Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 99

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99. Just because you’re not lucky (1)

Encred woke up early in the morning and faced the same day again.

The idea is to train your body using isolation techniques.

Today is the beginning again.

For the most part, it was the same as the previous day.

The scouts and Finn train their bodies and watch the sights.

Encred, who had been on the move since dawn, finished his sword training and checked his equipment.

I forgot to check my equipment the morning after the battle with the ghoul.

‘From here again.’

It is the beginning of a new day.

And it is a moment to decide the direction.

Should I go back to the hole?

Or will you take a different path?

I raised the sword, made it level with the ground, tilted it at an angle, and raised it to eye level.

Scan the blade with your eyes. No teeth were missing.

Encred continued his thoughts while looking at the blade.

What should be the most important thing in today’s repetitive day.

‘Start by understanding the situation.’

If there were three paths to break through, I wanted to know what was at the end of those three paths.

Aren’t there three paths lying in front of you as if you’ve been waiting for them?

‘How’ I was going to walk towards tomorrow was something I had to think about afterwards.

After cleaning the blade with the leather I had prepared and checking the other equipment once, I untied the leather strap around the handle and wrapped it again.

This was a kind of sign of starting a different day.

Since it was impossible to count the increasing number of todays, it was a means created by repeating the first today.

Encred remembered that this was the second time today that he had to re-tie the leather strap on his sword grip.

“If we’re going to go early in the morning, don’t we have to be diligent?”

This is what Torres says while eating beef jerky for breakfast.

After tasting the seasoned beef jerky, he would cling to Encred every morning.

Encred was just about to open his mouth.

At that moment, I also saw Finn approaching.

A hatchet on the left waistband, thick-soled boots, and a shortsword on the right waistband.

The body was covered in thin, well-tanned leather armor. I once saw that armor bends well according to the movement of the body.

‘It must be light.’

The armor looks like that.

Even among the light armored infantry, the reconnaissance units were capable of arming themselves because they moved with minimal equipment.

“Ranger goes first.”

This is their slogan.

They are the ones who walk the lightest because they walk first.

Compared to heavy armored infantry, Encred also belongs to light armored infantry, but compared to them, it can be said to be equipped with relatively heavy equipment.

Even just a long sword would be a problem.

So, what are your skills like if you fight properly?

Actually, I’ve been curious about this for several days. Looking at the level of physical training he learned through the isolation technique, he didn’t seem like he would be inferior to Torres.

Coincidentally, there will be time left today.

The first thing to do today to be different from yesterday.

Eliminate the option of sticking your head in a hole from morning.

“How about climbing over the castle wall at night?”

Encred suddenly spoke as he looked at Finn who was approaching him.

In other words, words only get longer.

Sometimes, it is advantageous to clearly reveal one’s purpose and intention when leading a conversation.

Encred was very skilled in this regard.


“I have a bad feeling.”

Finn approached me and tilted his head, so I answered without even taking a breath.

Encred knew well the nicknames he was called within the unit.

Excluding the demonic squad leader or the magic destroyer, this is the word most often used to refer to him.

‘A man loved by the goddess of luck.’

This is it.

If another soldier or commander says something is ominous, it’s good to ignore it.

If you do it yourself, it will be received a little differently.

“You don’t feel well?”

Of course, Finn could have reacted this way because he didn’t know anything about nicknames like that, but Torres was different.

Torres, who looked at Encred’s face for a moment, stroked his chin and said.

“Anyway, if all three methods don’t matter, isn’t it okay to climb over the castle wall?”

There is an immediate response. Don’t even ask why. Even though I just said it was a feeling.

What is this case?

Finn tilted his head and then opened his mouth.

“Did you know that climbing the castle wall is not easy?”

“Nothing in this world is easy.”


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Encred responded to those words.

If two people are on the same path as the three of them, isn’t it easier to find an answer?

In fact, it didn’t matter which way Finn went.

Isn’t that why I told you all three paths?

Finn nodded.

“Sure, whatever.”

There was no need to fight.

Finn secretly had a crush on Encred.

“How about a round?”

This is what Encred says as he ties the sword with its leather strap tied to his waist in its scabbard.


Torres responded from the side.

The target was, of course, a pin.

“You want to do it with me? “I’m not good at fighting?”

No way.

There is no way such a person could have such a trained body.

“I’m not particularly good at swordsmanship.”

As he spoke, Finn shrugged his shoulders and showed his palms.

Seeing that, Encred’s mouth opened again.

“It wouldn’t be bad to do it with bare hands. “I don’t want to get hurt before an important mission.”

