Ex Rank Supporting Role’s Replay in a Prestigious School Chapter 818

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Replay of EX-class supporting actor from a prestigious school (818)

102. Countermeasure (1)

Most of the first-year juniors who came to Eun Kwang High School and were about to take their first midterm exam were in a state of shock.

Of course, there were exceptions.

“Hello, Eui-shin hyung.”

Dormitory cafeteria, breakfast.

Eunho appeared looking as refreshing as usual.

It was the same as when I was a student at Cheon Seong-heon that I didn’t change my lifestyle just because it was exam period.

As the exam approaches, everyone’s complexion changes, such as their clothes becoming too casual, but Cheon Seong-heon remains the same.

Just like now.

“I heard that Eui-shin hyung takes good care of the kids in our class during exam period. The kids in other classes are jealous of him.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“No. This is not my personal opinion, but what first-year students say.”

Eunho smiled softly and said again that it was not his opinion but the opinions of those around him.

It was no different from before, telling somewhat exaggerated stories.

Because there were seniors from Class 0 like Woo Gi-hwan and Geum Chan-wang-chan, it seems like even ordinary people are packaged as if they were doing something great.

‘I don’t get to go to the first grade area often, so I don’t get many opportunities to take care of it.’

I only saw the first-year class 0 kids who often walked around the school, the new members of the newspaper club, and my juniors from the dormitory, but that was it.

Since they are all good kids, I guess those few kids go around talking nicely to them.

Eunho continued speaking.

“Seokwon almost collapsed while doing an experiment after starving for several days over the weekend. He said he avoided the mishap by remembering the emergency food and electrolyte drink that Eui-shin hyung bought him. He mentioned that several times when we met yesterday.”

I thought it would be difficult to get close to Cha Seok-won, who usually spends his free time doing experiments, but thanks to Eun-ho, I was able to open up.

I took care of various things while thinking about Cha Seok-won’s behavioral patterns, and I think it helped.

It didn’t help much, as I almost collapsed in the end.

First of all, I was worried about Cha Seok-won’s physical condition.

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Yes. Just in case, I suggested that the dormitory management pay attention to the health of the dormitory residents. They will take care of it since a dormitory resident almost had a big problem in the dormitory.”

I’m really glad that a junior who takes good care of others like Eun-ho was assigned to the room next to Cha Seok-won.

This year’s Jikhoe was a bit uneasy because they elected the wrong president, but if there’s Eunho among the dormitory students, I don’t think we have to worry too much.

If a similar problem occurs again because Eunho made such a suggestion and no countermeasures were taken, wouldn’t that just be Chairman Jiik’s fault?

I walked to school thinking that it was fortunate that Jiikhoe had a talented person like Seunghyun Park instead of just someone like the current chairman.

‘The cherry blossoms are blooming this year too.’

If the gods wish, the cherry blossoms will bloom for a longer period of time.

Last year, thanks to the angel’s genius power, the cherry blossoms bloomed for a long time and the angel’s miracle occurred again.

Last year, the cherry blossoms bloomed until the midterms were over, and it seemed like it would be the same this year.

It was a shame that the students walking to school were either looking at holograms with dead faces or muttering something, which did not match the brightly colored cherry blossoms.

“Suspicious Vice-Chief, you seem very relaxed.”

Moon Sae-ron, who was taking pictures of cherry blossoms, found me and spoke to me.

Moon Sae-ron, who speaks like that, seemed to have enough free time to prioritize reporting over studying for the exam.

Thanks to the diligent Moon Sae-ron, even people who are not Eun Kwang-go people will be able to see Eun Kwang-go’s cherry blossom photos.

Since it was a long time since we met, Moon Sae-ron walked toward me and said that we should go to school together.

Then, Moon Sae-ron suddenly lowered his voice.

Moon Sae-ron continued speaking, looking around, perhaps wary of the sound escaping.

“Did you know that the number of children who have seen Daeinne’s parents is increasing? Not the ‘people who are supposed to be Daeinne’s parents’ who harassed Daeinne during Christmas, but the adoptive parents who really look like them… … .”

Moon Sae-ron knows about the existence of a family that has been harassing Andain financially since Christmas.

And I also heard a declaration from Hwang Ji-ho.

