Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 97

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97. Is he really sick?

It was almost night when we arrived at the campsite.

It was a not that dark day thanks to the moonlight.

The gravel road suddenly turned into a grass field.

The land was slowly turning green, as if proving that winter was coming to an end.

Of course, because it is night, it only sparkles like purple.

‘The moon is bright.’

Encred looked at the moon above his head and stuffed the stone he was holding into his pants pocket.

The muscles of my right arm trembled.

It took me more than half a day to get here, and I practiced Torres’ Hide Knife the whole way.

My forearm muscles were numb and stiff.

After squeezing and opening his hand a few times, Encred knew that it would be okay tomorrow.

Because we have abused our bodies through isolation techniques, we naturally know the extent of muscle recovery.

No, I don’t have to go until tomorrow, so it might be okay if I just rest for a bit.

“Playing with rocks all day. “He’s a strange guy, really.”

This is what Finn said as soon as we arrived. Encred also felt the glances he was giving the entire time he was going.

“My hands are bored, so it’s a habit.”

Encred answered roughly and looked around the campsite.

It was not a place to light a fire and set up a tent like any other campsite.

To be exact, it seemed like it should be called a den, not a campsite.

I saw several oysters made with holes drilled here and there.

“All you have to do is find a hole you like, enter it, and cover it with camouflage. “It would be nice to have some heated leather to sleep comfortably, but it’s so precious that I don’t have anything to share.”

One of the crew members brought a wide piece of cloth and said,

At first glance, it was a yellow-orange color similar to the ground, so much so that you wouldn’t even know there was a hole in it.

‘It’s heated leather.’

There was one in Encred’s backpack.

‘I hope Esther is doing well.’

I cursed for a long time when I tried to leave it behind.

It seemed like he didn’t like something.

But I couldn’t take it with me, so I left it behind.

“It’s cold, so let’s use one oyster. “You’re new there, so you can sleep with me.”

Finn said.

It was Encred who pointed his finger in that direction.

Encred’s backpack had heated leather, and the oyster didn’t seem that big.

I wouldn’t know if they were two small people.

For example, if it was Esther, I would do well with her.

However, although not comparable to Audin, Encred’s body was not that small.

In other words, it will be uncomfortable.

Moreover, the other person is a woman. It will be more uncomfortable.

‘If anyone finds out about this, there will be another uproar.’

Watching the speed at which rumors spread within the unit, it felt like someone was watching and talking to you.

just as expected.

I saw Torres staring at me from the side.

“it’s okay. “I have prepared something.”

Finn looked disappointed.

“I am? “I sleep alone?”

Torres raised his hand and said.

“The platoon leader of the border guard came here bare-chested? “I’ll give you a unit member.”

“Why am I a member of the unit?”

“The cave is narrow.”

After hearing those words, Torres takes a look at Encred and lowers his head to look at his own body.

No matter how I looked at it, it seemed like I was smaller.


Anyway, it’s Torres who only gets scolded.

As I watched Finn roughly organizing his troops and taking out various things from the area he had designated as his den, Torres came up next to Encred.

“Why do I feel bad?”

Why are you asking that here?

“Because you’re tired?”

“Is this because I’m tired? huh? The squad leader with the devilish spirit that has captured the company commander, no, he is now the platoon leader. “Does the demonic platoon leader really think that way?”


“You bastard.”

Torres said jokingly and turned around.

The cave wasn’t that narrow.

It was open at an angle from the ground, and was sometimes lined with cloth to prevent moisture from getting inside.

When I went in with the camouflage covering over it, it felt surprisingly cozy.

I came back out, put on my heated leather jacket, and went in, and it was worth it.

“You are thoroughly prepared. Do you want to eat it?”

One of the scouts came over and handed me some beef jerky.


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“No, I have mine separately.”

The beef jerky I ate the other day was so sticky to my mouth.

I found out where it was and ended up getting a few more points.

“It’s my mother’s secret.”

He was a soldier who spoke with a simple smile.

The soldier’s mother ran a small restaurant. It’s located behind the inn, and the food was great.

The main product they sell is any meat grilled with seasoning, and the seasoning tastes great.

This skewered restaurant had good reviews from those around it.

‘I’ll have to get more when I get back.’

I thought it would be a good idea to buy their beef jerky on a regular basis, so I made a similar request to Kreis.

Anyway, I took the beef jerky out of my backpack and put it in my mouth.

