Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 98

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98. Dog hole

Even though this ghoul had a bent back, it was fast. His fingernails were even longer than those I had seen before.

Still, it was not faster than the Harpy.

It wasn’t sharper than Rem’s axe.

‘Dot and dot.’

Connect the line. Put all the movements around you into the realm of your sixth sense.

There is only one thing to do as you see the ghoul approaching.

Pulling out a sword and swinging it.


The blade, free from the scabbard, did its job.


Encred’s sword, which he calculated by sensing the approaching steps of the rotten-smelling ghoul, fell to the ground.

Just right. Jump!

Cut off the top of the head.

With the left foot in front, the sword struck from above to the bottom, precisely splitting the top of the ghoul’s head.

All it takes is one movement to pull back and retrieve the sword that was stuck to the forehead.

I repeated that three times.

Point the tip of the sword diagonally toward the sky and strike from top to bottom.

In an instant, three ghouls were lying on the floor. The tops of all heads were split open.

Meanwhile, Torres threw a dagger from next to him.

The dagger flew out and stuck in the ghoul’s head.

This is the guy who tried to turn left.

Encred’s feet became busy.

Step on the steps and cut off the nape of the approaching guy.

I hit the head of the ghoul who closed the distance with my fist.

He stabbed the sword he held with one hand and pierced the other guy’s head.

Desperate? There was nothing like that.

Thirteen ghouls died in an instant.

And while killing them all, Encred felt something strange.

‘The pattern.’

The ghoul attacked in a certain manner as if it had learned how to fight.

So it was easier to deal with.

If you didn’t have the ability to overwhelm them, you could be surrounded and killed in an instant.

‘What is it?’

It’s different from the ghoul I saw in the sewer before or the ghoul by the river I killed on the way back.

The most commonly seen man-eater among monsters is the ghoul.

It’s a monster that doesn’t use its head like an animal.

‘Can these guys use tactics?’

does not exist. impossible. What if we had at least established a colony?

A group of monsters with a leader who leads the group is called a colony.

There was no trace of that.

So there is no need to worry any more. It’s just something strange in the realm of the sixth sense.

Can I wash the ghoul blood on my blade in the stream?

With that thought in mind, it was the moment I turned around to say that the process was over.

Finn came closer.

“What are you?”

Finn looked at Encred.

There is a lot implied in the question, but for now it is probably asking about your ability to deal with ghouls.

Encred’s mouth opened.

“I said I was in charge of an independent platoon, but that platoon is an extreme combat platoon.”

It wasn’t wrong. From the beginning, I expected that the company commander’s intention was to play that role as well.

Who would believe me if I told you that there were only nine people in the platoon?

And yet, it can be maintained.

The skill of each member exceeds general standards.

The border guard was still in existence, so it could be overshadowed by its prestige.

It wasn’t Encred’s personal impression at all.

‘I’m no match for you.’

Rem, Ragnar, Audin, and Saxony.

The skills of these four are still difficult to surpass. Even though it has the ability to cut down ghouls like this.

‘It’s far.’

Even though I looked at the direction the signpost was pointing.

It feels like those four are still out there.

On the other hand, what about Torres of the border guard?

It was worth catching. If you fight for your life, you might die, but it’s not easy to think that you’ll lose.

“You fight very well.”

“That’s awesome.”

Finn’s words were received by a soldier on watch in the wee hours of the morning.

Several crew members approach and see Encred. Encred wondered if this was something he deserved.


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Because this was a rare occurrence, it was awkward.

Thanks to you, I spit it out.

“There is no need to move the garrison.”


Finn answered.

Afterwards, we decided to return to the station, and a member with droopy eyes showed us the direction of the stream.

It wasn’t far from the place that was used as a temporary camp and restaurant.

“Hey, I killed three people too.”

On the way back, Torres muttered next to me, but no one paid any attention to it.

No, only Encred reacted to that.

