Fated to Be Loved by Villains Chapter 13

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“At this moment, there are three at 9 o’clock.”
Elijah swung his sword with a frown on his face.
The wolf-shaped dummy demon that attempted to make a sneak attack in the dark was swept away by the blow.
“Two more from the ceiling. “The vital point is the neck.”
“…Hey, teacher.”
The guy cut off the heads of two bat-shaped dummies in an instant and said something.
“Oh, and the next tile is a trap on the floor. “Now just destroy the paralysis poison launcher on the right.”
“teacher. “I have a favor to ask.”
“Anything is fine, so can you please help me instead of just giving me instructions…?”
Elijah’s face is even more distorted, but he chuckles and says something.
“You tried to beat me up the first time you saw me.”
“…I did.”
“So, you were the one who first said that you wanted to apologize at this point? “You’re going to do anything I tell you to do?”
“…That’s right.”
“But what’s the complaint?”
“…yes. sorry.”
When I said, ‘Let’s get to know each other’, this guy was happy and ran towards me.
You have to keep your word.
Above all, even if I want to help, I can’t.
I, who have no hope of survival, am neither more nor less than a scum-level stat holder.
It would be better for me to just give orders and have this guy take charge of all the fighting.
This is something that has become clear as I tour this imitated artificial dungeon.
Absolute desperation will not be activated unless there is a clear ‘malicious intention’ to harm me.
That’s probably why it doesn’t activate on dummies who are simply repeating pre-entered actions.
So what does this mean?
Even desperate situations are not omnipotent. It’s definitely an ability with flaws.
I need to quickly abandon the complacency that this skill will save me in every situation.
‘I definitely need to raise my stats too.’
After all, stats are the same as basic physical strength that can be used in all situations. Growth is essential.
This is especially true when you consider that the performance of items and skills is also affected by stats.
As I was thinking that, Elijah grumbled again next to me.
“But if you’re a good teacher, you might be able to do better than me. “If two people work together, we can break through much faster.”
[ Amazing speed! ]
[You broke the record from 2 years ago! ]
The guy who was about to say something in dissatisfaction immediately shut his mouth when the guidance voice rang out with a fanfare.
“No, why? How is this possible? “What on earth are you doing now?”
When I saw him say such a thing in a confused voice, he seemed bewildered that he was breaking the record even though he was proceeding in this way.
“Is that that surprising?”
“It’s not amazing, it’s just ridiculous!”
The guy shouted and poured out words.
“The mock battle is a stage created with the assumption that it will be conducted by two people. But I just made it by myself and recorded the highest record… What is it? Teacher, are you doing some kind of magic? Even regular knights can’t proceed like this, right? uh? what?”
I chuckle to myself at the sight of almost identity confusion.
‘What a mess.’
At least I have accumulated enough experience to be able to call myself a junkie in this game.
But a top-notch person has been found who will move without even asking or questioning what I say?
This is a very early dungeon that you can still wake up with your eyes closed.
And if you run a speed run like this with only one person, there will definitely be someone who will be interested in it.
In fact, the reward for simply clearing this mock battle is a reward, but it is also quite important.
I had to use this opportunity to reveal my face.
So, what does it end up being?
“The next section will be a little harder than this one, but let’s just keep going like this. Go for it.”
cheer up.
Until then, you have to do everything on your own.
Elijah gritted his teeth.
Then the teeth fall out, dude.

Evan Kramer, a student in District 2 of the Department of Demonic Exploration, was sitting in front of the control panel in a contemplative state.
“The mock battle stages are pretty good these days. “Did the department do the composition itself?”
“Yes, yes…!”
As I barely managed to come up with an answer in a suffocating voice, the other person chuckled as he looked at the video screen that was currently showing the inside of the stage.
“It would be okay if the budget was slightly increased next year.”
It was clear that he was a person who had at least the authority to say such things.
Because the speaker was none other than the dean of the Department of Knight Studies.
Conrad Baltador.
The dean, who is one of only four people directly below the president, means that he is a person with omnipotent power, at least within the academy.
At the level of a single student, it was obvious that he was someone who would be difficult to breathe just by being next to him.
‘Why is this kind of person at a place like this event booth…!’
