Ex Rank Supporting Role’s Replay in a Prestigious School Chapter 821

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Replay of EX-class supporting actor from a prestigious school (821)

102. Countermeasure (4)

Those who had thoroughly prepared for the midterm exams hoped that the exams would pass quickly.

In contrast, less prepared students wanted to postpone the test for as long as possible.

‘I don’t think the results will be that different if you postpone it.’

Whether there was a solution or not, everyone had one thing in common.

The point was that I hoped the midterm exam period would end before the cherry blossoms at Eun Kwang High School fell.

Perhaps because there were so many tigers taking the test this time, the angel displayed his genius in making the cherry blossoms bloom for a long time.

“I’m done with my exams! Luckily, I finished them before the cherry blossoms fell.”

Among the dormitory students, Sa-wol-se-eum finished the exam the fastest.

Looking at the electives, it doesn’t seem like they were strategically chosen to reduce the exam period, but I just got lucky.

‘The fact that the test ended early means that you took it in a hurry. Was it okay?’

If you take multiple tests in one day, it’s hard to prepare.

However, April Se-eum said that this exam seemed relatively easy and that the preliminary grading results were okay.

Sa Wol Se Eum revealed her secret.

“Actually, I participated in a study group organized by the wanted criminal Choi Pyeon-deuk’s hunting party. It was a simple study group where we shared our study time, and the study motivation phrases they shared there were helpful.”

Sa-wol-se-eum introduced the study party she joined.

There was a familiar name written on the hologram.

[Even if everyone forgets, we won’t forget, the group that’s working hard to expose the wanted criminal Choi Pyeon-deuk (10/10)]

[Choi Pyeon-deuk Kapat 2 (10/10)]

[chppd kkpp3 (10/10)]

[4 (10/10)]

[5 (10/10)]

… …

‘It seems like it’s increased compared to last year?’

Looking at the party recruitment bulletin board, I saw that there were more and more parties related to Choi Pyeon-deuk.

If you think about it logically, shouldn’t the number of people who were bullied by Choi Pyeon-deuk decrease since some of them graduated?

It is said that Sa-wol-se-eum was curious about that too and asked the study party leader.

“They said that their popularity increased because they received many awards while hunting many wanted criminals. Many people who wanted to become wanted criminal hunters signed up. There weren’t many, but there were also first-year students.”

I thought that party would disappear after all the students who had contact with Choi Pyeon-deuk graduated.

But listening to Sa-wol-se-eum’s words, it seems like the Choi Pyeon-deuk subjugation party will continue.

“I only participated in the study group this time, but after some combat training, I’m thinking of going on subjugation and tracking activities! Do you want to join the Yishin?”

When I said that I would participate if the time was right, Sa-wol-se-eum was very happy.

I’m curious to see what they have to do to catch a player criminal who has been wanted for a long time, so I think it would be a good idea to go along with them at least once.

Sa-wol-se-eum was freed, but the other dormitory students still had exams left.

“… … .”

In the dormitory study room, Han-i was staring at the hologram with a blank expression.

Han-i was about to take Gong Cheong-hwan’s ‘Otherworld Environment and Enemy Ecology’ exam.

Han-i seemed to be having a hard time, so I thought about passing the burden of silence to the martial artist of Jeolheukpungrim, but Han-i shook her head.

“Jeongmuk understands quickly once you explain it to him, so it doesn’t take much effort.”

From Han-i’s explanation, it seems that Jin Jeong-muk is an excellent student, except for his slow writing skills.

It is said that Jin Jeong-muk did not take away Han-i’s study time, only asking a few short questions during breaks while preparing for the midterm exam.

Moreover, it is said that Jin Jeong-muk actually helped Han-i.

“When I was reading a paper that was part of the exam scope, I received help from Jeongmuk. He easily explained complex sentences that were difficult to read even with a translation app.”

Are you referring to the overseas published papers that Gong Cheong-Hwon mentioned as reference material?

I also had to spend longer than usual reading that paper.

‘I guess it’s a bit difficult since the amount of studying increases after becoming a second year student.’

Throughout the conversation, Hani was holding a sugar-free lemon candy handed out at school in her hand.

This time, the school provided a lot of sugar-free snacks with sugar substitutes, so maybe Hwang Ji-ho prepared them for his friend.

‘Han-yi’s grades have been dropping since the duel with Dokgo Miro. Is he still stressed?’

It is very difficult to intervene in the past of Han-i and Dokgo-mi.

Even Hwang Ji-ho, who keeps calling Han-i by his friend, is keeping quiet.

I just hope that one day Han-i and Dokgo-mi-ro will be able to resolve old issues through conversation rather than sparring.

“Hey! Vice President! It was easier than I thought!”

Maeng Hyo-don, who had just finished his math test, said with a haggard smile on his face.

The final score was 42 points.

What on earth were they thinking that made them say it was easier than they thought?

I avoided having to retake the test because I got over 40 points, but it was a score that made me worried about the future.

“Lena, thank you for your hard work! Wasn’t it hard for you to take the test? There are still some snacks left from the local community. If you don’t mind, let’s… … .”

“I’ll eat snacks later. Wooram, sit over there for a minute!”

After finishing the test, Kwon Rena appeared in the study room and sat Mok Woo Ram down.

Kwon Lena designated a couch for relaxation rather than a chair near the table.

It might seem strange, but Mok Woo-ram sat down as Kwon-rena told him without any doubts.

As Mok Woo-ram took his seat, Kwon Rena took out her violin from the case she always carried.

‘Of course, it’s a violin provided by the school.’

It would have been better if that was the violin Mokwooram made.