The old tiger’s sudden declaration included the fact that Andain was currently an employee of the Hwangmyeong Group and that she was the adopted daughter of Hwang Ji-ho’s relative, living like family.

Moon Sae-ron, who knew all that information, would have immediately realized that there was a complicated problem in Andain’s family history.

‘The Hojok couple is training with Andain on campus, and they are also planning to work for the Hwangmyeong Group, so there will inevitably be more witnesses.’

The powerful couple chose to support Andain without hiding their faces, and Hwang Ji-ho is also trying to help them.

There is no problem with the noble couple becoming Andain’s true family.

The problem is that, like Moon Sae-ron, there are people who watch over us and protect us even though they know everything.

“There’s something fishy about Chief Joo and Lady Dain. These days, the two of them are getting along well and sparring, so we need to be careful!”

This is a warning from Moon Sae-ron, an information source, so it won’t be just an empty promise.

I decided to heed that warning.

The Andain fandom is well managed and is keeping Joo Soo Hyuk’s evil spirits in check, but you never know when something will happen.

If such a situation arises, the clan will not just sit back and watch without taking any measures, but it is best to prevent such a situation from occurring in the first place.

On the way to the classroom, I exchanged information with Moon Sae-ron and strengthened my vigilance.

* * *

Class 0, Grade 2 classroom.

When I arrived at the classroom, I saw that there were several empty seats.

As expected, there were no school refusals or school dropouts who had disappeared, leaving behind only aurora-colored desks.

However, there was a child who expressed doubt because Min Green was there but Song Dae Seok was not there.

“Then Daeseok will be absent today?”

“Yeah, I guess there’s something urgent. I went straight to the association.”

Mingreen answered Kwonrena’s question.

Although the midterm exams were coming up, the association was also in a desperate situation.

I heard the general gist of what happened from Hong Gyu-bin.



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‘It was said that the observation values were problematic due to the various forces at work during the process of the Fomorian tribe settling on the Korean Peninsula.’

Hong Gyu-bin said that Song Dae-seok was needed to readjust the observation values by excluding the factors caused by the migration of the Pomor tribe.

He added that although it is a problem that can be solved without Song Dae-seok, the work speed will be seriously slowed down if the person who designed the algorithm to analyze the observation data is gone, so he asked that Song Dae-seok be sent.

Song Dae-seok willingly responded to the association’s call without my intervention.

Song Dae-seok is the type of person who only listens properly in class and doesn’t study for exams separately, so he probably didn’t dwell on the exam period and went without much hesitation.

‘In the replay, I should have borrowed the power of Song Man-seok and Seong Guk-eon to contact the satellite team.’

Now, the association has invited Song Dae-seok.

It’s a shame that I can’t see Song Dae-seok at school, but when I think about the situation, it’s much better now.

Meanwhile, there was another character in our class whose situation was very different from the replay.

“Wow, is this the test scope for Mr. Gong Cheong-hwan’s subject? It’s really a lot. Even though I like the teacher, I can’t attend his classes.”

“… … .”

Dokgo Miro expressed surprise at the scope of the subject ‘Otherworld Environment and Enemy Ecology’ that Han-i was studying.

When choosing subjects, Dokgo Mi avoided any subjects that required a challenging spirit.

Wisely, I chose subjects where I could get points mostly through physical ability and special talents, except for common subjects, so I don’t think I’ll have a hard time like Han or Maeng Hyo-don.

It’s a delicate choice when thinking about his future as a player, but Dokgo Mi has a firm dream.

Dokgo Mi-ro devotes his spare time to dance practice and vocal training and works towards his goals.

‘It’s completely different from the listless appearance I saw at Plumago. He’s learning and moving more actively than before, so his ability as a player must have improved a lot.’

Unlike Dokgo Maze, there were also children in the class who made efforts that had no clear meaning.

That was the case for Jin Jeong-muk, who was stuck in the darkest corner of the classroom, awkwardly playing with a fountain pen.

“Um, Jeongmuk. If you didn’t bring a pen, could I lend you one?”

“It’s okay. I’m just trying to get used to the brush.”

Kim Yu-ri made a cautious suggestion, but Jin Jeong-muk shook his head.