Will it be a valuable experience? I do not know. However, seeing his trained body made me want to join him.

It’s a good win.

Regardless of whether I liked Torres or not, I suddenly felt a desire to compete with Encred.

‘It’s been a while.’

At one time, I also had a passion for training.

I stopped when I reached my limit.

Even now, it wasn’t at a level where I could easily be taken over by an ordinary guy.

For example, Encred’s swordsmanship after cutting down a ghoul is impressive.

‘If you do it without your sword.’

I didn’t think it would be easy.

Everyone has a specialty, but Finn’s specialty was bare-handed one-on-one combat.

“Oh, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you.”

These are the words of one of the scouts. Despite his bandit-like appearance, he is a friendly operator with a soft-spoken tone.

He was also the member who dried Encred’s clothes on tree branches.

I see you say it’s been a while since you’ve seen each other.

It seemed like he already knew Finn’s talent.

“No nonsense.”

Finn’s eyes light up as he speaks. It already looked like it was ready for battle.

“You still have time until night.”

The words of permission fell from Finn’s mouth.

Encred unsheathed his sword again. He took off his gambitson and leather armor and stood face to face, wearing only a thin shirt with leather pulled over his chest.

Before we knew it, the scouts and Torres formed a large circle, creating a space.

Torres, who was sitting in the center, said with a grin.

“Well, it feels like a scene I’ve seen before.”

It must be referring to promotion sparring.

Torres recalled Encred at that time.

Encred when he faced him.

‘It’s changed a lot.’

Compared to then, there has been a rapid progress.

At least that’s how Torres sees it.

“Let’s do it.”

Soon the two began sparring.

Finn’s specialty was close combat. She had no intention of hiding it.

He moved his feet left and right and immediately narrowed the distance.

Encred also learned hitting techniques from Audin.

I spread my feet back and forth, stepped, and stretched out my left hand.

A fist that extends straight rather than turning left or right has a short movement line.

That’s why it’s so fast.

It was a fist that resembled the thrust of a sword.

Finn, who saw this, showed a movement that was close to a stunt.

With my eyes wide open, I lowered my body to avoid the flying fist. With just the right amount of movement, En Creed’s thrusting fist grazed her hair.


This action reminds me of Leona Lochfried’s escort mission.

At that time, when he went up to the second floor to save Leona, Encred dodged the dagger thrown by the opponent only by nodding his head.

The movement was reminiscent of a lunge.

Finn dodged my fist like that.

Concentration increases. I could see the movement line drawn by the other person’s body, and my gaze naturally turned to Finn’s face.

Light seemed to emanate from her eyes.

It was a close fight.

‘Could it be a tackle?’

The worries were short, and the decision was quick.


Instead of an outstretched left fist, he put his right elbow down.

If you don’t avoid it, it’s a violent attack that will leave a hole somewhere in your back.

Finn avoided even that.

Her movements were like a snake. She bent her back flexibly, and how she took the steps, before she knew it, she had grabbed En Creed’s right side.

Not only did he grab the spot, but both hands were suddenly grabbing Encred’s wrist and forearm.

Encred reflexively pulled his arm out of Finn’s grasp.

At the same time, Finn wrapped Encred’s shin around the inside of his calf.

The fight that followed was a battle of who could grab the opponent’s joint first.

Avoid, block, and roll.

Before we knew it, the two were rolling on the floor several times.

I also hit my head with a bang.

Although he didn’t realize it, Finn’s foot or hand entered Encred’s groin.

‘Ale Karaz style.’

Encred knew the technique Finn used.

It was one of the things that Audin taught and told countless times.

Ale Karaz is located in one of the most infamous prisons on the continent.

This is a technique created by one of the guards of Ael Karaz a long time ago.

It was an Ael Karaz-style martial arts technique that inflicted excruciating pain on the prisoner and subdued him without causing injury.

Excluding the striking machine, the joint machine is the main force, and his nickname is ‘King of the Dirt Floor’.

It is a nickname given to him after he earned the title of king by rolling on the floor of Ael Karaz’s parade ground.

And it was a skill as infamous as its name.

Encred also attacked Audin several times with the Balaf style joint he learned from Bed Combat.

The opponent’s skill level was several times higher.


“Admit defeat?”

Just when I thought I had successfully blocked it, my neck was caught between Finn’s legs.

If you make a mistake, your neck could be broken.

What I can see after being caught like this is that Finn’s thigh muscles are very strong.

“I lost.”

With his throat constricted, Encred admitted defeat.