The sweet and spicy flavor swirled around my mouth. It was soft and there was some kind of secret behind it.

Encred had no talent for cooking.

So, it’s just amazing when I eat something like this.

Encred’s only meager talent is swinging a sword.

I’ve learned various tricks since I was a mercenary, but I couldn’t do any of them properly.

It was only a sword and I only dreamed of becoming a knight.

After chewing and swallowing a few pieces of beef jerky and lying down, I felt drowsy.

A land of demons and monsters.

Enri’s warning came to mind while I was falling asleep, but the first day in Cross Guard’s front yard passed without incident.

I also thought that I might die during the night.

Nothing really happened.

Because it was the first day, they also took off my night watch.

Before dawn, Encred reflexively opened his eyes.

He soon came out and took off his top. Cold air surrounds my body. The cold awakens her spirit.

The awakened mind becomes the driving force that moves the body.

Encred began performing the isolation technique while wearing only his bottoms.

Start by putting your hands on the floor, stand on your toes, bring your knees up to your abdomen and move them like a kick, and then perform various movements.

“… … “What are you doing?”

The last watchman leaned his back against the tree between the camp dens and asked as he watched.

“Morning training.”

“Do you know where this is?”

“Cross Guard Front Yard.”

“Even though you know that?”

None of the scouts here knew Encred.

So it was absurd.

Encred, who had been rolling to such an extent that it was hard on his body, soon took out his sword and started swinging it.

I broke the pin and looked at it. All the other crew members too.

Everyone except Torres was like, ‘What are they doing?’ I looked at him with that expression.

“Is he really sick?”

Finn asked as if he was talking to himself.

Torres came next to me and said, wearing a thick cloak that he had brought instead of a blanket.

“That friend says that’s his daily life.”

“You do that every day?”

As he spoke, Finn thought of Encred’s body. Wasn’t it just yesterday?

It was still vivid in my memory.

Sculpted muscles, sturdy legs, and something heavy in between.

‘Ah, that’s something that can’t be done through training.’

Rather than something heavy, I searched through my memories and remembered Encred’s body.

I felt like I knew why that body was created.

Life on this earth was itself hard on the body, so naturally everyone had a unique level of physical training.

What should you do to stand out among them?

All you have to do is live twice as hard as others.

Like that.

However, is it easy to do just because you know?

“If you encounter a monster in the afternoon, do you have the strength to fight it?”

I asked because I felt like I was going to have a muscle cramp when I saw what he was doing.

“Even after doing that, you sparred with me more than ten times, and we went on a march yesterday.”

Torres quietly hinted that he had consumed a similar amount of stamina as he spoke.

Finn’s eyes did not leave Encred.


I felt like my soul was burning with that single movement of swinging the sword.

“You seem like a crazy person.”

That’s what he said, but Torres didn’t sense any malice in Finn’s tone.

Just full of admiration and goodwill.

‘What did you do?’

Torres feels like seeing the majesty of the demonic platoon leader once again.

All I’ve done so far is take a bath, walk, sleep, wake up, and train in the morning.

Doesn’t it seem like a commander-level soldier leading a scouting party has fallen into this rough land?

‘Did you also seduce the company commander like this?’

No, what is actually important is the condition of the body?

Is it because of the impression left by the river?

Torres’ random thoughts were quickly cut off.

It’s only for a moment that everyone looks at Encred with wonder.

“Let’s go fill our bellies.”

It is the time when the sun rises. Finn’s scouting party could not light a fire carelessly.

However, I didn’t fill my meals with beef jerky and dried fruit every day.

It’s half a day’s cross guard east from where we set up camp.

If you walk a little bit to the northwest, you come to a small forest.

That was their restaurant.

“Aren’t you going to fill your stomach? “If you’re lucky, you might even catch a rabbit.”

A total of eight scouts including Finn.

It’s not that many numbers.

All they had to do was eat their meals the way hunters did.

Local procurement.

Since two more of them just joined, the eating pattern did not change.

“There is a stream inside, so you can wash there.”

Finn said, looking at Encred.

“Can I wash my clothes too?”

Encred asked, looking carelessly.

Since he became an independent platoon leader, the two can be said to be of the same level.

In reality it was a little different.

Separate from the soldier grading system, the reconnaissance platoon leader with the title of ranger should be considered an intermediate rank between a company commander and a platoon leader.

It sounds similar to Torres.

