Ex Rank Supporting Role’s Replay in a Prestigious School Chapter 820

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Replay of EX-class supporting actor from a prestigious school (820)

102. Countermeasure (3)

The former Korean branch manager was unable to give a proper answer.

[I don’t know for sure, but I can guess. It must have something to do with why this AI was left behind.]

It was a suspicious answer that made me wonder if the aftereffects of the calculation error were still lingering.

It didn’t seem like the old Korean branch manager was deliberately hiding the answers to test the people here.

If so, there must be another reason.

‘Is it related to the reason you can’t give a definitive answer?’

There was something on my mind.

The former Korean branch manager handed over a huge amount of information that contained his own life story.

I analyzed the information, but there was no clue that the enemy could have used the old Korean branch manager’s Kwangrim.

There is no way I wouldn’t have passed on such important and dangerous information.

Well then, here’s the answer.

“I think Yishin knows why his grandfather can’t answer.”


All eyes were turned towards me as Seong Guk-eon and the former Korean branch manager spoke.

Pressed silently for an answer, I put into words the reasons I had in mind.

“You said that there was a problem during the process of implanting information into the AI after the fact.”

When he won the duel with the former Korean branch manager, he revealed the story of the birth of AI.

Since his soul was bound while he was alive and could not leave any clues, he carried out the work after he died.

That’s why it is said that the information did not remain intact.

The former Korean branch manager said this about it:

―[Even though I prepared so thoroughly, it wasn’t easy to transfer information. Since it was done after the fact, about 20% of the information that was supposed to be uploaded is empty.]

If the secret of Gwangrim was in that 20% gap, the AI of the former Korean branch manager would not be able to answer Seong Guk-eon’s questions.

Those who heard my guess sighed.

“Grandpa, I need to hear more about that contract.”

[I will reveal all the recorded information. It happened during the dark ages. The Jin tribe that made a contract with me was a demon tribe, but there were also Jin tribes that were not demons.]

Instead of handing over the information right away after passing the test, Cheondong contacted me.

That’s why most of the information I’m hearing now is new to me.

However, through the branch manager’s words, I realized that all the incidents related to the frozen world were related to that contract.

The same was true for Seong Guk-eon and Jeon Mu-yeong.

[In exchange for the contract, I was to bind my soul while alive, and give up my body after death. After I chose death, I transferred the information to the simulator before they could retrieve my body.]

“They say that the remains of a supernatural ability are left on the corpse of a strong player, but to accomplish such an elaborate task… … .”

[It’s not a big deal, since important information was missing in the end.]

Even after learning the secret behind his grandfather’s death, Seong Guk-eon was not saddened by it, but instead admired his grandfather’s deeds.

But it is impossible not to be sad that the former Korean branch manager chose death himself and even had his body taken away.

Seong Guk-eon seems to be perfectly hiding his feelings.

‘For the sake of the Holy Nation, we must recall the identity of the empty information.’

It is said that the black curtain took the body of the former Korean branch manager.

Previously, I thought it was just to completely erase any trace of the contract.

However, if Poongbaek and Woosa had used the abilities of the former Korean branch manager, it would be a different story.

After thinking about it, I put my guess into words.

“The mastermind has the ability to use the opponent’s abilities regardless of the target’s will. I’ve seen it used against a Jinjok who was in a state of slumber.”

Mujigi and Gugal Anna were like that, and Unsa may have been included as well.

And now, it appears that some of them may be humans who died long ago.

“Maybe it’s possible to do that with dead humans too.”

No one raised an objection.

It may be difficult to accept this unprecedented story, but everyone here quickly understood it.

[The power that attacked my grandson in my memory is truly mine.]

“There are no two identical Gwangrims, so that’s highly likely. It’s also possible that a player using the same Gwangrim appeared again after death.”

Seong Guk-eon, who had been silent for a while, opened his mouth.

“There’s more work to do. I’ll get my grandfather’s body back.”

Seong Guk-eon declared confidently.

Even though we still didn’t know exactly where the body was or what method they used, my confidence grew as Seong Guk-eon said he would do it.

Jeon Mu-yeong watched without expressing any objection, wondering if he would follow Seong Guk-eon’s decision.

Needless to say, I also intended to help Seong Guk-eon.

“I’ll help you too.”

For the sake of Seongguk-eon, for the sake of the good players who would fight against the dark forces, the body had to be recovered.

Wasn’t it the same ability that made Sung Si-wan and Cheon Dong-ha, who were considered to be the best players in the Silver Advertisement, suffer so much and become worn out?

Seong Guk-eon destroyed himself even in the replay, but it is not common to find a player with such maturity and a strong mind.

‘It won’t be easy.’

The opportunity to retrieve the body will come when Seong Guk-eon’s life is in danger.

It may involve significant risk, but it is not impossible.

‘I thought it was okay if Cheon Dong-ha refused to cooperate, but if this happens, I will have no choice but to ask for help.’

I decided to shamelessly ask Cheon Dong-ha.

“I hope senior Cheon Dong-ha can help me too.”

“I would have helped you even if you didn’t ask me to. I can’t let the power he wields be abused. It makes me angry that the body of someone who devoted himself to the Korean Peninsula is being treated like this.”

Cheon Dong-ha nodded as if he had been waiting.



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I felt sorry for dragging them into such a dangerous situation, but I also felt reassured by my seniors.

* * *

On the way home, inside the Air Sedan.

Even when using autonomous driving mode, Jeon Mu-yeong always sat in the driver’s seat in case the function was damaged by an attack, but now it was different.

Jeon Mu-yeong lowered his head as he looked at Seong Guk-eon sitting in the driver’s seat.

“I knew his abilities before the exam, so I had a huge advantage over my juniors. But I’m so embarrassed that I ended up like this.”