Unfortunately, the violin master was still hesitating.

While Mok Woo-ram stared at the violin with eyes full of hesitation, Kwon Rena finished preparing to play.



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Mok Woo-ram came to his senses only after Kwon-rena started playing the violin, and his eyes opened wide.

That’s how Kwon Rena’s dedicated performance to Mok Woo Ram began.

‘Uh, this song is… … ?’

Since Kwon Rena said she would play Kwon Jae In’s new song, I thought she would choose the song released at Hwangmyeong Theme Park.

But Kwon Rena chose a different song.

The song name is ‘The Dazzling Cyan Pearl’.

This was a song created by Kwon Je-in, who was inspired by Yong Je-geon, who was determined to ascend during the Eun Gwang-go Festival.

But as I listened, I felt something was different.

‘There are parts that are different from the song I knew.’

The song I remembered was characterized by its free and lively melody that gradually became lonely and blurred.

But the song that Kwon Rena played was lively until the end.

With playful variations added here and there, it felt like a completely different song.

‘It doesn’t seem like it was arranged by Kwon Rena. It’s an unreleased new song arranged by Kwon Jae In himself.’

Mok Woo-ram turned his bright voice around with a blank expression.

Perhaps because the song is themed around Yongjegeon, the scene of a dragon from the world of entertainment teasing a distraught Mokwooram is depicted.

Mok Woo-ram barely managed to avoid fainting, but even after the song ended, he couldn’t even clap and just stared at Kwon Rena.

After finishing her performance, Kwon Rena smiled shyly and introduced the song.

“Senior Kwon Je-in met with Professor Yong Je-geon after school started and arranged a new song. It’s a new song that hasn’t been released yet!”

The first song that Kwon Jae-in composed was one he made while watching Yong Je-geon on the verge of ascension.

Kwon Jae-in made this comment on the day of the Silver Advertising Festival when the song was released.

―The Yongjegeon teacher I remember was a free-spirited person, but it seemed like he would definitely put his feet on the ground after finishing his flight.

-But now I think he will just ascend to the sky.

However, since Yongjegeon’s mind completely changed, Kwonjein’s feelings also changed.

That’s how the new version was born.

Kwon Jae-in is said to have rearranged ‘The Dazzling Cyan Pearl’ and given it the subtitle ‘On The Ground’.

It seemed to contain the meaning that Yongjegeon would not ascend to heaven but would live on earth.

Mok Woo-ram, who had barely come to his senses after hearing Kwon Rena’s voice, asked.

“Thank you for your wonderful performance. But why did you suddenly start playing?”

“I wanted to give Wooram a present. Before, Wooram heard the original song and made sheet music on the spot and gave it to me. That’s why I chose the arranged version of this song!”

Did you choose it not just because it was a new song, but because it had some kind of connection to Mokwooram?

I was deeply moved by Kwon Rena’s kindness that I felt during the song selection process.

Mok Woo-ram seemed to have no idea that Kwon Rena would play for him.

“Thank you for helping me with this test. Thanks to Woo-ram, I was able to prepare for the test more easily and practice playing the violin. For the second song, I chose the song that senior Kwon Je-in performed at Hwangmyeong Theme Park… … Woo-ram?”

Swish… … .

Mok Woo-ram eventually couldn’t hold out any longer and lost consciousness, closing his eyes on the couch.

Just listening to Muse play was overwhelming, but when he realized that the performance was meant for him, his mind couldn’t handle it.

“I guess I’ll have to postpone the second song until next time.”

Kwon Rena’s playing skills are improving day by day, so it will be even harder to endure next time.

Mok Woo-ram looks like he’s going to faint again soon.

Meanwhile, a device message arrived from the children in the class who had finished their exams.

[Kim Yu-ri] Hey, I checked the operational data for the 1/4 quarter student representative meeting you sent me yesterday!

[Kim Yu-ri] I was going to prepare first… … Thank you! >▽<

As soon as the exams are over, Kim Yu-ri starts preparing for the student representative meeting and sends me the materials.

I was always concerned about Kim Yu-ri preparing for the student representative meeting, so this time I made it during the exam period.

‘I hope I can get some rest this time while preparing the materials.’

As a key member of the student council, Kim Yu-ri had a lot to do, so she wanted to lighten the burden of class work.

It’s okay now because I have some free time, but I’m worried that I might not be able to help depending on the future scenario.

Besides Kim Yu-ri, there was another person in my class who sent me a message.

[Dokgo Maze] (Link)

[Dokgo Miro] Listen.

Dokgo Miro sent the link without any explanation.

I checked without any doubt since the King of Silver Advertisement would never send a fishing link.

The link attached by Dokgo Miro was connected to a trailer video of the game released by SZ Games.

‘The open beta test trailer for that great game has been released!’

The game that received rave reviews in the closed beta test is now preparing for the open beta test.

Even though the official launch will be right after the short open beta test, it seems like they released a separate OBT game trailer as befitting a great game.

I remember it being mentioned several times on Plumago that the game trailer for that god game was well-chosen.

‘The game trailer was well-made, even for Plamago.’

However, due to its management, gameplay, story, etc., Plumago ended up being a truly flop.

If the game hadn’t been promoted well or the game trailer had been bad, people wouldn’t have known about it and people would have called it a flop, but it wouldn’t have gotten the notoriety of being a national flop.

I suppressed my bitter feelings and pressed the play button.

‘But Dokgo Miro didn’t say ‘look’ but ‘listen’. Surely… … .’

The moment I pressed the play button, I heard a voice singing a song without lyrics.

It was Dokgo Miro’s voice.

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