It was as if the rank of platoon leader of the frontier guard was unique.

“It is a soldier’s duty to wash, eat, and do personal maintenance when he has time.”

In some ways, it was awkward for only two people to come as reinforcements, but it was also not normal for the two of them to be platoon commanders.

Finn thought so, but didn’t dig deep.

She’s just a ranger on the front lines.

Soon they reached the northwest forest, set up camp near a stream, and gathered dry twigs.

In the meantime, they encountered two demonic beasts, but Encred just watched.


Demonic beasts are modified forms of animals.

It is an animal that has become a monster in some form.

So something like this could have happened.

It’s a deer beast.

The skin peeled off in various places, as if it were infected with an infectious disease, and the skin was bluish.

The moment when unfocused black eyes, indistinguishable from the magical beast’s unique iris, stare at Encred.

Pick, pick, pick.

It was a sound from behind.

The three scouts raised their shortbows at the same time and shot arrows, two hitting the deer master’s forehead and one hitting his neck.

If the head is pierced, death is the same whether it is a demon, a monster, or a human.

The deer demon fell to the ground along with the horse.

The three crew members walked up to the deer, which was bent at the knees and stuck its head on the ground, and kicked it with their toes. After confirming that it was dead, they retrieved their arrows.

Then one person clicked his tongue.

“Tch, it’s broken.”

The deer demon fell and the arrow shaft in its neck broke.

‘It looks familiar.’

What would it be like to fight for your life, excluding scouts and close combat?

I think it would be difficult to say that we would win unconditionally.

If it’s a close, head-to-head match, it’s a sure win.

‘If it’s many to one.’

It won’t be easy.

This is not a unit that survived in the land of demons and monsters for nothing.

“You said he was a senior soldier? Do you have any hunting experience?”


There are things I learned from Enri, and there are other things I learned from working as a mercenary or wandering around the continent.

Of course, he was not good at hunting.

Instead, I was good at something else.

It’s like that.

One of the scouts who had gone ahead first returned.

“Ac. It’s a ghoul. Should we move our station?”

“How many were there?”

“I counted to ten, but then more came, so I left and came back.”

It is the appearance of a ghoul. It wasn’t common, but it didn’t seem that uncommon.

It is a garrison where a fire has been lit and various preparations have been made.

Ten ghouls are a burdensome enemy for scouts.

Especially since these ghouls are quick on their feet.

Unless the numbers could be stopped with a few arrows, you had to engage in close combat.

After a quick glance, I saw three soldiers holding shortbows.

So what should you do if you see a group of ghouls?

They say it is best to avoid it.

“That’s f*cking true.”

While even Finn was getting irritated, Encred came forward.


he asks.

It may have been an awkward question, but his eyes turned to the soldier who had just seen the ghoul.

The soldier blinked.

This is because I did not understand the intention of the question.

“A ghoul.”

Torres stepped forward and added an additional explanation.

Torres roughly estimated Encred’s skills.

Above all, his specialty is heavy swordsmanship.

Compared to the fact that he mainly used daggers, it could be said that he specialized in hunting monsters.

Even more so, didn’t you see him kill a human face dog and a harpy the other day?

“The ghouls here are not gentle.”

Finn, who read Encred’s intentions, spoke with concern.

“You don’t have to worry.”

Torres added and stood next to Encred.

“I can just assist, right?”

Torres’ question.

“Just tie my feet.”

Encred answers. The idea was not to miss a single one.


Encred wanted to prove his abilities.

Finn and the few remaining scouts made eye contact.

Combat was also part of their daily lives.

However, ten agile ghouls are truly a formidable opponent.

If you get hit by the poison coming out of your fingernails, isn’t that already a loss of power?


Finn tried to stop him, but Encred was already twitching his nose.

‘Rotten mine.’

As my sense of smell became more sensitive, I seemed to know roughly which direction the ghoul was coming from.

Would it be worth hunting if I did this?

It seems like all you have to do is find your prey using scent and ears.


Now was the time to cut down the ghoul.

Encred kicked the ground.

“Uh, hey!”

Finn, Torres, and the scouts rushed after him.

Encred’s attitude and behavior.

It all had the power to make me want to see what he would do.

So live or die, help or not.

I wanted to go and see it first.

What exactly is this guy who has been showing off his body since morning doing?

Of course, Encred did his job.

Finn’s eyes widened when he saw that.


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