continued to this point. He would never have participated in the selection of heroes. Then I wouldn’t have had to protect him. “So you sent me because the little Emperor and our captain share the same interests, right?”
“…What are you talking about?”
“The last thing the kid wants is for him to die right away. Our captain too. Even that guy.”
Talker, who said that, slowly turned his head and looked at the Prime Minister, who was quietly lowering his head with his eyes closed.
“Isn’t that right, ‘sealed demon’?”
The imperial chancellor raised his head with a sigh.
“…If you call me by that name one more time, I will terminate our cooperation, necromancer. “Always remember that this is a temporary alliance.”
Sullivan said and raised his head.
Those golden eyes were full of shining murderous intent.
“…I know what you did to that man in the ‘old world’. “There is no law that says it won’t happen, even in ‘this world.’”
“You and your humble seer. At some point you will have to get away from that man. “For Daud’s safety.”
“Otherwise I will kill you.”
It was a sentence that dripped cold from every single word.
Talker just smiled and answered.
“It’s too much. “You were the one who first contacted the Beophwang kid for help and sent a rescue signal in the first place, right?”
Seras’ expression became even more bizarre.
Prime Minister of the Empire.
One of the most powerful politicians on the continent.
You contacted the leadership of another country that was fiercely competing for supremacy just for one person?
While I was thinking about that, the Prime Minister opened his mouth in a somber voice.
“…This is the ‘first junction’ today, so it can’t be helped.”
Everyone is gathered here now.
The devil’s vessels.
And, the human to whom all their ‘longings’ are directed.
And, among others.
The fundamental cause that creates all the distortion in this place.
“Purple. No, Seras Evatrice. Do you know the name Yuria Greyhauncher?”
What does purple mean?
Anyway, since I was asked a question, I’ll answer it.
“…Homunculus. Among the saints and amulets who are the key to His Holiness’s paradise plan, the one in charge of exorcism. “Why that guy?”
“She is here today.”
There might be.
So what is that-
“And today.”
To Seras, who thinks like that.
Sullivan continued calmly.
“It’s because of her that Dowd Campbell dies.”
The attitude was that they already knew it through ‘experience’.


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