He tapped Torres on the shoulder.

“Thanks to you, it was easy.”

In fact, Torres knew.

All he did was to relieve the inconvenience.

‘I could have caught it all by myself.’

Realizing it again.

‘I hid my skills.’

No, Torres thought again.

It’s not that Encred hides his skills, it’s that the temperature of sparring and actual fighting is different.

If it sticks properly, what would it be like if you risked your life and fought?

‘I think I’ll lose.’

Even within the rank of special soldier, the border guards had their own standards.

In terms of combat power, Torres was in the middle of the top class.

Encred seemed to be higher than him.

I can’t even think about it this far.

I felt like it was a waste of time to tell you about the Hyde Knife.

“Hey, don’t practice that.”

Torres said after seeing Encred, who had retrieved the sword after the battle, fiddling with a thin stone out of habit.

“When will you let me know?”

“… … “I just tried it.”

Encridya had no way of knowing Torres’ true intentions.

The feeling you get when someone you thought was far below you has surpassed you.

It couldn’t have been better.

Of course, Encred feels something he really can’t understand.

Because that was everyday life for him.

Because of his lack of talent, everyone overtook him, passed him by, and didn’t look back.

Nevertheless, he did not give up his dream and swung his sword until his palm exploded.

That was a man named Encred.

“Let’s go wash the knives.”

Ghoul blood gives off a rotten smell.

There’s no way it smells good, and blood is basically oily.

If you leave it as is, it will damage the blade.

“I get it.”

Torres and Encred, who somehow lost strength, were excluded from the hunt.

“We’ll prepare a meal, so why don’t you do your laundry?”

Thanks to that, I was able to wash my sweaty clothes in the stream.

Drying it off is a problem, though.

It is said that they usually return to their oysters at night.

You can dry it on the bonfire lit here all day long.

It was yesterday that I took off the leather armor I was wearing and washed it.

I sweated again during the march, but that doesn’t mean I can stay as clean as I did in the city.

It is common knowledge that if you do not wash, you will get sick.

Especially in the military, cleaning and cleanliness were basic.

The water in the stream was clearer than expected, and the rate at which it flowed downstream with the sewage was faster.

Finn said he could drink water, so he filled the leather water bottle and took a sip.

My stomach growled and cried.

“you also? me too.”

Torres said after hearing that.

The two settled down, packed up their tightly packed clothes, and went back.

“Please give it to me.”

The crew, who had become kinder than before killing the ghoul, brought a long tree branch and hung his clothes on it.

I saw a snake skinning crew right next to the bonfire, wondering where I had caught it.

“It was a windfall, right?”

The snake skinning crew says:

I had an appetite.

Although it looks gross, snake meat is nutritious and full of protein.

Didn’t Audin also say that?

I can’t eat it because I don’t have it, but if I have it, I eat it all up.

“I know.”

I answered and sat down next to him.

Torres sat next to him, and Finn sat across from him.

The bonfire was crackling, but there was barely any smoke.

‘I’m also good at this.’

I’ve seen hunters and scouts do this skillfully a few times.

First, make a small fire with tree bark and leaves, and then chop the wood that burns easily into small pieces.

Of course, this also requires skill.

When Encred does it, it always fails.

Maybe it was everyday life here, but smoke rose for a moment and then disappeared.

Soon, one of the crew members put smoldering charcoal under the firewood piled up in a grid.

“When you burn firewood, there is a lot of smoke.”

So, be careful when you first light a fire, and be careful of smoke every time you add firewood thereafter.

I don’t think it’s the kind of performance you would see in cross guard, though.

It must have been the habit of the scouts to be careful in everything.

Soon, two of the crew members were grilling snake meat, and the rest were grilling jerky and other things.

One of them brought a large pot and boiled water.

They put various fruits in it and took it out a little later.

“His nickname is Chef.”

Finn said while resting his butt on the floor. She was sharpening my hatchet with a whetstone.