“I wouldn’t know if I were fighting with a sword, but this is my specialty.”

As he spoke, Finn relaxed his posture.

Because they rolled on the floor so many times, their bodies were both full of dust. My hair is falling down with yellow dust flying around.

“I need to take a shower? shall we go together?”

Finn asked.

“I’ll come later.”

It is a refusal without hesitation. It was a suggestion that was no different from saying we should take off our clothes together.


Finn probably was joking as well, making a noise like a joke and getting up.

She patted her buttocks and said.

“I’ll see you in the evening.”

And so it was after she left.

“If you’re going to hug me like that, why don’t you just take an oyster?”

Torres said with a smile.


When we looked to see what that meant, Torres continued to laugh.

“Out of all the people who hung out with our captain, it took him the longest.”

The crew member next to him said. When he heard that, he understood.

‘You must have been rubbing your chest or something.’

I was in such a hurry that I didn’t even think about it.

However, I realized one thing.

‘He’s a great sparring partner.’

It’s worse than Audin. Even though Au Din says all kinds of things to him, he doesn’t let him move.

However, in the current situation, isn’t he the best sparring partner?

I will be able to sharpen my Balaf style martial arts skills.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that today will be wasted.

Of course, you will struggle to escape today.

However, how many times have you encountered this situation so far?

I knew it instinctively. It was as if the dream boatman appeared and chanted.

“How do you want to get out?”

Another wall has appeared.

How many times can you get away with it?

We don’t know yet, but it won’t be easy.

Will that make you frustrated?

That won’t happen. Encred was calm.

I wasn’t jumping around with excitement, and I wasn’t distressed.

It actually did.

I just thought that the first thing to do was to properly recognize the situation.

Meanwhile, finding out Finn’s specialty was just an additional task.

Afterwards, during the remaining time, Encred practiced Torres’ Hide Knife.

“Are you going to continue with that? I know this because I’ve taught it a few times, but kids who can’t do it can’t do it.”

Next to me, Torres gave me some serious advice.

I told him to stop learning the other day, but it seemed like it was just a joke.

There is sincerity in what I am saying now.

Encred responded to Torres’ words while he was leisurely spending time under the tree.

“is it.”

You must have heard this once or twice.

“Okay, do whatever you want.”

Torres quickly gave up. It’s only been a few days, but it’s thanks to him having a vague understanding of Encred.

This kid is stubborn.

“Why do you want to go to the castle wall?”

It was a question that came up again after I immediately believed it.

“I think it would be better that way.”

“Were your intuitions correct so far?”

“For the most part.”

In fact, these are things that were achieved over and over again like crazy.

Do you understand how I explain it?

“Trust me, whatever.”

Torres nodded. Encred didn’t think it would be a problem just because he didn’t believe it.

However, I just expected it to go this way.

It is continuous practice and training.

I took some time to wash my body and close my eyes for a while.

“If you’re going to work at night, it’s better to close your eyes.”

The same was true for Torres, and Finn appeared to be well rested.

When I woke up from a short sleep, the sun began to set.

“You are going to the meeting point. “This place is empty.”

Considering the worst situation, the remaining scouts said they would abandon their current station and move on.

So the three of them headed to the castle wall.

The road was more difficult.

Because I rode on a rocky mountain in the middle of the night, not a bush.

“Are you lucky that there are two moons today?”

These are the words of Finn, who took the lead.

“Should I say I’m lucky? “It’s a rough road.”

“I told you. “It’s harder to take this route than the other routes.”

Finn added with a smile and took his steps again.

The gait was also a gait, but the pin barely made a walking sound because of what was attached to the bottom of the boots.

Encred followed her in silence.

After crossing the rocky mountain, the bushes covering their heads welcomed them.

With Finn’s guidance, the three of them even went beyond that.

So we came to a place where the cross guard walls were clearly visible.

“You’re lucky.”

Finn said while looking at the castle wall.

Torres, drenched in sweat, looked up.

“Is this lucky?”

“It’s good. “You didn’t encounter any demonic beasts or monsters.”

Encred was also drenched in sweat. The task of following the ranger’s steps was not usually difficult.

And this wasn’t the end.

“It starts now. “Gentlemen.”

Finn smiled and announced that hell had begun.

It was said that it was more difficult to climb a castle wall than a rocky mountain.

Rather, the problem would be to stick close to the castle wall.

Encred raised his head and thought as he measured the height of the castle wall in front of him.

It’s going to be quite a struggle.

But that doesn’t mean there’s a way back.

“let’s go.”

I just followed Finn in silence.


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