As I was trembling and pondering that thought, another voice intervened.
“Oh my, Conrad. “What are you doing here?”
Unfortunately for Evan, the owner of the voice who appeared next was also someone who did not help lighten the mood at all.
Evan almost began to have difficulty breathing when he saw a person entering the booth with several haggard-faced assistant professors of the Department of Magic.
“You are, Percy. “I hardly ever go out.”
“It’s been a while since I came out to look at the new students. “Every time I see green-colored kids, I feel better.”
Conrad silently looked at the half-corpse assistant professors behind the woman called Persie.
“…Aren’t you looking for new tools or graduate students?”
“Well, if you want to come yourself, I won’t stop you, right?”
Beaded Cistern Levantine. The Dean of the Department of Magic smiled and answered.
“So, you haven’t answered yet. “I asked you what you were doing, right?”
“There’s a guy I’m keeping an eye on these days.”
Conrad returned his gaze to the video screen and answered.
Percy’s eyes naturally turned to that direction as well.
“Oh, if it’s that kid, I know. “You’re a candidate for the next hero, right?”
After saying that, Percy’s gaze naturally focused on the stage passage record recorded on the side panel.
Should I say that too? The speed of passing each section is much faster than that of ordinary students.
As expected, as a candidate for a warrior, it is noteworthy…
“no. “Not that one.”
Percy tilted his head and turned to the other student.
“Who is this?”
“Doud Campbell.”
“Oh, that con artist?”
Even though she was not very well-versed in the world because she rarely went outside of the lab, she had heard through rumors about this new student who had recently been making a fuss.
I won over the hero candidate through a manipulative sparring.
“…But why are you staying with the person who said you were scammed?”
“It looks like that guy knows too.”
Conrad snorted and answered.
“This guy’s talent is truly amazing.”
“Are you talented?”
Percy frowned slightly and glared at the screen.
Talent… is there something to say?
No matter where you look, it looks like you’re free riding on the hero candidate?
“This is why wizards who only use the pen tip are not allowed.”
“Why are you fighting all of a sudden?”
“This record is one that a warrior candidate could never set alone. Rather, the main body is over there.”
Persie tilted his head in question, but Conrad returned his gaze to the screen instead of explaining in detail.
I feel like I can see it better from a distance like this.
How ridiculous what that man is doing right now is.
In fact, there are times when there are freshmen who have good records.
But in the end, it’s just a fluke overlaid on top of immaturity. It’s difficult to consider it as your true skill.
In that sense.
How does this man overcome his difficulties now?
‘I’m calculating everything.’
The positions of the warrior candidates are arranged as if they know in advance where the devil will emerge.
A blow delivered according to instructions given at carefully calculated timing.
Follow-up movements that make it seem as if the next pattern is fully understood.
Every judgment you make at every moment is a close to perfect answer.
He may be standing still and just talking, but right now he is playing with a complex and elaborately laid out artificial dungeon as if it were in the palm of his hand.
I assure you.
If a ‘new student’ has broken through a dungeon using this method, even if you look through all of Elfante’s past students, you will probably only find this one.
‘I feel like I’ve rolled over thousands of times on the battlefield.’
It is a skill that can only be explained that way.
Because it makes no sense to have this ability without any actual experience.
And the fact that he ‘survived combat’ until he acquired this ability clearly suggests that this guy is hiding something beyond his easily belittled appearance.
So, it makes me even more curious.
If this guy came forward ‘directly’ and participated in the dungeon raid with the warrior, what kind of record would come out?
It’s a half-record that can only be set by one person, but if you participate yourself.
“No, no matter how much I look at it, I’m not sure.”
But isn’t this idiot-like wizard next to me just saying frustrated things?
“Then would you like to bet?”
“A bet?”
“Do you remember the record you and I set in a mock battle when we were freshmen?”
“Let’s do it, then.”
Conrad and Persie. The Academy freshman duo is talked about as the most legendary combination of all time.
The simulated battle record they set still remains the undisputed number one in history.
“I bet he breaks it.”
Percy’s eyes widened.
“…are you looking at it that much?”
“great. Since it comes out this way, I have no choice but to respond. “I’m betting that I won’t wake up.”
