Fated to Be Loved by Villains Chapter 159

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I can feel Archbishop Luminol looking at the angel from behind the veil with a very embarrassed expression.
It’s probably embarrassing for those on the other side.
The person who would normally yell at me as soon as he sees the devil’s energy is now frozen and looking only at me.
Even though the bishop said those words, the angel continued speaking with trembling eyes.
And, speaking from my perspective.
I caught it.
The person who normally would have run away even if I had tried to meet him, is now standing right in front of my eyes.
[You, you, why, why here…]
You can tell right away just by looking at the trembling voice entering ‘my head.’
Angels have a duty to always maintain a pious and dignified atmosphere when appearing in the material world.
However, the trauma suffered by that reverse angel was so severe that even a person in that position would let out a groan that he could not suppress.
I made a mistake and almost got eaten by the devil because of me. How terrible would it be?
“…Didn’t you just say it’s been a while?”
“Do you mean that guy has ever met an angel?”
Such murmurs were rising one by one from the surrounding audience.
After hearing those words, the angel’s face seemed to get even worse.
Only Eli, who was next to me, was looking at me and the angel in turns with an expression that seemed to know something.
That’s probably because this guy was with me at the moment the angel and I ran into each other.
“…Um, teacher.”
“After spending quite a while with the teacher, there are times when I am able to understand things in my own way.”
“…You look like you’re planning the most trashy thing ever.”
I’ve always had the feeling that he’s feeling better.
Ever since I got the Eye of Truth or something, it seems like I’m almost using mind-reading skills.
What kind of ability is that?
[What on earth do you want from me? What is that sinister expression?!]
Or, right now, my face is so rotten that anyone can see it and it makes me queasy.
‘Well, it’s nothing special.’
Just like Caliban, this man seems to be able to respond by speaking to his mind simply by thinking about it in his head.
That’s the fortunate part.
What I’m thinking right now is that it takes a lot of courage to say it out loud.
‘People are trying to do important things, but there are people who keep interfering with them so they can’t even get to the starting point.’
No, really.
It was like that in El Fante, it was like that in the furnace of struggle, and I’m really running around trying to keep the world from being destroyed by the devil.
There are too many people who keep interfering to satisfy their own selfish interests.
It will be a prosperous kingdom here.
Let’s prepare a line that will make a big splash on that side.
‘I wish the angel would testify just one thing for me here.’
[…testimony? What are you talking about?]
Communicate the necessary information in your head.
The reaction was dramatic.
[This kind of trash that doesn’t even look like a human being!]
[Well, how am I supposed to say something like that with my mouth!]
What you have to do
With that in mind, I manipulate the spear and force the skill to be applied to the reverse angel.
The reverse angel, who was floating in the air, folds his wings and flops down to the ground.
[Huh? what is this?!]
I have just used the truly precious ‘power of command that can be used directly on angels.’
It’s natural to make people bring up some high-level words.
“…It’s been a really long time.”
[Why, why is my mouth moving on its own?! What on earth did you do to me-]
The voice of the reverse angel echoed in my head.
Before I could finish those words, the sentence I ‘asked’ echoed throughout the hall.
“I missed you, ‘Master’.”
As soon as that sentence fell.
“This lowly servant is ready to take any command.”
A wide square.
For a moment there was silence.