When I saw that, I thought of Rem for no reason.

‘I hope you don’t cause an accident.’

Encred nodded roughly and soon began eating.

The snake meat was softer than expected and seasoned just right with salt.

To be honest, it was very delicious.

Especially the tail part.

“When I return, I will open a restaurant.”

said the soldier involved in all this cooking. The light from the bonfire made my face look bright.

He looked younger than I expected, but when I asked his age, he was twenty-two.

“You should think about your child becoming a great ranger.”

“I like to be a better cook. Leader.”

A crew member nicknamed Chef spoke in response to Finn’s words, and Finn smiled and nodded that he understood.

There was a strong atmosphere between them.

Encred chewed the snake meat and ate the boiled beef jerky.

As I handed out some seasoned beef jerky, the soldier nicknamed Chef’s eyes lit up.

“Ah, what is this, why is it delicious? “Where did you get it?”

“In the city. “I’ll let you know when I get back.”

The soldier named Chef nodded his head several times at Encred’s words.


After eating a hearty meal, we divided the meal in half and enjoyed lunch.

“It is a ranger’s job to rest well, because in reality, scouting the surrounding area is meaningless. The priority here is survival. “Stamina is essential for survival.”

Finn said.

A place to rest was also decided.

It was a shelter made by digging out a large tree.

Someone climbed a tree and rested.

Someone else stayed by the bonfire.

After dividing each group into two groups and taking a break.

As the sun set towards the west, Finn got to the point.

Finn said, standing in front of Torres and Encred.

“There are three ways to enter the castle walls. “Let’s discuss it together, the first is the dog hole.”

This is the explanation of the pin that follows.

“Well, I know it’s a route used by black marketers in the city, but that doesn’t mean they’re stopping it in any way. “If you listen, you’ll know, but there are some people who know this passage.”

They added that although it is easy, it comes with a lot of risk.


Torres asked.

Finn spoke one after another.

The second is climbing over the castle wall at night.

The third is to sneak in by pretending to be a moving merchant in the early hours of the morning.

“The fastest is the first, the safest is the second, and the most convenient is the third.”

Just listen to it and you will understand.

The order of risk is third, first, and second.

However, from what Finn said, it seemed like he judged that there was no major risk.

It wasn’t a serious tone at all.

“Actually, it’s not that difficult to go beyond the castle wall. The next problem is meeting the cat.”

Encred also thought that this would be an awkward problem.

What if you are detained? If they’ve already been caught, they won’t leave any marks.

So should I go to jail?

“If you can’t find any traces within the city, you just return. “The entire scouting party is returning to base.”

“I thought so.”

Torres spoke as if he had been waiting, and Finn received his words.

Torres seemed to have received a few more instructions from the main team.

“Only the three of us are going in. “Where do you want to go?”

Finn said.

“That should be your choice, right? “You know the situation here best.”

Finn crossed his arms and nodded at Torres’ words. That was correct. Encred also agreed, so Finn spat out the words.

“Unless you are extremely unlucky, you won’t get caught. Departure is tomorrow morning.”

“Not at night?”

Torres asked back.

Isn’t infiltration traditionally done at night?

“It’s better in the morning, but at night I’m more alert. Tomorrow night is better than climbing the castle wall.”

Encred just watched the situation unfold.

After that, the day ended with eating, exercising, and practicing putting stones in and out of my sleeves.

It was time to go back to the cave and sleep.

There wasn’t as much danger as I thought, and the current situation even felt peaceful.

‘Isn’t there a scouting party from Azpen here?’

That kind of question also occurred to me.

And so the next morning dawned.


Led by the pin, the three went to cross guard.

I thought it would take a big detour, but that wasn’t the case.

“To begin with, they think that the west side of the Cross Guard is a barrier between monsters and demons. Scouting party? I don’t walk around. If we meet, it won’t end up being unlucky. “I understand that unless you are a person of considerable skill, they won’t send a scouting party here.”