After the conversation was over, Jeon Mu-yeong took the test given by the former Korean branch manager.

After much difficulty, we finally passed, but it was noticeably dilapidated.

Even after taking a short break and moving on, the condition was not good.

“Muyeong, there is a compatibility between abilities. Don’t worry about it.”

Jeon Mu-yeong wanted to bring up the issue of mental strength rather than the compatibility of abilities, but he knew that self-harm would be useless, so he kept his mouth shut.

Seong Guk-eon quickly changed the subject, as if he had no intention of talking about it at length.

“There’s a lot I didn’t know, isn’t there? I didn’t know that my grandfather’s legacy would be continued in this way.”

Seong Guk-eon started talking about the information he got today.

Perhaps because they were related by blood, he was more sentimental than usual, but he didn’t show any signs of wavering.

Rather, there seemed to be great anticipation about what information would be contained in the data chip that Jo Ui-shin handed over and what kind of activities the juniors would perform.

Jeon Mu-yeong, who was observing Seong Guk-eon, commented.

“I think he was more surprised by Mr. Yongjegeon’s true intentions than by his grandfather’s secret.”

“Haha! The secret I didn’t tell you today wasn’t much different from what I expected. The ending that my grandfather chose was also typical of him. However, Mr. Yongjegeon… … .”

Seong Guk-eon, who had been laughing heartily, smiled with a complicated look on his face.

After the replay, Seong Guk-eon had a long conversation with Yong Je-geon.

The conversation also included Yongjegeon’s movements in the replay.

It was hard to believe, but considering what Seong Guk-eon knew and the reality of the situation, there was no contradiction.

“That plaything dragon was praying to save the teacher, and the teacher didn’t respond. If it were me in the replay, I would never have believed it.”

Yong Je-geon enjoyed Seong Guk-eon and Jeon Mu-yeong’s reactions as he confessed his experiences.

Although it included a story that could not be told lightly, Yongjegeon was unhesitating.

‘It seemed easy to say because I was sure that something like that would never happen again.’

After talking to each other and observing their reactions, Yongjegeon asked to hear about the replays of the two people.

Yongjegeon was very curious about the situation after his death in the replay.

Asking about a bleak future seemed like bad taste, but I understood.

Seong Guk-eon also had a question.

“They say it’s in the garden, but I left a clue before I died. I wonder if the clue I left was conveyed well.”

Seongguk-eon was always wary of the Jin tribe, so he used his special ability to hide clues so that the Jin tribe would not recognize them.

I was curious what would happen to that clue.

Jo Ui-shin must know, but he was reluctant to ask directly.

‘You look miserable every time you talk about replays. You don’t have to blame yourself for pushing yourself into a nightmare.’

So today I poured out my thanks and compliments, but it didn’t seem to have much effect.

Seong Guk-eon promised that he would soon find an excuse to express his gratitude to his junior.

“Let’s rest early today. You can read all the materials needed for the legal seminar before you leave.”

Before I knew it, the Air Sedan had arrived at my house.

Before getting out of the sedan, Seong Guk-eon gave a word to Jeon Mu-yeong.

“So, don’t do the homework that Eui-shin left for you today. Put it off.”

* * *

With the cherry blossoms still in full bloom, Eun Kwang High School students took their midterm exams.

Some class children expected that the refusal students would show up to take the test, but as expected, they did not show up.

Guseulbi and Onggildong were also absent the whole time.

‘If you give him enough attention, he’ll come to school during exam period, but if you do that for no reason, his pace will break down and his grades may drop. Let’s just leave him alone.’

It may be a bit much to call it a substitute, but we decided to definitely invite you for the spring picnic.

Have you ever been so upset at a fall picnic that you thought you didn’t have your share of group costumes?

If I didn’t call, it was clear that there would be chaos.

While there were some students who were not very interested in their studies, there were also students who took the midterm exams very seriously.

[Yeom Jun-yeol] Teacher, I will definitely become the top student in my third year.

[Yeom Jun-yeol] (stamp)

The stamp that Yeom Jun-yeol sent had a picture of Hongryong studying under cherry blossoms.

It seemed like it was created by the Yongjok designer to cheer on Yeom Jun-yeol as he prepares for his midterm exam.

Considering that Cheon Dong-ha wasted time taking the former Korean branch manager’s test, Yeom Jun-yeol seemed to have the advantage.

However, Yeom Jun-yeol also had to handle several schedules, and Cheon Dong-ha worked harder than usual to become the chief shooter.

‘He said that since his younger sister Cheon Eun-ha will be the top student, he must also maintain his top position.’

Since Cheon Dong-ha is so outstanding, he naturally takes first place, but he is not the type to be obsessed with grades like Woo Ki-hwan, who went crazy because he kept coming in second.

Now that Cheon Dong-ha has such a strong motivation, I wonder what will happen to the third-year students’ academic competition.

‘In the second year, Joo Soo-hyuk and Andain will naturally take joint top honors with perfect scores in all subjects, and in the first year… … .’

I feel sorry for Eunseoho and Eunho who are studying hard while shouting for top ranking, but it doesn’t seem like Eunho will miss out on first place.

Besides, isn’t there Cha Seok-won in the first year?

It seems like it would be difficult for the two descendants to overcome the wall between Eunho and Cha Seok-won.

Of course, I didn’t do anything to discourage them by saying these expectations.

Isn’t it the duty of a senior to encourage and support their hard-working juniors?

“Thanks to Eui-shin hyung, the kids in my class studied hard. I think I can aim for the top spot in my first-year class.”

On the day of the midterm exam, Eunho said this when we ran into each other in the dormitory cafeteria.

Although that may seem like an exaggeration, it was really good news to hear that the juniors had prepared hard for their first exam.

The midterm exams have begun.

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