Considering Jin Jeong-muk’s Chinese character and calligraphy skills, it seems like it would be difficult to write the Chinese characters properly even with a comfortable pen, but a brush pen?

Should I consider myself fortunate enough to not have to grind food and use traditional brushes?

“Oh, last time I saw you, you were just using a brush, but now you’ve switched to a brush pen! That’s a relief. I was worried because it took so long to grind the ink.”

“A martial artist dispatched from Jeolheukpungrim provided us with a large quantity of brush pens.”

Listening to Sa-wol-se-eum and Mok-woo-ram, it seems like the situation was more serious before.

I thought Jeolheukpungrim was completely consumed by the concept, but it seems like they still have some common sense, like a fountain pen.

Jin Jeong-muk listened to the two people’s words and answered.

“I still prefer the brush. However, the movements of the Demonic Cult are unusual, so I couldn’t ignore the gift from my seniors while I was busy.”

It seems that the Black Forest is busy responding to the Fomorian tribe.

Jin Jeong-muk seemed to want to prioritize eradicating the Demonic Cult over his studies, but he was studying because he could not break his promise to attend school diligently and Jang Moon-in’s request.

Since it has come to this, I hope you study hard with a fountain pen.

“Vice President… … I’m sorry… … .”

Suddenly, Maeng Hyo-don apologized out loud.

The test paper that Maeng Hyo-don handed over was full of incorrect answers and question marks.

It seemed like there were a lot of questions.

“It’s okay. Explain to me how you thought about it and solved it.”

“So, I thought I should use this formula for this problem… … .”

It seemed like Maeng Hyo-don had been thinking really hard.

Since I have experience tutoring, I can immediately tell whether a student has studied or not.

Maeng Hyo-don seemed to have done his best, to the point where it seemed like he was turning stones into dust while thinking about it.

It took a lot of time, but Maeng Hyo-don succeeded in understanding my explanation.

“Ah… … I don’t know why it doesn’t work like this. I’m really sorry… … .”

I praised Maeng Hyo-don for his good deeds, but he just kept feeling sorry.

I guess I feel like I wasted my time because the problem-solving process took so long.

Because he was so apologetic, I decided to tell Maeng Hyo-don.

“If you’re sorry, I’ll make an appointment in advance and come to Tanlae this Teacher’s Day.”

“Uh… … On Teacher’s Day?”

“Yeah, I should give a carnation to the teacher. We’ve been in touch lately.”

In fact, Maeng Hyo-don had to worry about his math grades more than Teacher’s Day.

Still, I decided to tell you in advance.

‘I wanted to go with you and say hello again, but I couldn’t help it.’

I had a strong desire to accompany Maeng Hyo-don on Teacher’s Day so that he wouldn’t go down a different path.

However, I cannot go with you on Teacher’s Day this year because I have a very important plan.

Maeng Hyo-don hesitated, but nodded.

‘I think I can somehow pass this midterm exam.’

In the worst case scenario, Maeng Hyo-don might have to take an additional test, but even then, he probably won’t fail since he’s working so hard.

The problem was not the midterm, but another test.

My playable character was undergoing a horrific and painful test.

‘Cheon Dong-ha is still challenging the former Korean branch manager. Is that okay?’

Because he was a very busy person, he took his time and took the test of the former Korean branch manager.

I also heard that they are adjusting their schedule even though midterms are coming up.

‘I hope you don’t overdo it.’

I was worried about Cheon Dong-ha, but I decided not to express my worries.

Didn’t you try to reassure me that day when I was feeling down?

I decided to wait patiently, fearing that he would rush the strategy to ease my juniors’ worries.

One weekend, a week before the midterms, a message finally arrived from Cheon Dong-ha.

[Cheon Dong-ha] I passed.

Cheon Dong-ha succeeded in passing the test of the former Korean branch manager.

I followed up my congratulatory remarks with a suggestion.

[I] have someone I’d like to introduce to you.

[Cheon Dong-ha] You’re not introducing another AI, are you?

Although it has to do with AI, this time we’re going to introduce a living human being.

There was another person who had to confirm the information left behind by the former Korean branch manager.

[I] am his grandson.

I need to make an appointment with Seong Guk-eon soon.

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