It was said that Azpen’s scouting party would not move without a clear purpose.

Finn’s steps were fast.

It wasn’t a ranger for nothing.

In particular, his skill in identifying and avoiding traces of monsters and beasts was at an amazing level.

His gait was especially unique. En Creed noticed the way she walked, gently pressing her heels against the floor.

“I have to go back from here.”

There was also a path that led through a small mound full of bushes.

Finn cut a path with the ax on his belt.

Encred also swung his sword and cut down the bushes blocking his path.

‘You didn’t check the blade.’

I was supposed to check the equipment in the morning, but somehow I forgot to do it.

It was because I was too focused on training.


It’s not a huge mistake. It won’t have much of an impact on the current situation.

When I cut down the bush, I saw some red berries inside.

“It’s poison. “Don’t eat it.”

Finn said jokingly.

“Be careful.”

“Why don’t you talk to me comfortably too?”

Finn said.


If you make an offer, there is no need to refuse it. Except for asking us to stay together in the den.

Finn, who was looking at Encred, couldn’t stop his mouth from itching and asked.

“Would you like to sleep with me after work?”



“Hey, I’m walking next to you too.”

Torres’s final words.

“huh. know.”

Finn was confident. In the first place, his personality itself is probably a virtue.

The place we arrived at was a small mound with a view of the castle wall.

If you pass the mound and head west, there should be a castle gate.

I could see a castle wall in the distance, but there was no moat.

“Do you really need a moat? “If you don’t have some talent, it would be impossible to avoid monsters and beasts and come all the way here.”

What this means is that Finn is not a very good ranger.

Well, if it wasn’t to this extent, I wouldn’t be in charge of this area.

Encred thought as he followed the hole and entered.

“Ranger goes first.”

In front of him, Finn entered after shouting the Ranger’s slogan.

It’s like saying that the flower of the battlefield is the infantry.

This is the pin I glanced behind.

In Encred’s eyes, he saw Finn’s smile, the thin leather helmet covering his head, and the orange hair sticking out of the gap in the helmet.

Encred and Torres followed behind them.

What followed was a series of unexpected events.

“You idiots.”

As they entered, what greeted them was a unit with a long spear and a shield.

A fairly spacious passageway, wide enough for three people to stand side by side.

It would have been a good place for a unit armed with long spears and shields to stay.

And to the back.


There was the sound of a demonstration being pulled.

When I looked behind me, I saw a unit armed with shortbows.

This was before I entered the hole and walked for half an hour.

It was a trap.

Shields and spear units are at the front.

What stopped them was dozens of arrows fired at the protesters.

It was a perfect trap that anyone who was not a knight could not escape.

“Holy shit.”

Torres’ voice full of frustration.

“I really wanted to catch it. “You wildcat bitch.”

Words from the enemy commander.

Finn’s complexion changed after hearing that.


Finn’s words were the last words.

Arrows flew and polearms were exchanged. Encred also did something similar to rebel.

He held a buckler in his left hand and swung his sword.

What can we do? We were overwhelmingly outnumbered and lost our good position.

Fu bu bu bu buk.

He died when the spear blade pierced his thigh and then his head.

When I feel it clearly, the pain rises.

It was an inevitable death.

Of course, he didn’t just die.

“You damn bastard.”

His sword and whistle dagger made several comrades even in this situation.

Although I won’t have to go on a road with them.

Darkness obscures my vision along with the pain.


After the boatman’s laughter, Encred opened his eyes.

Early morning, the beginning of a day where death awaits, the repetition of today.

Today is the day that begins again.

The actual mission was to check whether the spy was alive or dead, but it was difficult even before they crossed the castle walls.

‘They said there were three ways to get over the castle wall.’

First of all, I realized that the dog hole was a blocked road.

So, what about the rest?

Encred stood up to face the new day.


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