< System Message >
[ Target ‘Reverse Angel A1101’ recognizes you as an enemy of the Fire Angel! ]
[ Negative impact is imprinted! ]
[ 2 stacks of negative imprints! When stacked 3 times, a special effect occurs! ]
[Skill: Domination of Evil is activated. Gain 1 command that can be used on the target! ]
The command authority is copied.
I smile and look at the window floating in front of me.
As soon as the reverse angel uttered that sentence, Archbishop Luminol reverse-summoned him in a hurry, so I didn’t even have time to check his reaction, but I’m satisfied with this.
I was worried about what I would do if I couldn’t refill my command ticket, but it seems like the fact that an angel even uses the word ‘master’ to a human in the material world has really crushed my mentality.
In human terms, that’s the same level of indecency as calling a pet “master.”
[…Is the boy king sleeping now?]
‘Almost like that, right? why?’
That person is mostly always silent.
Unlike the lively Caliban, it is basically quiet all the time.
It seems like he’s been holed up trying to prepare something related to gold and alcohol, but it would still be nice if he could at least show his face once in a while.
[That’s right. Now is the perfect time to applaud together.]
[Now, it’s nice to see that you don’t feel any guilt unless it’s a woman around you. People are consistent and very likable -]
I ignore the nonsense and turn my gaze to the desk.
“…the bomb fell.”
That statement comes to mind as I watch the media outlets covering yesterday’s events one after another.
“Wow… it’s no big deal…”
Following my words, Elijah, who was sitting on the sofa and reading through the materials I had read for the second time, also let out a groan.
“You said you would become famous, but isn’t this too much to do?”
Elijah said this and read several headlines one after another.
[ Angel’s declaration of obedience, the Holy Empire still remains silent about this – ]
[Archbishop Luminol is raising the possibility of ‘collective hallucinations’-]
“…I guess it must have been quite a shock to even seriously call it a mass hallucination.”
I guess so.
For the Imperial Kingdom, it would be like a nightmare.
Most of their position and influence comes from the religious authority of having produced the ‘first warrior’ and receiving direct recognition from ‘angels.’
However, the angel spit out words like ‘master’ and other things to the person who said out of their own mouth that their qualifications were questionable. There is no such thing as a damn god.
Of course, we can use our collective influence to officially cover up such facts, but we cannot completely silence the countless people who witnessed the scene.
The topic of what relationship I have with angels will spread with terrifying momentum in the future.
The popularity of the ‘warrior candidate’ who has such a person as an ‘entourage’ is bound to skyrocket at a frightening rate.
“So, how do you feel about emerging as one of the hottest people on the entire continent?”
“…Honestly, I don’t really feel it yet. Even if the topic has increased, there is no immediate change in the surrounding area. “I was originally receiving a lot of interest in El Fante.”
I hope it’s because he’s popular.
For various reasons, I still haven’t been able to get over the perception of him as a ‘suspicious guy’, a ‘shady person’, ‘a friendless guy’, and ‘a guy who has a lot of women around him that are suspicious’.
My perception is that it is already a hundred million light years away from the ordinary academy life I dreamed of when I first entered the academy.
“…teacher? “Why are your eyes moist?”
“It’s because my eyes are bright.”
At the very least, it can be said that this completely blocks the chance for the Holy Emperor and the Emperor to tackle me throughout the selection of warriors.
So, that’s good.
“…But what have you been doing since a while ago?”
Those words came out without me even realizing it.
No, it’s because he left his room alone and came into my room and took over my furniture.
Since a while ago, I’ve been cutting things out of newspaper.
“I’m collecting photos of the teacher and I together in the same frame.”
“Ah, this came out well.”
Why are you doing that in my room?
I can’t help but think that even countries that aren’t very keen on things like this are doing this to blatantly ‘appeal’.
‘…He’s been a lot more active lately?’
No, really, these days, I keep
As I looked at Elijah at a loss for words as he spoke, a voice came from inside the Soul Linker.
[Can I ask you one favor?]
[When you two have a big fight, please do it without me knowing.]
[I still feel like I’m going to die from hard times, but looking at that, I really think I’ll die for the second time.]
‘…That doesn’t happen.’
What is a big deal?
I still vividly remember being cut in half by Yuria before, but if I did something like that, it wouldn’t be surprising if I were disassembled into over 20 pieces by other devil’s vessels.
I sigh at Caliban’s nonsense and turn my attention to the documents Atalanta delivered.
Originally, the rough progress plan for the selection of warriors, which would have been announced to everyone as the opening ceremony proceeded, was written there.
The incident that occurred during the event was so bombastic that it all fell apart, but it appears that all relevant documents were delivered to the relevant officials.
‘…the most important thing…’
This is a list of candidates who will participate in the trials together.
It’s also a list of competitors.
It is also a list of people that I need to somehow piss off and make them rush to kill me.
This is also the part where the ‘variable’ is most likely to explode.
When I look back on my career so far, I always
‘The tribal alliance consists of two twin berserkers. The empire is like Elijah…’
Paynol LIFEK.
As soon as I see that name, a wry smile appears on my face.
If you think about it.
< Quest Info >
[ Main Quest ]〖 Chapter 4 – Red Night 〗
[Related events are happening soon! ]
The name of the main event in the current chapter is ‘Hero Selection’, and the name of the main quest that serves as the background of the chapter is ‘Red Night’.
That’s the case in the chapter where Feynol appears as the final boss, but the question is why does he appear as the ‘final boss’?
During the selection process, there was an opportunity for him to go on a rampage.
It’s my job to stop that.
[Can’t we just solve it quickly like always?]
‘If there were no variables, that would be the case.’
‘If it’s something related to the devil, there’s one other guy who will show his face at all costs other than the Holy Emperor.’
Those guys are much worse than that in terms of interfering with the comfortable progress of my scenario.
With that in mind, I turn the document to the next page.
Anyway, this is the list that I know so far. It’s a line that completely matches what appears in the game.
They are undoubtedly powerful, but they can still be dealt with.
the problem is.
It popped out as I was looking through the list of Seongwangguk pages.
Because the ‘variable’ I was so wary of was right in front of my face.
Candidate number 1. The head of Daesinjeon District 1. This is a very standard appointment. I too can applaud this as a very good choice.
The problem is, it’s someone else.
“…Let’s go slowly.”
As I look at the face reflected in the profile, those words come out like a moan.
A man who gives a frivolous impression at first glance. On the outside, he looks like a swallow that enjoys picking on women.
But, nevertheless.
As soon as I look at that, I feel dizzy.
It’s almost blinding.
I feel like I’m even feeling resentful, thinking that the world is too blatantly giving me variables to say “f*ck me.”
That’s it, this guy’s identity.
“…It’s a loss of balance.”
Because he’s a monster at a level that makes the selection of heroes itself a ‘child’s joke’.
The pioneer’s henchman.
A guy who could subdue even a two-piece Elnor was standing there with his face sticking out.


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