After saying that, he picked up the microphone attached to the control panel.
“This is Konrad Baltador, Dean of the Faculty of Knights. Can you hear me?”
The voice is probably spreading through the dungeon like an announcement.
Just look at Elijah looking at the ceiling in shock.
‘That’s fun.’
On the other hand, Conrad, who smiled when he saw Dowd standing still and not at all embarrassed, spoke.
“As I watched the progress, I became a bit interested. “May I make a suggestion?”
“Please tell me.”
Even the attitude of biting hard, as if he was just waiting for that, is the same.
“Just now, Persy, Dean of the Department of Magic and Magic, made a bet outside.”
“A bet?”
“Whether or not we can break the record we set as freshmen. If you really do it… well. “I give Persi the right to ask for anything.”
On the other side, Persy slightly raised his eyebrows as if asking what he was doing to such an extent, but he didn’t stop him too strongly.
He seemed confident that the record, which remains the best of all time, will not be broken so easily.
“If it’s burdensome, it’s okay not to do it. “Anyway, the record I’ve set so far is great, and this is a request that’s almost unreasonable.”
“Oh, that’s okay.”
That is why.
“That’s enough to wake you up.”
When Dowd Campbell responded:
The expression on Percy’s face was truly something to behold.

As soon as I entered the student council’s exclusive physical training room, the heat soared, and a voice of bewilderment flowed from Beatrix.
Elnor, covered in sweat and sprawled out in the middle of the floor, must have also had a big impact on that voice.
“What is all this?”
She quickly laughed, tossing a bottle of water to Elnor and saying that.
“I had to put my thoughts together.”
“okay. I know that every time you do that, you come alone to sweat. But what was the problem this time?”
“It’s always been there. “It’s a bit harsh these days.”
Upon hearing those words, Beatrix’s expression immediately became serious.
There is a dark rumor floating around in imperial social circles.
The devil lives in the veins of Duke Tristan.
It’s a sentence that is used in two meanings.
First, it is a tribute to the inhuman genius that allows anyone belonging to this family to excel in any field.
Second, it may be a reaction to this, or a metaphorical expression of the ‘mania’ that is common to all operatives.
The expression of extreme violence that explodes from time to time and the deterioration of reason.
Because it got worse as time passed, the members of the Tristan family were famous for having miserable later years compared to their achievements.
Elnor is also not free from this phenomenon.
No, rather, it should be seen as particularly extreme.
She alone had memories of Elnor that she could not tell others about.
“…is it very serious?”
“It’s not something to worry about. “I’m not doing this entirely because of that.”
Elnor chuckled and wiped off the sweat with a towel.
“There was something I wanted to remember.”
“What do you want to think about?”
“This is a movement I learned from my mother when I was young. This is a trick I learned when I first learned swordsmanship… but I can’t quite remember. So, I was checking my swordsmanship from the beginning.”
For a woman who normally didn’t show even the slightest emotion, her voice was full of sadness, but instead of pointing it out, Beatrix kept her complaint in her head.
Elnor’s feelings toward her father and mother are so conflicting that they can be said to be extreme.
My mother may be particularly prone to this, as she was widowed when she was young.
“Well, don’t push yourself too hard.”
“It’s okay. “If you move to the point where you’re so exhausted, you won’t even care about most things.”
“okay? “Then you can just say it.”
Elnor’s gaze quickly returned to Beatrix.
“…Something. “What are you trying to say?”
“I’m telling you this because you asked me to let you know how much information is coming in. “One of my juniors told me about it earlier.”
“So, speak up. “What on earth?”
“Dowood Campbell, he’s with the next warrior candidate. I heard there was a mock battle going on. “I started an argument with the deans, not anyone else-”
Sparks flew from Elnor’s eyes.
“So, you two are stuck together like that now?”
I think that’s more important than arguing with the deans.
“Well, since a mock battle is basically a team of two, the two of you will stick together, right?”
Elnor immediately stood up. Drops of sweat were flying everywhere, but he didn’t seem to care.
“No, I’m so exhausted that I don’t even care about most things.”
“It’s noisy and the place is somewhere.”
This crazy person is real.
Beatrix’s temples, which had been particularly overworked these days, began to tingle again.


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